Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the text again and say whether these statements are True(v) or False(x).

1. The word “robot” was first used in the drama written by Asimov.

2. Robots are also used as characters in films.

3. Robots can replace people in dangerous jobs.

4. Robots have personalities and they think like people.

5. A simple robot is made only of a mechanical device.

6. Robots are ideal in performing routine and boring work.


Match the words (A) with their corresponding definitions (B).


1. device a. attractive, clever

2. to react b. a machine that can do human tasks automatically

3. cute c. to make a plan of smth., to create

4. robot d. likely to lead to physical harm and danger

5. to design e. a piece of equipment

6. dangerous f. to behave differently as a result of smth.


Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the text.

1. _______ is the science that is concerned with creating, designing and developing robots.

2. Robots can react to its _______ with the help of sensors.

3. If robots have _______ they can replace people in future.

4. A special computer program gives the device ______ what to do.

5. ______ means to behave in a different way under certain circumstances.

6. Of course, most robots are safe but they can be ______ machines like Terminator.


Replace the underlined words with the words used in the text.

1. In factories robots save people from boring work.

2. In reality robots can’t have a character of a human being..

3. This type of robot was created by the scientists and engineers of our factory.

4. These devices help robots to see the environment.

5. They gave us directions how to use that machine.


Complete the sentences with the verb from the box. Sometimes you need a verb (Present, Past, Future Simple) and sometimes you need –ing form (working/going etc.)

  wait/waiting react/reacting design/designing move/moving work/working give/giving  


1. The group of scientists … a new type of robot once a year.

2. The designers are … in the laboratory at the present moment.

3. Look over there! That robot is … like human beings.

4. If there are any changes in the environment the device will … to them.

5. My colleagues were … for me when I arrived.

6. Our teacher … us instructions before each experiment.


4.3.11. Put the verb in brackets into the right form, the Infinitive or –ing form.


1. Have you finished … (conduct) this research?

2. I suggest … (do) the experiment in our well-equipped laboratory.

3. They don’t mind … (design) a new machine.

4. That robot stopped … (react) to any changes. It was broken.

5. Somebody forgot … (switch) off that machine.

6. The designers promise … (finish) this project in time.



Writing and Speaking

In pairs, design a robot to do a dangerous or boring job. Describe its structure and functions.

For example

Structure(description) Work to do
A mechanical arm Pack boxes, load goods etc.


Think about the examples of robots used in films and real life. Tell the class about them.

Which one is the most interesting or technologically advanced?

Text B.

Read and study the given Vocabulary

pose danger to sb.= create danger

создавать опасность


a printed circuit board

печатная схема


require great strength/efforts

требовать огромных усилий


deal with= be concerned with

иметь дело, заниматься чем-то









брать, допускать, выполнять



Before reading the text answer the following questions.

1. How are robots used in industry?

2. What operations could be done by robots in automobile industry?

3. What are robots used in electronics for?

4. What operations could be done by robots in dangerous and uncomfortable for human workers conditions?



Read the text and complete the table.


Many of the robots in use today do jobs that require great strength or pose danger to people working in some environments. For example, robots are particularly useful in the automobile industry where parts of automobiles are about 100 kilos or more and it’s difficult to deal with them. Robots can easily move heavy components between workstations.

Spray painting is another task suited to robots because robots do need to breathe. They are not affected by toxic fumes.

The third in the list of useful jobs for robots is the assembly of electronic parts. Robots are perfect at installing chips in printed circuit boards and never put a chip in the wrong place. Earlier robots could not usually see and hear but newer types of robots are equipped with video cameras and other sensing devices. These robots are used in space projects, nuclear reactor stations and underwater works. Such jobs are especially difficult and dangerous for human workers that is why they are more and more assumed by robots.

Types of Jobs for Robots Reason
Automobile industry  
Spray Painting  
Assembly of Electronic Parts  
Space Projects, Nuclear Reactor Stations, Underwater works etc.  

Find English equivalents in the text and read the sentences with them.

1. установка чипов

2. особенно полезны

3. требует больших усилий

4. двигать тяжёлые детали

5. ядовитые испарения, пары.

6. иметь дело

7. оборудованы


Complete the sentences. Choose the right word or phrase in brackets.

1. Robots move heavy components between ( rooms, workstations, cities).

2. Robots are used for spray painting because they don’t need to (eat, move, and breathe).

3. Newer types of robots are equipped with (intellect, video cameras, printed circuit boards).

4. Robots are used in electronics for (installing, deleting, replacing) chips.

5. Robots do jobs that are (dangerous, funny, safe) for people.


Skim through the text again and give the end of the sentences.

1. robots are particularly useful in ….

2. Spray painting is another task suited to robots because ….

3. Robots are perfect at ….

4. Newer types of robots are equipped with ….

5. Robots are used in ….

6. Such jobs are especially difficult and dangerous for ….



4.3.20. In pairs, discuss advantages and disadvantages of using robots in industry and different spheres of science and life. Discuss the question: “Can Robots replace people in future? ”

4.3.21. Answer the following questions:

1. Can you give any example of a robot used for entertainment?

2. Have you heard about such robots as AIBO and ASIMO?



Work in two groups, read the information about Robot (A)/(B). Tell about Robot (A)/(B) the students of another group.

A. AIBO ( A rtificial I ntelligence ro Bo t) is a robot dog, developed by Sony. He is 27, 4 cm long, 26, 6 cm high and weighs 1, 5 kilos. You can control him with a computer, a remote control or with voice instructions. He needs a battery and can operate for about 1, 5 hours. The price is about 1300 $. AIBO is not just a joy. Sony developed and tested him as an electronic friend for old people.

Here some things AIBO can do:

· walk and run backwards and forwards

· stand on his back legs and lower his front legs

· see and remember things

· understand the name you give him

· dance

· understand 75 different voices ( Sit! Come! No!, etc.)

· take photographs

· make robotic dog sounds

· learn new actions



B. ASIMO ( A dvanced S tep in I nnovative MO bility) is a humanoid robot, developed by the Honda Motor Co. He is 120 cms tall and he weighs 43 kgs. You can control him with a computer or give him voice instructions.

ASIMO is a service robot. He is designed to help people. He can walk and climb stairs, so he can carry food upstairs to a sick person and do other jobs around the home.

Here are some things ASIMO can do:

· walk forwards and backwards

· bend* and straighten his joints*

· adjust* the size of the steps he takes

· climb up and down stairs

· turn left, right and around

· raise and lower his arms 105 degrees

· operate light switches

· open and close doors

· carry loads

· push cars


* to bend – сгибать

* joints – суставы

* to adjust- to regulate



Try to guess whether the following sentences are true or false. If the sentence is false make it true.

a) 1. AIBO is a toy for children.

2. He can remember his name.

3. He can bend his legs.

4. He can stand on his front legs.

5. He can raise and lower his front legs.

6. he can turn on a light.

7. He can speak 75 words of English.

8. He can learn to do new things.

9. He can move his ears and tail.

10. He can bend hi back.


b) 1. ASIMO is developed by Sony.

2. He can’t raise his arm more than 110 degrees.

3. He can use a telephone.

4. He can walk forwards and backwards.

5. He can dance.

6. He can run.

7. He can understand voice instructions.

8. He can take small and large steps.

9. He can’t carry loads.

10. He can’t help people.




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