Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one dialogue in pairs.

Dialogue 1

- Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the country?

- Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity?

- Sure. The receiving party shall take care of it.

- Can you put your bags on the table? And your customs form, please?

- How much do they weight?

- 23 kilos. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to pay excess luggage charge.

- Oh, it’s only three kilos overweight.

- Yes, sir. It’s £6. Thank you. Have you go anything to declare?

- Pardon?

- Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants…?

- Uh, no.

- Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?

- Only one bottle of vodka.

- All right. It’s duty free. As you probably know, it’s forbidden to bring in more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And no limitations as to currency. Here’s your form.

- Thank you.

- Not at all. Next, please.


Dialogue 2

- Are you from France?

- No. I am from Russia.

- Have you got a civil passport?

- No. I’ve got the business one.

- Can you show it to me?

- Yes, of course. Here it is.

- Oh, yes, I see. Open your bag, please.

- Here you are.

- Do you come to work?

- Yes, I’ve got an invitation from an engineering company here in Toronto.

- Are you alone here?

- No, I’m with my wife. She comes on a personal visit.

- OK. You may go.

- Thank you.



Dialogue 3

- Excuse me! Where can I get a declaration form?

- You can get it at the information desk.

- I see. What do I write there?

- Have you got anything to declare?

- Oh, I’m afraid, I’ve got something. I’ve got a lot of cigarettes and five bottles of spirits.

- I think you must pay duty on everything.

- I don’t have American cash. Where can I change money?

- There’s an exchange office near the information desk. Anybody can change cash there.

Dialogue 4

- Excuse me, how do I decide whether to go through the red or the green channel?

- If you have goods to declare you go through the red channel. If you haven’t any goods to declare, you go through the green one.

- How do I decide whether I have goods to declare?

- Well, madam, this notice here tells you.

- Oh, I can’t understand it very well.

- If you’re a visitor coming here for less than six months, and you haven’t any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance, you go through the green channel.

- Oh, I have got some spirits.

- How much have you got?

- A bottle of brandy. And I’ve got two hundred cigarettes.

- That’s all right. You’re allowed one bottle and two hundred cigarettes. Have you got any expensive presents, things for other people? You have to declare anything which costs over ten pounds.

- Well, yes, I have got a watch which cost more than ten pounds in English money.

- Then go through the red channel. And my colleague may wish to look inside your luggage.

- I see. Thank you.

Dialogue 5

- Are these two bags all you have, madam?

- Yes, and this bag too.

- Have you any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance?

- No, I just have this bottle of brandy and these cigarettes.

- You’re allowed a bottle of spirits and that number of cigarettes. That’s all right. Have you any articles which you intend to leave in the United Kingdom?

- This watch. It costs fifteen pounds.

- Have you got any evidence of the cost – an invoice or a bill which shows that you paid for it?

- Yes, I have the bill. Here it is.

- Thank you. I’ll have a look at your luggage. Would you please open the two bags? Thank you. And I’ll let you know in a moment the duty you must pay on the watch.

- Thank you very much.


Dialogue 6

- Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport, please?

- Sure. Here it is.

- Where are you coming from?

- I’m coming from Seoul, Korea.

- What is the purpose of your visit?

- I’m here on business.

- How long are you planning to stay?

- I’ll be staying for three weeks.

- Where will you be staying?

- I’ll be staying at a hotel.

- Have you ever been to Canada before?

- No, this is my first time.

- Do you have anything to declare?

- No, nothing.

- Enjoy your stay.

- Thank you.


Dialogue 7

- Have you filled in the immigration card?     

- Yes. Have you?      

- I don’t need to. It’s only for non-British citizens. 

- Oh, yes, of course. Is this the way?    

- No, I go through here – «British Passport», you see. I’m afraid you have to go over there. It says «Commonwealth and EU Passports».    

- All right. See you outside the baggage claim area.

(Speakers: a customs officer and a passenger)

- Can I see your passport? 

- Certainly, here it is.

- Have you got anything to declare?

- Nothing.        

- What’s the purpose of your visit?     

- I’m attending a conference in London.

- Well, would you mind opening this bag, please?  

- There you are.        

- Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now.

- Thank you.

Dialogue 8

- May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir?

- Certainly. Here you are.

- Do you have anything to declare?

- No, nothing. Just the normal allowance.

- What do you have in this suitcase?

- Books, clothes, personal belongings and a bottle of wine.

- Okay, do you have anything else besides these?

- No, I don’t.

- How much money do you have?

- I have four thousand US dollars and eight hundred Euros.

- That’s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in the United States.

- Thank you. I’m sure I will.


Dialogue 9

- May I see your passport please?

- Here you are.

- How long are you staying in America?

- Two weeks.

- What is the purpose of your visit?

- I am here sightseeing.

- Here you are. Welcome to America.

- Thank you.


Dialogue 10

- Hello, do you have anything metal on you? Any change in your wallet, watches, jewellery?

- No.

- Do you have any liquids or gels?

- I have this water bottle.

- Is it less than 100 millilitres?

- No, it is 500.

- I’m sorry you will have to throw it away.

- Oh, all right.

- Please place your jacket and carry-on in the tray and proceed through the metal detector.


Dialogue 11

Passenger 1: Hello.

Passenger 2: Hi.

Passenger 1: Do you know which channel to go through?

Passenger 2: No, let’s ask a customs officer.

Passenger 1: Excuse me. Could you tell me which channel to go through?

Customs officer: If you’ve got anything to declare you go through the red channel. If you haven’t got anything to declare you go through the green channel.

Passenger 1: How do I know if I have anything to declare?

Customs officer: Are you staying in Britain for more than six months?

Passenger 1: No.

Customs officer: Well, the amount of goods you can bring in without paying duty depends on where you bought them. You can have 200 cigarettes, 1 litre of spirits, 2 litres of wine and presents worth 28 pounds if you bought them in a country not in the EU. If you bought them in an EU country you can have 300 cigarettes, 1 and a half litres of spirits, four litres of wine and presents worth 120 pounds.

Passenger 1: Right. I have 1 and a half litres of brandy and 3 litres of wine that I bought in Italy. I don’t have any presents. That means I don’t have anything to declare.

Customs officer: That’s right. You can go through the green channel.

Passenger 2: I’ve got only 200 cigarettes and a litre of whisky that I bought on the plane, but I’ve got a camera that I bought in Italy that cost 200 pounds. It’s a present for a friend of my father’s.

Customs officer: Then you must go through the red channel.

Passenger 2: Thank you.

Passenger 1: Shall we meet at the airport shop?

Passenger 2: Sure.

Passenger 2 goes to the red channel.

Customs officer: Have you got any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of duty-free allowance?

Passenger 2: No, I’ve got this bottle of whisky and these cigarettes.

Customs officer: That’s all right. Have you got any presents that you intend to leave in Britain?

Passenger 2: Yes, I’ve got this camera – it costs 200 pounds. I bought it in Italy.

Customs officer: Have you got a receipt for the camera?

Passenger 2: Yes. Here it is.

Customs officer: Thank you. If you wait a minute, I’ll tell you how much duty you have to pay on it.

Passenger 2: Thank you.



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