Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form: the Present Simple or the Future Simple Tenses.

Watch tadpoles grow

If you look in a pond, you..... (see) in a shallow water great lumps of jelly. That..... (be) the frog's spawn. Mother frog..... (lay) up to 800 eggs. Don't think she..... ( take) care of them. She...... ( leave) them, floating on the surface to look after themselves as soon as the eggs are laid. Then in a few days if you look at an egg you..... ( notice) a black spot, at first about the size of a pin-head, soon beginning to grow bigger and become shaped like a bean. Then you..... ( begin) to recognise which is its head and which is its tail. It.... (wriggle) about in the jelly and free itself from it. For a few days the baby tadpole..... ( han) about on the jelly. It..... (need) no food at this time; it..... (have) not even a mouth, yet. But you..... ( see) soon how it begins to wriggle its tail. Let us look at it in three days...... it (change)? Yes, it..... It...... ( begin) to swim around and nibble at the plants. It..... ( not feed) on jelly any more. The tadpoles..... (grow) larger very quickly. At first they..... ( have) feathery gills on the sides of their heads, but after three weeks the gills..... (disappear). Their eyes...... (grow) larger and their colour..... ( become) lighter.

What...... these signs (tell) you? They...... ( tell) you that now, when they are about six weeks old, they..... (need) a " meat" diet. When the tadpoles are ready for it they..... ( come) close to tiny worms and nibble at them. Soon you..... ( see) a great change come over the tadpoles. First back legs, then front legs..... (grow). They..... (start) to come to the surface for air, because they..... (breathe) now with lungs. The tails..... (become) shorter and after ten to twelve weeks the tadpoles..... (turn) into frogs.

Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form: the Future Simple, the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect Tenses.

1) We ………( study) ethology in the next semester.

2) In several millions of years the Red Sea ………. (become) a new ocean.

3) Dumping of creosote into the river led to extinction of all species of fish. Our team ……….. (conduct) an intense study on reintroduction of different species of fish.

4) There’s an epidemic among insects this year so many chicks of insect eating birds ……. (die).

5) Tomorrow we ………( dissect) the frog’s leg to study femoral nerves.

6) The next meeting ……...(be) on Wednesday at 4 pm.

7) The robins have finished building the nest and now the female bird ……..(lay) eggs.

8) I …….. (write) the plan by the end of the week.

9) The British oil company promised to stop the oil leakage by July. But by this time the catastrophe ………(cover) the entire Mexican bay.

10) The forest on the part of the slope has been burned down. The soil must be strengthened by the 15-th of this month because by then rains ……… (start) and it will be washed away.

11) We ………….. (monitor) the ecosystem of the swamp for three years by the end of this May.

12) The number of lemmings …………(increase) for two years after the present decline.

13) The Astronauts who will take off tomorrow ……….. (stay) on the space station for 4 months. During this time they ………….. (conduct) many experiments.

14) When the answer from the ministry comes I ……….. (dig) out the bones of dinosaurs in the Gobi desert.

15) Grizzly bears ………. (fish) on the rifts during salmon spawning period. They ………(eat) fish and spawn while they have the opportunity.


Translate the following sentences.

1. Мы собираемся провести этот эксперимент на следующей неделе.

2. Птенцы деревенской ласточки (Slirundo rustica) оперились и вот-вот вылетят из гнезда.

3. Доклад профессора Северцева состоится завтра в 11.00.

4. Пройдет 8 лет, и этот лиственный лес непременно станет смешанным.

5. Если рядовой павиан в присутствии вожака первым подходит к пище или ухаживает за самками, значит, он собирается бросить ему вызов.

6. Это единственный источник воды в радиусе 20 километров. Стоит только подождать, и здесь побывают все местные животные.

7. Цветы этого растения откроются ровно в 6 часов утра, еще Линней использовал их в качестве биологических часов.





Section 5


Неопределенный артикль A/ An

A + согласный звук
An + гласный звук

А/an используется:

· с существительными, упоминаемыми в речи впервые.
I saw a bird in the tree. I’ve found an umbrella in the wardrobe.

· при отнесении существительного к какому-то классу однородных предметов. ( Но не к виду или роду в биологии! См. раздел «Определенный артикль The » ).
An antelope is a mammal.

· с существительным, определяемым прилагательным.
Kate is a beautiful girl.

· с существительными, выражающими количество: a dozen/ a hundred/ a few / a little/ a lot
There are a dozen eggs in this box.

· вместо per.
I’m paid four hundred pounds a week.

· с глаголами be and have (got) .
I have a dog. It is an Alsatian

Определенный артикль The

The используется:

· с существительными, обозначающими людей и предметы, которые ранее уже упоминались в речи.
I can show you my two sisters. The girl on the right is Susan, the girl on the left is Ann.

· с существительными, которые ранее не упоминались, однако очевидны из контекста.
Where is the money I gave you yesterday?

The book I told you about is on sale now.

· перед существительными, единственными в своём роде, напр., the Sun/ the Moon/ the centre of the city.
The Moon revolves round the Earth.

· перед существительными в единственном числе, обозначающими биологический род или вид.

The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia.

· если существительное определяется порядковым числительным или прилагательным в превосходной степени.

The first wealth is health.

This is the shortest way to the station.

· перед существительными, обозначающими вещество, если речь идет об определенном количестве этого вещества, что можно видеть из контекста.

Pass the milk, please. The water in the glass is very cold.

· перед существительными, обозначающими части суток.

I get up at seven in the morning.

· с географическими названиями рек ( the Volga), морей ( the Baltic Sea), океанов ( the Pacific), каналов ( the Panama Canal), горных цепей ( the Urals), групп островов ( the Bahamas), пустынь ( the Gobi), стран, если в название страны входит существительное, определяющее ее государственный строй, как, напр., states, republic, emirates и т.д. ( the United States of America), или если название страны представляет собой существительное во множественном числе ( the Netherland s ).

· при обозначении специфических объектов.

I’ve seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

· перед существительными в словосочетаниях с предлогами of и which.
Moscow is the capital of Russia.

· c титулами ( the Pope, the President, the Prince of Wales)
Но: опускается, если за титулом следует имя собственное (President Putin)

· с названиями кинотеатров ( the Odeon), театров ( the Royal Shakespeare Theatre), музеев ( the Hermitage), галерей ( the Tretiakov gallery), газет ( the Times), кораблей ( the Titanic)

· с названиями музыкальных инструментов и танцев ( the piano , the waltz)

· перед фамилиями, употребленными во множественном числе для обозначения членов одной и той же семьи, перед названиями музыкальных групп и других коллективов (the Ivanovs, the Beatles)

· перед названиями народов, национальностей ( the Japanese)

· перед прилагательными, которые выступают в предложении в роли существительных для обозначения группы людей: the poor/ the sick/ the young/ the disabled / the unemployed/ the homeless и т.д.

· перед словами beach, station, cinema, theatre, coast, country(side), ground, jungle, seaside, weather, shop, world, city, sea и т.д.
I like spending weekends in the countryside.

Нулевой артикль используется:

· с неисчисляемыми существительными, а также с исчисляемыми существительными общего значения во множественном числе.
Unemployment is a serious problem. I hate spiders.

· с именами собственными.

Ann studies in Moscow.

· со средствами транспорта, когда мы говорим о них в общем ( by train/ by plain/ by car/ on foot).
He travels by plane a lot. (
Но: He got on board the plane to London)

· с названиями болезней.

He has got cancer/malaria.
Но flu/ the flu, measles/ the measles, mumps/ the mumps.



1. Put in a\an or the where necessary.

..…Britain, in which... fifty million people live and work, is... land of... great variety. There are many large cities, but they are surrounded with... quiet countryside. There are... plains in... east, hills in... center and south-west, and... mountains in... north. Some parts of... country are almost without... trees while others have... great forests, ... south is... land of... rivers, but Scotland is... land of... lakes.

One of... first things noticed by... visitors in... England is... greenness of... land. They then complain (as... British themselves do) about... rain that causes it. Never can... British feel certain about... tomorrow's weather; seldom it is... same in all parts of... country. On one day... certain place may be white with... snow; but half... day's journey away, and one can see... trees in blossom. And sometimes, in one small part of...country... weather will change between... hot and cold, ... rain and... sun three or four times during... day.


2.Put in a\an or the where necessary.


…..Cuddle koala bear of Australia is sometimes called..... living Teddy bear. Only found in..... Australia, koalas are also called....." native bear" and " kangaroo bear".

The koala, however, is not really..... bear; like the kangaroo and the opossum, it is..... marsupial. Because of its cuddly appearance, it has been used as а model for our stuffed toy Teddy bears.

..... koala is dressed in..... coat of thick fur, it has..... round roly-poly body, ..... short legs, ..... small eyes, ...... rubber-like protruding black nose and..... large fluffy ears.

...... healthy specimen weighs about 301b and stands about two feet. Its bright eyes constantly look at..... world with a surprised expression. And koalas really enjoy being cuddled like teddy bears.

Very few of these living teddy bears have been exported to ….. zoos outside Australia because of ….. food they need to keep alive.

They flourish only when they can dine on..... leaves of certain eucalyptus trees; which grow only in Australia. Other food is poisonous to them, resulting in..... death.

Koalas get all..... moisture they need from..... leaves they consume; which is about 1 kg..... day. They seldom drink any liquids, and their name " koala" comes from..... native expression meaning " no drink".

..... giant tree may provide shelter and food for several koalas, but generally they live one to...... tree. They are not even likely to be on visiting terms with their next-tree neighbour, living rather solitary lives except at mating time.

..... mother koala bear, like the kangaroo, has...... built-in nursery. When baby koala is born he is sheltered for several months in his mother's pouch. After that..... young koala buries its hooked claws in its mother's fur and rides pick-a-back.

When..... danger threatens and..... mother has to climb quickly..... young one climbs around to mother's back, so as not to be in her way. There it hangs on securely while mother koala climbs to..... safety.

If..... young koala is disobedient, ..... mother knows what to do. She turns..... naughty koala over her..... knee and spanks him with..... flat of her paw. And no matter how he wails, mother continues her punishment till she feels he's had enough. Young koalas grow to...... maturity in about four years and, if all goes well, will live about 20 years.

…Koala bears are very friendly and amiable...... Hunters took..... advantage of this and almost killed them all off for their fur.

Now they are considered one of Australia's most prized animals and..... Australian Government has laws to protect them.

Their popularity with...... children is understandable. With fluffy ears, shoe-button eyes and furry body, they look like..... Teddy bears that have escaped from..... play-room.



Section 6


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