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Change the sentences into Passive.

1) In the painting the artist portrayed two young women in stylish clothes.

2) The writer has described the main character very vividly.

3) The author will depict the concept of modern design in his article in the next issue.

4) The painter was portraying a famous politician when a visitor called on him.

5) The designer usually describes his creative ideas to the customers.


7. Match the parts of the sentences:

1) The 20th century is the first century of … a) … the quality of line.

2) Every aspect of modern life demands … b) … the mass market.

3) The Italian writers used the word “disegno” c) … industry and

to describe … the consumer.

4) The industrial revolution created the concept of … d) … total design.

5) The modern designer is an intermediary between … e) … application of design.

6) The modern designer adapts the products of f) … the market.

industry to …


8. Translate into English:

1) Любой уровень нашей жизни связан с дизайном.

2) Каждый аспект нашей жизни требует применения дизайна.

3) Постиндустриальная концепция дизайна связана с введением массового производства.

4) Вкусы большого количества потребителей определяют направление промышленного дизайна.




Read the text

Design in business and advertisement means much. The story of style in the applied arts since the mid-to late fifties has been dominated by various new forces, including social and economic factors and certain aspects of technical and scientific progress. Now we have computer design, web design, advertisement design (for example consumer-product branding design) and the whole fashion of different types of ad, colors and so on.

The late fifties saw the birth of advertising as we know it today, a high-powered business dedicated to the development effective marketing techniques; it involved new design concepts and a whole new professional jargon of product packaging, market research, corporate images and house style.

The Pop Art movement embraced the work of a new generation of artists of late fifties and early sixties of both sides of the Atlantic. In Britain, in addition to the Independent Group, there were Peter Blake, Allen Jones. In USA Jasper Johns, Tom Wesselman, Claes Oldenburg and other formalized the language of product packaging, from beer cans to Campbell's Soup tins of strip cartoons, fast food, advertising hoardings and pin-ups.

Pop Art at once reflected and glorified mass-market culture and injected a new vigour into the applied arts. Pop Art suggested a new palette оf colours and gave a fresh, ironical edge to the imagery of popular culture. Pop Art positively encouraged designers to exploit vulgarity, brashness and bright colour, and to use synthetic or disposable materials in contexts in which they would formerly have been unacceptable. Pop Art has had a lasting effect on design in a wide variety of media, including interiors, graphics and fashion.


advertisement (сокр. ad) – объявление, реклама

branding – продвижение торговой марки

packaging – упаковка

to formalize – оформлять, придавать форму

strip cartoon = comic cartoon – комикс

hoarding – щит для наклейки плакатов, объявлений

to inject – впрыскивать, вводить, впускать

brashness – нахальство

disposable – доступный, наличный


In what meaning are the underlined words used in the sentences? In what meaning are the words used in the text?

to dominate – 1) господствовать, властвовать; 2) доминировать, преобладать 3) возвышаться, господствовать над чем-л.

a) It's one of the biggest buildings in this area, and it really dominates this whole place.

b) Powerful nations usually dominate over small weak countries.

c) The team has dominated international football for years.

d) The great cathedral dominates the centre of the city.

e) The construction committee worked well together although sometimes the leading architect tended to dominate.


to embrace 1) обнимать(ся); 2) воспользоваться; 3) принимать; 4) охватывать; 6) включать, заключать в себе, содержать.

a) He embraced the opportunity to study further.

b) The course embraces elements of chemistry, physics, and engineering.

c) His suggestion will not be eagerly embraced by all.

d) Two brothers embraced as they met at the airport.


to reflect – 1) отражать (какое-л. волновое излучение, напр., свет, тепло, звук); 2) отражать(ся); давать отражение (о зеркале и т. п.); 3) навлекать (позор и т. п.), бросать тень; 4) раздумывать, размышлять.

a) He reflected that he had no right to do this.

b) Her unfounded accusations reflected on her credibility.

c) The sea reflected back the bright sunlight.

d) I wish you to pause, reflect, and judge before you decide.

e) White walls reflect more light than dark walls.

f) The clouds were reflected in the water.

g) As you get older you begin to reflect on the uncertainty of life.


3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

прикладное искусство, различные силы, рекламный дизайн, дизайн торговой марки продукта, эффективные технологии, общие образы, движение, культура массового рынка, предложил новую палитру, ранее, продолжительный эффект, широкий выбор


4. Find the synonyms in the text:

energetic (vigorous), to devote, idea, to make famous, power (energy), offer, to inspire, to use, available, inadmissible, inside of the house, vogue


True or false?

1) Pop Art appeared in the middle of the twentieth century.

2) Pop Art is a style in the applied arts.

3) A high-powered business had no intention to invest money into advertising.

4) The appearance of Pop Art is connected with the development of advertising.

5) The concept of Pop Art is against mass-media culture.

6) The Pop Art movement left an insignificant trace in the sphere of design.


6. Answer the questions to the text;

1) Is design important in business and advertisement? Why?

2) What factors influenced the applied arts in the middle of the 20th century?

3) When did advertising appear? Why did it start developing rapidly?

4) What types of design are there nowadays?

5) When and where did the Pop Art movement come into being?

6) What is Pop Art? What does it deal with?

7) What are the features of the Pop Art style?

Using answers to the questions speak about the Pop Art style. Make up a dialogue “An interview with a representative of Pop Art”.

7. Translate into English:

1) Рекламный дизайн является одним из важных аспектов эффективной маркетинговой технологии.

2) Поп-арт привнес новую силу в сферу прикладного искусства.

3) Представители направления поп-арт использовали новую палитру цветов.

4) Поп-арт вдохновил декораторов использовать яркую и дерзкую палитру цветов для дизайна интерьера.


Project “An advertising agency”. Work in small groups and create an advertising design of a product.



Read the text

Industrial Design is an applied art whereby the aesthetics it improves usability of products. Design aspects specified by the industrial designer may include the overall shape of the object, the location of details with respect to one another, colour, texture, sounds, and aspects concerning the use of the product ergonomics. Additionally, the industrial designer may specify aspects concerning the production process, choice of materials and the presentation of a product to the consumer at the point of sale. Industrial designers make exclusive the visual design of objects. An industrial design consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or composition of pattern or colour, or combination of pattern and colour in three-dimensional form containing aesthetic value.

The use of industrial designers in a product development process improves usability, lowers production costs and leads to the appearance of more appealing products. It is important that in order to be an Industrial Design the product has to be produced in an industrial way, for example, an artisan cannot be considered an industrial designer, although he may challenge the same aspects of a product.

Some industrial designs are viewed as classic pieces that can be regarded as much as work of art as works of engineering.

Industrial design has a focus on concepts, products and processes. In addition to aesthetics, usability and ergonomics, it can also include the engineering of objects, usefulness as well as usability, market placement and other concerns.

Product Design and Industrial Design can overlap into the fields of interface design, information design and interaction design. Various schools of Industrial Design and/or Product Design may specialize in one of these aspects, ranging from pure art colleges (product styling) to mixed programmes of Engineering and Design, to related disciplines like exhibit design and interior design.

Definition of Industrial Design. According to the ICSID (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design): “Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faced qualities of objects, processes, services and their systems in whole life-cycles. Therefore, design is the central factor of innovative humanization of technologies and the crucial factor of cultural and economic exchange”.

artisan – кустарь, мастеровой, ремесленник

to specify – точно определять, устанавливать

concerning - касательно. Относительно

to challenge – 1) ставить под вопрос, оспаривать; 2) бросать вызов, вызывать; провоцировать

usability – пригодность, применимость

to overlap – частично совпадать

related – связанный, родственный

2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

Прикладное искусство, форма объекта, расположение, производственный процесс, потребитель, пространственный (трехмерный), рисунок (узор), производственные цены, произведение инженерного искусства, концентрируется на (обращает внимание на), творческая деятельность, жизненные циклы

True or false?

1) Industrial design can help to improve usability of products.

2) Industrial design has no aesthetic value.

3) There are not any works of art among industrial designs.

4) Industrial design pays much attention to the aesthetic value of products.

5) Pure art colleges usually do not have any specialized programme for industrial design.

4. Answer the questions to the text:

1) What is industrial design? What does it deal with?

2) What does industrial design help to improve?

3) What aspects does an industrial designer usually pay attention to?

4) What does industrial design have focus on?

5) Does industrial design concentrate only on aesthetic, usability and ergonomics?

6) In what aspects can industrial design specialize?



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