Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Forming for the students of communicative skills

- it is Work in a small group;

- it is Co-operating with other students and teacher at the decision of tasks of educating.Communicative skills during work in a small group.

Forming for the students of legal competense:

- it is Work with a normatively-legal database at the estimation of risk.

- it is Knowledge of Law of RK " About sanitary-epidemiological prosperity of population".

- it is Knowledge of Order №117 from 28.12.2007. It is ratified by Committee of state sanitary-epidemiological supervision. About claim of the Methodical pointing as evaluated by a risk for the health of population of chemical factors of environment.

- it is Knowledge of Decision of Government of RK №93 from January, 17, 2012.

Forming for the students of readiness to self-development:

- it is Work with normative and certificate literature on questions of guard of environment and modern methods of their research;

- it is Work in the internet with a database as evaluated by a risk.


2.5 Essential Pre-elements: ecology and steady development, physiology, pharmacology, general hygiene, environment and health.


2.6 Essential Post-elements: community health care, communal hygiene, epidemiology, nutritionology, occupational health, social medicine, hygiene of children and teenagers.

2.6 Short maintenance of discipline:

• it is Conception of risk estimation.

• are the Basic elements of analysis of risk.

• Risk estimation.

• are the Stages of risk estimation.

• it is Hazards Identification.

• it is Estimation of dependence " dose-response".

• it is Estimation of exposure.

• Human Health Risk Assessment.

Theme Plan: themes, form and duration of every training (practical trainings, IWST, independent work)

2.7.1 Thematic plan of practical trainings

№ n/n Theme of practical trainings Form of realization Amount of hours
1. Bases of methodology Risk Assessment are in the system of the socially-hygienical monitoring Brainstorm, presentation, work in small groups, discussion, decision of test tasks
2. Hazard Identification. Exposure of hazard chemicals on toxicological properties. Methodology of exposure priority substances Case-study, presentation, work, is in small groups, discussion
3. Assessment of dependence " dose/concentration-response" Case-study, presentation, work in small groups, round, discussion table
4. Assessment of exposure Case-study, work in small groups, round, discussion table
5. Risk characterization. Assessment of uncertainties Case-study, work in small groups, round, discussion table


2.7.2 Thematic plan of SSW


№ п/п Theme of IWST Form of realization Amount of hours
Methods of collection and analysis of state information environment and health of population. Cerebral assault, presentation, work, is in small groups, discussion
Authentications of contamination of atmospheric air and water hazard. Selection of priority substances. Case-study, presentation, work in small groups, discussion
Methods of estimation of display due to atmospheric air. Methods of estimation of display due to a water factor. Testing. Verbal questioning. Case-study, work in small groups, discussion
Border control.  
Estimation of influence of chemical контаминантов of food foods on a population. Case-study, presentation, work in small groups, round, discussion table
Characterization of carcinogenic and uncarcinogenic risks.   Case-study, work in small groups, round, discussion table. Testing. Verbal questioning.
Border control.  

2.8. Tasks for independent work of students


№ п/п Name of theme Form of realization Amount of hours
State of health of population in connection with the state of environment and terms of residence of population. Presentation, report, preparation of tests.
Risk for a health and ecological risk. Presentation, report, preparation of tests.
Risks is in a feed. Presentation, report, preparation of tests.
Factors, forming the health of population in the different districts of Kazakhstan. Presentation, report, preparation of tests.
State and problems of chemical safety of Republic of Kazakhstan Presentation, report, preparation of tests.

Tasks for independent work of students

I. In practical sessions: decision of case-study, the answers to the test questions, making crosswords and test tasks.

II. IWST: solving of case-study, the answers to the test questions, making crosswords and test tasks.
III SSW: Working with recommended literature on class, seek new information on the Internet, presentation, drawing crosswords, abstract messages.



4. Kenesaryiev U.I., Balmakhaeva R.M., Bekmagambetova Zh.D., Zhakashov N.Zh., Toguzbayeva K.K.. Hygiene: Textbook for institutions of higher learning / Under printing U.I. Kenesaryiev. – Almaty: «Самара-Принт», 2009. - 688 p.

5. Тulebayev R.К., Slazhneva Т.I., Kenesaryiev U.I., Belonog А.А., Korchevskii А.А. An estimation of hygienical risks is in the industrial regions Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Искандер, 2004. – 374 p.

6. Kenesaryiev U.I., Zhakashov N.Zh. Ecology and human health: Textbook for medical Institutions of higher learning and colleges. Almaty. 2002.- 260 p.

7. Guidance for Human Health Risk Assessment at influence of chemicals contaminating an environment (Р, it is ratified by the Main state health-officer RF 05.03.2004 (Guidelines for Human Health Risk Assessment from Environmental Chemicals).


6. Onishenko G.G., Novikov S.М., Rachmanin Y.А., Avaliani S.L., Bushtueva K.А. Bases of risk estimation for the health of population at influence of chemicals contaminating an environment / Under printing Rachmanin Y.А., Onishenko G.G. М.: SRI EH and GE, 2002. - 408 p.

7. Avaliani S.L., Revich B.А., Balter B.М., Gildenskiold S.R., Mishina А.L., Kliushina E.G. Estimation of risk of contamination of environment for the health of population as an instrument of municipal ecological politics is in the Moscow area. Podolsk, 2010. - 309 p.

8. Hygiene /Under printing acad. of RАМS G.I. Rumyancev. - М.: ГЭОТАР MEDICINE, 2000.- 608p.

9. Law of Republic of Kazakhstan: " About a health of people of Republic of Kazakhstan" care, " About sanitary-epidemiology prosperity population of Republic of Kazakhstan". 2007.

2.10 Methods of educating and teaching:

Practical employments: Brainstorm, presentation, decision of case-study, work in small groups, discussion.

SSTL: work is in small groups, discussion, decision of case-study

SSW: work with literature, electronic databases, drafting of case-study, tests, decision of test tasks, preparation of scientific reports.

Criteria and rules of estimation of knowledge: scale and criteria of estimation of knowledge at every level (current, border, final control), rule of estimation of all types of employments (audience, SSW)

Checking of educational achievements of student system:

Current control:

Practical employments: verbal questioning

- testing - in writing by variants;

- verification of implementation of tasks on independent work - in a written or oral form.

SSW: defence of presentation, estimation of drafting and decision of case-study, tests, cross-words, self-control on results testing

Border control: colloquium as testing and verbal questioning.


Current control:

Practical employment, border control, SSW – maximum 100 points

Traditional evaluation Criterion Points
«А» 4 Presence, complete answer at the verbal questioning, testing 95-100%, implementation of all tasks 95-100 p.
«А-» 3, 67 Presence, at questioning insignificant errors, testing 90-94%, inexact implementation of tasks 90-94 p.
«В » 3, 33 Presence, at questioning insignificant errors, testing 85-89% 85-89 p.
«В» 3, 0 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 80-84% 80-84 p.
«В-» 2, 67 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 75-79%, incomplete implementation of tasks 75-79 p.
«С » 2, 33 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 70-74% 70-74 p.
«С» 2, 0 Presence, testing 65-69% at questioning fundamental errors, incomplete implementation of tasks 65-69 p.
«С-» 1, 67 Presence, testing 60-64% at questioning fundamental errors, incomplete implementation of tasks 60-64 p.
«D » 1, 33 Presence, testing 55-59%, at questioning fundamental errors, not implementation of tasks 55-59 p.
«D-» 1, 0 Presence, at questioning fundamental errors, testing 50-54%, not implementation of tasks 50-54 p.
«F» 0 Presence, ignorance of material, not implementation of tasks 0-49 p.
  Absence on employment 0 p.


Current control t – evaluation of level formed competences

The system of evaluation of the learning achievements of students:

Rating admission to the final evaluation of the student is at least 60%, determined by the formula

Rд= (t+r1+r2 +... +rn)/N × 0, 6


t – сurrent control

r1, r2, …, rn - border control,

N – the number of terms



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