Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
CHOICE OF SUBJECTS The papers for the Law Tripos, which are divided into Groups 1-1V, are as follows: GROUP 1 GROUP 11 Paper 1. Roman Law I Paper 5. Law of Contract Paper 2. Constitutional Law Paper 6. Land Law Paper 3. Criminal Law Paper 7. International Law Paper 4. Law of Tort Paper 8. Roman Law GROUP III GROUP IV Paper 9. Administrative Law Paper 15. Commercial Law Paper 10. Family Law Paper 16. Labour Law Paper 11. Legal History Paper 17. Principles of Conveyancing Law Paper 12. Criminology Paper 18. Company Law Paper 13. Criminal Procedure and Paper 19. Contract and Tort II Criminal Evidence Paper 20. Conflict of Laws Paper 14. Equity Paper 21. EU Law Paper 22. French Law Paper 23. Jurisprudence 8. Consult your curriculum and make the list of legal subjects studied at your university to get a degree of bachelor. Compare it with that of Cambridge University. 9. Answer the questions. 1. Does the course give an academic legal education or practical knowledge? 2. What intellectual abilities does the course develop? 3. Do most Cambridge Law graduates practice law? 4. Should candidates, who want to study law, study sciences or humanities at school? 5. What exams must English schoolchildren pass if they want to go to University (in Great Britain and in Ukraine)? 6. Which special word means a course or examination at Cambridge? 7. Can students choose the subjects they study in the first year of the law course? 8. Do the students have some options in the second year and the third year? 9. What subjects do the students read in a) the first year; b) the second year; c) the third year? 10. Which students are called undergraduates and postgraduates? 11. Do you know that the law students study 25 subjects at Cambridge University? How many subjects do you take at your University? 12. What subjects are you studying now? 13. How many years does the first degree course last at your University? 14. What branch of law interests you most? 15. If you were a student at Cambridge University, which subjects would you choose to study? 16. What do most graduates from our university do? 10. Translate into English. 1. Мета юридичного курсу у нашому університеті – дати ґрунтовну підготовку з права радше з академічної, ніж професійної перспективи. 2. Студенти розглядають такі питання, як етичні судження, політичні свободи та громадський контроль. 3. Абітурієнтам, які мають намір вивчати право, не потрібно вчити якісь певні предмети в школі. 4. На першому курсі вони вивчають Римське право, історію права, теорію права, логіку (logic), риторику (rhetoric), тощо. 5. На другому курсі ми складаємо такі іспити та заліки, як цивільне право, кримінальне право, фінансове право (Financial), адміністративне право, міжнародне право та інші. 6. Щоб отримати ступінь бакалавра, студенти навчаються чотири роки. 7. У нашій країні студенти складають іспити двічі на рік у кінці кожного семестру. 8. Після третього курсу студенти спеціалізуються на конституційному, фінансовому, кримінальному, цивільному, екологічному, господарському (Business / Economic Law) праві, тощо. 9. Після четвертого курсу студенти продовжують вивчати право, щоб отримати ступінь магістра чи кваліфікацію спеціаліста. 10. Кожний випускник школи може подати заяву про вступ до вищого учбового закладу. 11. Після успішного складення вступних іспитів їх приймають до вищого навчального закладу. 12. Деякі студенти навчаються у вищому навчальному закладі своїм власним коштом. 1 1. Writing Write the composition ‘My studies at Kyiv University’. Reading 6: Lawyers Pre-reading task. Read the words. Mind the stress. A): ΄barrister a΄ttorney ,trai΄nee ΄litigate so΄licitor ,impli΄cation ΄corporate prac΄titioner li΄aison ΄subsequent a΄pprenticeship pro΄ficient ΄chamber con΄version a΄ward ΄reference en΄tail cu΄rriculum
B) Complete the word building table.
C) Name a person:
D) Pre-reading task. Look through the following words to make sure that you know all of them and learn those which you don’t know.
1. Several different words can be used to refer to a lawyer. Read about three law students in the UK talking about the kind of work they would like to do when they have completed their law studies. Then write the correct word for lawyer in the gaps without looking at the dialogue. Anna: So, what are you two planning to do later, when you’ve completed your degree? Daniel: Well, right now, I'm planning to become a barrister, because I’d really like to plead cases in court. Anna: You’ve been watching too many of those American films, when the handsome young attorney wins the case against the big, bad corporation! Daniel: Very funny. I just like the idea of arguing a case. I think it’d be exciting. What about you? Anna: Actually. I’d like to work for a big corporation and advise them on their legal affairs, as in-house counsel. I’ve heard the work can be very challenging. What are your plans, Jacob? Jacob: I'm thinking about becoming a solicitor. I'm not that interested in pleading cases in court. I'd rather do research and give legal advice - I think that'd suit me better. 2. Speaking Discuss these questions. 1. Does your native language have more than one word for lawyer? Do they correspond to the different English words for lawyer mentioned above? If not, how do the concepts differ? 2. What is each type of legal practitioner in your jurisdiction entitled to do? 3. What English term do you use to describe your job or the job you would like to do? 3. Match the words with their definitions.
4. a . Combine the nouns in the box with the verbs below to make combinations to describe the work lawyers do. Some of the verbs go with more than one noun.
1. advise 2. draft 3. litigate 4. practise 5. represent 6. research b. Choose three ‘verb + noun' pairs from above and write sentences using them
5. Choose the words from the box which can be combined with the word lawyer to describe different types of lawyer. Say what each one does. |
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