Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The current control t – assessment of the level of formation of competencies

t= (Z+N+K+P+S)/n


n – amount of tasks on all competencies

Z: z1+z2+…+zn - Estimates for the knowledge

N: n1+n2+…+nn - Estimates for skills

K: k1+k2+…+kn - Estimates for communicative competence

P: p1+p2+…+pn - Estimates for the legal competence

S: s1+ s2+…+sn - Estimates for SSW

The final grade

The final grade is composed of tolerance rating and evaluation of the final control:

I = R х 0, 6 + Е1 × 0, 15 +Е2 0, 20


I - final grade

R - rated assessment of tolerance

E - evaluation of final control (examination of the discipline)

The final rating is 60% of the rating of admission and 40% of the final assessment of control.

The examination - 60% mark for the test and 40% for the second phase of the exam

Rating exam

E = E1 × 0, 25 + E2 × 0, 15


E1 - points for stage I exam,

E2 - points for stage II exam.

Estimation of formed of competenses

Виды работ Theme of employment Valuable competences
Knowledge Practical skills Communicative skills Legal competence Self-education
1. Practical employment   Bases of methodology of risk estimation are in the system of the socially-hygienical monitoring. Verbal questioning by questions. Decision of test tasks   Works in a small group Knowledge of Law of RK " About sanitary-epidemiological prosperity of population"  
2. Practical employment   Bases of methodology of risk estimation are in the system of the socially-hygienical monitoring. Verbal questioning by questions. Decision of test tasks        
3. Practical employment   Hazards Identification. Aim. Determination of preliminary scenario and routes of influence. Selection of priority substances. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks     №117 order dated 28.12.2007. Approved by the State Committee Sanepid supervision  
4. Practical employment   Hazards Identification. Aim. Determination of preliminary scenario and routes of influence. Selection of priority substances. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks        
5. Practical employment   Hazards Identification. Aim. Determination of preliminary scenario and routes of influence. Selection of priority substances. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks       Work with scientific literature on the internet
6. Practical employment   Assessment of dependence " dose/concentration-response Verbal questioning. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks        
7. Practical employment   Assessment of dependence " dose/concentration-response Verbal questioning. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks        
8. Practical employment   Exposure assessment. Verbal questioning. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks        
9. Practical employment   Exposure assessment. Verbal questioning. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks        
10. Practical employment   Risk characterization. Estimation of uncertainties. Verbal questioning. Testing. Analysis of case-study Decision of situatioonal tasks     Knowledge of Decision of Government of RK №93 from January, 17, 2012 Work with scientific literature on the internet

· Self-educated competence is estimated at the reception of SSW according to the presented list that SSW in an executable code and силлабусе.

· Student must hand over for 2 SSW. The theme of SSW gets out a student independently.


First name and surname of the student _____________________________________

Criteria for evaluation oral (written) survey

  №   Criteria for evaluation Level
Perfekt Acceptable Requires correction Unaccept ble
1. Level of understanding of the topic 11.25 7, 5
2. The ability to think logically 11, 25 7, 5
3. Match of the material issues raised
4. Availability to answer all the necessary theoretical facts 7, 5 5, 0
5. Illustration answer correctly-chosen examples 7, 5 5, 0
6. Culture of Speech 7, 5 5, 0
7. Possession of professional terminology 7, 5 5, 0
8. Ability to make valid conclusions 7, 5 5, 0


Total maximum score - 100


First name and surname of the student _____________________________________

Criteria for evaluation communication skills of the student

  №   Criteria for evaluation Level
Perfekt Acceptable Requires correction Unaccept ble
1. Skill self-representation 11, 25 7, 5
2. Active listening skills 11, 25 7, 5
3. Skill accurate and specific information transfer 11, 25 7, 5
4. Skill to express their point of view, its position 11, 25 7, 5
5. Skill reasoned speech 11, 25 7, 5
6. Skill manifestations of participation and interest in the partner 7, 5
7. Skill of understanding the emotional state of the communication partner 7, 5 5, 62 3, 75
8. Skill beliefs partner 7, 5 5, 62 3, 75


Total maximum score - 100


First name and surname of the student _____________________________________

Criteria for evaluation the presentation in multimedia format

  №   Criteria for evaluation Level
Perfekt Acceptable Requires correction Unaccept ble
1. Any title slide with the headline, plan presentation, a sufficient number of slides, list of references and sources of Internet. 7, 5
2. The contents of the presentation of the topic and the task. 7, 5
3. Location slides in a logical sequence. 7, 5
4. The style of presentation (conciseness, clear formulation, structuring). 7, 5
5. The use of modern information sources in sufficient quantities. 7, 5
6. Ability to generalize the material, clear and precise conclusions. 7, 5
7. Level of orientation in the material presentation. 7, 5
8. The ability to report accurately, correctly, consistently. 7, 5
9. Ability to defend its position and the ability to respond constructively to criticism. 7, 5
10. Quality design slides (brilliance, clarity, etc.). 7, 5


Total maximum score - 100


First name and surname of the student _____________________________________

Criteria for evaluation of the abstract

  №   Criteria for evaluation Level
Perfekt Acceptable Requires correction Unaccept ble
1. The contents of the essay topic, essay plan and assigned tasks 9, 75 6, 5
2. Completeness and consistency of disclosure topics 9, 75 6, 5
3. Ability to summarize and draw conclusions 9, 75 6, 5
4. The ability to work with sources of information 9, 75 6, 5
5. Ability to respond to questions on the abstract
6. Compliance with the requirements of the Department of the abstract design.
7. The quality and completeness of the illustrations.
8. Selection of literature


Total maximum score - 100



First name and surname of the student _____________________________________


Criteria for assessment of the thematic crossword

  №   Criteria for evaluation Level
Perfekt Acceptable Requires correction Unaccept ble
1. The contents of the selected theme crossword
2. Literacy, conciseness in drafting issues
3. The number of questions in a crossword.
4. Having a list of references
5. Aesthetically sustained clearance


Total maximum score - 100


First name and surname of the student _____________________________________

Criteria for evaluation situational problem, a case study

  №   Criteria for evaluation Level
Perfekt Acceptable Requires correction Unaccept ble
1. Number of questions to which the student replied
2. Completeness and consistency of disclosure of the issue of the problem
3. Independent selection of literature
4. Ability to work with sources of information - the standard documentation
5. Ability to summarize and draw conclusions


Total maximum score - 100


for receiving the second phase of the exam on practical skills the discipline " Assessment of health risk from chemical pollution of the environment, " the students 4 year degree " Public Health"

№ п/п   Criteria for evaluation Level
Perfekt Acceptable Requires correction Unaccept ble
1. Conformity of the actions resulting job 7, 5
2. Level of orientation in the action performed 7, 5
3. Selection of the necessary equipment 7, 5
4. Compliance with the sequence of actions 7, 5
5. Confidence actions and movements 7, 5
6. Clarity commenting on the move of the job 7, 5
7. The general culture of speech. Use of professional vocabulary in the course of the assignment 7, 5
8. Ability to use of regulatory and legislative documents 7, 5
9. Ability to develop a plan of sanitary measures to prevent adverse environmental impacts 7, 5
10. Ability to answer the questions of the examiner in the course of the assignment 7, 5
  Total points  



Speciality: Public Health

Methodical recommendations to practical employments



Course: 4

Discipline: Human Health Risk assessment



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