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Scenario: The Cemetery of St. Voller


A grim and foreboding place, the Cemetery of St Voller had a dire reputation even before the comet struck and changed Mordheim forever. Now, the cemetery is a haunted place, where the dead do not rest easy. Indeed, many of the graves are open and the numerous tombs and mausoleums of the city’s more opulent patrons, cracked like rotting wounds. Though whether this is from the attentions of ambitious grave robbers or the stirrings of the unquiet dead, who knows…

One warband is out searching the cemetery’s grounds for loot, in part at their Priest’s behest and to pilfer what remains on the corpses of the rich and influential. The cemetery, though, is vast and the warband spread thin. In the shadows of a vast statue, depicting the cemetery’s patron they are set upon by another warband, lying in wait…


Starting with the attacker, each player takes it in turn to place a piece of terrain. As the warbands are battling in a cemetery, there should be a large number of graves, mausoleums, tombs etc. Some of these can be erected on mounds and some should be open. In the centre of the battlefield should be a large statue – the image representing St. Voller. We suggest that the terrain is set up in an area roughly 4' x 4'.


1. The defending player rolls a D6 for each Hero and Henchman group in his warband, in any order he chooses. On a 1-3, they are elsewhere in the ruins and turn up later as reinforcements. On a 4-6 they are deployed at the start of the game.

Note that at least one Hero or Henchmen group will be present at the start. If all roll 1-3, the last Hero or Henchmen group will automatically be deployed at the start of the battle.

2. The defender deploys his available Heroes and Henchmen on the table. No model may be closer than 8" to another model, as the warband is spread out wide to search the ruins. No model may be deployed closer than 8" to a table edge.

3. The attacker deploys his whole warband within 8" of a random table edge, as shown below. He may choose which edge to nominate as ‘1’ before rolling to see where he deploys.

Starting the game

The attacker always gets the first turn. However, if the warband has a Priest of Morr, they will automatically get the first turn instead. Note if both warbands have this Priest of Morr, then the attacker goes first.

Special rules

Reinforcements: The defender, at the start of his second and subsequent turns, may roll a D6 for each of his Henchmen groups or Heroes not yet on the table. On a 4+ they move on in the movement phase from a random table edge, roll a D6 (Starting at the table edge to nominate as ‘1’ and going clockwise for edges 2, 3 & 4. On a roll of a 5 the defending player may freely choose which edge they will deploy from, but on a roll of a 6 the attacking player may choose which edge they will deploy from) All reinforcements for that turn arrive from the same edge and may charge on the turn in which they arrive.

Open graves: Open graves are treated like being on the edge of a ledge for warriors within 1" of them. If a model falls into an open grave they suffer a Strength 2 hit and must climb 2" to get out next turn.

The Unquiet Dead: After each player has taken a turn and always rolling at the start player’s turn who went first, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 or 2, D3+1 zombies (these are the same as the Undead warband Henchmen on page 89 of the Mordheim rulebook) emerge from the graves. These models are be placed by the player with the lowest warband rating within 1" of any grave. The zombies don’t move and attack until the end of the second player’s turn. They will always move towards the nearest model, choosing a living one, if they are equidistant, and charging if possible. Note, they will even attack other Undead models but not if they are also the Unquiet Dead.

The Statue of St. Voller: Though Mordheim is lost and a wholly depraved place, the spirit of St. Voller still exerts some guardianship over the cemetery. Any of the Unquiet Dead that rise from the graves may not move within 3" of the statue as its holy aura repels them.

Ending the game

The game ends when one warband fails a Rout test. The routing warband loses.


+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. A Hero gains +1 Experience for each enemy (and Unquiet Dead) he puts out of action.


Scenario: Camp Assault

By Ben Brissenden


After a successful day's hunting, one Warband returns to their camp on the outside of Mordheim to revel in the spoils of their victories - and drink themselves senseless. However, another, less-successful Warband has followed them, and when the moon is hidden and the fires dying, they make their move to distribute the wealth more equally…


The set-up should consist of a few ruined buildings representing the outskirts of Mordheim. The camp, consisting of perhaps more ruins, tents and importantly 2-3 campfires, should be set up around 24" away from the ruins. The ground between Mordheim and the camp should be littered with ample cover, such as broken carts, rubble, and long-dead trees.


Each player rolls a dice. The highest scorer can choose between being the attackers or the – I'll call them defenders, since 'Campers' doesn't quite seem right. The defenders must split their Warband into two halves.

Special rules

Half of the Warband, including the leader, sit round the fires in the camp eating/drinking/kicking the gobbos/re-animating the zombies/whatever it is your Warband does in its free time. Importantly, there are 6 Wyrdstone counters in possession of the attackers. Each counter must be assigned to a model, who is carrying it. If there are not enough models to carry the counters, then spare Wyrdstone is left by the campfires, and can be collected by anyone when the alarm is raised. The other half are stationed as guards (who got the short straw!) around the camp, at least 8" away from their drunken companions, and at least 5" away from another guard. At the start of the game, only the guards in the defender's Warband can move, and cannot stray more than 10" from the campfires. As soon as one of the attackers moves within 8" of a guard, make an initiative test for the guard. If passed, he spots the attackers, shouting a warning and rousing his comrades – the rest of the defenders can now act. If failed, he simply shakes his head, probably thinking something along the lines of, “I knew I shouldn't have drunk the wine when eating that cheese”, and must test again next turn (providing the attacker is still within 8").

The attackers are aiming to steal as many shards of Wyrdstone as possible! Each time an attacker takes a defender out of action who is carrying a Wyrdstone counter, the attacker collects the counter. However, the attacker must then get to the outskirts of Mordheim (where a hidden chest/helper is waiting). There s/he will deposit the Wyrdstone, and can head back into the fray!

Starting the game

The attackers have the first turn.

Ending the game

The game ends when either:

a) The attackers have been routed.

b) The attackers have stolen at least 4 Wyrdstone shards and got them back to the outskirts of Mordheim.


+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchmen group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

+1 per Wyrdstone Counter. If a Hero or Henchman is carrying a Wyrdstone counter at the end of the battle he receives +1 Experience.

Страшный парк

Ваша банда преследует отступающий в глубину леса отряд противника Но что это? Неожиданно странный сумрак окутывает все вокруг ,и деревья начинают зловеще перешептываться и двигаться. Что-то не так с этим лесом! Поражённые Хаосом деревья живут своей собственной жуткой жизнью!

Большая часть земли должна быть занята лесом. Возможно, маленькое болото., и здания по периметру

Каждая  банда начинает на противоположном крае стола. Киньте кубик, кто ходит первым.

Специальные правила:

-Заражение Хаосом  Лес в этой местности подвергся сильнейшему заражению Хаосом, поэтому обрел свою собственную жизнь и сознание. Вначале каждого хода каждого игрока киньте д6 за каждый кусок леса на столе и проконсультируйтесь с таблицей ниже:

1-2 Куда движется этот лес?! Лес двигается в случайном направлении на д6, вместе со всеми находящимися в нем моделями. Если лес сталкивается с другим куском террейна, он останавливается. Если лес встречается с моделями, они попадают на этот кусок леса.

3-4 Мы оттуда пришли! Разверните секцию леса на угол 180. Если это нельзя сделать, разверните так, насколько возможно.

5-6 Мы заблудились?! Поменяйте местами эту секцию с другой случайно выбранной секцией.


Конец игры: банда ,которой удалось довести по крайней мере половину от начального числа моделей до противоположного края стола, считается победившей. Если одна из банд не прошла тест на разгром, игра также заканчивается.

+1 Выживший.
Если Герой или отряд Рядовых выживает, они получают +1 Опыт.
+1 Победивший Лидер. Лидер победившей банды получает +1 Опыт

+1 Враг Вне Игры. Любой Герой зарабатывает +1 Опыт за каждого противника, которого он сделал вне игры.


Если вы накопили 5 ОК и почувствовали уверенность в своих силах, вам открыты несколько дополнительных зон с повышенной опасностью. Эти зоны отмечены объединены между собой и отмечены отличными от зеленного цветами, то вы запускаете случайные сценарии для этих областей:



Розовая зона: В этой зоне можно будет три раза искать магические предметы (и артефакт) играйте сценарии:

1-3 . The Writing on the Wall

4-5 The Great Library


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