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Materials and Methods. Results. Results representation. Discussion. Acknowledgments. References.

Materials and Methods

In this section of an article the methods used for results’ obtaining are described in detail.

First the general scheme of the experiments (design of the experiment) is given, then the experiments are represented as much as possible in detail and with such amount of details that any competent speciaist could reproduce them at his laboratory using only the text of the article.

Many readers omit this section, since there has been already pointed which method you will use in the Introduction.

However in order to that the article has scientific value the methods should be described in detail.

When a reviewer reads the manuscript he will pay a special attention to how details of the methodology of investigation are described.

If he has any doubts that the experiments can be reproduced, then he will recommend the manuscript to be rejected, despite the impressing results.

When using standard methods and pro-cedures it is best of all to do references to the corresponding sources, not forgetting to describe the modifications of the standard methods, if such ones took place.

If you use your own new method which was not earlier published anywhere, it is important to give ALL necessary details.

If the method was earlier published in the well-known journal, then you can limit to reference.

However it is recommended to represent completely the method in the manuscript, if it was earlier published in little-known journal, and not in English.



The section Results is the central part of the article. It can be called to be the superlative.

In this section the experimental or theoreti-cal data are presented, which obtained in this work and have relation to the problem.

To show the results does not mean to give in the article the notes from laboratory journal, computer print or something like that.

The results are given in treated variant: in form of tables, figures, organization or structural diagrams, equations, photo-graphs, pictures.

There is a description of that what is shown in the illustrations with short resuming com-ments, comparisons, statistical estimation in the Results, and is a presentation of the re-sults.

There are only facts in this section.

Their interpretation, comparisons with data of other researchers and things like that re-main for the section Discussion.

Usually a description of the illustrations and tables given contains three elements.



Result representation

Text – is a verbal representation,

table – partly verbal,

and pictures – visual.

All three ways of representation should add,

All three ways of presen-tation of results of quan-titative investigations (text, tables and figures) should add, but not repeat each other.

Discussion and Conclusions

One of the diÿculties when writing of an ar-ticle is in defining where the results description ends and their discussion begins.

The section Discussion is the most dificult part for writing.

In diference from the section Results which deals with facts, the section Discussion –are ideas, assumptions about facts obtained, comparison of own results obtained with results of other authors.

From one hand, the section Discussion should be more theoretical, generalizing, abstract, integrated with general problem.

From the other hand, this section is more closely connected to the real world, since there are opening of the meaning of the results obtained and their further ap-plication.

Editors of journals often reject many articles because of the results discussion written badly. Despite that the results are interesting and well represented.


Then it is necessary to express acknowledgement for financial support of the research to organizations and funds that is to write at the expense of which grants, contracts, scholar ships the work has been success-fully done.

The style of acknowledgements can be non-formal, if it concerns the help of individuals.

I wish to thank

My thanks are due to

My research was supported by the


The concluding section of the article – list of literature. There are all sources in the list of literature and only those which are cited in the text of the article.

The rules of reference organization in the text and also organization of the list of sources are varied from journal to journal. Here you should just follow the instructions for authors.

It is recommended to spend time for organizing of literature list with help of text processor. There is a tab References in the main menu of Word processor.


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