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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
(для студентов СГГА)
ББК 81.2 Англ.- 99 С 26
Методические разработки по развитию устной речи на английс- ком языке (для студентов СГГА)/Никонова И.В., Никулина Л.М., Но- вицкая А.Г., Терехова Л.Н., Юрьева О.В.- Новосибирск: СГГА, 2000. - 40 с.
Методические разработки по развитию устной речи на английс- ком языке (для студентов СГГА) составлены доцентом кафедры иност- ранных языков СГГА Никулиной Л.М., старшими преподавателями Нико- новой И.В., Тереховой Л.Н., преподавателями кафедры Новииц- кой А.Г., Юрьевой О.В. и утверждены на заседании кафедры иност- ранных языков 3 июля 1999.
Данные методические разработки представляют собой сборник устных тем для развития монологической и диалогической речи на английском языке. Информативная насыщенность текстов позволит расширить кругозор студентов, углубит их знания о специальностях академии и о странах изучаемого языка.
Рецензенты: А.Н.Реутов - старший преподаватель кафедры русского языка как иностранного, СГГА И.Г.Григорьева - старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков СибУПК
Печатается по решению редакционно- издательской коллегии СГГА
© Сибирская государственная геодезическая академия (СГГА), 2000
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Word list native town родной город to be situated быть расположенным attractive привлекательный, красивый qualified квалифицированный hostel общежитие to specialize in... специализироваться в... sociable общительный nurse медсестра fluently бегло, свободно to look after заботиться, присматривать за elderly преклонного возраста, пожилой niece племянница to be retired быть на пенсии to manage управлять to prefer предпочитать to solve решать wild дикий experienced опытный well-paid хорошо оплачиваемый kind-hearted доброжелательный honest честный responsible ответственный to respect уважать china фарфор book-keeper бухгалтер besides кроме того to try пытаться to graduate from закончить (высшее учебное заведение) ambitious целеустремленный to dream мечтать independent независимый thrifty экономный, бережливый
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My name is Victor Popov. I am from Russia. I was born in a small Siberian town on May 11, 1981. My native town is situated in an attractive suburb, not very far from a large industrial centre. I still live with my parents. Our family is not very big, we are five: mother, father, granny and me. I have an older sister, but she doesn't live with us, because she is married. I am a first-year student1 of the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy. I am studying to become a specialist in Information Systems. I'd like to become a qualified computer programmer and specialize in Geodesy or Cadastre. I live in a hostel. I am a sociable person, and have a lot of friends. It's a pity2, but I'm too busy with my studies. It takes me a lot of time3 to get ready for practical classes and seminars. In my spare time4 I like playing sports, especially football and volleyball. I have a girl-friend, who is studying to become an ecologist. She is very careful about5 her health. She jogs every morning to keep fit6. We try to spend weekends together. We enjoy listening to all types of music, dancing and swimming. We both play the guitar. We are taking English classes twice a week, so that we could speak more fluently. My mother is a nurse. She works in a local hospital only three days a week, because she's got a lot of work at home. She has to look after7 her elderly mother and my five-year old niece. My granny is a pensioner. She has been retired for 10 years, she is glad that she can help my mother with cooking and in the garden. She usually gets up very early. My mother is a practical, thrifty woman, full of common sense8, that's why she manages the house very well. When she is free she prefers relaxing in front of the TV. Her favourite programmes are: world news, concerts and the programmes about wild nature. My father is 47, he is a long-distance lorry driver9. He's been a driver for more than 25 years, that's why he is very experienced. His work is very difficult but well-paid. He is a
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kind-hearted person, optimistic, honest and very responsible. My father's main interests are gardening and fishing. He prefers solving problems in a sensible and civilized Manner10. He usually says: " Glass, china and reputation are easily cracked and never mended." People have to respect each other. Our parents would like us to get a good education. My sister's name is Nina. She is five years older than me. She is a family woman. My sister was very good at mathematics, that's why she decided to become a book-keeper. Now she works as a book-keeper, besides she does a correspondence course11 at our Academy. She is in her fourth year. She is a very busy woman, because she has to combine her work with studies. She tries to spend as much time as possible with her daughter and husband. In winter they are fond of skiing and in summer they usually go for long country walks. My sister's husband has graduated from the University and has a degree in economics12. He works for the engineering company13 as an economist. He decided to get serious about14 economics, because he was very good at maths at school. He is ambitious and initiative and works hard. He is very good at dealing with people15 and reams of being at the head of16 a planning department. He is an independent sort of person. He is keenly interested17 in economics and reads a lot in his speciality. Our family is very friendly.
1. first-year student студент первого курса 2. it's a pity жаль 3. it takes me a lot of time у меня уходит много времени 4. in my spare time в свободное время 5. is careful about her health заботится о здоровье 6. keep fit сохранять форму, быть здоровой 7. to look after заботиться 8. full of common sense полная здравого смысла
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9. a long-distance lorry driver водитель на дальние расстояния, дальнобойщик 10. in a sensible and civilized деликатно и цивилизованно manner 11. does a correspondence course учится заочно 12. a degree in economics диплом экономиста 13. for the engineering company в строительной компании 14. to get serious about заняться чем-либо серьезно 15. is good at dealing with хорошо ладит с людьми people 16. dreams of being at the head мечтает руководить (быть во of... главе)... 17. is keenly interested in очень интересуется
I. Pronounce the following words and word combinations: Russia, Russian, was born in Russia; Siberia, Siberian, a small Siberian town; suburb, suburban, an attractive suburb; in a suburb, a small attractive suburban town; industry, industrial, industrialist, an industrial centre; marry, married, get married; geodesy, geodetic, geoid, geography, ecology, ecologist; qualify, qualification, qualified, quality; social, sociable, special, speciality, specialize, especially; manage, manager, managed, management, managing; first, firm, an engineering firm, nurse, prefer; nature, culture, future, teacher; experience, experienced, an experienced engineer; busy, business, a busy woman, busy women; economy, an economist, economical, works as an economist; OUR ACADEMY
Word list to graduate from заканчивать учебное заведение test зачет, контрольная работа term (semester) семестр training course курс обучения to enter (the Institute, Academy) поступать (в институт, учебное заведение) experience навыки, опыт in accordance with в соответствии с entrance requirements требования на вступит.экзаменах to take an exam (in) сдавать экзамен (по) to pass an exam (in) сдать экзамен (по) correspondence department заочное отделение preliminary department подготовительное отделение department отделение, кафедра post-graduate course аспирантура to do one's best делать все возможное research worker научный сотрудник to guide руководить, направлять degree степень (зд.ученая) activity деятельность national economy народное хозяйство youth молодежь workshop мастерская well-equipped хорошо оборудованный grant, scholarship стипендия vacation, holidays каникулы final project дипломная работа to borrow the books from the брать книги в библиотеке library curriculum учебная программа оpportunity возможность well-stocked хорошо укомплектованный career профессия, занятие
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The doors of our higher educational establishments are open to all who wish to continue their study after graduating from secondary schools. The Siberian State Academy of Geodesy was founded in 1932 in Omsk but a year later it was moved to Novosibirsk. And now it is one of the two geodetic institutes in our country which trains highly qualified specialists. The majority of our students enter the Academy after graduating from secondary schools, but some of them have some experience in the chosen career. In accordance with the entrance requirements applicants should take exams in Mathematics and Russian. If they pass them successfully they become first-year students. In our Academy there are evening, correspondence and preliminary departments. The present day Academy includes four Institutes: Cadastre and Geographic Information Systems, Optics and Optical Technologies, Geodesy and Management and Aerophotogeodesy. We have a post-graduate course as well. So the best graduates may continue their studies and carry on research work in well-equipped laboratories. Research workers of our Academy guide students scientific societies. Many of our scientists have candidate's and doctor's degrees. Thus, our students have a wide choice of jobs opportunities, they may work in different fields of national economy or research institutes. The training course at the Academy lasts 5 or 6 years. There are two terms in each academic year and at the end of each term the students take tests and exams. The state grant is distributed among those students who have good exam results. When the exams are over the students have their vacation, winter and summer. At the end of the fourth year students are sent for a few months to a plant or research institute in order to get some practical experience in business. The whole training course is followed by a final project. After graduating from the Academy students become engineers in their chosen field.
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In accordance with the curriculum students are to study different general sciences such as History of Russia, Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Languages, etc. In the third and forth years of their program students are taught special subjects which are necessary for the given profession. At our Academy there are many study aids: a well-stocked library where students can borrow any books they need, a large reading room, well-equipped laboratories, a number of workshops for practical training, lecture rooms, hostels, a large refectory, sports ground and a gym. Sport plays a very important role in the life of the youth and students of our Academy go in for sports. Our country needs highly-qualified and educated specialists in Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Optics, GIS and Cadastre.
1. Pronounce words and word combinations: highly-qualified, to graduate from, entrance requirements, correspondence, preliminary, guide, grant, curriculum, opportunity, well-equipped, youth, refectory. 2. Translate into Russian: a) post-graduate, vacation, youth, faculty, experience, to graduate from, activity, grant, refectory, department, test, applicant, opportunity, term. b) well-stocked library, entrance requirement, national economy, higher educational establishment, training course, to take an active part in, final project, preliminary department, to do one's best, scientific society, to take an exam, to pass an exam. 3. Translate into English: a) закончить (вуз), навыки, факультет, аспирантура, деятельность, семестр, зачет, стипендия, каникулы, возможность, молодежь, кафедра; b) Сибирская Государственная Геодезическая Академия, высшее учебное заведение, требования на вступительных экзаменах, сдавать экзамен, сдать экзамен, подготовительное отделение, народное хозяйство, курс обучения, дипломная работа, принимать активное участие, делать все возможное, библиотека с богатым книжным фондом, научное общество.
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4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions: 1. My brother graduated... the University last year. 2. Today we are going to pass an exam... Philosophy. 3. In accordance... the plan we are to do this work. 4. At the end of the fourth year students are sent... a plant to get some experience... the business. 5. The graduates carry... research work... well equipped laboratories. 6. He is a student... the Siberian State Academy... Geodesy. 7. There are two terms... each academic year and... the end... each term students take exams and tests. 5. Answer the questions: 1. What are you? 2. Where do you study? 3. When was the Academy founded? 4. Are there many geodetic institutes in our country? 5. What exams must applicants pass to enter the Academy? 6. What does the present day Academy include? 7. How long does the training course last? 8. When do the students take their tests and exams? 9. Who usually gets a scholarship? 10. What is the whole training course followed by? 11. What subjects do the students study? 12. What facilities are there in the Academy? 6. Translate from Russian into English: 1 Я студент Сибирской государственной геодезической академии. 2. Академия была основана в 1932 г. 3. Чтобы поступить в Академию, необходимо сдать экзамен по математике и русскому языку. 4. В настоящее время Академия включает в себя Институт геодезии и менеджмента, Институт кадастра и геоинформационных систем, Институт оптики и оптических технологий, Институт фотограмметрии и дистанционного зондирования. 5. В конце каждого семестра студенты сдают экзамены и зачеты. 6. Курс обучения в Академии 5-6 лет. 7. Студенты, успешно сдавшие экзамены, получают стипендию. 8. Полный курс обучения завершается дипломной работой. 9. Студенты первого и второго курсов изучают общеобразовательные предметы, а студенты старших курсов - специальные предметы.
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Word list to deal with иметь дело с astrogeodesy (geodetic astro- астрономогеодезия nomy, field astronomy) determination of position определение координат точек, местоположения determination of azimuth определение азимута aster светило astronomical fixation астрономическое определение (A.E. astrofix) to determine coordinates определять координаты to determine latitude, определять широту, долготу, longitude, azimuth азимут astronomical point астрономический пункт Laplace point (station) пункт Лапласа initial data исходные данные orientation of the state ориентирование государственной geodetic network геодезической сети grade measurements градусные измерения figure-of-the earth study изучение формы Земли remote regions удаленные районы poor geodetic network слаборазвитая геодезическая provision сеть to recover geodetic control восстанaвливать пункты points геодезической сети to detect an angle определить угол bearing angle дирекционный угол space exploration космические исследования spatiаl triangulation пространственная фототриангуляция base adjustment разбивка базиса to fix coordinates определять координаты artificial satellite искусственный спутник Земли (ИСЗ) reference point опорная точка, репер applied geodesy прикладная геодезия geodetic coverage геодезическое обеспечение
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Astrogeodesy is the part of astronomy which deals with determination of azimuths and positions on the earth's surface based on observation of asters. This section of astronomy is very important for solving economic and practical tasks of geodesy. Astronomical fixations (astrofixes) are inseparable from surveying and mapping. They are used to determine coordinates of different points on the earth's surface as well as their latitude and longitude. For this purposes it is necessary to know exact local time at the moment of observation. Determination of azimuth is very important for geodesy and cartography. The point with coordinates determined by means of astronomical observations is called an astronomical point (Laplace point). Laplace azimuths are considered as geodetic azimuths of triangulation lines determined by astrogeodetic observations. Astrofixes together with geodetic and gravimetric determinations provide initial geodetic data and orientation of the state geodetic control network. They are useful for grade measurements and figure-of-the earth study. Star observations are an integral part of the geodetic control network. Not long ago astrofixes were necessary for topographical surveys in the remote regions with a poor geodetic network provision. Nowadays when the amount of large-scale surveys is growing, many of the geodetic control points are being recovered. To do this, bearing angles should be detected by astronomical fixations. Methods of astrogeodesy are utilized in space exploration for base adjustment of spatial triangulation and for setting astronomical coordinates of spatial triangulation points. The methods may also be used to fix coordinates of artificial satellites. Astronomical observations make it possible to determine positions of reference points on the earth's surface to be used for topographical surveys. Astronomical fixations of geographic coordinates and azimuths are widely used in applied geodesy for geodetic coverage of engineering works.
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1. Find English equivalents in the text for the following word combinations: определение координат и азимутов из наблюдений светил; раздел астрономии; решение экономических и практических задач; неотъемлемая часть съемки; поверхность земли; чтобы определить широту и долготу; необходимо знать; момент наблюдения; местное время; астрономический пункт; геодезические и гравиметрические определения; обеспечить исходные данные; главная геодезическая сеть; фигура земли; объем крупномасштабных съемок возрастает; восстанавливаются геодезические пункты; с помощью астрономических наблюдений; методы геодезической астрономии; определять координаты искусственных спутников Земли. 2. Answer the following questions: 1. What is astrogeodesy? 2. What is its significance? 3. What are the purposes of astrofixes? 4. What is necessary to set latitude, longitude and azimuth? 5. What is an astronomical point? 6. What data are provided by astrofixes? 7. Why were astronomical fixations necessary in remote regions? 8. How are bearing angles detected? 9. In what fields are the methods of astrogeodesy utilized? 10. What is important for geodetic coverage of engineering works? 3. Translate into English: 1. Астрономогеодезия включает в себя способы определения геоде- зических координат и азимутов из наблюдений светил. 2. Астрономогеодезия изучает также приборы, с помощью которых производятся астрономические определения. 3. Азимуты Лапласа - это геодезические азимуты сторон триангуляции, полученные из астрономических наблюдений. 4. Азимуты Лапласа являются средством контроля измерений в астро- номогеодезической сети. 5. Методы астрономогеодезии применяются в космических иссле- дованиях и прикладной геодезии.
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Word list genesis возникновение propagation распространение property свойство data processing обработка данных reflection отражение refraction преломление development достижение (зд.) invention изобретение frequency частота retrieval поиск, извлечение (данных) emergence появление to govern регулировать, управлять to involve влечь за собой, включать to succeed удаваться to derive вывести (зд.) to resurrect восстановить; вернуться (зд.) to emit испускать, излучать to provide давать, обеспечивать to usher in открывать to attribute (to) приписывать, относить к чему-либо compatible совместимый minute мельчайший discrete отдельный coupled with в соединении с appreciably заметно, ощутимо
Optics is a science concerning with the genesis and propagation of light, the changes that it undergoes and produces, and other phenomena closely associated with it. There are two major branches of optics: physical and geometrical. Physical optics deals primarily with the nature and properties of light itself. Geometrical optics has to do with the principles that govern the image-forming properties of lenses, mirrors, and other
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devices that make use of light. It also includes optical data processing, which involves the manipulation of the information content of an image formed by coherent optical systems. The ancient Greeks and Arabs had some knowledge of the nature and properties of light. The foundations of the science of optics, however, were not established until the 17th century. During the early 1600s Galileo Galilei constructed the first telescopes that could be employed for astronomical observation. In the 1650s the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat succeeded in deriving the law of refraction from a principle attributed to the Greek geometer Hero of Alexandria (1st century AD), according to which reflected light traverses the shortest distance between two points compatible with meeting the reflecting surface. By the end of the century the Dutch mathematician-physicist Christian Huygens provided a mechanical explanation of reflection and refraction in his (1690; Treatise on Light) related light to wave motion. In 1704 Isaac Newton published his Optics. Newton's views, especially his particle theory of light, came to dominate scientific thought for more than a century, completely overshadowing Huygens' contributions. During the early 1800s Thomas Young, an English physician and physicist, resurrected the wave theory of light. This conception held sway among the next several generations of investigators, including the British physicist James Clerk Maxwell, whose electromagnetic theory of light (1864) is generally considered the foremost achievement of classical optics. The groundwork for modern optics was laid by the introduction of quantum theory at the turn of the century. The theory, proposed in 1900 by Max Plank of Germany, explained that radiant energy is emitted in discrete units, or quanta. In 1905 Albert Einstein extended this idea of light and demonstrated that, in the photoelectric effect, light behaves as though all of its energy were concentrated in minute particles later called photons. Einstein's finding, coupled with the electromagnetic theory, led to the present-day view that light behaves like waves in certain situations and like particles in others. Two major developments, the emergence of communication and
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information theory in the 1950s and invention of the laser in the early 1960s, ushered in a new era in optics.
I. Guess the meaning of international words: classical, theory, phenomenon, lens, associated with, coherent, electromagnetic, to demonstrate, effect, photoelectric, photon, quantum, communication, era, manipulation, holography, process, complex, binary, to concentrate. II. Give the Russian for: wave motion, particle theory of light, image-forming properties, wave theory of light, radiant energy, present-day view, manipulation of content, give rise, significant advances, highly directional, notable application, data storage. III. Put in preposition where necessary: 1. Optics is concerned... the genesis and propagation of light. 2. Physical optics deals... the nature and properties of light itself. 3.... the end of the century. Christian Huygens provided... a mechanical explanation of reflection and refraction. 4. Two major developments ushered... a new era in optics. 5. Geometrical optics has to do... the principles that govern ... the image-forming properties... devices that make use... light. 6. Newton's views came to dominate... scientific thought... more than a century. IV. Say the following in one word: discrete energy units minute light particles light of a single frequency a two-step coherent image-forming process V. Answer the questions: 1. What is optics? 2. What are two major branches of optics? 3. When were the foundations of the science established? 4. Who succeeded in deriving the law of refraction? 5. When was a mechanical explanation of reflection and refraction of light provided?
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6. Whose views came to dominate scientific thought for more than a century? 7. What theory is considered the foremost achievement of classical optics? 8. When was the groundwork for modern optics laid? 9. What is Albert Einstein’s contribution in the present-day view on light? 10. What developments ushered in a new era in optics? VI. Give a short summary of the text using the questions Beyond as a plan. VII. Read and comment on the statements: 1. The laser provided an ideal tool for optical data processing and communication. 2. The laser has proved to be a very efficient means of transmitting audio and video information.
VIII. Translate the text using a dictionary: The manipulation of the content of an image by means of optical systems using coherent light (i.e., light of a single frequency or colour in which all the components are in step with each other) became a subject for serious study in the 1950s. The laser provided an ideal tool for optical data processing and communication. It gave rise to significant advances in holography, a two-step coherent image-forming process in which an intermediate record is made of the complex optical field associated with an object. One of the more notable applications of holography in the area of optical information processing is binary data storage and retrieval. The laser has proved to be a very efficient means of transmitting audio and video information (e.g., telephone conversations and television programs). It is superior to ordinary electronic transmitters for several reasons. Because the frequency of laser light is appreciably higher than that of radio waves, for example, a laser beam can carry substantially more information. Furthermore, since a laser beam is highly directional, it is able to transmit information with very little interference and over long distances.
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Word list managerial управленческий in terms of с точки зрения to be responsible for отвечать за что-либо to carry out выполнять decision решение to supervise руководить profit-making коммерческий, рентабельный marketing management менеджмент маркетинга, управление маркетингом a concept понятие to cover охватывать sales продажи consumer requirements изучение потребительского research рынка, изучение потребителей to look beyond заглядывать вперед a long-term strategy долгосрочная стратегия to evaluate оценивать opportunities возможности to select выбирать objectives цели, задачи sales volume объем продаж market share доля рынка profitability рентабельность, выгодность innovation новшество Product Life Cycle жизненный цикл товара (продукта) maturity зрелость, наступление срока decline падение, снижение, спад decision-making принятие решений the demand for спрос на что-либо to respond to отвечать tools инструменты advertizing реклама trade shows выставка-продажа pricing ценообразование
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packaging упаковка, разработка упаковочных материа- лов и контейнеров mix ассортимент, номенклатура marketing mix комплекс маркетинга; факторы маркетинга компании (контролируемые компанией факто- ры, которые могут повлиять на приобрете- ние ее товаров потребителями)
Management is a function of planning, organizing, coordination, direction and controlling. Any managerial system, at any managerial level, is characterized in terms of these general functions. The term " management" refers to those people who are responsible for making and carrying out decisions within the system. An individual manager is a person who directly supervises people in a profit-making organization. Some basic characteristics seem to apply to managers in all types of organization. They include hard work on a variety of specific activities. For example, marketing management refers to a broad concept covering organization of production and sales of products, which is based on consumer requirements research. All companies must look beyond their present situation and develop a long-term strategy to meet changing conditions in their industry. Marketing management, therefore, consists of evaluating market opportunities, selecting markets, developing market strategies, planning marketing tactics and controlling marketing results. Strategic planning includes defining the company's long-term and specific objectives, such as sales volume, market share, profitability and innovation, and deciding on financial, material and other resources necessary to achieve those objectives. One of the key concepts in market selection and product planning is that of the Product Life Cycle. It means that every product passes through various stages between life and death: introduction, growth, maturity, decline. A company should have a mix of products with representation in each of these stages. When
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the concept of the Product Life Cycle is forgotten in marketing planning, it leads to wrong decision-making. Important changes in the demand for particular products and services are continuously occuring. Management should respond to such changes. To be successful it is necessary to understand and learn how to use effective marketing tools. Advertizing, trade shows, service activity, pricing and packaging in combination produce sales, and are usually referred to as a kind of " marketing mix". The objective of business is to find a marketing mix which at a given point of time will prove to be profitable.
1. Pronounce correctly: managerial, characterized, decisions, supervise, beyond, profitability, financial, resources, key, cycle, through. Read the English words and word combinations (A) and choose the corresponding Russian equivalents (B): А: a managerial system; in terms of; are responsible for making and carrying out decisions; profit-making organization; variety of specific activities; consumer requirements research; a long-term strategy; evaluating market opportunities; sales volume; profitability; financial and material resources; a key concept; Profit Life Cycle; decline; mix of products; advertizing; pricing; marketing mix. B: с точки зрения; долгосрочная стратегия; отвечает за принятие и выполнение решений; ключевое понятие; ценообразование; оценка возможностей рынка; управленческая структура; объем продаж; ассортимент товаров; жизненный цикл товара; рентабельность; снижение; факторы маркетинга компании; финансовые и материальные ресурсы; реклама; коммерческий; разнообразие конкретных целей; изучение потребительского рынка. 3. Find in the text: ... широкое понятие, охватывающее; на любом управленческом уровне; ... непосредственно руководит людьми; ... чтобы отвечать изменяющимся условиям; ... необходимые для достижения этих целей; ... представленный в каждой из этих ступеней; важные изменения
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... постоянно происходят; чтобы добиться успеха...; в данный момент времени. 4. Answer the questions: 1. What is management? 2. Who does this term refer to? 3. What is an individual manager? 4. What does the term " marketing management" mean? 5. What does it consist of? 6. What does strategic planning include? 7. What does the term " Product Life Cycle" mean? 8. Why should any company have a mix of products? 9. What is " marketing mix"? 10. Is the objective of business to find a marketing mix? 5. Translate into English: 1. Любая управленческая система на любом уровне характеризуется с точки зрения планирования, организации, координации и контроля. 2. Термин " менеджмент" относится к людям, ответственным за принятие и выполнение решений. 3. Менеджер - это человек, который непосредственно управляет людьми в коммерческой организации. 4. Менеджмент маркетинга (управление маркетингом) охватывает организацию производства и продажи товаров, основанную на изучение потребительского рынка. 5. Все компании должны разрабатывать долгосрочную стратегию, чтобы отвечать меняющимся условиям в своей промышленности. 6. Стратегическое планирование включает определение долгосрочных и конкретных задач. 7. Одно из ключевых понятий в менеджменте маркетинга - это жизненный цикл товара. 8. Когда понятие жизненного цикла товара забывается - это ведет к принятию неправильных решений. 9. Для достижения успеха необходимо знать, как использовать эффективные инструменты маркетинга. 10. Комплекс маркетинга (факторы маркетинга компании) - это совокупность рекламы, выставок, продаж, сервисной службы, ценообразования и т.д.
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Word list contradiction противоречие achievement достижение environment окружающая среда interference вмешательство interaction взаимодействие to conquer покорять creation создание amazing удивительный to give birth to родить, породить to poison отравлять to disturb нарушать to pollute загрязнять waste отходы to disappear исчезать to prevent предотвращать to serve служить oxygen кислород to suffer from страдать от... inevitably неизбежно destruction разрушение disaster несчастье, беда consequence последствие protection защита, охрана security безопасность acid rain кислотный дождь greenhouse effect парниковый эффект ozone depletion истощение озонового слоя to cause вызывать to take measures принимать меры to take care (of) заботиться о... forever навсегда forward дальше harmful вредный substance вещество to emit выбрасывать
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desertification опустынивание the challenge to humankind человеческий фактор (зд.) sustainable development устойчивое развитие to take the problem браться, взяться за решение проблемы dwelling жилище in a state of flux в состоянии непрерывного изменения
Introduction Until recently ecology was a term used by only a few of our more sophisticated citizens. By the beginning of the 20th century it found only a modest scientific application in biology: it denoted the interrelations between living organisms, plants and animals, and their environment. Today, the lexicon of ecology contains about 12, 000 or 14, 000 terms and definitions. Environment, ecosystem, bioecology, monitoring are among them. Our environment can be defined as our surroundings; it is Made up of all the physical, social and cultural aspects of our world that reflects our growth, our being, and our way of living. The organized body of knowledge which deals with the interrelations between living organisms and their environment is a relatively new science, which we call ecology. The term is derived from two Greek words meaning " oikos" (house, dwelling) and " logos" (science). It has been in use only since the 19th century. Today, the term has been extended to denote a complex of sciences dealing above all with the interrelations between man and nature. Man uses natural resources as the material for his creative work, and nature itself as his workshop. Ecosystem is a contraction of ecological system. An ecosystem refers to a community and the relationships of those organisms to their environment. An ecosystem is dynamic in that its various parts are always in a state of flux. Since each member of the ecosystem belongs to the environment of every other
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part of that system, any change in one alters the environment for all the others. And as those components react to the alteration, they in turn continue to transform the environment for the others. Ecosystems are open systems with movement of energy and material across their boundaries. Bioecology studies the interrelations between living organisms and their environment. Traditionally, it is subdivided into the ecology of micro-organisms, plant ecology and animal ecology. There is a group of ecological disciplines including the ecology of the atmosphere, the ecology of hydrosphere, the ecolo- gy of soils and lithosphere and, finally, the ecology of outer space. Landscape ecology studies the interrelations between various land ecosystems. The biosphere, the global ecosystem which exists and develops in time and space, is studied by global ecology. The growing human intervention in the biosphere brought about the need for constant monitoring, i.e. for identification of the condition of the human environment and the prediction of possible changes therein relative to man's economic activity.
Man and Nature Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the sources Of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase. The ecological harmony is disturbed. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1, 000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burnt in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
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The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of ecological crisis. The destruction of nature gradually led to the loss of the most essential element of existence, a healthy biological habitat. Environmental pollution increases the cases of diseases, raises the cost of medical services, reduces the life-span of a human being. By now the pollution and poisoning of the soil, water and air have reached a critical level. Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries - members of the UNO - have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss questions of ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. The international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The International organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment. Now industrially developed states cannot ignore the problem of environmental protection. It has become a part of political programmes in many countries. Many laws and decisions on this problem have been adopted, many measures have been taken to protect our forests, rivers, lakes and seas. The importance of this task is pointed out by ecologists, the scientists who work to control this problem. We should consider the state of environment to be as important as the issues of national unity and the economy. New legislations have been introduced in developed countries to strengthen the requirements for adequate environmental assessment of projects that may have a direct impact on the environment. Modern ecology has an ethical dimension. The principles of moral Behaviour embodied in legal norms and coupled with ecological problems constitute the subject of the interrelation between ecology and law. There is a necessity to support programs aimed at the preservation of the environment not only on the national level but global as well. As we move towards the next Millennium, the challenge to humankind, to understand, respect and manage the world and its
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resources, becomes ever more urgent. Sustainable development focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to tackle their own problems. It is also concerned with social justice and global responsibilities. In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection should constitute an integral part of the development process and can not be considered in isolation from it. The establishment of satellite geoecological monitoring is of a great importance for investigations, control and management of the environment in zones of ecological disasters. General and regional monitoring programs can provide the complex estimation of modern landscapes, land use desertification processes. It should be based on data obtained from aerial and space surveys, geographic information systems (GIS), maps and other sources. There is no doubt that maps have been valuable tools throughout the recent history of environmental studies. The remote sensing provides a valuable information for weather services, ocean and atmosphere studies, as well as for geoecological monitoring, control and management of the environment.
1. Answer the following questions: 1. How can the word environment be defined? 2. Define the terms ecology and ecosystem. 3. Is nature the source of people's life? 4. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with nature, didn't they? 5. What is the 20th century famous for? 6. Is there a contradiction between human being and nature? 7. How has the progress influenced the environment? 8. Has man's interference in nature increased with the development of civilization? 9. What are the consequences of ecological disasters? 10.Are environment problems very acute in densely populated areas? . - 29 -
11. Is air pollution in towns and cities the worst? 12. Do many cities suffer from smog? 13. Can highly developed countries ignore the problem of environmental protection? 14. Should urgent measures be taken to protect environment? 15. Is the space technology widely used for weather services, ocean and atmosphere studies?
2. Translate from Russian into English: 1. Наука, изучающая отношения между живыми организмами и средой их обитания, и есть экология. 2. Взаимодействие человека и природы неотделимо от самой истории человечества. 3. Человечество стоит перед острыми экологическими проблемами. 4. Загрязнение воды и воздуха является результатом небрежного отношения человека к природе. 5. Проблемы защиты окружающей среды приобретают все большую значимость. 6. Для достижения устойчивого развития защита окружающей среды должна составлять неотъемлемую часть процесса развития и не может рассматриваться в отрыве от нее. 7. Кислотные дожди воздействуют как на животных, так и на растительные организмы. 8. Если мы хотим оставить будущим поколениям чистую землю, мы должны принимать самые срочные меры по охране окружающей среды. 9. Международное сообщество предпринимает конкретные меры по охране природы и окружающей среды.
3. Read and memorize the following word combinations: the rate of pollution - уровень загрязнения, to be abundant - изобиловать, environmental protection - защита окружающей среды, ecological monitoring - экологический мониторинг, environmental situation - состояние окружающей среды, sustainable development - устойчивое развитие, to be considered - быть рассмотренным, to take into account - принимать во внимание, to call for - требовать, предусматривать, as compared with - по сравнению с, в противоположность.
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4. Express your consent or refusal and explain your point of view: 1. As far as the environment is concerned the trends are positive rather than negative. 2. There is no factual basis for the forecast of pollution in the future. 3. Some new pollution may kill all of us. 4. Environmental problems are becoming political problems. 5. The world in 2000 will be more polluted, less suitable ecologically than the world we live in now. 6. Pollution could heat climate by 2030. 5. Translate the English word combinations without a dictionary: a fairly complex system, prehistoric times, the pre-war period, consumer goods, a wide variety of, a large number of synthetic materials, UNESCO sponsored project, the adopted resolution, the consumption of electricity, a continuous industrial development, major changes, preliminary assumptions. 6. Translate the text using a dictionary: Word list Популярное:
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