Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Упражнение 13. Посоветуйте собеседнику не делать следую-щего. Не забудьте указать причину, данную в скобках во второй части упражнения.

Образец: I smoke.                      (smoke)

I don't think you should smoke.


I'm going to buy a watch.          (buy this watch)

I want to talk to that man.         (talk to that man)

I'm afraid to be late.                   (walk there)

Образец: I want another ice-cream.

(Eat so much ice-cream cream.)

(You may get sick).


You'd better not eat so much ice-cream.


I want to go to Pushkin on Sunday.

(Go there on weekend)

(It's crowded).


I am hot.

(Close the window)

(It's cold outside).


Упражнение 14. Дайте несколько советов вашему другу. Используйте различные выражения, данные в этом уроке.

I am going to a party. It begins at 7 o'clock.


— What dress should I put on?        

— If I … … I … put on dress.


— What should I wear?             

— If I … … I … wear the red tie.


— What present should I buy?         

— You'd … buy a book and some flowers.


— When should I leave the hotel?    

— I … you to leave at 6.30.


— Should I take a bus?   

— No, I don't think you take a bus. You'd … take a taxi. It is very far.


Упражнение 15. Ваш друг едет в Таллинн. Дайте ему несколько советов, отвечая на его вопросы, приведенные ниже, стараясь использовать новые выражения. How should I travel?

What should I wear?

What should I take with me?

Where should I stay?

What should I see there?

Where should I eat?

What should I buy?

When should I come back?

Упражнение 16. Дайте несколько советов иностранному гостю, приехавшему в Петербург.

This is my first visit to Petersburg.

What do you suggest I see here?

Which is the best hotel? ...


Упражнение 17 . Составьте диалоги в соответствии с дан-ным образцом.

Образец: Do I need to fill out the form? (Заполнить бланк).

           Yes, you do. You must fill out this form.

— To fill out the form

— To write my name

— To give my address

— To sign the form

— To send a telegram


Упражнение 18. Собеседник спрашивает вас, обязательно ли ему это делать. Ответьте утвердительно, используя также приведенные аргументы.

Образец: ... They are waiting for it/ to make a report.

— Do I have to make a report?

— Yes, I think you do. You should make it. They are waiting for it.


…The boss wants to see them. …It is difficult to get them. …He wants to discuss the problem. …He wants to ask you a few questions to get the documents to reserve tickets to talk to your boss (about the problem) to discuss the situation with him.


Упражнение 19. Теперь скажите, что вашему собеседнику это делать не обязательно

Образец: Do I have to bring my papers with me?

— No, you don't.


— Sign the documents

— Write a letter to Moscow

— Call the boss (about it)

— Discuss such problems with them


Упражнение 20. А здесь ответьте отрицательно, используя также при­веденные аргументы.

Образец: — Should I do it now?

            No, you don't have to. You can do it tomorrow.


......She can phone you (when she comes). ......They all understand English. ......You can come later. ......There is still a lot of time left. wait for her here   translate the report be at the office at 10 work on Sunday





Welcome to America!

While we were approaching New York I saw a flight attendant with some papers. She was walking down the aisle and giving the papers to the passengers. She was also asking them something. As she came closer I could hear her question: «Are you a U. S. citizen? » She didn't give anything to those who said yes. She didn't ask me about my nationality. She just asked me to fill out the form. What was the matter? Didn't I look like an American?

I looked at the paper. It was an I—94 form. It took me five minutes to fill it out. The man who was sitting next to me couldn't write English, so I helped him with his form. Would you like to have a look at an I—94 form? I'll show you one later.

As I was filling out my neighbor's form the plane landed at JFK International Airport. I went to the Immigration counter. The inspector checked my visa, wrote something on my I—94 and stapled it to my passport. «Welcome to America, Mr. Kuznetsov», he said. «Thank you. Call me Smith», I told him. «Why Smith? » «Because that's what my family name means in English», I answered and went to get my baggage from the baggage claim area.

Anything to declare?

Then I went to Customs. I had to fill out another form. I'll show you what it looks like later. The customs officer asked me: «Anything to declare? » «Excuse me? » «Do you have anything to declare? Do you understand English? » «Yes, I do. But I don't understand American English very well yet».

He didn't ask me to open my bags. He just asked me a few questions. Did I have anything to declare? I said no. Any foodstuffs? I had some cans. He said canned food was okay. Did I have any fresh or frozen food? No, I didn't. Any gifts? No, just a few souvenirs. Did I have five thousand dollars or more in any currency? Certainly not! I had absolutely nothing to declare and the officer finally let me go.


Victor is on the plane. He's flying to New York.

— Pardon me. Who's sitting next to you?

— A man was sitting here.

— Where's he now? We are landing soon.

— I guess he went away while I was reading. I was trying to get some rest when you came up.

— I think every passenger is trying to relax on the plane.

— But not my neighbor. Oh, here he is.

—Sit down, sir. We are landing soon. Before landing each passen­ger has to fill out an I—94.

— How do you do it?

— It's easy. Please don't write with a pencil.

— Pardon?

— You mustn't use a pencil. And you must print.

— Print? What do you mean?

— You must use printed letters.

— I've never done it before, but I'll do my best. Who do I give the form to?

— After landing you go to Immigration Service. They check your passport and your I—94.

— And what about my luggage?

— You get your luggage and go to the Customs desk. You go there after Immigration.

— Thanks for the information.


— Can you make any suggestions concerning the plans? — Yes, I think so.
— Richard Johnson may in­vite me to the States this summer. — That's possible.
— He would like me to visit his company, I guess. — Possibly.
— He’s interested in setting up a joint venture. — That's very likely.
— His partner may be willing to come to Leningrad. — Maybe.
— Do you think we might invite him to come in the fall? — Perhaps.
— He could come for the international conference. — It could happen.


— I want the report to be ready by Monday. — You should work on it over the weekend. — I couldn't possibly do it by Monday. — That’s impossible. I'm going to the country with my family


— Are you going to be gone long? — Possibly.
— Will you write to me? — Perhaps.
— Will you call me? — No, I won't be able to. There's no telephone there.
— Maybe you will come here for my birthday? — I might.
— Are you going to invite David to the party? — Maybe.
— And his wife? — No, my wife doesn't get along with her. (He ладит с ней).
— She may get to like her.  


— Will you be able to visit New York? — Will they come to meet you at the airport? — The weather is going to be much warmer in Washington. — They are going to discuss their future plans with you, aren't they? — Is Mr. Carter going to bring his wife with him? — Are they going to send the documents to us? — Does Mr. Carter's wife speak English? — Is your boss going to visit the States this year? — Did she take you for an American? — He is probably too busy to come to the airport? — He will probably send somebody to meet you, if he is busy. — It is not very likely that Richard has forgotten about my arrival. — Yes, I think so. There is somebody waving to you. It is probably some friend. — Yes, I think so. It's likely that he has come to meet you. — Where is Mr. Kuznetsov?   — Has he agreed to visit the factory on Monday? — Is it likely that he will sign an agreement there? — Probably. — Very likely.   — I think so.   — I expect so.   — Probably not.   — That's not likely.   — I don't think so.   — I don't expect so.   — I doubt it. — I don't think so.   — Yes, it's very likely.   — I doubt it. He may simply be late.   — Yes, it must be Frank.     — I doubt it. He is probably meeting some American friend, not me. — He is probably at the post-office. He may be sending a telegram to his wife. — I expect so.   — I doubt it. He will probably have to consult his boss.



Nationality — не только национальность, но и гражданство.

What ' s the matter? означает в чем дело?

JFK — сокращение от полного имени John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Smith по-английски значит кузнец.

To have a look — взглянуть.

Customs ( office ) таможня. В этом значении употребляется только в форме мн. числа. В ед. числе слово custom значит чаще всего обычай.

What it looks like — как он выглядит (на что похож).

Officer может значит офицер, но также и чиновник.

He let me go — он отпустил меня (букв, позволил мне уйти). Обра­тите внимание, что глагол to let особый - после него неопределенная форма глагола употребляется без частицы to. Глагол этот непра­вильный, все три формы у него одинаковы.


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