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Founded; 43 Founded: 1147

Population: 7, 600.000 Population: 10, 407, 000

Area: 1, 706 sq km Area: 1, 081 sq km

Rainfall: 799 mm Rainfall: 581 mm

Winter temperature: +З°C Winter temperature: —10°C

Summer temperature: +22, 5°C Summer temperature: +18°C



Founded: 1790 Founded: 1820

Population: 1, 000, 000 Population: 1, 000, 000

Area: 200 sq km Area: 2, 757 sq km

Rainfall: 1, 064 mn Rainfall: 1, 250 mm

Winter temperature: +2°C Winter temperature: +4 °C

Summer temperature: +24°C Summer temperature: +2l°C




Founded: 1839 Founded: 1788

Population: 410, 328 Population: 4, 200, 000

Area: 290 sq km Area: 1, 600 sq km

Rainfall: 1, 270 mm Rainfall: 1, 180 mm

Summer temperature: +20 °C Summer temperature: +22 °C

Winter temperature: +6 °C Winter temperature: +12°C


Тема 2.3. Промышленность, транспорт.

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The Personal Computer.

At last we have our own personal computer, PC, at home. We have the Internet, to, and e-mail. My father’s firm pays for it every month. Now I want to do all my work on the PC. My sister also loves our PC and wants to do all her homework on it. She doesn’t want to write her home tasks in her exercise-books. She wants to write them on the computer and to print them on the printer. But best of all she likes to play computer games. It’s her hobby. And they help her English, too. All her friends at school like computer games very much, too. All her friends at school like computer games very much, too. They don’t play football in the streets now, they sit at home in front of their PCs and “live” in virtual reality!

Our father doesn’t want to use our computer at home. He sits in front of the computer al day in his office. At home he likes to watch TV or video or read his newspapers and journals.


Прочитайте следующий текст и выразите своё мнение.

Computers can do a lot of work for us. They help us at school. They keep useful information. Besides, they can even teach us English as well as other subjects. On the other hand, they have some cons. Viruses are a headache for many users. You shouldn’t spend too much time at your PC. It’s bad for your eyesight, for instance. Chatting in the Internet with your friend is not the same as a face-to-face talk.

Тема 2.4. Оборудование, инструкции, руководства.


1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.Дайте название тексту.

The study of electricity may be divided into three classes or branches: magnetism, electrostatics, and electrodynamics. Magnetism is the property of the molecules of iron and certain other substances through which they store energy in a field of force because the arranged movement of the electrons in their atoms. Electrostatics is the study of electricity at rest, or static electricity. Examples of this type of electricity are charges or condenser plates. Rubbing glass with silk produces static electricity. Electrodynamics is the study of electricity in motion, or dynamic electricity. The electricity which flows through wires for light and power purposes is a good example of latter type of electricity.

Possible answers:

1) Dynamic Electricity

2) Static Electricity

3) The nature of Electricity

4) Classes of Electricity

Заполните пропуски данными словосочетаниями.


1_____________, the name of the current system must be present in the display4 for example: Home-1. Your charges may vary depending on the cellural carrier used. Enter 2_____________ and press SEND. After you have pressed SEND to make the word Dialing appears in the display. When you have 3___________ a mobile switching center, the confirmation message. 4______________, the word Call will also be displayed along with the approximate duration of the call.

Possible answers:

a) If the call timer is activated

b) The number you wish to send

c) To make a call

d) Made contact with


1. Be careful.

2. Beware of industrial 1___________.

3. Don’t 2___________ here.

4. Don’t walk here.

5. 3__________ of death.

6. This material is 4___________.

Possible answers:

a) Corrosive

b) Vehicles

c) Smoke

d) Rick

Приложение 1

Английский алфавит




Задание 1.

Студент должен овладеть правилами чтения согласных.




Задание 2.

Студент должен овладеть правилами чтения гласных в ударном слоге.



  1. Билет 25: Влияние социальных и психических особенностей личности на восприятие ситуации и поведение в ней.
  2. В5 1. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, каждое положение которого пронумеровано.
  3. Вирусный трансмиссивный гастроэнтерит свиней.
  4. Иммунитет и его виды. Использование явлений иммунитета в диагностике и профилактике инфекционных болезней.
  5. Итерационное уточнение корней.
  6. ЛЕКЦИЯ 5. Общие принципы организации тканей. Эпителиальные ткани
  7. Методы исследования в эзизоотологии. Диагностика инфекционных болезней.
  8. Морфофункциональная классификация эпителиальных тканей.
  9. Необходимые по делу доказательства и мои аргументы и доводы изложены мной в заявленной апелляционной жалобе и ПОЯСНЕНИЯХ к ней.
  10. Оплата коммунальных услуг задержана на дней.
  12. Правило первых 5 дней. Вы можете чувствовать себя в безопасности в течение первых 5 дней цикла, если за 12-16 дней до этого у вас был очевидный подъем температуры.

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