Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Estimation of formed of competenses

Theme Valuable competences
Knowledge Practical skills Communicative skills Legal competence Self-education
Bases of methodology Risk Assessment are in the system of the socially-hygienical monitoring Verbal questioning by questions. Decision of test tasks     Knowledge of Law of RK " About sanitary-epidemiological prosperity of population"  
Stages of risk assessment. Verbal questioning on questions. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks     Knowledge of Order №117 from 28.12.2007. It is ratified by Committee of state sanitary-epidemiological supervision  
Hazard identification of chemical pollution of air. Identification the hazards of chemicals on toxicological properties. Methods of identification of priority substances. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks        
Assessment of dependence " dose/concentration-response" (air pollution). Verbal questioning. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks      
Exposure assessment of air pollutants. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks        
Risk characterization. Assessment of uncertainties Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks        
Assessment of exposure Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks        
Hazard identification of chemical pollution of water. Identification the hazards of chemicals on toxicological properties. Methods of identification of priority substances. Testing. Verbal questioning.        
Exposure assessment of water pollutants. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks        
Risk characterization. Assessment of uncertainties Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks        
Hazard identification of chemical pollution of food. Identification the hazards of chemicals on toxicological properties. Methods of identification of priority substances. Verbal questioning. Decision of situational tasks      
Exposure assessment of food pollutants. Testing. Verbal questioning. Decision of situational tasks      
Risk characterization. Assessment of uncertainties Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks      
Risk management. Definition. World experience. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks      
Risk management. Calculation of economic damage. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situational tasks Works in a small group Knowledge of Decision of Government of RK №93 from January, 17, 2012 Work with scientific literature on the internet

· Self-educated competence is estimated at the reception of SSW according to the presented list that SSW in an executable code and syllabus.

· Student must hand over for 2 SSW. The theme of SSW gets out a student independently.

Checking of educational achievements of student system:

Current control:

Practical employments: verbal questioning

- testing - in writing by variants;

- verification of implementation of tasks on independent work - in a written or oral form.

SSW: defend of presentation, estimation of drafting and decision of case-study, tests, cross-words, self-control on results testing

Border control: colloquium as testing and verbal questioning.

Current control:

Practical employment, border control, SSW – maximum 100 points


Traditional evaluation Criterion Points
«А» 4 Presence, complete answer at the verbal questioning, testing 95-100%, implementation of all tasks 95-100 p.
«А-» 3, 67 Presence, at questioning insignificant errors, testing 90-94%, inexact implementation of tasks 90-94 p.
«В » 3, 33 Presence, at questioning insignificant errors, testing 85-89% 85-89 p.
«В» 3, 0 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 80-84% 80-84 p.
«В-» 2, 67 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 75-79%, incomplete implementation of tasks 75-79 p.
«С » 2, 33 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 70-74% 70-74 p.
«С» 2, 0 Presence, testing 65-69% at questioning fundamental errors, incomplete implementation of tasks 65-69 p.
«С-» 1, 67 Presence, testing 60-64% at questioning fundamental errors, incomplete implementation of tasks 60-64 p.
«D » 1, 33 Presence, testing 55-59%, at questioning fundamental errors, not implementation of tasks 55-59 p.
«D-» 1, 0 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 50-54%, not implementation of tasks 50-54 p.
«F» 0 Presence, ignorance of material, not implementation of tasks 0-49 p.
  Absence on employment 0 p.


Current control t – evaluation of level formed competences


t= Z N K P S/n, that n – amount of tasks on all competences

1.1. Knowledge Z: z1 z2 … zn

1.2. Skills N: n1 n2 … nn

1.3. Communicative competence K: k1 k2 … kn

1.4. Legal competence P: p1 p2 … pn

1.5. Self-education (СРС) S: s1 s2 … sn

Every competence is evaluated on a 100-ball scale, form of estimation, amount of tasks on every competence is determined the in the Executable code (ch.2.9 Methods of estimation of knowledge and of skills of student) and Syllabus (ch.2.10 Criteria and rules of estimation of knowledge).

Border control r - amount, the form of realization is determined by politics of discipline.

Raring of admittance the end estimation of student is not less than 60 %, following formula


That r1 – first rating, r2 – second rating, t – current control


First name and surname of the student _____________________________________



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