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• Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание, что глагол to prove в действительном залоге переводится словом оказывается, а в страдательном — словом доказано.

1. They proved to have provided all for the experiment. 2. The technique of the investigation proved to be a success. 3. Lasers proved to be of great help in medicine and industry. 4. An ordinary light was proved to consist of waves all out of phase with each other. 5. All the waves in a


laser beam were proved to have the same wavelength. 6. A laser beam proved to have a very definite colour. 7. The laser beam proved to be intermittent (дискретный).

• Найдите сказуемое в предложениях. Определите синтаксическую функцию инфинитива в предложении и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The predicted precision was found to be difficult to obtain in practice. 2. Five or six orbit elements are known to be determinable. 3. Another important element in the filter technique to be treated in the equations is the parameter of observability. 4. The purpose of the experiment is to provide evidence of diffraction of light. 5. We are to provide all the necessary equipment for the experiment to be carried out successfully.

6. This is the type of procedure to be followed to obtain accurate results.

7. The results presented here are supposed to indicate the type of procedure to obtain exact measurements. 8. To overcome this problem we return to the results listed in Table 2 where the initial weights are given. 9. To come to an approximate solution these values are assumed to be zero. 10. The present paper will present an attempt to apply a form of the Kalman filter to such systems to determine both the state estimation (оцен­ка) and the time delay (задержка).

(2) Word and Phrase Study

1. При помощи суффикса -ance/-ence образуются существитель­ные, обозначающие отвлеченные (абстрактные) понятия, от соот­ветствующих глаголов. Например: to interfere + -ence = interference физ. интерференция; вмешательство.

• Пользуясь глаголами в левой колонке, образуйте с помощью суф­фикса -ancel-ence английские эквиваленты русских существительных, приведенных в правой колонке.

to depend, to accept, to occur, to refer, to appear, to prefer, to differ, to admit, to attend

посещаемость, предпочтение, за­висимость, различие, появление (вид), ссылка, принятие (гипоте­зы}, событие (случай), доступ (до­пуск)

2. Суффикс -аЫеМЫе выражает способность к совершению како­го-либо действия. Например: to measure + -able = measurable измеримый, поддающийся измерению; to response + -ible = responsible ответственный, способный нести ответствен­ность.

• Образуйте прилагательные от следующих, известных вам глаго­лов и переведите эти прилагательные на русский язык.

to explain, to prove, to reduce, to distinguish, to convert, to compare, to achieve, to refer, to expand, to advise, to adopt, to move

• Пользуясь списком глаголов в левой колонке, переведите на анг­лийский язык прилагательные в правой колонке:

to account, to imagine, to predict, to accept, to favour, to convert, to compare, to achieve, to expand

сравнимый, достижимый, объяс­нимый, вообразимый, предсказу­емый, приемлемый, благоприят­ный, обратимый, способный к расширению

3. Приставка mono- имеет значение «одно (моно)». Например: monodirectional мононаправленный.

(3) Reading 33А

Внимательно посмотрите на схему, представляющую две хорошо изве­стные теории света. Подумайте, что вы могли бы сказать о них, не читая текста. Затем прочитайте текст и проверьте свое предположение.

Light experiments



Corpuscular theory wave theory

Theories of Light

Optics is one of ancient sciences, but it was only at the end of the seventeenth century that scientists began to understand the nature of light. Two theories of light were developed at about the same time, the corpus­cular [koi'pAskjuls] by Newton and the wave theory by a Dutch physicist named Huygens. Largely due to Newton's great prestige and to the lack of observed evidence of diffraction of light, the corpuscular theory was initially the one accepted by most scientists.

In developing his theory Newton made plenty of experiments with shad­ow formation and reflection.

The figure represents light particles leaving a source S in many differ­ent directions. Because of the barrier no particles will hit the screen be­tween points A and B.

Using the terminology of the corpuscular theory of light, the part of the screen between A and В is in a shadow because no light particles from S strike it. The corpuscular theory explains the formation of shad­ows and provides a reasonable explanation of the law of reflection. And

so according to the corpuscular theory a beam of light is a collection of very small particles travelling at high speed. A beam of such particles shining on a reflecting surface is similar to the molecules of a gas bom­barding the walls of a container.

The original corpuscular theory was abandoned in the middle of the nineteenth century in favour of the wave theory of light first put forward in 1678 and developed by Young at the end of the 18th century. Young developed an experimental procedure for measuring the wavelength of light. In his experiment Young showed diffraction and interference and that was a good evidence for the wave theory of light.

Young's double-slit experiment provides a quantitative measure of the wavelength and frequency of light waves. Indirectly it enables us to ex­plain why we do not usually observe diffraction of light as it passes through windows, doors, etc. The wavelength of light is too small to show ob­servable diffraction under ordinary conditions.

In Young's double-slit experiment sunlight was allowed to pass through a monochromatic green filter. Green light strikes screen B, containing a small slit S equidistant from slits S, and S2 in another screen C. Light from S passes through S, and S2 and finally falls on screen D where it produces bright spots or bands separated by dark areas. The distance between the second screen with slits S, and S2 and the third screen on which the inter­ference pattern appears is 2 m. The slit S in the first screen provides a pfoint source. The purpose of slits S, and S2 is to provide point sources of light which will interfere and produce bright spots on the third screen. Replac­ing the green filter with a monochromatic red filter we find that the dis­tance between the bright spots on the third screen increases. It means that the wavelength of red light is longer than that of green. When a violet filter is used in this experiment, the distance between the bright spots is less than it is for green light. This means that the wavelength of violet light is less than the wavelength of green light. Later research has shown, however, that light phenomena must be interpreted in terms of photons and waves, so as the two descriptions are merely two different ways of viewing one and the same reality. Thus, for example, the wave model of the electron is complementary to the particle model.


• Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

свет состоит из; согласно корпускулярной теории; в пользу волно­вой теории света; всего лишь два различных пути рассмотрения; дает нам возможность объяснить; которые являются результатом эк-

спериментов; вследствие высокого престижа; находиться в тени; слишком мало, чтобы показать; следует интерпретировать на осно­вании; дополняет

• Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из текста или по своему усмотрению.

1. The first quantitative studies of the light nature began in.... 2. The first theory of light accepted by most scientists was.... 3. Newton proved experimentally.... 4. The corpuscular theory was abandoned in the 19th century in favour of.... 5. Young proved experimentally that.... 6. Young's double-slit experiment provided.... 7. In Young's experiment point slits provide.... 8. Young observed... in his experiment. 9. We usually do not observe diffraction of light because.... 10. Later researches have shown that we must interpret light as....

Reading 33B



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