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What do you find most attractive about this position? What seems least attractive about it?

List three or four attractive factors of the job.



Make sure that the attractive factors are not only the benefits that you will get, such as ' free travel, 5 star hotels, etc'.


Mention a single, minor, unattractive item.





'I am very excited to have the chance to meet so many people from so many different cultures. I also think that the opportunity to see the world and the flexible schedule is a very attractive part.


On the other hand, as this is the first time for me to consider relocating, I am sure that I will miss my family back home.'




























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


What is your definition of the cabin crew position.

Keep your answer task oriented.



Research the airline’s careers website and see the description they give to the role.


Think in terms of responsibilities and accountability.



Make sure that you really do understand what the position involves before you attempt an answer.




'The cabin crew primary responsibility is laying with the safety and security of the passengers and making sure that the aviation regulations are followed. Also, ensuring that all guests have a pleasant experience with the airline and that they will return their business with us. When necessary, make sure that all complaints are addressed and solved in an effi cient manner. To put it in fewer words, I believe the cabin crew is the airline’s ambassador in delivering service excellence.'






















©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


What do you ultimately want to become?


This could be a trick question. Your reply should be referring to your professional life only.


You are interviewing for a cabin crew position in the Middle East, so do not talk about how you want to become a scuba diving instructor in the Great Barrier Reef.


Don’t talk about becoming a VP in the company or perhaps taking the interviewer’s job.




'I want to become a successful and reliable employee for the airline. Eventually, I would like my career to progress towards the in-flight purser position.'




























©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


What values will you bring to this company?


List at least three of your personality traits that will benefit the airline.


Be very specific.



Do not start explaining how each of your values might benefit the company.




'I can contribute with my great attention to details, a track record of excellent customer service and my ambition to be the best in the job that I do.'

































©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


At what point in life did you choose this profession?

Talk about the people who influenced you to choose your professional path.


Don’t say that you chose your major in college because you failed out of your first choice and this one seemed easy enough.


Don't say that you ended up having this job because nobody else would hire you.


The interviewer wants to know that you will be passionate about the work you plan to perform for them.




'I always knew that my career would be working with and for people. When I was in high school, I had a summer job where I had to do the quality check at a plastic gloves factory line. There was no interaction with others and then I realized that it was not something for me. On the other hand, I was at my highest performance and happiness on the job when I was surrounded by customers and provided them with care and solutions. My communication sciences teacher in high school was my mentor and inspired me to choose my major. Working with customers every day, meeting and interacting with new people from various cultures and backgrounds would be my dream career! '











©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant



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