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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one dialogue in pairs. Dialogue 1 - Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the country? - Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity? - Sure. The receiving party shall take care of it. - Can you put your bags on the table? And your customs form, please? - How much do they weight? - 23 kilos. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to pay excess luggage charge. - Oh, it’s only three kilos overweight. - Yes, sir. It’s £6. Thank you. Have you go anything to declare? - Pardon? - Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants…? - Uh, no. - Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts? - Only one bottle of vodka. - All right. It’s duty free. As you probably know, it’s forbidden to bring in more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And no limitations as to currency. Here’s your form. - Thank you. - Not at all. Next, please.
Dialogue 2 - Are you from France? - No. I am from Russia. - Have you got a civil passport? - No. I’ve got the business one. - Can you show it to me? - Yes, of course. Here it is. - Oh, yes, I see. Open your bag, please. - Here you are. - Do you come to work? - Yes, I’ve got an invitation from an engineering company here in Toronto. - Are you alone here? - No, I’m with my wife. She comes on a personal visit. - OK. You may go. - Thank you.
Dialogue 3 - Excuse me! Where can I get a declaration form? - You can get it at the information desk. - I see. What do I write there? - Have you got anything to declare? - Oh, I’m afraid, I’ve got something. I’ve got a lot of cigarettes and five bottles of spirits. - I think you must pay duty on everything. - I don’t have American cash. Where can I change money? - There’s an exchange office near the information desk. Anybody can change cash there. Dialogue 4 - Excuse me, how do I decide whether to go through the red or the green channel? - If you have goods to declare you go through the red channel. If you haven’t any goods to declare, you go through the green one. - How do I decide whether I have goods to declare? - Well, madam, this notice here tells you. - Oh, I can’t understand it very well. - If you’re a visitor coming here for less than six months, and you haven’t any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance, you go through the green channel. - Oh, I have got some spirits. - How much have you got? - A bottle of brandy. And I’ve got two hundred cigarettes. - That’s all right. You’re allowed one bottle and two hundred cigarettes. Have you got any expensive presents, things for other people? You have to declare anything which costs over ten pounds. - Well, yes, I have got a watch which cost more than ten pounds in English money. - Then go through the red channel. And my colleague may wish to look inside your luggage. - I see. Thank you. Dialogue 5 - Are these two bags all you have, madam? - Yes, and this bag too. - Have you any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance? - No, I just have this bottle of brandy and these cigarettes. - You’re allowed a bottle of spirits and that number of cigarettes. That’s all right. Have you any articles which you intend to leave in the United Kingdom? - This watch. It costs fifteen pounds. - Have you got any evidence of the cost – an invoice or a bill which shows that you paid for it? - Yes, I have the bill. Here it is. - Thank you. I’ll have a look at your luggage. Would you please open the two bags? Thank you. And I’ll let you know in a moment the duty you must pay on the watch. - Thank you very much.
Dialogue 6 - Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport, please? - Sure. Here it is. - Where are you coming from? - I’m coming from Seoul, Korea. - What is the purpose of your visit? - I’m here on business. - How long are you planning to stay? - I’ll be staying for three weeks. - Where will you be staying? - I’ll be staying at a hotel. - Have you ever been to Canada before? - No, this is my first time. - Do you have anything to declare? - No, nothing. - Enjoy your stay. - Thank you.
Dialogue 7 - Have you filled in the immigration card? - Yes. Have you? - I don’t need to. It’s only for non-British citizens. - Oh, yes, of course. Is this the way? - No, I go through here – «British Passport», you see. I’m afraid you have to go over there. It says «Commonwealth and EU Passports». - All right. See you outside the baggage claim area. (Speakers: a customs officer and a passenger) - Can I see your passport? - Certainly, here it is. - Have you got anything to declare? - Nothing. - What’s the purpose of your visit? - I’m attending a conference in London. - Well, would you mind opening this bag, please? - There you are. - Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now. - Thank you. Dialogue 8 - May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir? - Certainly. Here you are. - Do you have anything to declare? - No, nothing. Just the normal allowance. - What do you have in this suitcase? - Books, clothes, personal belongings and a bottle of wine. - Okay, do you have anything else besides these? - No, I don’t. - How much money do you have? - I have four thousand US dollars and eight hundred Euros. - That’s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in the United States. - Thank you. I’m sure I will.
Dialogue 9 - May I see your passport please? - Here you are. - How long are you staying in America? - Two weeks. - What is the purpose of your visit? - I am here sightseeing. - Here you are. Welcome to America. - Thank you.
Dialogue 10 - Hello, do you have anything metal on you? Any change in your wallet, watches, jewellery? - No. - Do you have any liquids or gels? - I have this water bottle. - Is it less than 100 millilitres? - No, it is 500. - I’m sorry you will have to throw it away. - Oh, all right. - Please place your jacket and carry-on in the tray and proceed through the metal detector.
Dialogue 11 Passenger 1: Hello. Passenger 2: Hi. Passenger 1: Do you know which channel to go through? Passenger 2: No, let’s ask a customs officer. Passenger 1: Excuse me. Could you tell me which channel to go through? Customs officer: If you’ve got anything to declare you go through the red channel. If you haven’t got anything to declare you go through the green channel. Passenger 1: How do I know if I have anything to declare? Customs officer: Are you staying in Britain for more than six months? Passenger 1: No. Customs officer: Well, the amount of goods you can bring in without paying duty depends on where you bought them. You can have 200 cigarettes, 1 litre of spirits, 2 litres of wine and presents worth 28 pounds if you bought them in a country not in the EU. If you bought them in an EU country you can have 300 cigarettes, 1 and a half litres of spirits, four litres of wine and presents worth 120 pounds. Passenger 1: Right. I have 1 and a half litres of brandy and 3 litres of wine that I bought in Italy. I don’t have any presents. That means I don’t have anything to declare. Customs officer: That’s right. You can go through the green channel. Passenger 2: I’ve got only 200 cigarettes and a litre of whisky that I bought on the plane, but I’ve got a camera that I bought in Italy that cost 200 pounds. It’s a present for a friend of my father’s. Customs officer: Then you must go through the red channel. Passenger 2: Thank you. Passenger 1: Shall we meet at the airport shop? Passenger 2: Sure. Passenger 2 goes to the red channel. Customs officer: Have you got any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of duty-free allowance? Passenger 2: No, I’ve got this bottle of whisky and these cigarettes. Customs officer: That’s all right. Have you got any presents that you intend to leave in Britain? Passenger 2: Yes, I’ve got this camera – it costs 200 pounds. I bought it in Italy. Customs officer: Have you got a receipt for the camera? Passenger 2: Yes. Here it is. Customs officer: Thank you. If you wait a minute, I’ll tell you how much duty you have to pay on it. Passenger 2: Thank you.
Answer the questions. 1) In what case does a traveller have to go through customs? 2) Why are customs houses set up on the frontier? 3) What are the functions of the customs officer? 4) What goods are prohibited for bringing in and taking out by all countries? 5) In what case does a traveller have to pay extra duties? 6) What things can be brought in and taken out duty free? Which are liable to duty? 7) What articles can be confiscated or detained at the customs house? 8) Is smuggling through the customs possible? What is invented to prevent it? 9) What must be declared in the declaration form? 10) In what case does the tourist have to go through the red channel? 11) Who is green channel intended for? 12) Is the amount of goods you are bringing is unlimited?
Useful phrases.
Dialogue 1 - I’ve found out from the timetable that there are several trains to Brighton daily. - Yes, quite so. The next is at 12.30. - Well, I’ll take it. One ticket, please. - Single or return? - Single, please. - Here you are. The train is leaving from platform 3. - Is there a buffet-car on the train? I’d like to have a snack. - Unfortunately, no. But if you hurry, you can get a snack at a cafeteria in the station, otherwise you’ll have to do without breakfast. - Thank you very much. - Not at all. Announcement: The train now standing at Platform 3 is the 12.30 Inter-City service to Brighton. Dialogue 2 - I want to buy tickets to the 2 p.m. train to San Francisco. - A round-trip? - No, just one-way. - Adult? - One adult and one child. By the way, how long will it take me to get there? - If you get on the 2.15 p.m. you are in Frisco at 6.30 p.m. If you choose the 2 p.m. it will take you half an hour longer. - How come? - The 2.15 is a through train. With 2 p.m. train you are to make a transfer in Oakland and wait for about half an hour. - Are there other trains to Frisco? - Lots of. You can take a look at the time-table near the Information Desk. - Thank you.
Dialogue 3 - I want a ticket to Leeds, please, second-class. - Single or return? - Return, please. - Second return, Leeds: one and fifty pounds, please…Fifty pence change, thank you. - Could you tell me what time the next train goes? - 8.55, platform 12. If you hurry you’ll just catch it. - Thanks.
Dialogue 4 - Yes, madam? - I want to leave some luggage here until this afternoon. Is that all right? - Oh, yes, madam. That’ll be quite all right. Is this just one bag? - No, there are those two suitcases and this trunk. My husband will call for them with his car this afternoon. - Very well, madam. Your name, please. - Mrs. Macpherson. - Right. Here’s a ticket. That’ll be twenty pence, please. Thank you. Dialogue 5 - When does the London train leave, please? - 9.25. Platform 3. - What time does it reach London? - You should be there at 11.31, but you may be a bit later. - Do I have to change? - Yes. You change at Lewes and east Croydon.
Dialogue 6 - Which train do I take for Victoria, please? - 9.28. This end of platform 2. - When does it get in? - It gets there at 11.34. - Must I change? - No, it’s a through train.
Dialogue 7 - Which train is for London Bridge, please? - 9.27. from platform, 1. - What time does it arrive? - It takes roughly 2 hours, so you’ll arrive just before 11.30. - Is it necessary to change? - No, there’s no need to change.
Dialogue 8 - What time is the next train to Victoria, please? - 9.26. Platform 4. Right up at the front. - When do we get there? - It’s due in at 11.35, but they are running late today. - Need I change trains? - Yes. Change at East Croydon.
Dialogue 9 - Yes, sir? - First-class return to Glasgow. - Day return? - No. I’m going for the weekend. - A weekend return is £ 7.66, sir. - Thank you. - Thank you, sir. - Could you tell me which platform the 13.30 leaves from? - Yes, platform 5. - Thank you. Dialogue 10 - Porter, sir? - Yes... would you take this bag to platform 5, please? - Glasgow train, sir? - That’s right. - Very good, sir.
Dialogue 11 - Which platform for Motherwell, please? - Platform 14, right up and down, underground level. - When does the next train leave, please? - 10.30, from Glasgow Central. - When does it get in? - You will be in Motherwell at 11.04. It takes roughly about half an hour to get there. - Do I have to change? - No, you needn’t. It’s a short distance. - How much is the ticket? - Single or return? - Both. - One single costs $ 20. The normal return ticket costs double the single fare but. - You can buy a day return, which is cheaper. - Thank you very much. - It’s my pleasure.
Dialogue 12 - I want a ticket to Bern, second-class, please. - Single or return? - Return, please. - Sixty-five pounds, please. Five pounds change, thank you. - Could you tell me what time the next train is? - 8 o’clock, platform 12. If you hurry you’ll just catch it. - Thanks.
Answer the questions. 1) Do you like travelling? 2) Have you ever travelled light? 3) How many pieces of luggage do you usually have with you? 4) When travelling a long distance train, what berth do you prefer, lower or upper? 5) Have you ever missed the train? 6) What information can you get in the inquiry office at the railway station? 7) What tickets do you usually book, single or return? 8) Is it easy to book a ticket for a long distance train?
Dialogue 1 - Can I have a (1) __________ to Avignon? - Yes, that’s 32 euros. - When does it (2) __________? - The train leaves at 14.15. - And which (3) _________is it? - Go to platform 9.
Dialogue 2 - Excuse me, where is the (4) __________? - Round the corner. - Thank you. I want a round trip (5) __________ to Boston. - What (6)__________? - First. - Here it is. - (7)__________ do we get in Boston? - The train is due to (8) __________ in Boston at 12.30. - (9)__________. - Have a nice (10) __________. UNIT XII
Useful phrases
Dialogue 1 - I’d like to book a room, please. - When is it for, madam? - Next weekend. I need a double room with a balcony. - I’m afraid we’re full then. - Oh, what a pity! - I’m sorry, but it’s so busy at the moment. Dialogue 2 - Good evening, sir. - Good evening. We’d like a room, please. - Do you have a reservation? - Ah, no, we don’t. - How many nights is it for? - Just tonight.
Dialogue 3 - Can we book on-line? - Yes, just go to our website and click on «reservations». - Thanks.
Dialogue 4 - A single room with a bathroom. - That’s fine. What name is it, please? - Dashti. - How do you spell that? - D-A-S-H-T-I. - Could you fill in this card please? Would you like someone to take your bag? - No, that’s OK. I can carry it myself.
Dialogue 5 - I’d like a room, please. - Is it for tonight? - Yes, it is. - A single or a double? - A double. We’d like it for five nights. Is that possible? - Yes, that’s fine. What name is it, please? - Mistri. That’s M-I-S-T-R-I. - Thank you, sir. Now, can you fill in this card, please? - Sure. The room has a bathroom, doesn’t it? - Yes, it does. Dialogue 6 - This is YZ Chemicals. I’d like to book a room for our sales Manager, Mr. Yusufzai. - When does he want the room? - From the night of the 12th. - I’m afraid we’re full up on the 12th. - How about the following week, the 19th? - Does he want a single or a double? - A double with bathroom. - All our rooms have suite bathrooms. And how many nights is it for? - Three. Is that OK? - Yes, that’ll be fine. What was the name? - Yusufzai. - I’m sorry. Could you spell that? - Y-U-S-U-F-Z-A-I.
Dialogue 7 - Excuse me! Where can I get information about hotels? - What sort of a hotel do you want? - I want an inexpensive hotel somewhere near the subway station. - Here is a good hotel near the «Waterloo» station. You can call them from here. - Thanks a lot! - You’re welcome.
Dialogue 8 - Is this «The Holiday Inn» hotel? - Yes. What can I do for you? Do you want to make a reservation? - No. I want to have a room today. Have you got a vacant room for a week? - Do you want a single room or a double one? We’ve got a few vacant single rooms and a few doubles. - I want a single room with a shower or with a bath. How much is it? - A single room with a shower is 50 dollars per night, and the bath is a little more expensive. - Are there cheaper rooms? - No. - O.K. I take the one with shower. How do I pay? Do I pay in advance? - Yes, and you may pay with a credit card or you can pay in the cash. Is that all? - Oh, no! I also want a telephone in my room.
Dialogue 9 - I wonder whether you have any vacancies for tonight. - Yes, I can offer you room 24 on the first floor. - How much is it? - £ 29 a night excluding service. - Can I see it please? - Certainly. Would you take a seat for a moment? - Dialogue 10 - Have you got a single room for two nights? - Yes, but only on the top floor. - What price is it? - £45 with service and TV. - Fair enough. Can you show me the room, please? - Of course. Would you like to follow me?
Dialogue 11 - - Can I book a double room from now until Friday? - You can have a room 33 overlooking the sea. - What’s the price? - £ 43 not counting the service. - Can I look at it, please? - Yes, of course. Come this way.
Dialogue 12
- Have you got a twin-bedded room for one night? - I can let you have a room at the back. - What does is cost? - With a private bath £ 50, service included. - Can you show me something a little cheaper? - Yes, of course. I won’t keep you a moment.
Answer the questions. 1) Why do travelers usually reserve rooms at the hotels in advance? 2) Is it easy to reserve a room at the hotel in your city? 3) What services do hotels usually run? 4) What information is required for filling in the arrival card? 5) What kinds of rooms are available at the hotels? 6) What is usually located downstairs at the hotels? 7) Do you often have to book rooms at the hotels? 8) Is it most important for you to have a hairdryer, a TV or a mini-bar in a hotel room? What other facilities are important for you? (internet access, air conditioning, restaurant, 24-hour room service, satellite TV, personal safe)
Translate into English. 1) На мое имя забронирован двухместный номер с видом на море. 2) Очень жаль! У нас нет свободных номеров. 3) Сколько дней вы предполагаете пробыть в нашей гостинице? 4) Мне нужен номер на одного с ванной. Я собираюсь пробыть здесь неделю. 5) Мне нужен номер с завтраком и кондиционером. 6) Вот Ваш ключ. Ваш номер на седьмом этаже. Лифт там. 7) Заполните, пожалуйста, эту форму. 8) Можно воспользоваться телефоном? 9) Можно заказать обслуживание в номер? 10) Я хочу пожаловаться. В моем номере нет полотенец. 11) Я уезжаю и хотел бы оплатить счет. 12) Могу ли я выписаться? 13) Могу ли я расплатиться наличными? 14) Сколько стоит двухместный номер с завтраком? Завтрак входит в счет? 15) Я собираюсь остановиться на неделю.
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