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ICAO document named Technical safety instructions for the air transportation of dangerous products.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 26 из 26
2 EASA AIR OPS documentation.
3 aircraft's flight manual.
4 IATA document Dangerous products transportation.
Вопрос 328 For an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 16 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the:
Ответы 1 water depth is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.
2 speed is greater than 117 kts.
3 cross wind is greater than 15 kts.
4 Speed is greater than 138 kts.
Вопрос 329 A braking action of 0.25 and below reported on a SNOWTAM is:
Ответы 1 medium.
2 Poor.
3 unreliable.
4 good.
Вопрос 330 For an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 14 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the:
Ответы 1 tailwind is greater than 10 kts.
2 speed is greater than 98 kts.
3 water depth is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.
4 Speed is greater than 129 kts.
Вопрос 331 The maximum validity of a SNOWTAM is:
Ответы 1 12 hours.
2 6 hours.
3 Hours.
4 3 hours.
Вопрос 332 Viscous hydroplaning occurs primary if the runway is covered with a thin film of water and:
Ответы 1 is very smooth and clean.
2 Is very smooth and dirty.
3 the tyre treads are not in a good state.
4 is rough textured.
Вопрос 333 For an airplane with a tyre pressure of 16 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as:
1) Water height is equal to the depth of the tyre grooves.
2) Speed is greater than 137 kts.
3) Water height is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.
4) Speed is greater than 117 kts.
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Ответы 1 2,3
2 1,4
3 3,4
4 1,2
Вопрос 334 For an airplane with a tyre pressure of 10 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the:
1) water height is equal to the depth of the tyre grooves.
2) speed is greater than 127 kts.
3) water height is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.
4) speed is greater than 108 kts.
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Ответы 1 1,2
2 1,4
3 2,3
4 3,4
Вопрос 335 A braking action of 0.4 reported on a SNOWTAM is:
Ответы 1 medium
2 poor
3 Good
4 unreliable
Вопрос 336 In accordance to EASA AIR OPS, a runway is referred to as contaminated when more than 25% of the required runway surface
covered with the one of the following elements:
1) a water film sufficiently thick to give a shiny appearance to the runway.
2) a water film or loose or slushy snow equivalent to more than 3 mm of water.
3) compacted snow (a solid mass which may not be compacted further).
4) ice, including wet ice.
5) moist grass.
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Ответы 1 2, 3,4
2 1,2, 3,4
3 1,3,4,5
4 1,3,4
Вопрос 337 The braking efficiency is a piece of information presenting itself in the form of a:
Ответы 1 percentage varying from 10% to 100%.
2 Combination of the terms: poor, medium, good.
3 letter falling between A and E.
4 zero followed by two decimals.
Вопрос 338 For an airplane with a tyre pressure of 12 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the:
1) Water height is equal to the depth of the tyre grooves.
2) Speed is greater than 117 kts.
3) Water height is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.
4) Speed is greater than 83 kts.
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
Ответы 1 1,2
2 3,4
3 2,3
4 1,4
Вопрос 339 For an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 10 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the:
Ответы 1 speed is greater than 96 kts.
2 Speed is greater than 108 kts.
3 runway temperature is greater than 40 °C.
4 water depth is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves.
Вопрос 340 A braking action of 0.29 - 0.26 reported on a SNOWTAM is:
Ответы 1 Medium to poor.
2 good.
3 medium to good.
4 poor.
Вопрос 341 The type of hydroplaning that is most likely to occur at the touch down area located at both ends of the runway is called:
Ответы 1 rubber steaming.
2 dynamic.
3 viscous.
4 rubber reversion.
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