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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 37, p.65: Translate the following sentences into English (mind the use of tenses in adverbial clauses of time and condition).


1.Если вы отодвинете книжный шкаф от окна, в комнате будет светлее. 2. Если вы будете проходить мимо кино, купите билеты на новую картину. 3. Как только я найду ее адрес, я вам позвоню. 4. Сколько времени вам понадобится на дорогу в институт, если вы будете жить за городом? 5. Что мы будем делать, если она опоздает? 6. Если она останется дома с ребенком, я поеду с вами. 7. Если погода будет дождливая, я возьму плащ. 8.Мы не начнем обсуждать этот вопрос, пока не соберутся (придут) все студенты нашей группы. 9. Подумай хорошенько, прежде чем дать ответ. 10. Я останусь в городе, пока не установится хорошая погода. 11. Когда ты мне сообщишь свой адрес, я отвечу тебе телеграммой и сразу выеду. 12. Пока ты ходишь по магазинам, я соберу вещи.

The use of the Tenses in Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clauses of Time

(a) introduced by the conjunction ‘as’1


Exercise 39, p. 117: Answer the following questions according to the model. Make use of the phrases.

Model: When did you meet him? (turn the corner of the street).

I met him (just) as I turned the corner of the street.


we, get off the bus; cross the bridge; they, come nearer; they, walk to­gether towards the house; we, pass the cafe; wait for her; shave; read the letter

When: 1. did it begin to rain? 2. did he turn away? 3. did she smile? 4. did he watch the children play? 5. did she say that she was leaving? 6. did he sing? 7. did she say she wanted a cup of coffee? 8. did they hear somebody call for help?


Exercise 40, p. 117: Translate the following sentences on the pattern of the above exercise.

1.Как только я сошел с поезда, он подбежал ко мне. 2. Как толь­ко погода испортилась, мы вернулись в город. 3. По мере того как он рассказывал эту историю, нам становилось все интереснее. 4. Как только она включила свет, она увидела в комнате незнакомца. 5. Она вспомнила о письме, которое забыла отправить, когда проходила мимо почты. 6. Как только он заговорил, она сразу вспомнила, где она встретила его впервые.


(b) introduced by the conjunctions “when”, “after”, “as soon as”. (Past Indefinite in the principal clause and Past Perfect in the adverbial clause)

Exercise 41, p. 118: Answer the following questions according to the model. Make use of the phrases.

Model: When did the children run out to play? (as soon as, finish breakfast).

As soon as they had finished breakfast (they ran out to play).


after, take a decision; when, the right time, come; after, she, lie to him several times; after, he, explain everything again; when, finish his third cigarette; as soon as, start speaking


When: 1. did they leave? 2. did he look at his watch? 3. did the situation become clear to them? 4. did he teach her a lesson? 5. did they take practical steps? 6. did she recognize the stranger?


Exercise 42, p. 118: Translate the following sentences, using the conjunctions 'as soon as’, 'after', 'when'.


1.После того как он прочитал одну книгу этого автора, ему захотелось прочитать всё, что он написал. 2. Прожив в этом небольшом городе всю жизнь, он знал его историю, каждый уголок, каждое дерево. 3. Как только студенты закончили строительство стадиона, они сразу же организовали первый матч. 4. Он пришел уже после того, как они закончили обсуждение этого вопроса. 5. Они приехали на станцию после того, как поезд ушел. 6. Когда они снесли все вещи вниз, она вызвала такси. 7. Я понял ее мысль только после того, как поговорил с ней.


(c) introduced by the conjunctions 'before', ‘till’, 'until'


Exercise 43, p. 118: Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model and translate them into Russian.


Model: When he called to see me, I had not had breakfast yet.

He called to see me before I had had breakfast.


1. When we arrived at the station, the train had not left yet. 2. When the bell rang, he had not finished his composition yet. 3. When he asked this question, they had not finished the discussion of the problem yet. 4. When it began to rain, they hadn't crossed the river yet. 5. When he left, the telegram had not arrived yet. 6. When he got off, the train had not stopped yet.


Exercise 44, p. 118: Answer the following questions according to the model. Make use of the phrases.

Model: How long did (will) they wait? (the train, start)

They waited (will wait) till (until) the train started (starts).

the mother, come; get an answer to their letter; it, get dark; it, get too hot; somebody, wake up; move to the South; everybody, leave

How long: 1. was he ill? 2. did (will) they stay in town? 3. did the baby cry? 4. did they play football? 5. did they stay in the Crimea? 6. did he sleep? 7. did he stay at the party?


Exercise 45, p. 119: Insert 'before' or 'till' ('until').

1. I forgot all about the letter — I was outside. 2. He had died just — the war started. 3. She didn't know what was happening to her — it had happened. 4. We must do something — it's too late. 5. He thought for a moment — he answered her. 6. Sit here and wait — I finish my in­terview. 7. He couldn't do anything — he found the document. 8. Think twice — you take this dangerous step.


Exercise 46, p. 119: Translate the following sentences into English.

I. Она еще не задала вопрос, а он уже знал ответ. 2. Дети играли на улице, пока не стемнело. 3. Он молчал, пока я не задала ему этот вопрос. 4. Я советую вам подумать, прежде чем вы примите решение. 5. Вы никогда не научитесь писать статьи, пока не попробуете сами написать что-нибудь. 6. Ребенок убежал до того, как пришел врач. 7. Они добрались домой до наступления темноты. 8. Она успела сесть на автобус до того, как он тронулся. 9. Игра продолжалась до тех пор, пока не пошел дождь. 10. Я не уеду до тех пор, пока не приведу свои дела в порядок.


(d) introduced by the conjunction 'while'


Exercise 47, p. 119: Complete the following sentences according to the model.


Model: She asked him this question while he (tell us about his stay in London).

She asked him this question while he was telling us about his stay in London.

1. Her face didn't show anything while he (say this). 2. We continued to discuss the problem while they (have a smoke in the corridor). 3. While I (wait for you), I looked through all these magazines. 4. It began to rain while he (sleep in the garden). 5. He stopped her while she (enter the office). 6. We waited in the sitting-room while she (speak to a friend over the telephone). 7. Everybody watched his face while he (play the piano). 8. While I (eat my sandwiches) at the station bar, two strangers came in. 9. While she (wait) for the bus, she read the newspaper.


Exercise 48, p. 119: Make up sentences according to the model.

Model: The teacher, write something on the blackboard; the students, think of the problem.

While the teacher was writing something on the blackboard, the students were thinking of the problem.

1.The children, play in the garden; their mother, read a book. 2. She, make breakfast; he, look through the morning papers. 3. I, wait for you; you, watch the football match on TV. 4. They, talk of old days; the band, play dance music. 5. She, make tea in the kitchen; he, unpack his things. 6. These thoughts, pass through his head, he, ask different unimportant questions.


The Use of the Present Perfect Tense in the Meaning of the Future Perfect Tense in Adverbial Clauses of Time

Exercise 49, p. 120: Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect Tense in adverbial clauses of time according to the model.

Model: I shan't go anywhere until (finish writing my report).

I shan't go anywhere until I've finished writing my report).

1.You'll pay when (get the money from home). 2. I’ll come as soon as (write this letter). 3. He won't let you have another book until (give back the one he gave you last week). 4. She will understand what it is only after they (teach her a good lesson). 5. I shan't speak with you until (take your words back). 6. You'll never be well again until (stop smoking). 7.You won't understand the goodness of these people until (live some time with them). 8. I won't let you go till (promise to come again).

Exercise 50, p.120: Translate the following sentences (note the model above).

1. Мы не отпустим вас, пока вы не пообедаете с нами. 2. Никто не будет с вами разговаривать, пока вы не возьмете свои слова назад. 3. Нельзя пользоваться этим аппаратом, пока вы не изучите инструкцию. 4. Вы начнете свободно читать английскую литературу только после того, как прочтете несколько книг.


The Present Perfect Tense


Exercise 22, p. 88: Study the following patterns:

1. He has travelled a lot.

2. He has never been to Kiev.

3. He has always wanted to have a car.

4. We have already done our work.

5. They have just finished the text.

6. I haven’t seen him this week (lately, for the last few days, etc).

7. I’ve known him since 1985 (I was a child; I came here, etc).




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