Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
The same concerns other parts of speech: nouns, adjectives and adverbs.
The standard order of sentence until there appears a need to change it (The cat sat on a mat). For example, if you have already written about the mat then it is better to write: On the mat sat a cat. Peculiarities of English style Absence of direct appeal to the reader . Instead of: You can see the results in Table 1. Write: The results can be seen in Table 1. Absence of direct questions. Instead of: What can be done to reduce the energy loss? Write: We now need to consider what can be done to reduce the energy loss. or We now need to demonstrate how the energy loss can be reduced. Circumstance is placed in the middle of the sentence, before the predicate, but not in the end or beginning of the sentence, as it is in less formal texts. Instead of: The blood is withdrawn slowly. Write: The blood is slowly withdrawn. Do not use short forms of negative sentences. Instead of: Export figures won’t improve until the economy is stronger. Write: Export figures will not improve until the economy is stronger. Instead of: We didn’t obtain new results. Write: We did not obtain new results. Do not use expressions like “and so on” or “and so forth or etc.” Instead of: This semiconductor can be used in robots, CD players, etc. Write: This semiconductor can be used in robots, CD players, and other electronic devices. Active voiceis used every where if possible. Sentences in passive voice are used only by high necessity. Instead of: An increased appetite was manifested by the rats and an increase in body weight was measured. Write: The rats ate more and gained weight. Do not use structures like “random leaf copper analysis”. Instead of such a structure it is written “random analysis of copper in leaves” or “analysis of copper in random leaves” in dependence on what is meant. Instead of “recordings of mortality rate were made” it is written “Mortality rate was recorded”; Or instead of “our laboratory performed the research and development of ...” – “our laboratory researched and developed ...”). Peculiarities of English style It is often that information is represented from the first face. Instead of: It is thought Write: I think Instead of: The samples were analyzed Write: I analyzed the samples To summarize a description of stylistic peculiarities, one can say that all techniques listed make the scientific texts less subjective and more academic or dry. |
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