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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Ex.1 Translate into Russian. Use the dictionary whenever necessary

cooperation accord; stock market; bulls and bears; interest rate; Thatcherism; venture capital; capital goods; feasible accuracy; cross-border acquisition; fair-trade acts; demand stimulation activity; overseas branch; cattle stock; capital stock; market share; ordinary shares; bill of exchange; exchange rate; deadheading; bank deposit; mineral deposits; high-cost firm; firm prices; blue chips; productivity gains; goodwill; housing; capital-intensive; industries; finished goods inventories; trained manpower; outstanding amount; bad debt provision; foreign securities; monetary targets; Dutch auction.

Ex.2 Translate into Russian. Use the dictionary whenever necessary

Big Bang; Board of Agriculture; Land-Lease Act; Bretton Woods System; Department of Defense; World Bank Group; Antitrust Division; Dow Jones; American Institute of Accountants; Old Lady of Thread-needle Street; Uruguay Round; Harvard Business School; European Union; Bundesbank; Foreign Office; Security Council; U.S. Department of State; “The Herald Tribune”; Price Waterhouse Corporation; Downing Street; Wall Street.


Ex.3 Translate into Russian. Use the dictionary whenever necessary


Ex.4 Translate the following sentences:

1. The chief executive officer has always been a staunch advocate of the aggressive expansionary policy.

2. The still big credit outstandings of the company suggest they should keep a more accurate record of their expenses.

3. The board dismissed the newspaper reports about the economy gaining momentum as pure speculation.

4. The struggle is over how OPEC’s member- nations will share out the extra business as the cartel, with its big deposits, is called upon to produce ever more of the world’s oil.

5. Even before Thursday’s 5 per cent Bank rate increase the Chancellor did go for a reflation.

6. The country’s overall gross domestic product growth was falling behind predictions made early in the year.

7. One of the major revolutions in farming since the war has been the development of dairy herd as the major source of beef.

8. There are many contracts encouraging cost inflation and higher profits.

9. Technical exchange was to be expanded under the new Agreement.

10. The Government will have to pursue a policy of strict economies.

11. As the World Bank, a CAFTA partisan, suggested in a report in June, forecasting the economic effects of the treaty is more art than science.

12. After the war new measures of exchange control were introduced in many countries.

13. Low rates of productivity are also part of the reason for the pound purchasing less.

14. The shipbuilding consortium, Upper Clyde Shipbuilders, was forced to bankruptcy by the refusal of the Government to provide the money necessary to meet its immediate wages and material bills.

15. The Government is responsible for raising prices and bringing about the heaviest inflation of any major economy through enormous expansion of the money supply and credit without corresponding productive development.

Ex.5 Translate the following headlines:

Creditors Warned.

Aim to Stimulate Production.

New Wage Offer Accepted.

Significant Strides Made in the Manufacture of Producer Goods.

ICI Dispute Being Sent to Ministry.

Statistics Show Rapid Growth?


Help for the North-East Areas or Hand-Out to Big Business?

Mr. M. to go to Moscow in a Few Weeks.

Price Rise Unlikely – President of the Company.

Steel Company – Workers Sacked.

Italian Pit Strike.

The Wages Struggle.

Machinery Sales Organization.

Foreign Trade Figures in October.

Germany’s Familiar Tight Credit And High Interest Rate Policy.


Ex. 6 Translate the following sentences:

1. The ultimate decision will test the president's overall economic policy and its practical application toward troubled domestic industries, as well as his campaign pledge to the blue-collar constituency in the auto-producing states.
2. The heads of state of the European Union agreed this week in the Netherlands on an anti-recession strategy that calls for lower interest rates and new spur to production.
3. Although other manufacturing companies are not faring as poorly outside the United States as the automakers, they are not thrilled about their earning prospects.
4. With their pay rise banned by the Government, the men have refused to cooperate with their employers in productivity measures to which the rise was linked.
5. But strongest of all the arguments is the huge profits the car owners have been making over the years. It is one of the ironies of the situation that just as their payrolls fall and their car outputs go down, all the companies are reporting record profits made for the past year.
6. His April Budget increases formed a very large part in the retail price index increase during that month.
7. The Treasurer introduces a Bill to implement the Government's plan to give preferential taxation treatment to life insurance companies.
8. The figures are in and they spell disaster - some 1, 259, 200 people will join the ranks of the unemployed as a direct result of the Administration budget cuts.
9. Coupled with the spending and tax proposals were changes in the federal regulatory process and monetary policy.
10. The steps announced in Paris, to take effect Monday, include decreasing the Bank of France's key money-market intervention rate to 10.75 per cent from 11.25 per cent, while imposing a 5-percent reserve requirement on nonresident bank accounts, French monetary officials said.
11. In the past few years coordination agencies have been created by the Government to include a Foreign Exchange Committee and an Internal Finance Committee; and the Central Bank and the Ministers of Finance, Commerce and State Enterprises exert some influence in this sphere.
12. The three month United Nations World Trade and Development Conference, which was attended by representatives of 122 Governments, was called the Little General Assembly.
13. If you thought that this latest increase in the index - which, by the way, does not reflect at all the Government-imposed postal charge increases - would justify a bigger wage increase, you are mistaken.
14. Paradoxically, the poll returns mean that he will be able to go ahead with his plan to introduce a pay-as-you-earn income tax scheme, which had been the main issue of the elections.
15. Far more questionable are the restrictions proposed for the state-financed unemployment benefit programs for the short-term unemployed.
16. The report listed a whole range of tax-deductible items available to companies, including company houses, yachts for entertaining overseas clients and even company racehorses.
17. " These supply-oriented policies are directed at the medium-term, " the panel said, " If they are successful, it will raise the international competitiveness of German products".
18. The British P.M., who has spent nearly two years trying to force a reconstruction of the badly battered British economy, sees the next six months as a crucial " test of will" for a survival-of-the-fittest tight money, budget-cutting strategy for reducing inflation, inefficiency and the size and economic involvement of government.
19. Sanyo Electric expects to show record profit and sales figures for the year ending next Nov. 30, company president said Tuesday. He said after-tax profit for the period will rise.




В процессе перевода часто возникают ситуации, когда невозможно использование словарных соответствий слов и выражений. Это относится в равной степени и к эквивалентным и к вариантным соответствиям. В этих случаях переводчик прибегает к трансформационному переводу, т.е. осуществляет логические преобразование и замены для адекватной передачи содержания высказывания с опорой на контекст. Выделяют несколько категорий лексических трансформаций.



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