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Industrial engineeringis the engineering discipline that concerns the design, development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, knowledge, equipment, energy, material and process. Industrial engineering draws upon the principles and methods of engineering analysis and synthesis, as well as mathematics, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems. Industrial engineerswork to eliminate wastes of time, money, materials, energy and other resources.

Industrial Engineering is also known as Operations management, Production Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering or Manufacturing Systems Engineering; a distinction that seems to depend on the viewpoint or motives of the user. Recruiters or Educational establishments use the names to differentiate themselves from others. In healthcare Industrial Engineers are more commonly known as Management Engineers Engineering management, or even Health Systems Engineers.

Whereas most engineering disciplines apply skills to very specific areas, industrial engineering is applied in virtually every industry. Examples of where industrial engineering might be used include shortening lines (or queues) at a theme park, streamlining an operating room, distributing products worldwide, and manufacturing cheaper and more reliable automobiles.

The name “industrial engineer” can be misleading. While the term originally applied to manufacturing, it has grown to encompass services and other industries as well. Similar fields include operations research, systems engineering, ergonomics and quality engineering. The unicist approach to engineering considers industry as a complex system.

There are a number of things industrial engineers do in their work to make processes more efficient, to make products more manufacturable and consistent in their quality, and to increase productivity.



concern – отношение, касательство; касаться, иметь отношение к чему-л.

design –

improvement – улучшение, усовершенствование

implementation – выполнение, осуществление, введение в действие

evaluation – оценка, оценивание, определение (количества, качества)

integrated – единый, комплексный

to draw upon – погашать

to specify – точно определять, устанавливать, предписывать

to predict – предсказывать

to eliminate – удалять, устранять; исключать; элиминировать

distinction – отличие, различие, отличительная признак, отличительная особенность

whereas – тогда как; несмотря на то, что, поскольку

streamline – направление потока, обтекаемый контур

distribute – распределять, размещать, распространять

reliable – надежный

misleading – вводящий в заблуждение

to encompass – выполнять, осуществлять

unicist –


Exercise 1

Revise English tenses studying grammar tables 1 and 1A in Appendix 1 and find in the text all sentences containing: 1) the perfect tenses; 2) the passive voice. Translate them into Russian.

Exercise 2

Retell the text in your own words making use of the key words and the sentences you’ve written out.


Exercise 3

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words, word combinations and terms:

глаголы: включать, определять, организовывать, управлять, создавать, улучшать, рассматривать, наблюдать, объяснять, изобретать;

существительные: явления, знания, определение, развитие, цель, применение, масштаб, деятельность, многообразие, рост, ошибка, вселенная, пространство;

прилагательные: обоснованный, взаимосвязанный, огромный, быстрый, основной, требуемый, живой, неживой;

наречия и словосочетания: лишь, а не, в дополнение, то есть, короче, в основном, однако, по сути дела, посредством, иногда, даже, хотя, внести вклад;

термины: материя, вещество, изменение, свойство, эксперимент, закон, наука, научный метод, состав, структура, отрасль, соотношение.




A machine is any mechanical or organic device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of tasks. It normally requires some energy source (“input”) and accomplishes some sort of work.

People have used mechanisms and machines to amplify their abilities since before written record were available. Generally these devices decrease the amount of force required to do a given amount of work, alter the direction of the force, or transform one form of motion or energy into another.

The mechanical advantage of a simple machine is the ratio between the force it exerts on the load and the input force applied. This does not entirely describe the machine's performance, as force is required to overcome friction as well. The mechanical efficiency of a machine is the ratio of the actual mechanical advantage (AMA) to the ideal mechanical advantage (IMA). Functioning physical machines are always less than 100 % efficient.

Modern power tools, automated machine tools, and human-operated power machinery complicate the definition of “machine” greatly. Machines used to transform heat or other energy into mechanical ener known as engines.



to transmit – передавать; посылать, распространять(ся)

to modify – модифицировать, видоизменять, корректировать

to perform – делать, выполнять

input – ввод, подача, загрузка, потребляемая мощность; подводимая мощность

to accomplish – совершать, выполнять; достигать; доводить до конца, завершать

to amplify – расширять, увеличивать, усиливать

to alter – изменять, менять, видоизменять, вносить изменения, переделывать

ratio – отношение, соотношение, пропорция, коэффициент, степень

to exert – действовать (о силе)

performance – работа, действие, исполнение, выполнение

to overcome – победить, превозмочь, преодолеть

efficiency – эффективность, продуктивность, производительность

complicate – затруднять, осложнять, усложнять




A machine toolis a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by the selective removal of metal. The term machine tool is usually reserved for tools that used a power source other than human movement, but they can be powered by people if appropriately set up. Many historians of technology consider that the true machine tools were born when direct human involvement was removed from the shaping or stamping process of the different kinds of tools. For instance, they consider that lathe machine tools were invented around 1751 by Jacques de Vaucanson because he was the first to mount the cutting instrument on a mechanically adjustable head, taking it out of the hands of the operator.

Machine tools can be powered from a variety of sources. Human and animal powers are options, as is energy captured through the use of waterwheels. However, machine tools really began to develop after the development of the steam engine, leading to the Industrial Revolution. Today, most are powered by electricity.

Machine tools can be operated manually, or under automatic control. Early machines used flywheels to stabilize their motion and had complex systems of gears and levers to control the machine and the piece being worked on. Soon after World War II, the NC, or numerical control, machine was developed. NC machines used a series of numbers punched on paper tape or punch cards to control their motion. In the 1960s, computers were added to give even more flexibility to the process. Such machines became known as CNC, or computer numerical control, machines. NC and CNC machines could precisely repeat sequences over and over, and could produce much more complex pieces than even the most skilled tool operators.

Before long, the machines could automatically change the specific cutting and shaping tools that were being used. For example, a drill machine might contain a magazine with a variety of drill bits for producing holes of various sizes. Previously, either machine operators would usually have to manually change the bit or move the work piece to another station to perform these different operations. The next logical step was to combine several different machine tools together, all under computer control. These are known as machine centers, and have dramatically changed the way parts are made.

Today, it is possible to design a complex part on a computer, put a bar or rod into a machine center, and have a finished part within a matter of minutes.

Examples of machine tools are:

a) broach;

b) drill (like mill, but optimized to make holes);

c) gear shaper;

d) hobbing machine;

e) lathe (work rotates, single-edge cutter is fixed);

f) milling machine (work is fixed, multi-edge cutter rotates);

g) shaper;

h) stewart platform mills;

i) grinders.

When fabricating or shaping parts, several techniques are used to remove unwanted metal. among these are:

a) EDM (electrical discharge machining);

b) grinding;

c) multiple edge cutting tools;

d) single edge cutting tools.



to fabricate – производить; изготавливать, строить, собирать, монтировать

removal – удаление, устранение, снятие

appropriately – соответствующе, подходяще, уместно

to set up – создать

involvement – вовлеченность, участие

shaping – формовка, формообразование, придание формы, формирование

stamping – штамповка, чеканка

to mount – устанавливать, собирать, монтировать, крепить

lathe – токарный станок

adjustable – регулируемый, уточняемый, приспособляемый


Exercise 1

Listen to or look through the text and say how many ideas you have just discussed it contains:

Exercise 2

Look through the text again and a) find all the definitions that are given in it; b) give your own definitions to the engeneering terms.

Exercise 3

Write out a) key words out of each paragraph; b) the sentences expressing the main idea(s) of each paragraph.

Exercise 4

Read the text with a dictionary and answer the questions:

1. What is a machine tool?

2. When were the true machine tools born?

3. How and when was the first lathe machine invented?

4. How can machine tools be powered?

5. When did machine tools really begin to develop?

6. How did early machines operate?

7. How did NC machines operate?

8. What are peculiarities of machine tools?

9. What are advantages of using machine tools?

10. What are examples of machine tools?




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