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Exercise 3 Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech with the use of the highlighted words.

Exercise 4 Give all possible answers to the given phrases:

1)– What do you fancy to eat?


2) – Perhaps you would like chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne?


3) – This will be charged to your amenities account, okay?


Checking the Apartment for Anything Damaged

Exercise 1 Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Be sure in their pronunciation. Learn them by heart.

so far на данный момент
stains пятна, разводы
everything else все остальное
to your liking на ваш вкус
gorgeous великолепный
other than that кроме этого
appealing привлекательный

Exercise 2 Learn the following dialogues

A: What do you think about the apartment so far?
B: It is beautiful.
A: You don't have any problems with how it looks?
B: Actually, there is a problem.
A: Like what?
B: There are some stains that were left in the carpet.
A: Those stains will be cleaned out of the carpet before you move in.
B: Oh, is that right?
A: Yes. Now what other problems do you have?
B: That was the only problem that I saw.
A: I'm glad that everything else is to your liking.
B: I honestly love it.

A: Do you like the apartment?
B: I absolutely love the apartment.
A: Everything is okay?
B: I do have one problem with the apartment.
A: What's the problem?
B: I don't like all those stains in the carpet.
A: We will have the carpet cleaned before you move into the apartment.
B: I did not know that.
A: I assure you that we will, and if there are any more problems, feel free to tell me.
B: That was the only thing that I saw wrong with the apartment.
A: I'm glad to know that you think the apartment is so nice.
B: It's absolutely incredible.

A: What are your thoughts on the apartment?
B: I think that it's absolutely gorgeous.
A: There aren't any problems with the apartment?
B: I think that the apartment looks very nice, but I do see some problems.
A: What problems?
B: I did notice a few stains in the carpet.
A: We will have the carpet cleaned before you move in.
B: You will?
A: Yes, but other than that, are there any more problems?
B: That was the only thing that I saw that was wrong with the apartment.
A: I'm happy that you find this apartment so appealing.
B: It is. I love it.


Exercise 3 Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech with the use of the highlighted words.

Exercise 4 Give all possible answers to the given phrases:

1)– Do you like the apartment?


2) – There aren't any problems with the apartment?


3) – Now what other problems do you have?


Asking about Safety Features

Exercise 1 Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Be sure in their pronunciation. Learn them by heart.

safety features средства безопасности
What are your concerns? Каковы ваши опасения?
fire alarms пожарная сигнализация
escape routes пути эвакуации
fire extinguishers огнетушители
in the hallways в коридорах
Yes, your safety is of concern to us. Мы заботимся р вашей безопасности.
sprinkler system система пожаротушения

Exercise 2 Learn the following dialogues

A: I really like this beautiful apartment!
B: Thank you. Do you have any further questions?
A: Yes, I was wondering about safety features.
B: Yes, what are your concerns?
A: How about fire alarms and escape routes?
B: Every apartment has its own smoke alarm, and the whole building is on a sprinkler system.
A: What about fire extinguishers?
B: They are in the hallways on all of the floors. It is suggested that you buy an individual one for your own apartment.
A: What about escape routes in a fire?
B: The escape routes are clearly posted in the hallways.

A: This apartment is everything that I am looking for!
B: Thank you. Is there any other information that you need?
A: Could you tell me a little about safety features?
B: Yes, we have thought of safety. What, specifically, are you interested in?
A: Are your fire alarms up to code?
B: In case of a fire, we have a whole building sprinkler system. In addition, every apartment has its own alarm system.
A: Do you have fire extinguishers available?
B: Yes, there are fire extinguishers outside your door. You might want to buy a personal one for your kitchen.
A: Are the escape routes clearly posted somewhere?
B: There are fire exit signs in the hallway.

A: What a great apartment!
B: Thanks. Can I answer any questions for you at this point?
A: Have you put any safety features into this building?
B: Yes, your safety is of concern to us. What specifically were you interested in?
A: Can you talk about fire safety?
B: We have a global sprinkler system for the building and individual alarms for each apartment.
A: Are there fire extinguishers anywhere?
B: There are fire extinguishers in the hallways. If I were you, I would buy a personal one for the kitchen.
A: How do I exit the building in case of a fire?
B: There is a card that has escape routes posted on the inside of your front door.

Exercise 3 Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech with the use of the highlighted words.

Exercise 4 Give all possible answers to the given phrases:

1)– Could you tell me a little about safety features?


2) – Can you talk about fire safety?


3) – How do I exit the building in case of a fire?


Asking about the Hotel Gym

Exercise 1 Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Be sure in their pronunciation. Learn them by heart.

a fitness facility фитнес-центр
to accommodate учесть
patrons постоянные клиенты
lobby фойе-вестибюль
surcharge доплата
trainer services услуги тренера
to anticipate предвосхищать, предвидеть
It's gratis. Это бесплатно.
around the clock круглосуточно

Exercise 2 Learn the following dialogues

A: Excuse me. Does this hotel have a fitness facility?
B: Yes, we try to accommodate all needs of our patrons, including fitness.
A: Where is your fitness facility located?
B: The gym is just below the lobby. Take the elevator or the stairs. You can't miss it.
A: Is there an additional surcharge for the gym?
B: No, the gym is free to guests. Take your room key, however, so you can get in.
A: What time is the gym open, and what time does it close?
B: The gym is open seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day.
A: Do you offer trainer services along with the gym?
B: Unfortunately, no. If you want a trainer, you'll have to use another gym.

A: Pardon me. Does your hotel have a fitness facility?
B: Yes, sir. We try to anticipate all our guests' needs, including fitness.
A: Great! Where is it?
B: Sir, the gym is just below the lobby. You can take the elevator or the stairs.
A: Do I have to pay extra?
B: No, sir. It's gratis. Just take your room key so you can get in.
A: What are the gym hours?
B: You'll be happy to know that it's open 24/7.
A: Great! Is a trainer available?
B: I'm sorry, but no. We used to have a trainer, but then he had an unfortunate accident.

A: Does this hotel have an exercise facility?
B: But of course! We have a great exercise facility.
A: Good. Now exactly where is it?
B: It's located right under our lobby. Just take the elevator or the stairs one flight down.
A: Is this going to cost me anything?
B: No, sir. The gym is absolutely free. However, be sure to take your room key with you.
A: When does the gym open and close?
B: The hours couldn't be better, 24/7.
A: Very good. Now, is there a trainer down there?
B: I wish I could tell you yes, but no, there isn't.

A: Do you have a place where I can exercise?
B: Yes, sir. We have a fine exercise facility.
A: I'm happy to hear that. Now, would you tell me where it is?
B: You're actually standing above it. Just take the elevator or stairs down one level.
A: Is the hotel going to charge me a dollar a minute for gym use?
B: No, sir. There's no extra charge. All you need is your room key to open the door.
A: And the gym hours are?
B: Sir, you'll be pleased to know that our gym never closes.
A: One more question: Do you have a trainer?
B: We might be getting one in the near future. But at the present time, no.

A: Excuse me. Do you happen to have a gym here?
B: Yes, sir. I think you'll find our gym quite satisfactory.
A: So, where do I go to exercise?
B: It's only one flight down, sir. Just take the elevator or the stairs.
A: Am I going to be charged extra for using the gym?
B: Sir, you can use the gym for free. All you need is your room key.
A: Great! Now tell me, what are the hours of this gym?
B: Sir, our gym is open around the clock, every day of the week.
A: Do you have a trainer to help me work out?
B: I'm sorry, sir, but we have no trainer.




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