Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

III. Напишите заголовок к данному тексту.


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет»

Филиал ТюмГНГУ в г. Сургуте



Кафедра естественно-научных и гуманитарных дисциплин





Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов заочной формы обучения всех направлений подготовки


Составитель Л.М. Калянова






Английский язык.Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов заочной формы обучения всех направлений подготовки / сост. Л.М. Калянова; Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет. – Тюмень: издательский центр БИК, ТюмГНГУ, 2015. – 32 с.



Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к изданию на заседании кафедры естественно-научных и гуманитарных дисциплин « 26» февраля 2015 года, протокол № 7.


В данных методических указаниях представлены две контрольные работы в пяти вариантах. Данные контрольные работы используются для закрепления грамматического и лексического материала, который студенты должны изучить в процессе обучения английскому языку. Выполнение студентами данных контрольных работ позволит оценить достижения студентов в овладении английским языком за определенный срок, а также умение читать и переводить тексты.

Методические указания предназначены для студентов заочного отделения всех направлений и специальностей. Рекомендуются также при работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода на английском языке.



Требования к выполнению и оформлению контрольной работы

1. Каждая контрольная работа предлагается в пяти вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из пяти вариантов в соответствии с последней цифрой зачетной книжки. Студенты, последняя цифра которых в зачетной книжке заканчивается на:

1 или 2, выполняют 1 вариант,

3 или 4 – 2 вариант,

5 или 6 – 3 вариант,

7 или 8 – 4 вариант,

9 или 0 – 5 вариант.


2. Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует в отдельной тетради (12 или 18 листов). На обложке тетради необходимо указать название факультета (группы), курс, номер контрольной работы, вариант. Например:

Контрольная работа № 1

по английскому языку

вариант №1

студента группы ЭТМбз-15

Иванова Ивана Ивановича

Контрольную работу можно выполнить в печатном виде, также оформив титульный лист (шрифт Times New Roman 12).


3. Контрольные работы должны выполняться аккуратно.

Условия заданий переписываются.

Перевод должен следовать непосредственно после каждого предложения английского текста с отступлением в одну пробельную строку.

Необходимо выполнять все, что требуется в задании.

Подчеркивать требуемые слова следует карандашом.

Если контрольная работа выполняется в тетради, не следует писать в каждой строчке.

Не сокращайте слова.


4. Контрольная работа должна быть сдана в срок, указанный преподавателем (до зачета или экзамена). Студенты, не сдавшие контрольную работу, не допускаются к зачету или экзамену.



Для того чтобы правильно выполнить КР №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса:

1. Спряжение глаголов to be, to have. Оборот there + be.

2. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, неопределенные, указательные.

3. Предлоги: места, времени и падежные предлоги.

4. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Выражение падежных отношений с помощью предлогов.

5. Порядок слов в повествовательном предложении.

6. Степени сравнения прилагательных


I вариант

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Computers... very efficient.

a) is b) are с) am

2. Peter... very hard-working.

a) to be b) is c) are

3. Banks... open till six o'clock.

a) am b) is c) are

4. They... in the house right now. They are in the library.

a) are b) aren't c) is not

5. I... a student. I am an engineer.

a) am b) is c) am not

П. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.

1. A train / on/ there / the platform /is

2. Three / there / films / the cinema / at /are / today

3. Many / are / plants / there / in / the house

4. Programs / students / a lot of / for / are / at the University / there

5. Lightings / no / are / in winter / there / in Siberia

III. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол " to have" a нужной форме:

1. I (have) a party for my friend today.

2. She (have) got a big parcel.

3. We (have) enough money to buy this car.

4. They (have) a cake for supper.

5. She (have, not) any accent.

IV. Употребите местоимение, соответствующее данному в скобках.

1. (Наша) flat is on the fifth floor.

a) us; b) our; c) their; d) her

2. Nick is helping (своему) friend with his English.

a) her; b) his; c) their; d) him

3. What is (его) father?

a) her; b) his; c) my; d) their

4. Where are (ее) parents?

a) her; b) his; c) their; d) its

5. They are busy with (своими) lessons.

a) her; b) his; c) their; d) its

6. This is (их) flat.

a) their; b) its; c) her; d) his

7. What colour are the walls in that room? (Ее) walls are grey.

a) her; b) its; c) his; d) their

8. (Мои) parents are young.

a) his; b) my; c) her; d) our

9. (Наша) flat has five rooms.

a) my; ) his; c) their; d) our

10. This is a chemical laboratory. (Её) equipment is new.

a) her; b) it; c) its; d) hers

V. Выберите по смыслу неопределенные местоимения и их производные.

1. Are there... students in the reading-room?

a) any b) no c) some d) not any

2. Is there... bread on the plate?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

3. There are not... conveniences in the house.

a) some b) no c) any d) much

4. There are... interesting books in the bookcase.

a) some b) any c) much d) few

5. Was there... lecture on physics yesterday?

a) some b) any c) no d) not any

6. Give me... grapes, please.

a) any b) some c) no d) not any

7. Is there... clean water in the bottle?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

8. Tell us... words about your town.

a) some b) no c) any d) not any

9. Show us... picture.

a) any b) some c) no d) not any

10. There are... shops in the street.

a) some b) any с) not any d) few

VI. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

a) at b) in c) on d) of

1. Our classes begin... 8 o'clock.

2.... Wednesday he goes to the library.

3.... summer we have holidays.

4. The students are... the English lesson.

5. Studies begin... the 1st... September.

VII. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, заканчивающиеся на —S и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем притяжательного падежа существительных;

в) показателем множественного числа существительных;

с) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в настоящем


a) Lobachevsky made extensive researches in mathematics.

b) Lobachevsky’s ideas greatly influenced the development of geometry and other mathematical sciences.

c) This scientist goes in for winter sport.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. This flat is not as light as that one on the ground floor.

2. This problem is much more important than the one we discussed yesterday.

3. It was the most interesting book I have ever read.

4. Mathematics was the most difficult subject for me at school.

5. Today I have less free time than I had yesterday.

6. His answer is better today than 2 days ago.

7. My brother is the best student in the group.

8. This is the most up-to-date factory in the town.

IX. Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательное в нужной форме, как в примере.

Your car is (expensive) than mine. — Your car is more expensive than mine.

1. Bill is (old) in the group.

2. I am (tall) than my group-mates.

3. The bus is (cheap) than the train.

4. My room is (comfortable) in the house.

5. Paris is (beautiful) city in the world.

6. His second book is (bad) than the 1st one.

7. This area of the city is (quiet) than the center.

X. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. My parents want a … flat.

a) bigger b) more bigger c) more big

2. Our town is … than Novosibirsk.

a) old b) older c) oldest

3. Today is a … foggy day. You should be careful on the road.

a) much b) more c) less

4. Our University is one of the … in Siberia.

a) old b) oldest c) the oldest

5. June is … than May in our region.

a) hot b) more hot c) hotter

6. It's … to get to the city centre by bus than to walk.

a) easy b) more easy c) easier

7. Who is the … popular singer in our country?

a) more b) most c) much

8. My results in the test are … of all.

a) good b) better c) best

9. Which is the … way to the University?

a) short b) shorter c) shortest

10. Football in our town is … popular than tennis.

a) much b) more c) most


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста


Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh in 1847. His father was a world-famous teacher of speech and the inventor of a system which he ailed " Visible Speech". He helped deaf persons to pronounce words they could not hear. Alexander chose the same profession and as his father became a teacher of the deaf, he moved to the United States and began to teach deaf children to speak. At the same time he worked at improving his father's invention.

In 1866, the nineteen-year-old Bell started thinking about sending tones by telegraph. It was then that there came to his mind the idea of the " harmonic telegraph", which would send musical tones electrically from one place to another. Bell was not a scientist. So he had to give all his energy and time to one thing only - knowledge of electricity. There was little time for rest and little lime to eat. Hour after hour, day and night he and his friend Watson worked at testing and experimenting with the telephone. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not.

" We have to do something to make our telephone work better, " Bell used to say again and again.

At last they decided to try a new kind of transmitter. The new transmitter was set in Bell's bedroom. Watson was sitting in the laboratory. He put his ear to the receiver and was waiting. Suddenly he heard Bell's voice. And not the voice only but the words, too.

" Mr. Watson, come here. I want you."

It was on the 10-th of March, 1876. Alexander Graham Bell had invented the telephone.

In a few years there were telephones all over the world, in 1915, the first transcontinental telephone line was opened. Graham Bell, a very old man now, sat in New York at a desk with a telephone before him, while his friend Watson was listening more than three hundred thousand miles away in San Francisco. People were interested what speech Bell had prepared for that great day, on which the telephone invented by him was to carry sound from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific.

Bell was sitting in a big hall; there were many people in it. Everyone expected to hear a serious, scientific speech. Suddenly everybody heard his clear voice as he spoke into his old transmitter, " Mr. Watson, come here. I want you." He repeated the words which he had said almost forty years ago. Much to the amusement of the people Watson answered, " I would be glad to come, but it would take me a week."

I. Закончите предложения, выбирая вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию текста.

1. Alexander Bell was...

a) an engineer в) a teacher с) a doctor

2. He worked at inventing...

a) a radio-set в) a tape-recorder c) a telephone

3. He worked at it...

a) alone в) with his friend c) with a group of scientists

4. Watson heard...

a) music в) voice and words c) only voice

II. Напишите соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста (если предложение верно, напишите " True", если нет " False" )

1. Alexander Graham Bell was born in Paris in 1847.

2. His father was a world-famous teacher of speech.

3. Bell started thinking about sending tones by telegraph when he was ten years old.

4. Day and night Bell worked at testing and experimenting with the telephone.

5. Bell tried to make his telephone work better because sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.

III. Напишите ключевые фразы, которые передают содержание текста.


II вариант

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. The Internet... a great learning tool for people.

a) be b) is c) are

2. He... the cleverest boy in the class.

a) is b) am c) are

3. I... sorry, what... your name?

a) be, is b) am, are c) am, is

4. Sorry, I can't come to your party. I... out of town.

a) am b) is c) are

5. My friends... studying mathematics at University.

a) is b) are c) isn't

II. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.

1. Different/of/species/fish/are/on the corals/there

2. Coals and oil/are/supplies/there/in/this region

3. Not/many/so/are/passengers/there/in/the bus

4. Only/toothbrush/is/one/there/in the bathroom

5. There/no/an umbrella/need/is/to take

III. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол " to have" в нужную форму.

1. She (have) a torch in the bag.

2.The cat is hungry. It (have) no food.

3. My uncle (have) a grey beard.

4.We need to go shopping. We (have) no vegetables left.

5. She (have got) many wrinkles, although she is not an old woman.

IV. Употребите местоимение, соответствующее данному в скобках.

1. Our institute trains 16000 students. (Его) graduates work in various parts of our country.

a) his; b) it; c) its

2. This is a chemical laboratory. (Её) equipment is new.

a) her; b) it; c) its

3. She likes to speak about (ее) institute.

a) her; b) its; c) it

4. We don't know (его).

a) his; b) its; c) him

5. We listened to (его) lecture.

a) its; b) him; c) his

6. I took (их) books. I shall bring (их) back in the evening.

a) them; b) they; c) their.

7. ( Мои) books are on the table. Give (мне) one book, please.

a) me; b) I; c) my

8. (Наш) teacher told (нам) about this scientist.

a) we; b) us; c) our

9. Who told (вам) about this scientist?

a) your; b) you; c) us

10. We saw (их) in the library.

a) their; b) they; c) them

V. Выберите по смыслу неопределенные местоимения и их производные.

1. Are there... students in the reading-room?

a) any b) no c) some d) not any

2. Is there... bread on the plate?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

3. There are not... conveniences in the house.

a) some b) no c) any d) much

4. There are... interesting books in the bookcase.

a) some b) any c) much d) few

5. Was there... lecture on physics yesterday?

a) some b) any c) no d) not any

6. Give me... grapes, please.

a) any b) some c) no d) not any

7. Is there... clean water in the bottle?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

8. Tell us... words about your town.

a) some b) no c) any d) not any

9. Show us... picture.

a) any b) some c) ho d) not any

10. There are... shops in the street.

a) some b) any c) not any d) few

VI. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

a) at; b) in; c) on; d) of

1. He will come home... 5 o’clock.

2. We have our English lesson... Monday.

3. I do my exercises... the morning.

4. Is she... the meeting?

5. The students... our group will pass examination... the 2nd... April.

VII. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, заканчивающиеся на -S и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем притяжательного падежа существительных;

в) показателем множественного числа существительных;

с) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в настоящем


a) Our country exports a great variety of goods.

b) Last month my friend read a very interesting book on Moscow’s history.

c) The flowers are very beautiful in your garden.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. This house is as high as the one we live in.

2. The third lesson is easier than the fifth one.

3. He is three years younger than me.

4. This translation is much more difficult than that one we did together.

5. This is the shortest way to the University.

6. This is the most beautiful square in London.

7. This room is the most comfortable in the flat.

8. The children were playing in the farthest corner of the garden.

IX. Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательное в нужной форме, как в примере.

This bag is (heavy) than that one. - This bag is heavier than that one.

1. This year he works (little) than last year.

2. Tim is (tall) in the class.

3. It was (wonderful) holiday I have ever had.

4. We'll discuss it (late).

5. This is (near) bus stop.

6. This section is (difficult) in the book.

7. This question is (interesting) of all.

X. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. A piano is much … than a guitar.

a) heavier b) more heavier c) the most heaviest

2. This is … restaurant in the city.

a) better b) the best c) the most best

3. Living in a flat is …than in a house.

a) cheap b) cheaper c) cheapest

4. The weather today is … than yesterday.

a) hot b) hotter c) more hot

5. That is … train I've ever been on.

a) faster b) the fastest c) fast

6. My friend is the … in the class.

a) tall b) taller c) tallest

7. Small towns are … than big cities.

a) safe b) safest c) safer

8. Playing basketball is … than collecting stamps.

a) exciting b) more exciting c) most exciting

9. This club is the … popular in the town.

a) most b) more c) much

10. It's … difficult to translate the text without dictionary.

a) better b) more c) best

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста

Theatres are very much the same in London as anywhere else: the chief theatres, music halls and cinemas are in the West End. If you are staying in London for a few days, you'll have no difficulty whatever in finding somewhere to spend an enjoyable evening. You'll find opera, ballet, comedy, drama, musical comedy and variety. Films are shown in the cinemas during the greater part of the day.

The best seats at theatres are those in the stalls and circle. Then comes the pit, and last of all the gallery where the seats are the cheapest Boxes, of course are the most expensive.

At the West End theatres you can get the best of everything - an excellent orchestra, famous conductors, celebrated singers and well-dressed audience. You can see most of the famous English actors and actresses. As a rule, the plays are magnificently staged: costumes, dresses, scenery, everything being done on the most lavish scale. Choose a good play, and you'll enjoy yourself from the moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act. Get your seat beforehand, either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at one of the agencies. When you go to a theatre you'll probably want to sit as near to the stage as possible. If you are at a cinema, you may prefer to sit some distance from the screen. In fact, I would say, the further away the better.

I. Закончите предложения, выбирая вариант ответа соответствующий содержанию текста.

1. In England films are shown in the cinemas...

a) at night b) daily c) at the weekends

2. The most expensive in London Theatre are...

a) stalls b) circle c) boxes

3. You should buy a ticket for a performance...

a) during the performance b) before the performance c) after the performance

4. Music Halls in London are situated...

a) in the city center b) in the West End c) in the East End

II. Напишите соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста (если предложение верно, напишите " True" , если нет " False" )

1. Theatres in London differ from those in other cities.

2. It is very difficult to find a theatre in London.

3. Films are only shown on weekends.

4. The best seats at theatres are those in the stalls and circle.

5. Boxes are the most expensive.


a) Не made experiments in optics.

b) This was a very fruitful period in Maxwell's life.

c) This scientist studies the problem of molecular physics.


1) It was the period of Russia's progress in science and culture.

2) She usually attends all lectures.

3) This scientist developed new synthetic rubber products.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. My brother plays chess worse than me.

2. Now I don't read as much as several years ago.

3. This country is much further from Moscow than you thought.

4. This project is more interesting that the previous one.

5. A new machine tool works faster than the old one.

6. This car is more reliable than that one.

7. Last year we worked much more than this year.

8. This area is the quietest in the town.

IX. Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательное в нужной форме, как в примере.

My home is (close) to the University than yours. - My home is closer to the University than yours.

1. Who is the (good) student in your group?

2. I have (few) mistakes in the work than you have.

3. This car is (comfortable) of all.

4. This film isn't (bad) than the one I saw last week.

5. The traffic is heavy in this area. This road is (dangerous) of all.

6. In England the weather is (changeable) than in Germany.

7. This device is (useful) of all.

X. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. That was the … film of all.

a) bad b) worst с) worse

2. This is the … famous department store in Paris.

a) most b) more c) much

3. She can't be 16 years old. She looks ….

a) old b) older c) oldest

4. She is the … student in her class.

a) better b) best c) more better

5. This design is … interesting than that one.

a) much b) most c) more

6. She is … optimistic than he is.

a) less b) little c) least

7. Children wear … colorful clothes than their parents.

a) more b) most c) much

8. That's the … day in my life.

a) happier b) happiest c) most

9. The buses in the morning are … crowded than in the afternoon.

a) more b) most c) better

10. Which is the … cafe in our town?

a) cheap b) cheaper c) cheapest


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста


Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa in Italy in 1451. When he was only ten years old, Columbus went to a famous school near Genoa and studied arithmetic and geography. He was only 14 years old when he first sailed to the East. Then he made many voyages before he was able to buy three small ships and sail across the Atlantic Ocean. His life on the sea, talks with sailors and the results of science made him sure that the earth is round. He wanted to reach India by a westward voyage and at the same time prove that the earth was round. He also wanted to discover a new and shorter way to the East.

Columbus set sail on the 3rd of August, 1492. He was on the Ocean for ten weeks. After many hardships he and his sailors saw land. The land was America.

Columbus continued his explorations but he always thought that the islands he had discovered were the West Indies and he died never knowing that he had discovered a new Continent.

to set sail отправляться в плавание

exploration исследование

I. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Christopher Columbus was born

a) in the seaport town of Genoa in Italy in 1451.

b) in France.

c) in 16 century.

2. When did he go to school?

a) at the age of seven.

b) at the age of ten.

c) at the age of fourteen.

3. Christopher Columbus first sailed

a) when he first saw a ship.

b) at the age of ten.

c) at the age of fourteen.

4. He was sure that

a) the earth was round.

b) he could find the new way to America.

c) he had discovered Australia.

II. Напишите соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста (если предложение верно, напишите " True", если нет ''False" )

1. Columbus was born in London.

2. Columbus went to school when he was ten.

3. He studied arithmetic and physics.

4. He first sailed to the East when he was twenty.

5. Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.

III. Напишите ключевые фразы, которые передают основноесодержание текста.


V вариант

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Sally... a very honest person. She never tells lies.

A. is B. isn't C. do

2. Your socks... all wet!

A. is B. are C. isn't

3. Where... you from?

A. are B. is C. am

4. I... here in Moscow to visit my friends.

A. are B. is C. am

5. I love the food. It... excellent.

A. is not B. is C. are

II. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.

1. Homework/is/for/there/a lot/me/of/in the evening

2. Computer/a large/in/there/company/is/ building/this

3. Coffee/there/a cup/is/for/the table/of/you/on/for

4. There/many/to buy/are/things/ the shop/in

5. A carwash/is/at/there/the corner

III. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол " to have" в нужную форму.

1. She (have) breakfast at 7.30.

2. I (have) my history lesson today.

3. My friends usually (have) a football match on Saturday.

4. We (have) homework after lessons.

5. Mary often (have) coffee in the evenings.

IV. Употребите местоимение, соответствующее данному в скобках.

1. Show (ему) your drawing.

a. him; b. his; с. her; d. them

2. Tell (им) about your new flat.

a. they; b. their; c. them; d. her

3. (Их) children are in ihe garden.

a. their; b. they; c. them; d. his

4. What colour is (его) bag?

a. its; b. her; с him; d. his

5. This town is very green because there are a lot of trees in (его) streets.

a. him; b. his; с its; d. it

6. These flowers are so nice. I am fond of (их).

a. they; b. them; с their; d. its

7. Let's ask (её) about her foreign friends.

a. her; b. she; c. it; d. him

8. (Ее) sister is married.

a. their; b. his; с her; d. our

9. Tell (нам) about this town.

a. our; b we; с us: d them

10. (Наша) flat has five rooms.

a. my; b. his; their; d. our

V. Выберите по смыслу неопределенные местоимения и их производные.

1. Are there... students in the reading-room?

a) any b) no c) some d) not any

2. Is there... bread on the plate?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

3. There are not... conveniences in the house.

a) some b) no c) any d) much

4. There are... interesting books in the bookcase.

a) some b) any c) much d) few

5. Was there... lecture on physics yesterday?

a) some b) any c) no d) not any

6. Give me... grapes, please.

a) any b) some c ) no d) not any

7. Is there... clean water in the bottle?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

8. Tell us... words about your town.

a) some b) no c) any d) not any

9. Show us... picture.

a) any b) some c) no d) not any

10. There are... shops in the street, there are only houses.

a) some b) any c) not any d) few

VI. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

a) at b) in c) on d) of

1. They have breakfast... 8 o'clock.

2. Usually he is at home... Sunday.

3. Will you go to the disco... the evening?

4. He was... the conference last week.

5. These students will have three periods... the second... March.

VII. Определите пo грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, заканчивающиеся на -S и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем притяжательного падежа существительных;

в) показателем множественного числа существительных;

с) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в настоящем


1) The sun is the source of all main forms of energy.

2) Today man converts energy into other forms of energy.

3) You may take Ann's book.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных

1. Не is not as confident as his brother.

2. This name is more common in Scotland than in England.

3. This building is the most unusual in the town.

4. This is the longest river in Siberia.

5. This task is much more difficult than the previous one.

6. July is the hottest month in summer.

7. My room is the most comfortable.

8. This is the most popular writer in Russia nowadays.

IX. Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательное в правильной форме, как в примере.

This park is (quiet) in our town. - This park is the quietest in our town.

1. My first job was (tiring) than my present one. I had to work long hours.

2. The new car is (reliable) of all.

3. The train is (slow) than the plane.

4. Which is (close) shop in the area?

5. This method is (modern) than previous.

6. This task is (difficult) than that one. I could do it easily.

7. The last film was (exciting) of all.

X. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Teenagers wear … casual clothes than their parents.

a) much b) most c) more

2. Winter is the … season in our region.

a) cold b) coldest c) colder

3. This is the … difficult rule of all.

a) more b) much c) most

4. It was her … dress.

a) better b) best c) the best

5. This path was … than the road.

a) short b) shortest c) shorter

6. This is the … important task of all.

a) more b) less c) least

7. The film was … than an hour.

a) shorter b) more shorter c) the shortest

8. This modern equipment is … expensive than the old one.

a) much b) more c) most

9. Where is the … hotel?

a) near b) nearer c) nearest

10. He is my … friend.

a) older b) more old c) oldest


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста


Every morning we like to begin our day with a cup of tea. We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe did not know anything about tea. Some people had heard about tea but very few of them knew what to do with it.

There is a story of an English sailor who traveled to the East, the West, and the South. He was in India and China.

One day he came home and brought sonic tea leaves as a present to his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a " tea party". When her friends came to the " tea party" the old woman brought in a large plate and put it in the middle of the table. There were some brown leaves of the tea on it The old woman's friends began to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tea leaves.

At that moment the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said: " Mother, what have you done with the tea leaves? " - " I have boiled" them, as you told me to do". - " And what have you done with the water? " - " I threw it away, of course, " answered the poor woman. " Now you may throw away the leaves too", said her son. This story shows that people in England knew very little about tea at that time and they liked to tell jokes about it.


sailor - матрос, моряк

boil - кипятить

throw - выбрасывать

jokes – шутки


I. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. For how many years is tea known in Europe?

a) a thousand

b) less than a hundred

c) more than three hundred

2. The English sailor travelled

a) to Europe

b) to India and China

c) to Australia

3. The sailor brought as a present

a) coffee beans

b) tea leaves

c) sugar

4. Sailor's mother

a) ate the leaves

b) threw away the leaves

c) drank tea

II. Напишите соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста
(если предложение верно, напишите " True", если нет " False" ).

1. People don't like to drink tea very often.

2. The people in Europe had a lot of information about tea.

3. English sailor brought some tea leaves as a present to his mother.

4. The old woman brought a large plate of meat.

5. The sailor's mother has boiled the tea leaves and has thrown water away.

III. Напишите ключевые фразы, которые передают основное содержание текста.


Для выполнения контрольной работы № 2 необходимо проработать следующие разделы курса английского языка:

видовременные формы глагола (Simple and Progressive).

I вариант

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

A) do В) does С) is D) are E) have F) has

1. What subjects … she good at?

2. … your brother got a camera?

3. … your mother like cooking?

4. What floor … your bedroom on?

II. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple).


A) I not usually have lunch at home.

B) I usually have not lunch at home.

C) I doesn't usually have lunch at home.

D) I usually have lunch at home.


A) My friend don't goes to the cinema a lot.

B) My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.

C) My friend goes to the cinema a lot.

D) My friend doesn't goes to the cinema a lot.

III. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Progressive).


A) What is the girl doing now?

B) What the girl is doing now?

C) What doing the girl now?

D) What does the girl doing now?


A) What those people are looking for?

B) What are those people looking for?

C) What is those people looking for?

D) What do those people looking for?

IV. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Present Simple или Present Progressive).

1. It's 5 clock. She … tea.

a) has b) have c) is d) is having

2. My friend never … basketball.

a) playing b) plays c) play d) am playing

3. He … the bus to the University every morning.

a) catches b) is catching c) catch d) catching

4. Our University … two evening departments.

a) is having b) have c) has d) are having

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста


The English are famous for the amount of tea drink. " A cup of tea" is certainly one of the most commonly heard phrases in Britain. Most English people drink their tea but give little thought to what actually happens when they pour water over the tea-leaves. Scientists, of course, have enquiring minds: Dr. Michael Spiro of Imperial College, London, has made a scientific study of what happens when we make a pot of tea.

Three of the substances contained in the tea leaves come out of the leaf into the water. Theoflavins give the tea its colour, theorubigins affect the taste and the caffeine makes tea a stimulant.

Scientific research confirms that using water which, is as near boiling point, as possible gives the best cup of tea since it brings out more of all those substances from the tea leaves. But however hot the water is, it will always take a few minutes for the process to be completed. Stirring with a spoon will make very little difference, so always leave the tea to stand.

The last point is important. Scientists are trying to find way of making a faster cup of tea. In these fast-moving times people expect not only instant coffee, but instant tea.


give little thought - мало думают о том

tea-leaves - чайные листья

Theoflavins, theorubigins — компоненты чая, не переводятся, читать латинскими буквами

caffeine — кофеин


I. Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста (eсли предложение верно, напишите " True" , если нет " False" ).

1. The English don't like to drink tea.

2. Most English people know what happens when they boil tea-leaves.

3. There are three substances in the tea leaves.

4. To get the best cup of tea you should leave the tea to stand.

5. Scientists are trying to find instant tea.


1. Sorry, I can't. I … lunch.

a) have b) am having c) has having d) having

2. They… hamburgers and chips.

a) are liking b) likes c) like d) doesn't like

3. We … a flat at the moment.

a) look for b) looks for c) are looking for d) looking for

4. My sister … English very well.

a) speak b) is speaking c) speaking d) speaks

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


Do you know that by observing nature you can forecast weather? You can do it by watching birds and animals, insects and flowers. It is known that some insects become more troublesome before a change in the weather. Some of them begin to bite before the rain, as mosquitoes do. Some of them fly only on evenings before nice weather.

You should know that the smell of flowers in the gardens and in the parks is very strong before the rain. Flowers have much sweet nectar before rain and it is good food for insects. So if you see insects flying over flower in large numbers you should know that it may rain soon.

Birds and animals also help to forecast weather. Birds fly lower than usual before it rains. If you see a bird hiding its beak under its wing, it means that soon it will be colder.

Even your cat can tell you what the weather will be like. The cat washing behind the cars is telling you about the coming rain. Look at the sky and you will know the weather. The red sky tells of good weather the next day. A grey sunrise gives promise of a good day too.

Study nature, observe it and you'll understand that it needs your protection.


observing- наблюдая

insects - насекомые

troublesome- беспокойный

bite- кусаться

hiding- прячущую

sunrise – восход


I. Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста (eсли предложение верно, напишите " True", если нет " False" ).

1. By observing birds and animals, insects and plants you can forecast weather.

2. Before a change in the weather some insects become calm.

3. Before the rain flowers smell stronger and there are a lot of insects flying over flowers.

4. Domestic animals can't tell us about weather changes.

5. A grey sky tells of nice weather the next day.

Список рекомендуемой литературы


1. Болсуновская Л.М., Долгая Т.Ф., Овчинникова Е.С., Белоусова О.В. Английский язык: контрольные работы. – Издательство Томского политехнического университета, 2009.

2. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский для технических вузов. –

Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс, 2008.

3. Андрианова Л.Н., Багрова Н.Ю. Английский язык. Учебник для заочных технических вузов. – М., Высшая школа, 2010.

4. Барановская Т. В. Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: Учебное пособие. - Киев: ООО «ИП Логос-М», 2008.

5. Дроздова Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Маилова В.Г. English Grammar: Reference and Practice: Учебное пособие. - Спб.: Антология, 2006г.

6. Дудорова Э.С. Практический курс разговорного английского языка – Санкт- Петербург: Издательство «Союз», 2000.

7. Зверховская Е.В., Косиченко Е. Ф. Грамматика английского языка. Теория, практика. Москва, иностранный язык. Оникс, 2007.

8. Полякова Т.Ю., Синявская Е.В. Учебник английского языка для инженеров. – М., Высшая школа, 2003.

9. Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study refrence and practice book for elementary students of Engish. – Cambridge University Press. 2007.



Учебное издание




Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов заочной формы обучения всех направлений подготовки




Калянова Людмила Михайловна



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625039, Тюмень, ул. Киевская, 52.



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Филиал ТюмГНГУ в г. Сургуте



Кафедра естественно-научных и гуманитарных дисциплин





Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов заочной формы обучения всех направлений подготовки


Составитель Л.М. Калянова






Английский язык.Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов заочной формы обучения всех направлений подготовки / сост. Л.М. Калянова; Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет. – Тюмень: издательский центр БИК, ТюмГНГУ, 2015. – 32 с.



Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к изданию на заседании кафедры естественно-научных и гуманитарных дисциплин « 26» февраля 2015 года, протокол № 7.


В данных методических указаниях представлены две контрольные работы в пяти вариантах. Данные контрольные работы используются для закрепления грамматического и лексического материала, который студенты должны изучить в процессе обучения английскому языку. Выполнение студентами данных контрольных работ позволит оценить достижения студентов в овладении английским языком за определенный срок, а также умение читать и переводить тексты.

Методические указания предназначены для студентов заочного отделения всех направлений и специальностей. Рекомендуются также при работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода на английском языке.



Требования к выполнению и оформлению контрольной работы

1. Каждая контрольная работа предлагается в пяти вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из пяти вариантов в соответствии с последней цифрой зачетной книжки. Студенты, последняя цифра которых в зачетной книжке заканчивается на:

1 или 2, выполняют 1 вариант,

3 или 4 – 2 вариант,

5 или 6 – 3 вариант,

7 или 8 – 4 вариант,

9 или 0 – 5 вариант.


2. Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует в отдельной тетради (12 или 18 листов). На обложке тетради необходимо указать название факультета (группы), курс, номер контрольной работы, вариант. Например:

Контрольная работа № 1

по английскому языку

вариант №1

студента группы ЭТМбз-15

Иванова Ивана Ивановича

Контрольную работу можно выполнить в печатном виде, также оформив титульный лист (шрифт Times New Roman 12).


3. Контрольные работы должны выполняться аккуратно.

Условия заданий переписываются.

Перевод должен следовать непосредственно после каждого предложения английского текста с отступлением в одну пробельную строку.

Необходимо выполнять все, что требуется в задании.

Подчеркивать требуемые слова следует карандашом.

Если контрольная работа выполняется в тетради, не следует писать в каждой строчке.

Не сокращайте слова.


4. Контрольная работа должна быть сдана в срок, указанный преподавателем (до зачета или экзамена). Студенты, не сдавшие контрольную работу, не допускаются к зачету или экзамену.



Для того чтобы правильно выполнить КР №1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса:

1. Спряжение глаголов to be, to have. Оборот there + be.

2. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, неопределенные, указательные.

3. Предлоги: места, времени и падежные предлоги.

4. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Выражение падежных отношений с помощью предлогов.

5. Порядок слов в повествовательном предложении.

6. Степени сравнения прилагательных


I вариант

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Computers... very efficient.

a) is b) are с) am

2. Peter... very hard-working.

a) to be b) is c) are

3. Banks... open till six o'clock.

a) am b) is c) are

4. They... in the house right now. They are in the library.

a) are b) aren't c) is not

5. I... a student. I am an engineer.

a) am b) is c) am not

П. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.

1. A train / on/ there / the platform /is

2. Three / there / films / the cinema / at /are / today

3. Many / are / plants / there / in / the house

4. Programs / students / a lot of / for / are / at the University / there

5. Lightings / no / are / in winter / there / in Siberia

III. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол " to have" a нужной форме:

1. I (have) a party for my friend today.

2. She (have) got a big parcel.

3. We (have) enough money to buy this car.

4. They (have) a cake for supper.

5. She (have, not) any accent.

IV. Употребите местоимение, соответствующее данному в скобках.

1. (Наша) flat is on the fifth floor.

a) us; b) our; c) their; d) her

2. Nick is helping (своему) friend with his English.

a) her; b) his; c) their; d) him

3. What is (его) father?

a) her; b) his; c) my; d) their

4. Where are (ее) parents?

a) her; b) his; c) their; d) its

5. They are busy with (своими) lessons.

a) her; b) his; c) their; d) its

6. This is (их) flat.

a) their; b) its; c) her; d) his

7. What colour are the walls in that room? (Ее) walls are grey.

a) her; b) its; c) his; d) their

8. (Мои) parents are young.

a) his; b) my; c) her; d) our

9. (Наша) flat has five rooms.

a) my; ) his; c) their; d) our

10. This is a chemical laboratory. (Её) equipment is new.

a) her; b) it; c) its; d) hers

V. Выберите по смыслу неопределенные местоимения и их производные.

1. Are there... students in the reading-room?

a) any b) no c) some d) not any

2. Is there... bread on the plate?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

3. There are not... conveniences in the house.

a) some b) no c) any d) much

4. There are... interesting books in the bookcase.

a) some b) any c) much d) few

5. Was there... lecture on physics yesterday?

a) some b) any c) no d) not any

6. Give me... grapes, please.

a) any b) some c) no d) not any

7. Is there... clean water in the bottle?

a) few b) any c) many d) some

8. Tell us... words about your town.

a) some b) no c) any d) not any

9. Show us... picture.

a) any b) some c) no d) not any

10. There are... shops in the street.

a) some b) any с) not any d) few

VI. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

a) at b) in c) on d) of

1. Our classes begin... 8 o'clock.

2.... Wednesday he goes to the library.

3.... summer we have holidays.

4. The students are... the English lesson.

5. Studies begin... the 1st... September.

VII. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, заканчивающиеся на —S и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем притяжательного падежа существительных;

в) показателем множественного числа существительных;



  1. I. Сосчитайте до 15 и напишите буквами цифры от 1 до 15.
  2. VIII. Выпишитеиз 4-roабзацапредложениесместоименнымглаголом. Переведите его. Укажите время, в котором стоит глагол. Напишите его инфинитив.
  3. VIII. Поставьте 5 вопросов к тексту.
  4. Ахроматические цвета заголовок пишем
  5. Заголовок MPLS и технологии канального уровня
  6. Назначение и производство почерковедческой экспертизы /по данному тексту опишите общие и частные признаки почерка/.
  7. Напишите предложения в пассивном залоге.
  8. Напишите сочинение-рассуждение, раскрывая смысл высказывания русского лингвиста А.А.Зеленецкого: «Придание образности словам постоянно совершенствуется в современной речи посредством эпитетов».
  9. Напишите сочинение-рассуждение, раскрывая смысл высказывания русского лингвиста А.А.Зеленецкого:«Придание образности словам постоянно совершенствуется в современной речи посредством эпитетов».
  10. Напишите уравнения реакции олеииодистеарина с водородом, бромом, перманганатом калия, полного щелочного гидролиза стеарина. Назовите продукты реакций.
  11. Напишите уравнения реакций окисления (реакция «серебряного зеркала») D-рибозы и её взаимодействия с метиловым спиртом. Назовите продукты реакций.

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