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Read the text about life in Hong Kong. Fill in the blanks using the words below.


I wanna talk about ____1___ today. You know life here in Hong Kong is very ____2___so I think today’s topic is very useful for everyone because we can do something about it, just to cope with the stress. So maybe you have some changes in your life, maybe a big change or a small one, but instead of being afraid, I think you should have a ____3____ attitude and think of changes as a normal part of life.

And here in Hong Kong, the families are crowded into very small housing space, so maybe you sometimes argue with your family. I think trying to resolve the disagreement with people is very important because you can build strong relationships and keep commitments you have made. For example, sometimes maybe you are ______4______ and if you want to make some comfort you can ask the people you trust for help. It is very important because if you have a bunch of friends, they can listen to you, then you can ____5___through talking to them.

I actually find it very funny when you want to ____6____, you can reduce this by the word S-T-R-E-S-S, that’s stress. Let’s begin with the ‘S’. Well, I think ‘S’ is for ‘scheduling’, for example, you don’t have _____7____ too many things in your day and if you feel you are too busy, you can cut out an activity or two.

And how about the ‘T’ word? The ‘T’ word is ‘treat your body well’, because experts say that not only exercise can reduce stress but also healthy food can help because your brain and your body get the nourishment they need.

The next word is ‘R’ - ‘R’ is very important, it says ‘___8_____’. You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you, maybe you can read a good book or learn a new hobby and spend time with your pet or even you can visit a spa and that can make a very good difference. Playing piano helps me a lot when I feel stressed and sometimes I may just watch a movie that makes me laugh.

And the next word is ‘E’ – ‘E’ is about expectations, and I think be realistic about yourself is to be true to yourself and others. So you can just ___9______ and don’t try to be perfect and don’t expect others to be too… because that will release and reduce a lot of stress for you and the people around you.

And the next word is ‘S’ – ‘S’ stands for ‘sleep’ and I really love to sleep to be honest, that’s my hobby I think, because sleep…if you get a good night’s sleep, it will keep your mind and your body in shape. And experts say if you sleep more than seven hours, you will actually get tired, so don’t sleep too much in the day, just sleep it when you feel it.

And the last word is ‘S’ again. I always do this action, the S word is ‘smile’ – if you smile and __10______, your attitude and your thoughts influence the way you see things. And if you are a negative person, you can actually learn to think in a more positive way because that makes you feel more comfortable when you are coping with the stress. Finally I think we should take action and apply these tips to your life, so everyone can beat stress.


1. a) feeling stress

b) ignoring stress

c) causing stress

d) beating stress

2. a) stressful

b) wonderful

c) happy

d) dull

3. a) negative

b) positive

c) hysteric

d) ecstatic

4. a) feeling guilty

b) feeling alone

c) feeling confident

d) feeling enraged

5. a) release some stress

b) ignore your stress

c) hide your stress

d) control your stress

6. a) control some stress

b) reduce some stress

c) release some stress

d) ignore some stress

7. a) to schedule

b) to cram

c) to correct

d) to put

8. a) respond

b) remember

c) relax

d) recall

9. a) make your best

b) do your best

c) help the rest

d) save your time

10. a) have confidence

b) have friends

c) have problems

d) have fun


7. How much do you know about stress? Circle T if the statement is true, circle F if the statement is false:

1. Not all stress is bad.


2. The key to take control of your stress is going to a psychiatrist.


3. Students often complain that when they feel stressed they find it hard to concentrate, feel tired all the time, perhaps start to miss lectures and deadlines and feel they can't cope.


4. Nobody should know about your problems.


5. Stress isn’t a major problem for many people — a hectic job, a chaotic home life, bills to worry about, and bad habits such as unhealthy eating, drinking and smoking can’t lead to a mountain of stress.


6. Stress is a response to challenges in life, and a life without challenges is too boring to contemplate.


7. The most common causes of stress in family life are finances, work and health.


8. When one person in a family is experiencing high stress levels, nobody else feels the stress either.


9. Stress can affect you mentally, physically and emotionally.


10 Everyone has stress in their lives and your reaction to that stress isn’t important.



8. List the ways you experience stress physically, emotionally and mentally. Choose from the following words:



physically emotionally mentally




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