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Translate the sentences into English.

1) Сколько у Вас багажа?

2) Можно Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста?

3) У Вас есть вещи, подлежащие декларированию? – Нет.

4) Мне нечего декларировать.

5) Это мои личные вещи. А это подарок.

6) Сколько алкоголя можно ввезти беспошлинно?

7) Какова цель Вашего визита? – Я здесь по делу.

8) Как долго Вы собираетесь оставаться в стране?

9) Вам придется заплатить за перевес багажа.

10) Откройте, пожалуйста, Вашу сумку.

11) По какому коридору мне нужно пройти?

12) Я везу бутылку бренди и 200 сигарет.

13) Вы заполнили декларацию?

14) Сколько у Вас денег?

15) Это Ваш первый визит в страну?





Useful phrases.

Where can I buy a ticket? / How much is the ticket to [Manchester]? / I would (I’d) like a ticket to ___. I want to go to [London]. When is the next train to [Moscow]?   Где я могу купить билет? / Сколько стоит билет до Манчестера? / Я бы хотел билет до ____. Мне нужно в Лондон. Когда следующий поезд до Москвы?
It’s full. The train to ___ is cancelled. The train leaves to ___ from platform 3. The train to ___ is delayed. Мест нет. Поезд до ___ отменили. Поезд до ___ отправляется с платформы 3 Поезд до ___ задерживается.
When does the train arrive in ___? What platform does the train to ___ leave from? Is this the right platform for ___?   Excuse me, which platform do I need for Avignon? / Is this the right platform for Avignon?   You need platform 6. Does this train stop at___? I have missed my train. Когда поезд прибывает в ___? С какой платформы отправляется поезд до ___? Поезд в ___ отправляется с этой платформы? Извините, с какой платформы отправляется поезд до Авиньона? / Поезд до Авиньона отправляется с этой платформы? Вам нужна платформа 6. Этот поезд делает остановку в ___? Я опоздал на поезд.
May I see your tickets? Your ticket, please. The train is 30 minutes late. Прошу предъявить билет. Ваш билет, пожалуйста. Поезд опаздывает на 30 минут.
Is this seat free? I got on in ___. I go to ___. I cannot find my ticket. Is the train late? What time will we arrive in ___? Это место свободно? Я сел на поезд в ___. Я еду в ___. Я не могу найти билет. Поезд опаздывает? Во сколько мы приедем в ___?
station / railway station timetable / Schedule arrival departure ticket office / booking office information service / Inquiry office platform track dining car /buffet car smoking non smoking fare to hurry (up) destination left-luggage room /office lost-property room   waiting room porter / truck suitcase luggage van sleeping car label to do without to run fast daily commuter train / through train / stopping train / fast train   carriage compartment attendant to snack cafeteria luggage-rack berth   to be due out / to be due in (to arrive) delay to miss to catch transfer / to make a transfer / to change (a train) single ticket / return ticket / day return Вокзал Расписание Прибытие Отправление Продажа билетов (касса) Справочное бюро (информация) Платформа путь вагон-ресторан для курящих для некурящих оплата проезда спешить, торопиться место назначения камера хранения комната забытых вещей, бюро находок зал ожидания носильщик / багажная тележка чемодан багажный вагон спальный вагон бирка, этикетка обойтись без идти (о поездах) быстро ежедневно пригородный поезд / прямой поезд / пассажирский поезд (со многими остановками) / скорый поезд вагон купе проводник перекусить кафетерий багажная полка полка в вагоне, служащая спальным местом должен прийти (по расписанию)   задержка пропустить, опоздать сесть на транспортное средство пересадка / делать пересадку / пересаживаться на другой поезд билет в один конец / билет туда и обратно / билет туда и обратно, действительный в течение одного дня
How long will (does) it take me to get there? How come? За какое время я доберусь туда?   Как так?

Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one of them.

Dialogue 1

- I’ve found out from the timetable that there are several trains to Brighton daily.

- Yes, quite so. The next is at 12.30.

- Well, I’ll take it. One ticket, please.

- Single or return?

- Single, please.

- Here you are. The train is leaving from platform 3.

- Is there a buffet-car on the train? I’d like to have a snack.

- Unfortunately, no. But if you hurry, you can get a snack at a cafeteria in the station, otherwise you’ll have to do without breakfast.

- Thank you very much.

- Not at all.

Announcement: The train now standing at Platform 3 is the 12.30 Inter-City service to Brighton.

Dialogue 2

- I want to buy tickets to the 2 p.m. train to San Francisco.

- A round-trip?

- No, just one-way.

- Adult?

- One adult and one child. By the way, how long will it take me to get there?

- If you get on the 2.15 p.m. you are in Frisco at 6.30 p.m. If you choose the 2 p.m. it will take you half an hour longer.

- How come?

- The 2.15 is a through train. With 2 p.m. train you are to make a transfer in Oakland and wait for about half an hour.

- Are there other trains to Frisco?

- Lots of. You can take a look at the time-table near the Information Desk.

- Thank you.


Dialogue 3

- I want a ticket to Leeds, please, second-class.

- Single or return?

- Return, please.

- Second return, Leeds: one and fifty pounds, please…Fifty pence change, thank you.

- Could you tell me what time the next train goes?

- 8.55, platform 12. If you hurry you’ll just catch it.

- Thanks.


Dialogue 4

- Yes, madam?

- I want to leave some luggage here until this afternoon. Is that all right?

- Oh, yes, madam. That’ll be quite all right. Is this just one bag?

- No, there are those two suitcases and this trunk. My husband will call for them with his car this afternoon.

- Very well, madam. Your name, please.

- Mrs. Macpherson.

- Right. Here’s a ticket. That’ll be twenty pence, please. Thank you.

Dialogue 5

- When does the London train leave, please?

- 9.25. Platform 3.

- What time does it reach London?

- You should be there at 11.31, but you may be a bit later.

- Do I have to change?

- Yes. You change at Lewes and east Croydon.


Dialogue 6

- Which train do I take for Victoria, please?

- 9.28. This end of platform 2.

- When does it get in?

- It gets there at 11.34.

- Must I change?

- No, it’s a through train.


Dialogue 7

- Which train is for London Bridge, please?

- 9.27. from platform, 1.

- What time does it arrive?

- It takes roughly 2 hours, so you’ll arrive just before 11.30.

- Is it necessary to change?

- No, there’s no need to change.


Dialogue 8

- What time is the next train to Victoria, please?

- 9.26. Platform 4. Right up at the front.

- When do we get there?

- It’s due in at 11.35, but they are running late today.

- Need I change trains?

- Yes. Change at East Croydon.


Dialogue 9

- Yes, sir?

- First-class return to Glasgow.

- Day return?

- No. I’m going for the weekend.

- A weekend return is £ 7.66, sir.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, sir.

- Could you tell me which platform the 13.30 leaves from?       

- Yes, platform 5.     

- Thank you.

Dialogue 10

- Porter, sir?

- Yes... would you take this bag to platform 5, please?

- Glasgow train, sir? 

- That’s right.  

- Very good, sir.


Dialogue 11

- Which platform for Motherwell, please?

- Platform 14, right up and down, underground level.

- When does the next train leave, please?      

- 10.30, from Glasgow Central.   

- When does it get in?

- You will be in Motherwell at 11.04. It takes roughly about half an hour to get there.     

- Do I have to change?       

- No, you needn’t. It’s a short distance.

- How much is the ticket?

- Single or return?    

- Both.

- One single costs $ 20. The normal return ticket costs double the single fare but.

- You can buy a day return, which is cheaper.

- Thank you very much.

- It’s my pleasure.


Dialogue 12

- I want a ticket to Bern, second-class, please.

- Single or return?    

- Return, please.

- Sixty-five pounds, please. Five pounds change, thank you.

- Could you tell me what time the next train is?

- 8 o’clock, platform 12. If you hurry you’ll just catch it.

- Thanks.



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