Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Criteria for evaluation oral (written) survey
Total maximum score - 100 CHECKLISTS First name and surname of the student _____________________________________ Criteria for evaluation communication skills of the student
Total maximum score - 100 CHECKLISTS First name and surname of the student _____________________________________ Criteria for evaluation the presentation in multimedia format
Total maximum score - 100 CHECKLISTS First name and surname of the student _____________________________________ Criteria for evaluation of the abstract
Total maximum score - 100 CHECKLISTS First name and surname of the student _____________________________________ Criteria for assessment of the thematic crossword
Total maximum score - 100 CHECKLISTS First name and surname of the student _____________________________________ Criteria for evaluation situational problem, a case study
Total maximum score - 100 Conclusion control: integrated examination, consist of 2 approaches: 1) testing, 2) orally form (by tickets, verification of practical skills and etc.) E= E1x0.2 E2x0.2 that Е1 - points after I the stage of examination, Е2 – points after II the stage of examination. A final estimation consists of rating of admittance and estimation of final control: I = R х 0, 6 E х 0, 4, that I – final mark R– estimation of rating of admittance E – estimation of final control(examination by discipline) The final rating is 60% rating of admittance and 40% marks of final control. CHECKLISTS for receiving the second phase of the exam on practical skills the discipline " Assessment of health risk from chemical pollution of the environment"
Recommended literature Basic: 1. Kenesaryiev U.I., Balmakhaeva R.M., Bekmagambetova Zh.D., Zhakashov N.Zh., Toguzbayeva K.K.. Hygiene: Textbook for institutions of higher learning / Under printing U.I. Kenesaryiev. – Almaty: «Самара-Принт», 2009. - 688 p. 2. Тulebayev R.К., Slazhneva Т.I., Kenesaryiev U.I., Belonog А.А., Korchevskii А.А. An estimation of hygienical risks is in the industrial regions Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Искандер, 2004. – 374 p. 3. Kenesaryiev U.I., Zhakashov N.Zh. Ecology and human health: Textbook for medical Institutions of higher learning and colleges. Almaty. 2002.- 260 p. Additional: 1. Guidance for Human Health Risk Assessment at influence of chemicals contaminating an environment (Р, it is ratified by the Main state health-officer RF 05.03.2004 (Guidelines for Human Health Risk Assessment from Environmental Chemicals). 2. Onishenko G.G., Novikov S.М., Rachmanin Y.А., Avaliani S.L., Bushtueva K.А. Bases of risk estimation for the health of population at influence of chemicals contaminating an environment / Under printing Rachmanin Y.А., Onishenko G.G. М.: SRI EH and GE, 2002. - 408 p. 3. Avaliani S.L., Revich B.А., Balter B.М., Gildenskiold S.R., Mishina А.L., Kliushina E.G. Estimation of risk of contamination of environment for the health of population as an instrument of municipal ecological politics is in the Moscow area. Podolsk, 2010. - 309 p. 4. Hygiene /Under printing acad. of RАМS G.I. Rumyancev. - М.: ГЭОТАР МЕДИЦИНА, 2000.-608p. 5. Law of Republic of Kazakhstan: " About a health of people of Republic of Kazakhstan" care, " About sanitary-epidemiology prosperity population of Republic of Kazakhstan". 2007.
Syllabus By elective cycle (basic discipline) «Risk Assessment to the Human Health From chemical contamination of environment objects» For speciality 051102 – Public Health
Practical employments: 45 hours
Students self-educating Under tutor leading (SSTL) 21 hours
Out audience students self-educating work (SSW): 69 hours
Total hours: 3 credits 135 hours
Control form: examination
Course: 4 Semester: 7-8
Almaty, 2015
discussed on meeting of department General Hygiene and Ecology from «____»_______2015 Protocol №________
Head of department. doctor of medicine, Professor U.I. Kenesaryiev
GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 The name of Institution of Higher Learning: Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov 1.2 Department: The General Hygiene and Ecology 1.3 Discipline: «Risk Assessment to the Human Health From chemical contamination of environment objects» 1.4 Speciality: 051102– «Public Health» 1.5 Amount of educational hours\credits: 90 hours\2 credits. 1.6 Course and semester of study: 4 course, 7-8 semester 1.7 Information about tutors
1.8 Contact information: Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, KazNMU Tole-Bi st.94, Tabula 1 tel. 2926722 fax 2926722 Discipline policy A student must execute the next requirements of department: - do not be late to the subjects; 3 delays are equated with a 1 admission on valid reason. - not to skip employment and lecture without good reason; - admissions of lectures are not worked off, but an estimation goes down on a 1 point on border control on a division on that given lectures, and additional questions are brought in at handing over of examination. - to work off the skipped employments in the set time appointed by a teacher; at the ill-timed working off employments an estimation goes down on 25%. - actively to participate in an educational process; - to execute all tasks of practical employments and design according to requirements; - to execute tasks on SSW and SSTL at sufficient level and to hand over them in a timely manner; at the ill-timed handing over an estimation goes down on 25%. - to hand over all border controls in good time, without what admitting to examination holds own, and for the ill-timed handing over rating goes down on every border control on a 1 point. - to be in an audience in white dressing-gowns.
Programm Introduction. Priority direction of modern civilization in area of safety and stability of development of society not only an exposure potentially of dangerous for a health factors of environment but also development of strategy of removal or decline of threat is to the health of population. Presently similar approach is realized in methodology of the risk estimation used practically in entire countries and international organizations.
2.2 Aim of discipline: Forming of knowledge and skills as evaluated by risks to the health of population from dumping of chemical.
2.3 Tasks of educating: - it is forming of ideas about the factors of environment; - it is forming of ideas about the basic indexes of health of population; - it is forming of legal knowledge on the guard of environment and health of population; - it is forming of knowledge on conception of risk estimation; - it is forming of skills on methodology of estimation of risks; - it is forming of skills on interpretation of results of risk estimation. 2.4 End-point of educating: Forming for the students of knowledge: - About conception of risk estimation; - About the stages of risk estimation; - About hazards Identification; - About the estimation of dependence " dose-response"; - About the estimation of exposure; - About characterization of risk for the health of population. Forming for the students of skills: - Independent work with normative and certificate literature on questions of guard of environment and modern methods of their research; - to Give a risk estimation to the health of population from chemical contamination of objects of environment; - to Use knowledge for development of measures on warning of diseases, increase of literacy of population, propaganda of nature protection measures of objects of environment. Популярное: |
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