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Прочитайте текст быстро, но внимательно. Назовите три основные характерные черты, отличающие лазерный луч от простого луча света.

Слова для понимания текста:

amplification n — усиление; intermittent a — прерывистый; diverge v расходиться', dim a — тусклый


The word " laser" means " Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation". What is a laser beam and what special is there about a laser beam, that makes it different from other beams of light?

We know that light consists of waves. These waves are very short — much too short to be seen directly. *An ordinary light consists of waves all out of phase, out of step with each other. White light or sun-light is also a mixture of every possible wavelength. *Waves of red light are about twice as long as waves of blue light.

All the waves in a laser beam have the same wavelength. A laser beam has a very definite colour. The red colour of the ruby is one of the most widely seen colours in them. But the difference between an ordinary beam of ruby red light and a laser beam of ruby red light is that in the laser beam the waves are all in step with each other. *This orderly behaviour of the laser beam makes a big difference, and there's one more difference to be mentioned. Most beams of light, like the car headlamps, for example, are continuous. They shine all the time. *But the laser beam is intermittent, and it's off much longer than it's on. Because these switches on and off are very fast, the eye doesn't see them. *While the laser beam is off, the energy for the next flash is

building up, and when it comes, it's a very intense flash indeed. So lots of power can be packed into a laser beam. Besides that, an ordinary beam of light diverges. *It gets wider and wider, and therefore dimmer and weaker as it goes on. But a laser beam doesn't diverge in this way. So it carries its energy in a compact form, until it's absorbed when it strikes something opaque [ou'peik] (светонепроницаемый).

• Переведите на русский язык предложения, помеченные звездочкой.

(4) Conversation Practice

•Answer the questions on Text 33A.

1. What could you say about optics as a science? 2. What properties does light exhibit? 3. What two theories were developed for the explanation of the light behaviour? 4. Which of these two theories seemed true and why? 5. Could you describe the experiments staged by Newton? 6. When and what experimental procedure did Young stage? 7. Why do we say that Young provided quantitative measurements of the wavelengths of light? 8. How do scientists interpret the behaviour of light now?

• Speak on the following topics:

1. Light theories.

2. Experimental procedures, proving the theories.

3. Nature of light.

4. The importance of the researches in the field.

(5) Home Exercises

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие термины:

particle —> incident particle; ionizing p.; low-energy p.; fog p.; point p.; stable p.; high-energy p.

screen —> electrostatic screen; fluorescent s.; focusing s.; magnetic s.; protecting s.; radiation protecting s.

wave —> air-shock wave; beam-velocity w.; circular w.; cold w.; earth-reflected w.; secondary w.; surface w.; standing w.

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитива в различных функциях.

1. More than 100 elements are supposed to be there on the Earth. 2. We know each element to be made of one kind of atoms. 3. A final problem to be explained was why all atoms of the same element are exactly the same. 4. For this effect to be understood researchers had to carry out a lot of

experiments. 5. Here is the apparatus likely to give the results required. 6. These new phenomena are to be considered in the next section. 7. Ob­jects are said to be warm, hot, cool, or cold compared with the temperature of the human body. 8. Einstein's theory of light was developed to account for the photoelectric effect. 9. The method didn't prove to be of any help to us. 10. The lack of data is certain to slow down the work.

Переведите на английский язык, используя конструкцию Complex Subject with the Infinitive.

1. Оказалось, что поведение частиц в этих условиях резко меняет­ся. 2. Доказано, что эти два различных пути рассмотрения вопроса практически являются одним и тем же. 3. Оказалось, что исходные данные были более точными. 4. Известно, что корпускулярная тео­рия света объясняет образование теней. 5. Полагают, что они оста­новили работу из-за (because of) отсутствия необходимых материа­лов. 6. Результаты работы, вероятно, дадут возможность объяснить нашу ошибку.

(6) Enjoy Yourself

A chemistry professor chalked a formula HNO3 on the blackboard. Then he looked around and pointed a finger at the sleepiest member of the class. " Identify that formula, " he demanded. " Eh, ah, " started the unhappy student. " I've got it right on the tip of my tongue, sir." " In that case, " said the professor softly, " you'd better spit it out, my boy. It's nitric acid."

to point a finger — указывать пальцем на;

I've got it on the tip of my tongue [UQ] — Это вертится у меня на кончике языка;

you'd better spit it out — вам лучше бы это выплюнуть; softly adv — мягко; nitric acid — азотная кислота


Завершив работу над материалом уроков по грамматической теме «Инфинитив», выполните следующие задания. Проверьте правиль­ность их выполнения по ключу.

Задание 1. Назовите номера предложений, в которых форма инфи­нитива (выделенная курсивом) выполняет роль обстоятельства цели и на русский язык переводится союзом для того чтобы.

1. То exploit new sources of energy is the most urgent problem of today. 2. To solve this problem the researchers have been working hard

When arranged, the elements exhibited...

При соответствующем распо­ложении...

Причастие I (перфектная форма) выполняет единственную син­таксическую функцию обстоятельства и соответствует русскому деепричастию или придаточному предложению.

Having received the telegram, Получив телеграмму, я... I answered it at once.

Having been given due atten- После того как этой проблеме tion, the problem was successfully уделили должное внимание, она solved. была успешно решена.

• Найдите сказуемое, определите синтаксическую функцию причастия в предложениях и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The students spoken about at the meeting yesterday completed this work successfully. 2. The task set was not an easy one. 3. Some very complicated models are investigated in the paper. 4. The latest model now.being tested.accounts for many of the previously unknown phenomena. 5. For the investigation being conducted at present the lack of such data is of no importance. 6. As a starting point of the investigation the algorithms developed in the paper were exercised in various models. 7. The algorithm chosen in this study is a simplified and slightly modified version of Wagner's model, which is one of the models presented in Reference 1. 8. The results obtained showed the stability of the system under conditions given above.

(2) Word and Phrase Study

• Переведите на русский язык следующие английские термины:

Model I: heat conductor —» проводник тепла < — чего? «— что? что? —> чего? —>

light conductor, pressure field, sound field, surface field, wave field, field force, gravity force, reaction force, attraction field, pressure field value, field force values

Model 2: accelerating field —> ускоряющее поле

какое? —> что? какое? —> что?

decelerating field, applied field, changing field, shielded conductor, collecting field, controlling field, curved field, demagnetizing field, defocusing field, varying field

• Переведите на английский язык следующие русские термины на основе английского слова transmission передача, пропускание. Про­верьте правильность выполнения перевода по ключу.

1. теплопередача; 2. звукопередача; 3. пропускание света; 4. пере­дача сигналов; 5. односторонняя передача; 6. механическая переда­ча; 7. двусторонняя передача; 8. распространение давления; 9. про­пускание ультрафиолетовых лучей

(3) Reading 34A

Внимательно прочитайте текст и скажите, какую лепту внес каж­дый из упомянутых ученых в развитие науки об электромагнетизме. В чем заключаются его заслуги перед наукой?

Electricity and Magnetism

The first new science to arise after the end of the Newtonian period was electricity, in part because it was almost the only aspect of physical science to which Newton himself had not devoted his attention and where his great prestige did not frighten off lesser investigators. Electricity had had a long and legendary past. The phenomena of electrostatics and magnetism were known to ancient men as early as 600 B.C. The ancient Greek philosophers thought magnetic and electric forces to be of common origin.

Science of magnetism, however, only began when its power could be used to good purpose, as in the compass. In its early stages however, magnetism didn't seem to promise any profitable application. It was a philosophic toy and lay a little outside the interests of the time, which were turned so largely to mechanics and the vacuum.

Some experiments with electricity were made in the early eighteenth century. One of them was made by the English amateur (любитель) Stephen Gray, that led him in 1729 to a discovery of the transmission of electricity. Franklin, in remote Philadelphia heard of experiments with electricity and sent for some electrical apparatus. Having studied the problem Franklin came to the conclusion that electricity is a kind of immaterial fluid existing in all bodies, undetectable as long as they were saturated with it. If some was added, they became positively charged, if some was removed — negatively. Replacing the fluid by electrons and changing the sign of the charge, — for +, for it is a negatively charged body that has an excess of electrons, Franklin's explanation becomes the modern theory of electric charge. This simplification was Franklin's serious contribution to electrical theory, but what really impressed the world was his understanding the analogy between electric spark of the laboratory and the lightning which he snatched from the sky with his kite (воздушный змей) and showed that it was electricity. From this he, in his practical way, imme­diately drew the conclusion that it would be possible to prevent

the damage due to lightning by the lightning conductor which he tried out in 1753. With this invention electrical science became for the first time of practical use.

Despite all these advances electricity and magnetism remained mysterious and their quantitative study could not begin until some me­thod could be found of measuring them. This was the work of Coulomb [fku: lam] in 1785. He established that the forces between magne­tic poles as well as those between charges of electricity obeyed the same laws as those of gravity, that is, a force proportional inversely to the distance. These experiments enabled the whole apparatus of Newtonian mechanics to be, applied to electricity, but with this dif­ference: that in electricity repulsive as well as attractive forces to be found.

The multiple analogies between electricity and magnetism made phys­icists think that there must be some connection between them but it was one very difficult to find. It was not until 1820 that through another acci­dent at the lecture table, Oersted in Copenhagen found that the electric current deflected a compass needle. He thus joined together, once and for all, the sciences of electricity and magnetism. One immediate conse­quence was the invention of the electromagnet, then the electric tele­graph and the electric motor.


• Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих рус­ских словосочетаний:

имели общее происхождение; на ранних ступенях развития; вне интересов; сорвал с неба; избыток электронов; предотвратить ущерб, наносимый молнией; молниеотвод; несмотря на все успе­хи; подчиняются тем же законам; объединил раз и навсегда; стрел­ка компаса

• Завершите следующие предложения информацией из текста или по своему усмотрению.

1. After the Newtonian period scientific interests mainly turned to.... 2. In the early 18th century Stephen Gray discovered.... 3. Soon after that Franklin discovered that all bodies are saturated with.... 4. With the excess of this fluid a body becomes.... 5. The first practical invention in the field of electricity was Franklin's.... 6. Scientific studies of electricity could begin only with Coulomb's discovery.... 7. The difference between the force of gravitation and those of electromagnetism is.... 8. The multiple analogies between electricity and magnetism made scientists think that....

Reading 34B

Прочитайте текст за две минуты и скажите: Какие изменения пре­терпевает магнетизм Земли и известны ли ученым причины этих из­менений?

The Earth's Magnetism

The Earth possesses a magnetic field, the strength of which varies with time and locality. The field is similar to that which would be produced by a powerful magnet situated at the centre of the Earth and pointing ap­proximately north and south. *A magnetized needle suspended to swing freely in all planes will set itself pointing to the Earth's magnetic North and South poles, at an angle to the horizontal.

*The vertical plane through the axis of such a needle is termed the magnetic meridian defined as the vertical plane which contains the di­rection of the Earth's magnetic field. The cause of the Earth's magnetism is not definitely known. The variations of the Earth's magnetic field with time are of two types, the " secular" (вековой, секулярный) and the " di­urnal" [dai! 9: nl] (суточный). The secular variations are slow changes in the same sense but at different rates, as a result of which the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by some 5 percent over the last hundred years. The cause of these variations is unknown. *The diurnal variations are much smaller and more rapid (быстрый) variations which have been shown to be associated with changes in the ionosphere related to sunspot activity.

• Переведите на русский язык предложения, помеченные звездочкой.

(4) Conversation Practice

• Answer the questions on Text 34A.

1. What could you say about long and legendary past of electricity? 2. When did magnetism and electricity appear as a science? 3. Why did electricity attract little attention during the Newtonian period? 4. Why was Stephen Gray's discovery of electricity transmission important for science? 5. How did Franklin explain electrically charged bodies? 6. Could you draw the analogy between his explanation and the modern theory of electric charge? 74What natural electrical phenomenon did Franklin explain and how did he use it in practice? 8. Why did electricity and magnetism still remain mysterious even after Franklin's discovery? 9. What discovery did Coulomb make? 10. Why was his discovery of great importance? 11. What did Oersted accidentally find? 12. Why was this discovery of great importance? 13. What inventions followed all these discoveries?

• Speak on the following topics:

1. Early stages of electricity and magnetism.

2. The first steps in explaining electrical phenomena.

3. The first applications of electricity and magnetism in practice.

4. The contributions of the first discoverers into this branch of physics. 5.The Earth's magnetism.

(5) Home Exercises

1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причас­тие I и причастие II.

1. Не referred to experimental results while explaining the phenome­non in terms of multiple reflections. 2. We found the first series of ex­periments completed. 3. Speaking on this subject, mention should be made of high radiation intensity. 4. Allowing for these changes, we may predict time behaviour. 5. The methods of measurements developed lately differ greatly from the old ones. 6. The successful results of the experiments received at this laboratory are very important for the new technological process being developed. 7. While making the experiment we made use of all the data available. 8. Unless checked the results can't be applied in the research. 9. The experiments of ma­ny other scientists following Rutherford's research proved his predictions.

2. Напишите вопросы к выделенным членам предложения.

1. Having been warmed to 0°, ice began to melt. 2. The data so far obtained, were of no interest. 3. Having been used for a long time, the device partly lost its efficiency. 4. The distance travelled during the next hour, changed greatly. 5. While being used, the device showed poor characteristics. 6. Knowing length and time, we can define velocity. 7. If cooled, water becomes ice. 8. Having been well tested, the machine was put into operation.



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