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Terminological vocabulary to the text “Corner Joints”. Try to memorize the following words and word combinations.

1. a corner joint - угловoе соединениe

2. a welder, n - сварочный агрегат

3. a melt through weld — сварной шов со сквозным проплавлением

4. an input, n - подводимая мощность

5. a flange [flAndG] joint - сварное соединение, выполненное по отбортовке

6. leverage [0lIv(Q)ridG], n- сила, усилие

7.an odd stress angle - необычный угол напряжения

8. proneness [0prQunnQs], n - подверженность чему-либо

9. a weld bead [bId] - наплавленный валик сварного шва

Read the following words correctly (consult, if necessary, a dictionary).

Implies, extremely, essentially, beveling, relatively, perpendicular, exclusively, precisely, reliable, prior to, aligned, sufficiently

Match the two halves of the sentence fragments to make logical statements.

1.A corner joint can be preformed with a) the relatively low area of the weld a) the relatively low area of the
2.Corner joints can have problems with strength due to c) when the top piece is relatively thin   b) if the bottom piece is sufficiently thick, improving the wells strength  
3.Multiple passes can be made c)when the top piece is relatively thin compared to the bottom piece, allowing it to be melted through with a minimal energy input.
4.Flange joints tends to make extremely weak joints due to d)the leverage and odd stress angles that the flange causes.  
5. Melt through weld works best   e)either a high or low energy density welder.

Find in the text the English equivalents for the following phrases.

Соединение сваркой; как подразумевает название; в общей сложности – 4 обычных подтипа; при помощи разделки кромок обеих деталей; чтобы усилить шов; сварочная установка с низкой (высокой) плотностью энергии; благодаря сравнительно малой зоне шва; это делает возможным глубокое проплавление; повышенная склонность соединения к деформации; перед сваркой; отбортовка в 90 градусов; деталь, которую необходимо сварить.

Scan the text and fill in the table using the information from the texts.

Sub type of coner joint Energy source or welder Quality of weld

In pairs discuss the reasons that make corner joints weak?

Make the text retelling using the table from exercise 9.

3.12 Before reading the text below translate the following sentences paying attention to the infinitives underlined:

1. The parts to be welded are placed together with the outside edge melted. 2. The method to be applied is fast and reliable, but tends to make extremely weak joints. 3. The top piece to be placed is thin enough compared with the bottom piece. 4. This type of welds tends to make extremely weak joints due to the stress angles to be caused by a flange. 5. The edges of the plates to be welded by corner joints may be machined prior to welding. 6. The method to be chosen for welding the pieces depends upon the material, configuration and other reasons. 7. T- joints occur when the members to be welded come together at right angles. 8. A root face is a portion of the prepared edge of a part to be joined by a groove weld. 9. Friction welding is a process to be applied where a sufficient volume of similar parts is provided because of the initial expense for equipment and tooling. 10. The new technology is widely approved because of its effectiveness and the possibility of the equipment to be adjusted for the new process easily.

Before reading the text try to recollect what other types of joints you know.

Other Types of Joints (2700) Part 1

Edge Joints

Edge joints are often used when the members to be welded will not be subjected to great stresses. Edge joints are not recommended where impact or great stress may occur to one or both of the welded members. An edge joint occurs when the edges of parallel or nearly parallel members meet and are joined by a weld. If required, the joints can be altered by grinding, cutting or machining the edges into a groove. The groove can be a square, beveled, V, J, or U. The main purpose of the groove is to allow proper penetration or depth of fusion. Complete joint penetration refers to weld metal that extends completely through the groove and has complete fusion into the base metal.

Lap joints

Another joint design used a great deal in the welding industry is the lap joint. In order to weld two overlapping pieces of metal, the lap joint is used by means of connecting fillet, plug, slot, spot, projection, or seam welds. A single lap joint is welded from one side; however a single lap joint welded from two sides has a greater strength. The lap joint is the most common joint used in welding, since they are most applicable in welding thin materials.

A lap joint has good mechanical properties, especially when welded on both sides. The type of weld used on a lap joint is generally a fillet weld. If a groove weld is called for, it can be applied with a single or double bevel. The groove weld may or may not be followed with a fillet weld. The degree of overlap of the members is generally determined by the thickness of plate. In other words, the thicker the plate, the more overlap is required.

Fillet Welds

Fillet welds are approximately triangular in cross sectional shape and are made on

members whose surfaces or edges are approximately 90° to each other. Fillet welds

can be as strong, or stronger than the base metal if the weld is the correct size and

the proper welding techniques are used. When discussing the size of fillet welds,

weld contour must first be determined. Contour is the shape of the face of the weld.

There are three types of fillet weld contours: flat, convex, and concave depending

upon a cross section profile.


A T-joint occurs when the surfaces of two members come together at

approximately right angles, or 90°, and take the shape of a " T". On this particular

type of joint, a fillet weld is used. T-joints possess good mechanical strength,

especially when welded from both sides. They generally require little or no joint

preparation and are easily welded when the correct parameters are used. The edges

of the T-joint may be left square if only a fillet weld is required. For groove welding they may be altered by thermal cutting, machining or grinding.

from: Joining Technologies | Newgate International Business Center | (slightly abridged)


Terminological vocabulary to the text “Other Types of Joints. Part 1”.

Try to memorize the following words and word combinations.

1. an edge joint - стыковое соединение

2. grinding [0graindiN], n. - шлифование

3. machining, n. -обработка (на станке)

4. a Т- joint, tee joint — тавровое соединение

5. a fillet weld — сварной шов угловой

6. a lap joint - соединение внахлестку

7. to overlap, v. - перекрывать, частично покрывать, заходить один на другой

8. a fillet, n - кромка, желобок, углубление

9. a plug [plqg], n - пробка, заглушка, втулка

10. a slot, n- щель, прорезь

11. a spot, n - небольшой участок, пятнышко

12. a projection, n - выступ, выступающая часть

13. a seam weld - роликовый шов

14. to call for, v - требовать

15. flat, adj - плоский

16. convex [4kon0vex], adj - выпуклый

17. concave [koN0keiv], adj - вогнутый


In pairs discuss mechanical properties of each type of joints.

3.16 Make up and practise short situations with the following words and word combinations:

1. corner joint, four sub types, low energy density welder, high energy density

2. edge joints, subjected to great stresses, groove, penetration or depth of fusion

3. t-joint, right angle, fillet weld, little or no joint preparation

4. lap joint, good mechanical properties, single or double bevel, thickness of the

5. fillet weld, triangular shape, base material, cross section profile

Make up questions with the words and word combinations from the previous exercise, and ask your partner.

Find in the text the English equivalents for the following phrases.

Быть подверженным большим напряжениям, сделать возможным необходимое проплавление, широко используемый, требуется стыковой шов, односторонний скос кромки, двойной скос кромки; чем толще пластина, тем больше требуется нахлест, в зависимости от профиля поперечного сечения, элементы соединяются под приблизительно прямым углом, приобретают форму буквы T.

Define key words for each paragraph of the text“Other Types of Joints. Part 1”.



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