Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Administrative and supporting personnel
In addition to all of these administrative and supporting personnel, there are battalions [bə´tæljən] of others who help keep the courts running. These include bailiffs, computer operators, court stenographers [ ], typists, guards, and building maintenance staffs. American Bar Association In the United States admission to the practice of law is the matter of state concern. There is no such thing as ‘the American bar’ in any official or formal sense. That expression is used loosely to refer to all the lawyers in the United States, each of whom has been state-licensed. There is no national or federal authority to admit persons to the legal profession. The entity known as the American Bar Association is a private, voluntary, nationwide organization of some 370,000 lawyers from all states; it is the largest organization of lawyers in the country, although there are many other private bar associations, often based on areas of legal specialization. Within the legal profession there is no formal division; there are no barristers or solicitors. Anyone admitted to the bar in a state is legally authorized to engage in any kind of legal practice in that state. As a practical matter, though, there is an increasing degree of specialization among lawyers. Typical area of specialization are litigation, taxation, labor law, patent law, family law, trusts and estates, and various branches of administrative law. Many lawyers are employed by government – federal, state, and local – in positions such as prosecuting attorneys, counsel to agencies, and staff attorneys in innumerable government departments and offices. Many other lawyers are ‘house counsel’ in private corporations and other nongovernmental organizations; they work full-time exclusively for those employers. As all of this suggests, there is a varied and rich array of career paths open to American lawyers. 3. Match the following words and phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents: A):
B )
4. Give the English equivalent for the following words and phrases. стати суддею; ключові посадовці; помічник судді; юрист, який входить у штат суду; юрисконсульт організацій; державний обвинувач (прокурор); суддя у суді останньої інстанції; проміжний апеляційний суд; суд першої інстанції; обирати кандидатів на посаду судді Верховного суду; мати право накладати вето на призначення (висування) суддів; міністр юстиції США; Міністерство юстиції; мати свободу вибору; займатися документами; досвід роботи редагування юридичного журналу в юридичному інституті; проводити юридичні дослідження; канцелярська робота; готувати доповідну записку по справі; готувати план розміщення аргументів в логічному порядку; вести досьє по кожній справі та вести книгу записів справ; вирішувати апеляцію за допомогою спрощеного процесу; подавати заяви до суду; подавати клопотання; Американська колегія адвокатів 5. Match the words with their definitions.
6. Fill in the appropriate word. |
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