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What is a Chineese bamboo steamer?

What is bain-marie generally used for?

Is there any differentiation between bain-marie and double boiler in Russian culinary tradition?

What is the most common use for a double boiler?

5. What is the traditional wrapping for cooking en papillote?

II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:

To conserve, scattering, use, cuisine, to produce, to envelop, to crease, to percolate

III. Fill in the table:

Method Principle of cooking Typical foods

IV. Match the steps of cooking en papillote with pictures:

1. Cut out a heart                                                                               

2. Put ingredients on the parchment paper                                    

3. Tightly fold or crimp the edges to seal                                   

4. Transfer to the oven                                                                   

5. Remove from the oven and enjoy                                                  

V. Match the words and their definitions:

1) steam; 2) basket; 3) contact; 4) bottom; 5) condition; 6) custard; 7) ramekin; 8) juice; 9) salt; 10) to dissolve.

a) the factors or prevailing situation influencing the performance or outcome of a process;

b) a dessert or sweet sauce made with milk and eggs, or milk and a proprietary powder;

c) the vapour into which water is converted when heated, forming a white mist in the air;

d) a white crystalline substance which gives seawater its characteristic taste and is used for seasoning or preserving food;

e) a container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire;

f) the state of physical touching;

g) the lowest point or part of something;

h) to become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution;

i) the liquid obtained from or present in fruit or vegetables;

j) a small dish for baking and serving an individual portion of food.

VI. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them.

1. Chinese bamboo steamers comprise of various stacked round bamboo baskets in which food is placed, with the top one left open.

2. In steaming food in the basket should never touch the boiling water.

3. According to a legend bain-marie was invented by Mary, the sister of Aaron and Moses.

4. The upper bowl of a double boiler must be perforated, so that steam could touch the food.

5. A clean brown paper bag is recommended for cooking en papillote only if there is no other material.

VII. Translate the following words and word combinations:

· ramekin

· nutritional value

· to fold the ends

· baking dish

· spring vegetables

· сладкий заварной крем

· женлон

· растрескивание

· воссоздавать

· низкокалорийный

VIII. Choose a recipe from the appendix illustrating one of the cooking methods from the text above and translate it into Russian.


Sous Vide


Sous vide is a moist-heat cooking method developed in France by George Pralus in the 1970s. The term translates into English as “under vacuum”. Sous vide is a method of slow cooking food in vacuum sealed bags placed in warm water at low temperature. Cooking temperatures range from 77 °F (25 °C) to 194 °F (90 °C) depending on the kind of food. Normally, the temperature is around 131 °F (55 °C) to 140 °F (60 °C) for meat, higher for vegetables.The method usually takes 1 to 7 hours, up to 48 or more in some cases. Foods cooked in the sous vide style tend to retain more shape and flavour than do foods cooked in slow cookers because of the absence of oxygen and the less than boiling water temperatures used.

Sous vide, as a cooking style, does have its drawbacks. Lack of oxygen and low temperatures can actually cause significant food poisoning and grow nasty bacteria like botulism. To avoid this undesirable result, chefs have an array of water bath machines that help to keep the water circulating around the bagged food.

The first sous vide cooking was applied to making foie gras, goose or duck liver pâ té. When Pralus attempted the cooking style, he and other chefs like him, soon found the end result was better and tastier than traditionally prepared foie gras. Little fat was lost, translating to greater flavour, and greater colour in the end product.

Another advantage to sous vide is the relative ease of preparation. Sous vide cooking involves three simple steps:

1. Attaching precision cooker to a pot of water and setting the time and temperature according to desired level of doneness.

2. Putting food in a sealable bag and clipping it to the side of the pot.

3. Finishing by searing, grilling, or broiling the food to add a crispy, golden exterior layer.

 Not only is sous vide cooking popular in many of the four- and five-star high end restaurants in the world, but it has proven to be a great way to prepare better tasting food for airplanes, cruise ships and for room service in hotels.

Any type of banquet that requires extensive preparation can now be less chaotic right prior to serving because food is already cooked to order, and merely needs to be served. Unlike food that is cooked in advance and reheated, sous vide meals are fresher tasting and have not had time to oxidize and lose flavour. Even the US Armed Forces uses a variant of sous vide in their Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) for soldiers on the go.

Several sous vide styles of cooking are available to consumers from supermarkets. These include the boil-in-bag forms of food that have been popular for a number or years, and new cooking bags that can be used to hold flavour in while you make your pot roast or a flavourful chicken dish. Yet not all chefs are fans of sous vide.

There are limitations to the kinds of things you can cook via sous vide. First, you cannot crisp things, and a roast chicken cooked sous vide will not have the crispy skin so many people enjoy. It is best suited for foods that would traditionally be poached or stewed. Second, some chefs claim they miss one the things they love most about cooking, the aroma of food. Because sous vide foods are sealed, you do not get that delightful come-hither smell that results from cooking things in a more open style. For many, though, the convenience and ability to produce large amounts of food may outweigh these small drawbacks, and the cooking method continues to increase in popularity.


sous vide [suː ˈ viː d] су-вид

vacuum sealed bag ['væ kjuː m siː ld bæ g] вакуумный пакет

slow cooker [slə u 'kukə ] медленноварка

oxygen ['ɔ ksɪ ʤ ə n] кислород

drawback ['drɔ ː bæ k] недостаток

lack [læ k] отсутствие

nasty ['nɑ ː stɪ ] опасный

array [ə 'reɪ ] масса

foie gras [ˌ fwɑ ː 'grɑ ː ] фуа-гра

liver pâ té ['lɪ və 'pæ teɪ ] печёночный паштет

advantage [ə d'vɑ ː ntɪ ʤ ] преимущество

precision cooker [prɪ 'sɪ ʒ (ə )n 'kukə ] погружной термостат су-вид

to clip [klɪ p] прикреплять

crispy ['krɪ spɪ ] хрустящий

high end restaurant [haɪ end 'restə rɔ nt] ресторан высокого класса

in advance [ɪ n ə d'vɑ ː n(t)s] заранее

to oxidize ['ɔ ksɪ daɪ z] окисляться

Meals Ready to Eat [miː lz 'redɪ tu iː t] индивидуальный рацион питания (ИРП)

consumer [kə n'sjuː mə ] потребитель

boil-in-bag [bɔ ɪ l ɪ n 'bæ g] пакет, выдерживающий кипячение

pot roast ['pɔ trə ust] мясо, тушёное (braised) крупным куском

via [viː ə ] с помощью, посредством

to crisp [krɪ sp] делать хрустящим

come-hither [ˌ kʌ m'hɪ ð ə ] манящий

to outweigh [ˌ aut'weɪ ] перевешивать



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