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I. Answer the following questions:. What devices is basting usually done with?

What is basting?

What devices is basting usually done with?

What is the time interval for basting large birds?

How can the oven door opening affect the cooking process?

How can the moisture loss be prevented?

II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:

to press out, long, swine, to diffuse, to hold within, insignificant, juicy, additional

III. Fill the gaps in the following sentences:

1. Basting is a cooking method that involves … with either its … or some type of preparation such as a … or ….

2. Basting is used to … during the cooking process and also to … or … flavour.

3. Improperly administered basting may lead to the … of moisture(…) of the meat.

4. The drops roll down … the closed space, where the meat … and … in the resulting juices.

5. The technique often requires … or … liquids other than what the meat already contains.

IV. Fill in the table:

Sequence of actions Typical foods Downsides


V. Match the words and their definitions:

1) sauce; 2) marinade; 3) brush; 4) spoon; 5) to prevent; 6) countermeasure 7) precipitate; 8) alternative; 9) bacon; 10) steak.

a) salted or smoked meat which comes from the back or sides of a pig;

b) high-quality beef taken from the hindquarters of the animal, typically cut into thick slices;

c) an action taken to counteract an undesirable result;

d) a liquid or semi-liquid substance served with food to add moistness and flavour;

e) to keep something from happening;

f) drops of moisture or particles of dust deposited from the atmosphere or from a vapor or suspension;

g) one or more things available as another possibility or choice;

h) an implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle, used for eating, stirring, and serving food;

i) a mixture of oil, wine, spices, or similar ingredients, in which meat, fish, or other food is soaked before cooking in order to flavour or soften it;

j) an implement with a handle and a block of bristles, hair, or wire, used especially for cleaning, applying a liquid or powder to a surface.

VI. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them.

1. Basting involves cooking meat with its own juices only.

2. Bulb turkey baster is used to inject liquid into meat.

3. The frequency of basting a whole pig is every 15 to 20 minutes.

4. The opening of the oven door and the resulting loss of temperature and moisture content of the air circulating inside can lead to decreased evaporation from the meat surfaces.

5. Basting is a technique generally known to be used for turkey, pork, chicken, duck, and beef (including steak), but may be applied to virtually any type of meat.

VII. Translate the following words and word combinations:

· bulb turkey baster

· to squeeze over meat

· rotisserie

· solution

· moisture rich

· покрывать соком

· общее правило

· вертел

· пакет для запекания

· курица по-охотничьи

VIII. Translate the recipe from the appendix illustrating basting.



Tempering is a supplementary cooking method. The term is used in cooking when an ingredient – or two – needs to be stabilised, meaning its characteristics remain the same and are not altered in any way. We see this technique used when combining ingredients that are each at completely different temperatures. In the kitchen, for instance, when a hot liquid like soup or stock is mixed directly with a cold item like cream or sour cream or eggs, the cold product will tend to curdle as the soup's heat coagulates the proteins in the dairy. Tempering is used to avoid this from happening.

The tempering technique is also utilized when adding melted chocolate to other ingredients to prevent it from seizing. This should not be confused with the method of tempering chocolate in confectionery; chocolate is tempered by heating and cooling and heating again to stabilise the fat in the chocolate, so it achieves a shiny appearance and does not crystallise or " bloom" once it cools. Also, the method should not be confused with tempering spices. The latter is a cooking technique used in the cuisines of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, in which whole spices (and sometimes also other ingredients such as dried chillies, minced ginger root or sugar) are roasted briefly in oil or ghee to liberate essential oils from cells and thus enhance their flavours, before being poured, together with the oil, into a dish.

Tempering slowly increases – the key word here being " slowly" – the heat of the cold ingredient so its temperature gradually rises and becomes more compatible with the temperature of the hot ingredient (which essentially slowly cools down when it comes in contact with the cold food). The shock of a cold ingredient suddenly turning hot can cook and change its composition, making it cook too quickly, curdle, seize, break, lump up, or split.

Tempering is most often called for in a recipe when you are making a sauce, ice cream, custard, some cream soups, and recipes including sour cream. The general technique is to add a small amount of the hot liquid to the cold ingredient. This can be done by placing the cold item in a heatproof bowl and then briskly whisking in a few ladles of the hot ingredient and mixing or whisking until combined. Then you need to add the tempered mixture into the rest of the hot liquid.

For example, if your recipe requires you to combine hot milk with eggs (like in a pastry cream ), you need to slowly add a small amount of the hot milk to the eggs and whisk until combined. Then you will take this mixture and add it to the hot milk and whisk. (If you simply added the eggs to the hot milk you would end up with scrambled eggs in milk.) Recipes including sour cream, such as mushroom-barley soup and meatballs in sour cream-mushroom sauce require tempering the cold sour cream with hot liquid.


tempering ['tempə rɪ ŋ ] вспомогательный метод кулинарной обработки, используемый при смешении ингредиентов с разными температурами

supplementary [ˌ sʌ plɪ 'ment(ə )rɪ ] дополнительный, вспомогательный

alter ['ɔ ː ltə ] изменять

sour cream ['sauə kriː m] сметана

to curdle ['kɜ ː dl] свёртываться

to coagulate [kə u'æ gjə leɪ t] свёртывать, коагулировать

dairy ['deə rɪ ] молочные продукты

to seize [siː z] схватываться

to mince [mɪ n(t)s] измельчать

ginger root ['ʤ ɪ nʤ ə ruː t] корень имбиря

ghee [giː ] ги (гхи), топлёное масло из молока буйволицы

to liberate ['lɪ b(ə )reɪ t] зд. выделять

compatible [kə m'pæ tə bl] совместимый

shock [ʃ ɔ k] зд. масса

to lump up [lʌ mp ʌ p] образовывать комки

to split [splɪ t] распадаться

heatproof ['hiː tpruː f] жаропрочный

briskly [brɪ sklɪ ] интенсивно

to whisk in [wɪ sk ɪ n] вмешивать

ladle ['leɪ dl] половник, разливательная ложка

pastry cream ['peɪ strɪ kriː m] заварной крем

scrambled eggs [ˈ skrambə ld egz] яичница-болтунья

meatball ['miː tbɔ ː l] фрикаделька



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