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Mechanisms of realization of the vertical scheme and its functioning.

How can one fix the vertical optimal organizational scheme of science. The practice of the modern period of development of the society showed that the quite satisfactory management of the complex system can be achieved by adequate policy of financing. How can one achieve it with the vertical scheme? There is a complete set of means in the state. First of all, all budget means should go for consideration of the fundamental science, then from it to the applied science, and from the last to the industrial science.

The talk is about the budget sources of financing, and about those money which the state gives and for which the state for the taxpayers has the right to ask. The sponsor and other finances of the commercial or political origin at development of the state system of structuring and management of the science there is no sense to consider because of their inconstancy, little volume and narrow thematic direction of requests.


What is the optimal mechanism of realization of such a vertical objective financing policy. In the fundamental science such a mechanism on the objective democratic base is developed centuries ago – this is an open discussion at the Scientific councils. Nothing better, no alternatives can be suggested (all possible variants of dishonest discussion should be omitted as activities non-corresponding to the legislation).


So, in the beginning of the financing year it is necessary to discuss and solve the questions about financing by fields of the fundamental science and directions of the applied science thematically bound to them. This could be realized by the Higher Scientific Council at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. There are in correspondent proportions naturally the representatives of the applied science in the Council. Further, in the scientific councils of the fundamental institutions the finances are distributed both on fundamental themes and themes of applied institutes of the correspondent applied scientific directions.

In turn, the applied institutes finance the industrial science.

Three items of principal character in financing of science require special explanation:


1. Financing of the infrastructure of scientific establishments on all the vertical scheme.

2. The correlation in financing of the fundamental and applied science;

3. Possibilities of financing not through the central for science Ministry of education and science, but through branch ministries and agencies.



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