Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read to the telephone booking, then fill in the gaps in this e-mail confirmation.

Subject: (1) __________ Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to confirm the telephone booking we made earlier today. The booking is for (2) __________, arriving (3) __________ and departing (4) __________ . The booking is in the name of (5) __________ . King regards Tina Patel Asia Travel  


- This is Asia Travel. Have you got four single rooms?

- I’m afraid we only have two single rooms available tonight.

- It’s not for tonight. It’s for the weekend.

- This weekend?

- Yes, Saturday the 12th to Monday the 14th of June.

- The single rooms are all booked this weekend.

- What about double rooms?

- Yes, you can have two double rooms – on Saturday and Sunday night.

- Have they got bathrooms?

- All our rooms have suite bathrooms.

- Good, can I book them now?

- Yes, what name is it, please?

- Asia Travel. The client is Mr. Mitropoulis. That’s M-I-T-R-O-P-O-U-L-I-S. We’ll send you confirmation.


Read the e-mail. Complete the e-mail with the following lines and answer the questions.

a) Could you tell me what time the restaurant closes? b) I look forward to hearing from you. c) Could I possibly have a quiet room at the back of the hotel?

1) Who is the e-mail from?

2) Who is it to?

3) What is it about?

4) How does it begin and end?


Write a similar e-mail to book a room at the hotel.

- Book a double room for five nights.

- Ask for a room with a view of the park.

- Ask about room service and other facilities (television, internet, car parking, etc.). Don’t forget to give your personal details.


Practise filling in the online booking form. Complete the form with the information about yourself.


Complete the information in the form in order to book rooms for you and your friend. Think of the most suitable dates.


Room Reservation Request

Please reserve (insert numbers of rooms)

Twin bedded Double bedded


From night of ________________________________________

To morning of _______________________________________

With breakfast _______________________________________

Without breakfast ____________________________________

Name ______________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________

Telephone No. ______________________________________

Approximate time of arrival ____________________________

Match the responses to the prompts.


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