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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Translate the text of the lecture into Russian.

Make word-combinations as in the model

• 3     transactions
thousand accountants
• thousands of entities


9. Agree or disagree:

• The use of the word " thousand" is very easy.

• The word " hundied" is used in the same way.

• The figures are very important in accounting

• The woik of accountants is very important.

10. Sum up what the lecturer said about:

• accountants and bookkeepers

• financial accounting

Unit twenty eight

Balance sheets


In the course course of the lecture on Accounting the lecturer distributed material with diagrams, tables and other information.

Here is a balance sheet sample distributed:

à Current Assets: 15, 000 11, 800
Cash 9, 000 6, 920
Marketable Securities 1, 200 1, 080
Receivables 2, 800 2, 600
Inventories 2, 000 1, 200
à Long-term Assets: 5, 443 3, 200
Property, Plant and Equipment 1, 056 0, 950
Investments 0, 200 0, 100
Receivables 0, 207 0, 100
Goodwill 2, 400 2, 000
Deferred Expenditure 0, 580 0, 500
à Total Assets 20, 443 15, 000
à Current Liabilities: 3, 000 2, 600
Loans 2, 000 1, 800
Payables 1, 000 0, 800
à Long-term Liabilities: 4, 300 3, 200
Loans 4, 000 3, 000
Other liabilities and provisions 0, 300 0, 200
à Total Liabilities 7, 300 5, 800
NET ASSETS EMPLOYED 13, 143 9, 200
à Shareholder's Interests: 5, 000 3, 000
Share Capital 3, 000 1, 700
Reserves 2, 143 2, 000
Retained Earnings 2, 000 2, 000
à Minority Interests 1, 000 0, 500
à Total Shareholder's Interest 6, 000 3, 500


Words and expressions

table   таблица
balance sheet   баланс, (документ)
sample   образец
balance sheet sample   образец баланса
subsidiary [s@b'sIdj@rI] дочерняя компания
consolidated   консолидированный
consolidated balance   консолидированный ба­
sheet   ланс (главной компании
    и ее дочерних компаний
    и филиалов)
as at   по состоянию на
syn as of    
current   текущий
assets ['{sets] активы: собственность в
    самой различной форме
    (недвижимость, машины
    и оборудование, кредич-
    ные требования, ценные
    бумаги и т д )
market   рынок
marketable   рыночный
securities [sI'kju@r@tIz] ценные бумаги
receivables [rI'sÖ v@blz] причитающиеся суммы
inventories   запасы товаров
term   срок
long-term   долгосрочный
short-term   краткосрочный
property   собственность
plant   завод, промышленное
equipment [I'kwIpm@nt] оборудование
to invest   делать инвестиции
investor   инвестор
investment   инвестиция
goodwill     добрая воля; престиж; дело­вая репутация (контакты, клиенты и кадры компа­нии, которые смогут быть оценены и занесены на специальный счет; эта оценка играет роль глав­ным образом при погло­щении и слиянии фирм.
to defer [dI'fý ] отсрочить (платеж)
expenditure [Ik'spendI¶@] расходы
deferred expenditure   отсроченные платежи по расходам
total   итог, итого
liabilities [, laI@'bIl@tiz] пассив: обязательства,
provisions   резервы
net   чистый, нетто
to employ   использовать
net assets employed   стоимость чистых активов компании в расчете на одну акцию
share   акция
share capital   акционерный капитал
shareholder   акционер
shareholders' meeting   собрание акционеров
interest   процент
to retain   удерживать
to earn   получать, зарабатывать
earnings   поступления, прибыль
retained earnings   оставшаяся прибыль (после удержания налогов)
minority   меньшинство
minority interest     процент по акциям, вы­плачиваемый мелким акционерам



1. Translate into Russian:    
• balance sheet consolidated balance sheet balance sheet sample • current assets current liabilities
• receivables payables • shares share capital shareholder
• interest shareholder's interest minority interest total shareholder's interest • earnings retained earnings
• cash loans inventories marketable securities • current assets long-term assets total assets


2. Read all the numerals in the text as in the examples:

• Example nineteen ninety seven
• Example    
15, 000 fifteen thousand (1, 500, 000 one million five hundred thousand)


• Example     • Example     • Example 11, 800 eleven thousand eight hundred (11, 800, 000 eleven million eight hundred thousand)
6, 920 six thousand nine hundred and twenty (6, 9200, 000 six million nine hundred and twenty thousand)
0, 950 nine hundred and fifty (950, 000 nine hundred and fifty thousand)


3. Read all the items of the balance sheet making the assets of the company.

ü items — пункты

Translate this balance sheet sample into Russian.

5. Make sentences:

• The lecturer distributed many materials a few diagrams a few balance sheets a few balance sheet samples
• It was a lecture on accounting balance sheet making securuties share capital reserves loans investments


• The balance sheet says that the assets the liabilities the net assets the total share holder's interest of the Company in 1997 are/is..


6. Complete the sentences:

Current assets consist of cash, marketable securities...

Long-term assets consist of property, plant and equipment, in­vestments...

Total assets consist of current assets and...

Current liabilities consist of loans and...

Long-term liabilities consist of loans and...

Total liabilities consist of current liabilities and...

Total assets minus total liabilities make net assets...

Shareholder's interests plus minority interests make total...

ü to consist — состоять

7. Answer the following questions:

On what subject was the lecture mentioned in this Unit read?

What sample did this Unit capture?

What terms were lather difficult to remember?

Unit twenty nine



On a certain day after the lecture on the UK taxation system the Group was to visit the Tax Department of a lawyers' firm in the centre of London. Mr. Hill and the participants went there by tube which is the fastest means of transport when one wishes to move in the centre of the city. After they got into the building of the firm they went to the secretary's office.

Mr. Hill: Good afternoon.

Secretary: Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Hill: My name is Hill and here is the Group of Russian busi­nessmen. We have got an appointment with Mr. Brown for three.

Secretary: Mr. Brown is waiting for you in the conference room. Follow me, please.

In the conference room a few Englishmen were waiting for the Group. Mr. Brown, Head of the Department, welcomed the Group and introduced his colleagues. They were solicitors and legal assistants of different offices. Each of them spoke about his scope of business for some time. Thus the participants had some information on com­mercial taxes, international taxes. Project Finance taxes and other taxation matters.

A lot of questions were asked and answered then. The discussions were very useful and informative. Before the participants left they were offered latest Tax Guides containing current tax rates and tax saving hints.

Here is an extract from the Guide:

Corporation Tax Rates 1997

à Standard rate 33%

à Small companies rate (see the note) 25%

N o t e

Applicable if the company's total profits, including chargeable gains, are 300.000 pounds sterling or less. The threshold is re­duced if the company has associated companies.



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