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Учебное пособие





С 12


Митрофаненко Л. М.,

доцент, кандидат филологических наук, зав. каф. иностранных языков СевКавГТУ.


Савелло, Е. В.

С 12 Основы машиностроения. Английский язык для инженеров: учебное пособие по дисциплине «Английский язык» / Е. В. Савелло. – Ставрополь: СКФУ, 2012. – 199 с.

Предлагаемое вашему вниманию учебное пособие по дисциплине «Английский язык» составлено в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования, рабочим учебным планом и программами дисциплины «Английский язык» для студентов факультета строительства, транспорта и машиностроения.

Цель данного пособия – помощь в развитии навыков и умений самостоятельного чтения оригинальной литературы по специальности, ведения научной беседы, реферирования и аннотирования, накопление узкоспециальной лексики, предваряющих переход к изучению студентами курсов специальных дисциплин на английском языке. Учебное пособие включает в себя тексты, упражнения, грамматический справочник и словарь профессиональной лексики.

Учебное пособие может быть использовано для аудиторных занятий и для самостоятельной работы студентов специальности «Конструкторско-технологическое обеспечение машиностроительных производств» факультета строительства, транспорта и машиностроения.



©Е. В Савелло, 2012

©ФГА ОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2012




I study at North Caucasus Federal University in Stavropol. My speciality is Mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is very broad field of engineering that involves the application of physical principles for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.

Students acquire profound general, engineering and special technological and designer’s training. Specialized training includes theoretical bases of mechanical engineering processes, design of technological processes including essential processes and their sequence, designing flexible technological systems and appliances, mathematical modeling of technological processes, efficient application of computers in designing and manufacturing (CAD / CAM) designing and control of automated and non-automated manufacturing enterprises.

Professional skills and qualifications of specialists are based on sophisticated teaching methods, studies of latest discoveries in science and technology, both national and foreign experience in producing machines, computer applications in real-task designing and diploma theses, participation in scientific work conducted by the university and enterprises.

Students have all the necessary facilities for studying technology and up-to-date economical courses. Graduates in this specialization work as designers, technologists and mechanical engineers at departments and mechanical shops. In small companies they can fulfil all kinds of work ranging from designing an item to its manufacture and sales.

We believe that engineers have a responsibility to improve human welfare, which we demonstrate through our research activities in biomedical engineering, emissions reduction technology, greenhouse gas mitigation, nanotechnology, and interfacial phenomenon.

Mechanical Engineers study:

Statics: how are forces transmitted to and throughout a structure?

Dynamics: what are the velocities, accelerations and resulting forces for a system in motion?

Kinematics: how does a mechanism behave as it moves through its range of motion?

Strength of Materials: is the component strong enough to support the s? Is it

stiff enough?

Materials Science: which material has the optimum properties?

Thermodynamics: how does energy get converted to useful power? What are the losses?

Fluid Mechanics: What is the pressure drop due to the fluid flow? What are the aerodynamic drag forces?

Heat Transfer: how do you calculate heat tansfer rates from temperature data? How do you predict the temperature distributions?

Manufacturing: What manufacturing processes do you select?

Machine Design: How do you synthesize all of the above?

Electrical Circuits: how do you integrate electronic controls into your design?

Laboratory Method measurement s: how do you make and interpret both thermal and mechanical measurements?

Vibrations: how do you predict and control vibrations?

Engineering Economics: how do you estimate manufacturing costs?



mechanical engineering – машиностроение

maintenance – техническое обслуживание и (текущий) ремонт

profound – абсолютный, полный, совершенный

sequence – последовательность; следование

appliance – аппарат, прибор, приспособление, устройство

efficient – эффективный, действенный; действительный

sophisticated – сложный, замысловатый; усовершенствованный

to fulfil – выполнять; делать, осуществлять, завершать, заканчивать

item – продукт; изделие, отдельная операция (в перечне технологических операций)

mitigation – ослабление; смягчение; подавление

interfacial –

velocity – скорость, быстродействие

acceleration – ускорение; разгон, разбег

load – загрузка, нагрузка, усилие

range – диапазон, интервал, пределы, зона, область

stiff – жесткий, плотный, сложный, сильный, интенсивный

pressure – давление

drop – падение, снижение, понижение, спад

drag – сопротивление

distribution – распределение, размещение, распространение

to interpret – интерпретировать, транслировать, объяснять

measurement – измерение

to estimate – считать, полагать, оценивать, давать оценку, расценивать




Mechanical engineering plays a dominant role in enhancing safety, economic vitality, enjoyment and overall quality of life throughout the world. Mechanical engineers are concerned wiht the principles of force, energy and motion. The men and women who work as mechanical engineers are professionals with expert knowledge of the design and manufacture of mechanical systems and thermal devices and processes. Some examples of products and processes developed by mechanical engineers include engines and control systems for automobiles and aircraft, electric power generation plants, lifesaving medical devices and consumer products ranging from air conditioners to personal computers and athletic equipment. They also design the machines that mass-produce these products. Virtually every aspect of life is touched by mechanical engineering. If something moves or uses energy, a mechanical engineer was probably involved in its design or production.

An Evolving Profession

The explosive development and expansion in computer technology has literally cnanged the face of mechanical engineering. The drawing board has given way to computer-aided-designed (CAD), and sophisticated computational software tools have enabled mechanical engineers to develop efficient solutions to complex technical problems. For example, the emerging high-tech field of nanofechnology is attracting mechanical engineers to design ultra-miniature machines and tiny implantable medical devices that navigate the human body searching for disease and damaged tissue. Also, the growing concern for the planet and the quality of life for future generations have spurred continuing efforts by mechanical engineers to design resource-efficient and recyclable products and develop equipment and processes to clean-up existing environmental problems ana prevent their reoccurrence.

These technologies and a host of others will have an impact on lives in the 21st century, and their development ana refinement require the skills, intuition and creative ability of mechanical engineers. At the same time, mechanical engineers are expected to understand and convey the real-world consequences of technology development alternatives to decision-makers and the public.



enhancing – усиливать; увеличивать; повышать

vitality – жизнеспособность

consumer – потребитель

sophisticated – сложный, замысловатый; усовершенствованный

tissue – ткань

spur – зуб(ец), острый выступ, выступ, шип, наконечник

recyclable –

reoccurrence –

host – совокупность

convey – доставлять, препровождать



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