Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the following. Render the passage in English.

На Британских островах, отделенных от Западной Европы, проливом Ла-Манш (the English Channel), расположилась Великобритания, а официально - Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. По форме правления это государство является конституционной монархией. Площадь Великобритании 244, 1 тысяч кв. км, население составляет 56 млн. человек. Государственный язык - английский.

В состав Соединенного Королевства входят Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия, Северная Ирландия (Ольстер Ulster).

Англия - историческое ядро Соединенного Королевства - раскинулась в южной и средней частях самого крупного из Британских островов. Уэльс занимает юго-западную часть острова Великобритания, Шотландия же - его северную часть, а также прилегающие острова: Гебридские (the Hebrides [hebridi: z]). Оркнейские (the Orkneys [o: kniz]) и Шетландские (the Shetland Islands).

16. Read the story and answer the questions:

The Indian and Two Travellers

Two men were travelling in a very wild (дикий) part of America. They saw no modem houses and no traces of civilization for many days. What they saw was only a few huts made of wood or tents where Indians lived. One day they met an old Indian who did not work but hunted animals and ate them as his food.; He was very clever and knew everything about the forest and the animals living in it and many other things. He could also speak English quite well.

" Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days? " one of the travellers asked him. " Oh, yes, " he said. " Rain is coming and wind. Then there will be snow for a day or two but then the sunshine will come again and the weather will be fine." " These old Indians seem to know more about Nature than we with all our science (наука), " said the man to his friend. Then he turned to the old Indian.

" Tell me, " he said, " how do you know all this? " the Indian answered, " I heard it on the radio."


1.Where were the two men travelling?

2. Who did they meet one day?

3. The Indian was very clever, wasn't he?

4. Did the Indian tell the two men the weather forecast?

5. How did he know it?

17. Read the story and reproduce it:

A Forgetful Tourist

An English tourist came to Paris. It was his first visit there, On tho MIDI mf htf sent a telegramme to his wife who was in London. In the telegramme he told her the address of the hotel where he was going to stay. He also told her that ho was quite


As he was in Paris for the first time, he was very eager to see the places of interest. After dinner he went for a walk and then decided to go to the theatre to see a new play. It was very late when the play was over. It was time to go home.

But at that moment he realized that he couldn't get to the hotel: he didn't remember either the name of the hotel or the address. The Englishman was at a loss because he didn't know what to do. Suddenly he remembered sending that morning a telegramme to his wife. So, late at night his wife got a very strange telegramme: " Please, send me my address at once."




Topic: Education


1. educational establishment учебное заведение
2. faculty факультет; отделение
3. department отделение
4. educator педагог, воспитатель
5. scientist ученый
6. principal building/main главное здание
7. train обучать, готовить
8. fill-time student студент очной формы обучения
9. extra-mural students студенты вечерней и заочной форм обучения
10. course of studies курс обучения
11. academic year академический год
12. school year учебный год
13. term (Br.E); semester (Am.E.) семестр
14. test зачёт
15. to pass a test in сдать зачёт по...
16. to pass smb. (in) поставить кому-л зачёт (по)
17. they passed me in... мне поставили зачёт по...
18. examination (exam) экзамен
19. winter/summer examinations зимняя/летняя сессия
20. tuition (Br.)/fee (Am.) обучение; плата за обучение
21, to pay one's tuition платить за обучение
22. scholarship стипендия
23. make progress (in) делать успехи (в)
24. hostel (Br. E. dormitory (coll. dorm) (Am.E.) общежитие (студенческое)
25, well-equipped хорошо оборудованный
26. equipment оборудование; оснащение
27. laboratory (lab) лаборатория
28. study room' комната для занятий
2'). canteen cтоловая (студенческая)
30. up-to-date современный
31. make experiments проводить опыты
32. carry on выполнять
33. research work научная работа
34. join clubs/societies вступать в клубы/общества
35. take part (m)/participate (in) принимать участие (в)
36. scientific conference научная конференция
37. teaching practice педагогическая практика
38. secondary school средняя школа
39. to master one's profession овладеть свою профессию
40. graduation exams выпускные экзамены
41. graduate from the University закончить университет
42. to take an exam сдавать экзамен
43. to pass (get through) an exam сдать экзамен
44. to fail an exam провалиться на экзамене
45. to fail in Latin провалиться по латыни
46. a first year student студент первого курса
47. an applicant абитуриент
48. time-table /schedule расписание
49. extracurricular activities внеаудиторные/общественные мероприятия
50. be good at smth (doing smth); хорошо уметь что-нибудь делать;
  to have a good command of... хорошо знать что-либо
51. degree ceremony церемония вручения учёных степеней, званий
52. full academic dress парадная форма одежды
53. coat of arms герб
54. undergraduate студент университета, ещё не получивший степени
55. graduate выпускник вуза
56. fellow младший научный работник колледжа или университета
57. Master глава колледжа (титул главы некоторых колледжей в Оксфордском и Кембриджском университетах)
58. a professor преподаватель университета, профессор
59. a campus территория университета, колледжа
60. to miss lessons (classes) пропускать занятия
61. to sit for exams, to read for exams, to revise for exams готовиться к экзаменам
compulsory subjects обязательные предметы
optional subjects необязательные предметы

Some Good Rules

1. Live and learn.

2. Knowledge is power.

3. Practice makes perfect.

4.A little learning is a dangerous thing,

5. It is never too late to learn.

English Universities

All English universities except Oxford and Cambridge are fairly new. London University is the biggest of the modern English universities and has many colleges and schools.

A university usually has both faculties and departments. The faculties are arts, law, medicine, science and theology. The departments include engineering, economics, commerce, agriculture, music and technology.

At the head of each faculty there is a professor. A staff of teachers called lecturers help him. Professors and lecturers give lectures to large numbers of students or study with small groups, and here the students have a chance to discuss various themes.

All universities admit men and women, but within some universities there are colleges specially for one sex. Most of the universities provide accommodation (hostels or dormitories) for their students.

There are many types of colleges in England. There are colleges within universities. There are teachers' training colleges. There are also technical colleges of various types, colleges of arts and commerce. Colleges give a specialized training.

Those who wish to become teachers spend three years at a teachers' training college. They study various subjects and learn how to teach, they have practice lessons at schools.


arts -- зд. гуманитарный

science -- зд. естественные науки

theology -- теология, богословие

technology-3d технологический

admit - принимать (в учебное заведение)

specially for one sex - только мужские или -женские

accommodation -- зд. общежитие

teachers' training'colleges -учительские колледжи

Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Great Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge. Both universities are independent. Only the education elite go to Oxford or Cambridge. Most of their students are former public schools leavers,

The normal length of the degree course is three years'' after which the students take the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA). Some courses, such as languages or medicine, may be one or two years longer. The students may work for other degrees as well. The degrees are awarded at public degree ceremonies. Oxford and Cambridge cling to their traditions, such as the use of Latin at degree ceremonies. Full academic dress is worn at examinations.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name, its coat of arms. Each college is governed by a Master. The larger ones have more than 400 members, the smallest colleges have less than 30. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. Within the college one will normally find a chapel, a dining hall, a library, rooms for undergraduates, fellows and the Master, and also rooms for teaching purposes.

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It is the second largest university in Britain, after London. The town of Oxford is first mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles* in 911 AD* and it was popular with the early English kings. The university's earliest charter* is dated to 1213.

There are now twenty-four colleges for men, five for women and another five which have both men and women members, many from overseas studying for higher degrees. Among the oldest colleges are University College, * All Souls* and Christ Church.*

The local cur industry in East Oxford gives an important addition to the city's outlook. There is a great deal of bicycle traffic both in Oxford and Cambridge.

Cambridge University started during the 13-th century and grew until today. Now there are more than thirty colleges.

On the banks of the Cam* willow trees drown their branches into the water. The colleges line the right bank. There are beautiful college gardens with green lawns and lines of tall trees. The oldest college is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1284, and the most recent is Robinson College, which was opened in 1977. The most famous is probably King's College* because of its magnificent chapel, the largest and the most beautiful building in Cambridge and the most perfect example left of English fifteenth-century architecture. Its choir of boys and undergraduates is also very well known.

The University was only for men until 1871, when the first women's college was opened. In (he 1970s, most colleges opened their doors to both men and women. Almost all colleges are now mixed.

Many great men studied at Cambridge, among them Desiderius Erasmus, * the great Dutch scholar, Roger Bacon, * the philosopher, Milton, the poet, Oliver Cromwell, * the soldier, Newton, the scientist, and Kapitza, the famous Russian physicist.

The universities have over a hundred societies and clubs, enough, for every interest one could imagine. Sport is part of students' life at Oxbridge. The most popular sports are rowing and punting.*


Anglo-Saxon Chronicles - " Англо-саксонский Кроникл" (вестник)

AD = Anno Domini - лат. нашей эры

charter -хартия, грамота; устав

University College - Юниверсити-Колледж (основан в 1249 г.)

All Souls - Олл-Соулз, Колледж Всех Душ (основан в 1438 г.)

Christ Church - Крайст-Черч (один из самых крупных аристократических

колледжей Оксфордского университета; основан в 1525 г.)

the Cam р. Кем (на которой стоит г. Кембридж)

King's College - Кингз-Колледж, Королевский колледж (один из крупных колледжей Кембриджского университета; основан в 1441 г.)

Desiderius Erasmus - Дезидерий Эразм Роттердамский (1469-1536), гуманист эпохи Возрождения

Roger Bacon - Роджер Бэкон (ок. 1214-1292), английский философ; профессор в Оксфорде

Oliver Cromwell - Оливер Кромвель (1599-1658), деятель английской

буржуазной революции XVII в.

punt - плыть на плоскодонном ялике

After the Exams

Malcolm: What did you think of the exams, Pete? I reckon they were dead easy.

Pete: Maybe they were easy enough for you but they were much too hard for me.

Malcolm: Oh, come on. You've probably done better than you think.

Pete: No, I'm dead certain I've failed in Latin, and most likely in French and History too. Thank goodness* it's all over though. We can forget about it now- at least until the results come out.

Malcolm: Yes. Now I can get on with reading all the books I've been wanting to read for months, but haven't had time for.

Pete: What! ...Well, it's up to you, I suppose, but I've had enough of reading. I'm not going to open another book for months. Don't you think we all deserve a break?

Malcolm: Well, yes... I'll take a day or two off perhaps. And I think I'll come to Bob's sister's party tomorrow night. But if I'm going to university in October. I'll have to get down to some serious work again pretty soon.

Pete: I've got to get through the A level exams first. I'll worry about university if and when I ever get there.

Malcolm: That's the trouble with you. You always try to do everything at the last minute.

Pete; And you're too serious; that's your trouble. You never stop swotting.*

Malcolm; Well, I like reading.

Pete: And I can't stand it. ) don't know why I decided to try to go to university in the first place. I think I'll run away and join the army or something.

(London Linguaphone Course)


Thank goodness! -Слава богу!

swotting - зубрёжка; to swot - зубрить


1. Answer the following questions:

Text A: I. Are all English universities new? 2. What does London University consist of? 3. What does a university usually have? 4. What faculties are there in English universities? 5. What do the departments include? 6. Who is at the head of the university? 7. Who helps professors? 8. Whom do professors and lecturers give lectures to? 9. Do the students have a chance to organize discussions? 10. What do most universities provide for their students? 11. Are there many types of colleges in England? 12. What kind of colleges are to be found in England? 13, How many years is it necessary to study to become a teacher?

Text B; 1. What is Oxbridge? 2. Are Oxford and Cambridge universities new or old? 3. Both of them are independent, aren't they? 4. Who are most of the students of Oxford? 5. How long is it necessary to study for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts? 6. How many years does it take to study languages and medicine? 7. Where are the degrees awarded? 8. What are the traditions they keep at Oxford and Cambridge? 9. What do Oxford and Cambridge consist of? 10. What can you say about the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge? 11. What can one find within a college? 12. Was Oxford popular with the early kings? 13. How many colleges for men and women are there at Oxford? 14. What are the oldest colleges? 15. When did Cambridge start? 16. How many colleges does Cambridge university consist of? 17. Which of them is the oldest one? 18.What is King's College famous for? 19. When was the first women's college opened? 20. Are the students engaged in extracurricular activities? 21. What sports are popular at Oxford?

2. Choose the right word:

1. Students get a higher (examination, education, graduation) at the universities. 2. Students receive a monthly (profession, scholarship, subject). 3. After the students (graduate, realize, introduce) from the universities they go to work in all fields of national economy. 4. He did not enter the University because he (failed, prepared, learned) in maths. 5. Students must (complete, return, attend) lectures on different subjects. 6. When did you (leave, receive, complete) school? 7. When did you (leave, receive, complete) a letter from the University? 8. He is a good student, he can (understand, require, pass) all the examinations well. 9. What foreign (newspapers, language, word) can you speak? 10. Every lecture at the University (begins, lasts, completes) an hour and a half.

3. Match the following proverbs and their meanings:

1. Live and learn. 2. Don't teach a fish to swim. 3. Four eyes see more than two. 4. It is never too late to learn. 5. So many men, so many minds. 6. Two heads are better than one. a). Two persons in consultation may find the right answer to a problem. b). As long as you live there will be new things to learn. c). There are as many opinions as there are men. d). Do not tell or show smb how to do smth that he can do perfectly well and probably better than you yourself. e). One must go on learning as long as one lives. f). Two people are more observant than one alone.

4. Use articles if necessary:

A. The City of New York

Washington DC is... capital of... United States, but New York is... biggest city. It is also... world's tallest city.... heart of New York is Manhattan, where... buildings reach... sky.... most famous skyscraper in... world is... Empire State Building -- 380 metres high with 102 floors. But... tallest building in New York is... World Trade Centre -- its two towers are 415 metres high and... express lifts take only... few seconds to reach... 110th floor. From here you can see... whole of New York.... Broadway is... very long street, and... home of New York theatres. It is also... home of Macy's, ... largest department store in... world. But if you are rich and want to spend... money, then come to... Fifth Avenue, which has... most expensive shops in New York. Bridges and tunnels link Manhattan with Brooklyn and Queens on Long Island, and with the Bronx, where you can visit... largest zoo in... USA. New York is... city of banks. Wall Street is... financial centre of... city.... best known of more than 30 museums in... city is... Metropolitan Museum of Art. Its magnificent collection of European and American paintings contains... works of many of... greatest masters of art world, ... second best known is... Museum of Modem Art. And crossing... mouth of... Hudson River is... longest suspension bridge (висячий мост) in... world --... Verrazano Narrows Bridge joins Long Island and States Island. Beyond... bridge at... entrance to New York harbour, stands... most famous statue in... would --... Statue of Liberty. Manhattan is... very beautiful place especially at... night.



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