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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I. Answer the following questions:. 1. How is the term “sous vide” translated into English? 2. What helps food cooked in sous vide style to retain shape and flavour?

1. How is the term “sous vide” translated into English?

2. What helps food cooked in sous vide style to retain shape and flavour?

3. What drawbacks does the method have?

4. What steps does sous vide cooking involve?

5. What limitations does the method impose?

II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:

to vary, lack, intoxication, delicious, crunchy, first-rate, beforehand, restriction

III. Fill the gaps in the following sentences:

1. Foods cooked in the sous vide style tend to retain … and … because of the … of oxygen.

2. Attach … to a pot of water and set the … and … according to desired level of doneness.

3. You cannot … things, and a roast chicken cooked sous vide will not have the … so many people enjoy.

4. Cooking temperatures range from to depending on the kind of food.

5. Sous vide is a method of … food in … placed in … at ….


IV. Fill in the table:

Information you had known before reading the text Information you have known from the text Information you would like to know

V. Match the words and their definitions:

1) vacuum; 2) oxygen; 3) botulism; 4) to circulate; 5) foie gras; 6) chef; 7) restaurant; 8) banquet; 9) consumer; 10) skin.

a) a professional cook, typically the chief cook in a restaurant or hotel;

b) an elaborate and formal evening meal for many people;

c) food poisoning caused by a bacterium growing on improperly sterilized tinned meats and other preserved foods;

d) a space entirely devoid of matter;

e) the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal;

f) a person who purchases goods and services for personal use;

g) the liver of a specially fattened goose or duck prepared as food;

h) a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises;

i) a colourless, odourless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air;

j) move continuously or freely through a closed system or area.

VI. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them.

1. Sous vide was invented in France by George Pralus in 2007.

2. The US Armed Forces refused to use a variant of sous vide in their Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) for soldiers on the go.

3. Lack of oxygen and low temperatures prevents the growth of nasty bacteria.

4. Sous vide is best suited for foods that would traditionally be poached or stewed.

5. All cooks prefer the sous vide style cooking.

VII. Translate the following words and word combinations:

· to retain shape

· to attach

· Meals Ready to Eat

· liver pâ té

· to increase in popularity

· способность производить

· отсутствие кислорода

· конечный результат

· погружной термостат су-вид

· вакуумный пакет

VIII. Translate the recipe from the appendix illustrating the sous vide method.




Basting (there is no equivalent of the term in Russian ) is a cooking method that involves cooking meat with either its own juices or some type of preparation such as a sauce or marinade. The meat is left to cook, then periodically coated with the juice. Basting is ordinarily performed with a special device called “ bulb turkey baster ” which can suck juices from the pan for them to be squeezed over the meat. In case there in no one on hand, a basting brush or simply a spoon will do.

Prominently used in grilling, rotisserie, roasting, and other meat preparations where the meat is over heat for extended periods of time, basting is used to keep meat moist during the cooking process and also to apply or enhance flavour. Improperly administered basting, however, may actually lead to the very problem it is designed to prevent: the undesired loss of moisture (drying out) of the meat.

Usually recipes contain information on how often to baste, but the general rule is:

• Large birds such as turkey, duck, goose: baste every 30-45 minutes;
• A whole pig on a spit: once every hour;
Chicken parts: every 15 to 20 minutes;
Barbecuing meat: every 15 minutes.

If not compensated by countermeasures, the opening of the oven door and the resulting loss of temperature and moisture content of the air circulating inside can lead to increased evaporation from the meat surfaces.

To prevent this, the easiest solution is to place the meat in a closed oven bag, which traps evaporating moisture and does not let it disseminate into the oven space and then out to the kitchen. The meat is " auto basted " when the air trapped inside the bag reaches the point of its maximum possible moisture content, and the resulting precipitate forms into drops on the surfaces of the meat or the wall of the bag. The drops roll down to the lowest point of the closed space, where the meat sits and cooks in the resulting juices. This technique often requires minimal or no added liquids other than what the meat already contains, for loss of moisture is virtually negligible from inside the bag. Perhaps even better, some oven pans are designed to carry a lid.

Other alternatives include allowing extended cooking time, administering increased amounts of juices, coating the meat with moisture rich fruits or fat-rich cuts, such as bacon, or actual fat, placing moisture rich fruits and vegetables around the cooking meats, and if possible, using a convection oven.

This is a type of cooking usually recommended for dishes that generally taste mild, but are served with sauces that provide complementing or overpowering flavour to them, for example chicken chasseur.

Basting is a technique generally known to be used for turkey, pork, chicken, duck, and beef (including steak), but may be applied to virtually any type of meat.


basting [beɪ stɪ ŋ ] метод тепловой кулинарной обработки, заключающийся в поливании или смазывании мяса соком или жиром, вытекающим из него во время приготовления в духовом шкафу (аналог термина в русском языке отсутствует)

to coat [kə ut] покрывать

bulb turkey baster [bʌ lb 'tɜ ː kɪ beɪ stə ] кухонная спринцовка

to squeeze [skwiː z] выдавливать

rotisserie [rə (ʊ )ˈ tɪ s(ə )ri] приготовление на вертеле

extended [ɪ k'stendɪ d] продолжительный

enhance [ɪ n'hɑ ː n(t)s] усиливать

spit [spɪ t] вертел

content ['kɔ ntent] содержание

evaporation [ɪ ˌ væ p(ə )'reɪ ʃ (ə )n] испарение

oven bag ['ʌ v(ə )n bæ g] пакет для запекания

to disseminate [dɪ 'semɪ neɪ t] распространяться

precipitate [prɪ 'sɪ pɪ teɪ t] осадок

negligible ['neglɪ ʤ ə bl] незначительный

complementing ['kɔ mplɪ mə ntɪ ŋ ] дополнительный

chicken chasseur ['ʧ ɪ kɪ n ʃ æ 'sɜ ː ] курица по-охотничьи



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