Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

An International Scientific Conference

INTRO: A Conference on Political Issues and Global Challenges

2 TASK/PROCESS: Divide into several groups of 3-4:

1) Group A: You are members of the International Scientific Conference (ISC) Committee. Choose the theme of the forthcoming conference, prepare a leaflet outlining the theme, the sections, the date and the requirements for the participants (an article and the performance at the ISC); organize the plenary session (prepare a speech), the sitting on the day of the conference and the final session drawing out the results; edit a book of articles.

2) Group B: You are a group of politicians/diplomats who would like to contribute to the ISC; prepare your article and presentation, be ready to answer the questions.

3) Group C: You are a group of scientists who are eager to express the views on urgent matters; prepare your articles and presentation; be ready to answer the questions.

3 RESULT & EVALUATION: Analyze the results of the ISC and prepare a report/ an article (300-350 words) on it.

A Round-Table Discussion

Choose one of the following themes to organize a round-table discussion.

1. The advantages of joint educational programmes and recognition of diplomas abroad.

2. The role of the Foreign Language teacher as a means of tolerance and rapport building among the members of various cultural backgrounds.

3. The OSCE representatives solve the safety and peacekeeping problems/issues in the region and work out strategies to prevent conflicts.

4. Contribution of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the fight against international terrorism.


A Debate

Use the ideas below to develop the themes of the debate.

  1. International experience of the successful regional cooperation.
  2. Multilateral diplomacy in globalization context and priorities of the RK.
  3. The peculiarities of the domestic policy of the RK: problems and solutions.
  4. Globalization: promise and peril.

Look through a list of expressions and distribute them in suitable columns of the chart.

Agreeing Disagreeing Suggesting Stressing personal opinion Not correct/ not appropriate

‘A List of the Debate Expressions’

1. That’s a great idea!

2. Why don’t we…?

3. I see your point but………….

4. I think we should…………

5. As for me………..

6. I think you are right………..

7. I am agree…………

8. I agree…………

9. How about …………..

10. Whatever!

11. As far as I am concerned………….

12. Are you sure?

13. I wonder if ………………….

14. We could…………….

15. I disagree/don’t agree……………

16. Are you crazy?

17. I don’t think so.

18. I am disagree…………

19. Mind you, I …………..

20. Personally I think…………..

21. Have you considered ………………..?

22. I am not of the same opinion

23. As I take it…………..

24. I hold the opinion that…………….

25. Quite the contrary!

26. Well, maybe we can try to look at things from another perspective……………………

[112] Essential Tips for Conducting a Class Debate, 2014

Conduct a debate.

Write a review (300-350 words) on the outcomes of the debate.


1 Investigate the impact, positive and negative, that aspects of globalization have on communities in the former Eastern bloc countries, China, India, Latin America countries, Central Asia, African countries, etc. (e.g. job migration). Imply interdisciplinary approach: bring together historical, legal, economic, environmental, and cultural perspectives on the problem under study. Analyse the sources of information critically and convey a personal stance on the aspects of globalization.

2 Choose the form (a debate, a conference, etc.) and present the results of your study in class.


Use these ideas for research projects.

Citizenship, Justice and Democracy

This theme explores the problems of citizenship that lie at the heart of many of the most important challenges facing the modern world.

Governance and Public Policy

Each form of governance has distinctive problems. We explore not only the individual governance and implementation structures but also their mix in policy arenas with wicked problems that are topical, strongly contested, continuing, and beset by fragmented and overlapping responsibilities.

Migration and the Politics and Policies of Membership

This theme is concerned with the movement of people within and across polities which has become a pervasive feature of contemporary political life. Some of these movements are largely unremarked, others provide sites of moral panic and contending political rhetoric; all of them contribute to profound social and cultural changes and often demand new policies.

Globalization, development and inequality

Political and economic globalization, together with the emergence of acute transnational problems and a widening gap between rich and poor across the world, pose fundamental challenges to the orthodoxy of the governance and development paradigms.

5. Institutions, Risk & Security.

Globalization is changing the nature of the risks facing modern societies and government. Under the ‘Institutions, Security and Risk’ theme, we explore a broad, but interrelated set of questions concerning the changing nature of modern risks, our understanding of security, and the changing forms of governance. [113]


Read the following themes, choose one and write your essay (in 300-350 words).

  1. The RK in the world educational context.
  2. The role of the foreign language in tolerance and rapport building among the members of different political, cultural and religious backgrounds.

2 Consult the ‘Writing Bank’ section.



1 Listen to part of a university lecture in Political Science and take notes on its main idea and detail: http: //www.english-test.net/toefl/listening

Write a synopsis of the lecture (in 300-350 words).


Part 1: Dialogical form of communication (7 min.).

Talk to your partner and express your opinion on the following topic.

The peculiarities of the domestic and foreign policy of the RK in the globalized context: problems and solutions.

Use the language of the unit in your discussion (vocabulary and grammar).

Part 2: Monological form of communication (4 min. for each candidate).

Candidate A: Read the following excerpt from the “Foreign Policy Concept for 2014-2020 Republic of Kazakhstan’ and comment on the information provided.

‘Putting a priority on environmental protection and the protection of global climate, Kazakhstan will: pursue efforts to implement the concept on transition of the country to a " green economy" in order to improve management and efficient use of resources (water, land, biological and other), as well as to raise environmental quality and the population’s welfare. The transition to the " green economy", including the exhibition EXPO 2017, is an important step in achieving Kazakhstan’s goal to become one of the world’s top 30 most developed countries’[99].

Candidate B: Add to your partner’s response.

Candidate B: Read the following excerpt from the “Foreign Policy Concept for 2014-2020 Republic of Kazakhstan’ and comment on the information provided.

‘Kazakhstan will set out its position on major global issues, its own foreign policy initiatives, as well as political, socio-economic, cultural and human development issues in Kazakhstan in a timely and complete manner.
As part of these measures, Kazakhstan uses modern information and communication technologies to complement traditional tools of public diplomacy.
It is important to disclose and communicate Kazakhstan’s goals, priorities, objectives and results of foreign policy activities, as well as international initiatives promoting Kazakhstan in the global arena, within the country’ [99].

Candidate A: Add to your partner’s response.


Write an essay (in 300-350 words) on the following topic.

Politics and policies of the target language countries and the strategic course of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Use the language of the unit in your essay (vocabulary and grammar).


1 Using the ‘Self-assessment Grid’, reflect on the information you obtained while working at the unit 5, competences you developed.

2 Collect the best papers (mind-maps, etc.) created by you in your ‘Portfolio File 5’.



An Essay


AN ESSAY is usually written for an academic tutor and may be a follow-up to an activity, such as attending a panel discussion or watching a documentary. It should be well organised, with an introduction, clear development, and an appropriate conclusion. The main purpose of an essay is to underline relevant salient issues on a topic, and to support an argument with subsidiary points and reasons.


- Use the task input to help you plan but try to avoid copying phrases from the input in Part 1. Use your own words.

- Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs. In the introduction, state the topic clearly, give a brief outline of the issue, saying why it is important or why people have different opinions about it.
- DO NOT express your opinion at the beginning of your essay (develop you essay in such a way that it guides the reader to the conclusion you draw).
- DO give your opinion in the final paragraph.

- Structure your argument. Each new paragraph has one main idea, stated in a topic sentence.
- Include relevant details to support the main idea: these might include examples, rhetorical questions (do no overdo it), controversial or surprising statements... If you include a drawback, give a possible solution, too.

- DO use a relatively formal register and an objective tone. Do not be too emotional.
- Remember to use linking adverbials to organise your ideas and to make it easy for the reader to follow your argument.
- In the exam, allow yourself time to check your grammar, spelling and punctuation thoroughly.

Essay 1- Model question


Your class has attended a lecture on the action governments can take to make sure cultural heritage is preserved for future generations. You have made the notes below.

Priorities for governments aiming to preserve cultural heritage
• increase funding for museums.
• protect old buildings.
• teach the importance of cultural heritage in schools.

Some opinions expressed in the discussion
'Cultural heritage isn't just about buildings - it's about a way of life.'
'It's the responsibility of the older generation to pass on a cultural heritage to the next generation.'
'Museums are the best places to keep shared memories of a community.'


Write an essay for your tutor, discussing two of the priorities in your notes. You should explain which priority you think is more important, giving reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your essay in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

Essay 1- Model answer

Cultural heritage is an invaluable asset for all generations to enjoy. It is about knowing where we have come from and having pride in the place we live. In this essay I will discuss two priorities for the government's support of the cultural heritage in our community.


The first idea is to increase funding to museums. People say that museums are the heart of cultural heritage preservation. Not only do they display objects, they also teach and provide information about them. Increased funding could attract better care of objects, more specialised staff and more fun displays, in turn attracting more people to visit and learn. On the other hand, I would argue that it's unreasonable to expect governments to give more money to museums when they have got more important things to spend people's taxes on.


The second idea is to protect old buildings. It has become clear in recent years that governments can no longer afford to provide generous grants to help people maintain their historically significant houses. I am sure there are many voluntary organisations which would be prepared to work on conservation projects. Nevertheless, the government could provide protection to ensure that old buildings are not demolished or transformed out of character.


In my view, the most pressing priority is to provide protective legislation for old homes and buildings. I'm not alone in my concern about the loss of historical features which take such pride of place in and give character to our communities.

Essay 2- Model question


You have attended a Science Club lecture on how schools could encourage young people to train for careers in science. You have made the notes below.

Ways in which schools could encourage young people to train for careers in science
• enjoyable science lessons.
• careers advice.
• guest lectures from professional scientists.

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:
'Kids should be able to design their own experiments.'
'A lot of the careers advice given is already out of date.'
'A lot of the scientists are too busy to spend time visiting schools.'

Write an essay for your tutor, discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which method you think is more important for governments to consider, giving reasons to support your opinion.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed during the discussion but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your essay in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

Essay 2- Model answer



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