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Методические указания к выполнению контрольных заданий

Методические указания к выполнению контрольных заданий

для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов заочной формы обучения

По специальности 190300 – «Подвижной состав железных дорог»




УДК 42.07


Английский язык [Текст] + [Электронный ресурс]: методические указания к выполнению контрольных заданий для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов заочной формы обучения по специальности 190300 – «Подвижной состав железных дорог». – Брянск: БГТУ, 2015. – 16 с.




О.В. Киева,

канд. пед. наук, доц.


Рекомендовано кафедрой «Иностранные языки» БГТУ

(протокол № 8 от 31.10.14).


Методические указания публикуются в авторской редакции


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Компьютерный набор С.В. Ревеко


Подписано в печать. Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная.

Офсетная печать. Усл. печ. л. 0, 93 Уч.-изд. л. 0, 93 Тираж 1 экз.


Брянский государственный технический университет

241035, Брянск, бульвар 50 лет Октября, 7, БГТУ

Кафедра «Иностранные языки», тел. 56-23-13

Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов 1 и 2 курсов заочной формы обучения специальности 190300 – «Подвижной состав железных дорог».

Методические указания состоят из двух заданий для подготовки к выполнению контрольных работ и двух контрольных работ, представленных в двух вариантах.

Задания выполняются на аудиторном занятии под руководством преподавателя и предназначены для усвоения студентами специальной терминологии на английском языке, отработки навыков чтения и перевода текстов по своей специальности, что обеспечивает подготовку к выполнению контрольных работ. Контрольные работы выполняются студентами самостоятельно (одна в семестр).

Вариант контрольной работы студент выбирает в соответствии с последней цифрой номера зачетной книжки (четный – первый вариант, нечетный – второй). На титульном листе указывается ФИО студента, курс, группа, вариант контрольной работы, номер зачетной книжки и ФИО преподавателя.



Read and translate the text in writing using the words below.

device - прибор, устройство

literally - буквально

contraption - хитроумное приспособление

charter - чартер

axle - ось

reliable - надежный

load - груз


Steam Locomotives, devices that would literally drive and power the American railroad industry for its first 130 years of existence actually has its origins in England. Originally built by Richard Trevithick and Andrew Vivian in 1804 for the narrow gauge Penydarren tramway in Wales the contraption was first tested in America in 1826 by Colonel John Stevens, who showcased his “Steam Waggon” design (basically a steam-powered horse carriage) on a small circular track he had built on his estate in Hoboken, New Jersey. Colonel Stevens is also credited with owning the first railroad charter in North America when in 1815 he was granted permission to build the New Jersey Railroad Company, although it was never actually constructed until 1832 and would eventually become part of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Later, in August of 1829 Horatio Allen, a chief engineer for the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company (later the Delaware & Hudson Railway) tested an early English steam design on a 16-mile stretch of track the company owned between Honesdale and Carbondale, Pennsylvania. The locomotive used was named the Stourbridge Lion, which was a very simple two-axle machine with a vertical boiler, and it was employed to move coal from the mines at Carbondale to Honesdale. Then, a year after that, another design was tested on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in August 1830, now known famously as the Tom Thumb (which is noted for racing a horse and lost, but just barely, and more than proved its ability as a reliable source of mechanical transportation). However, it was the South Carolina Canal & Railroad Company that would be the first railroad in the United States to haul a revenue train with American-built locomotives when its Best Friend of Charleston, which was built by the West Point Foundry in New York, carried a trainload of passengers on December 25, 1830.


2. Translate the following word combinations from English into Russian.

Steam Locomotives, the American railroad industry, the narrow gauge tramway, Colonel Stevens is also credited with, a chief engineer, a vertical boiler, a reliable source, the first railroad.


Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English.

Буквально, за 130 лет своего существования, в конечном итоге, участок дороги, протяженностью 130 миль, используемый локомотив назывался, простая двухосная машина, ее использовали для перевозки угля, перевозил пассажиров.


Complete the sentences.

1. Steam Locomotive... in England.

2. Originally it was built by....

3. Later, in August of 1829... tested an early English steam design on a 16-mile stretch of track.

4. The locomotive used was named....

5. Then, a year after that, another design was tested on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in August 1830, now known famously as....

Correct the wrong sentences.

1. Steam Locomotive has its origins in the US.

2. The contraption was first tested in America in 1826 by Richard Trevethick.

3. In August of 1829 Horatio Allen, a chief engineer for the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company tested an early English steam design.

4. The locomotive used was named the Stourbridge Lion, which was a very complex four-axle machine with a vertical boiler.

5. Then, a year after that, another design was tested on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in August 1930.


Answer the following questions.

1. What devices drove and power the American railroad industry for its first 130 years of existence?

2. Who built the first successful locomotive?

3. Who was the first to test the steam locomotive in America in 1826?

4. What locomotive was employed to move coal from the mines at Carbondale to Honesdale?

5. What American company was the first railroad in the United States to haul a revenue train with an American-built locomotive?


Speak on.

Early steam locomotives in the US.



Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English.

Современный локомотив, электрический привод, электронные управляющие устройства, вспомогательная система охлаждения, система торможения, генератор переменного тока, тяговый мотор, максимальная скорость локомотива, между двигателем и колесами, жидкость под давлением.

Complete the sentences.

1. Diesel-electric locomotives were introduced in... in 1924.

2. The modern diesel-electric locomotive is a... unit.

3. It has..., in the form of traction motors driving the axles and controlled with... controls.

4. It also has many auxiliary systems for....

5. A modern diesel-electric locomotive produces... of the power of an electric locomotive of similar weight.


Correct the wrong sentences.

1. Diesel-electric locomotives were introduced in Great Britain in 1924, and have become the most widely used type of locomotive.

2. The modern diesel-electric locomotive is a self-contained, electrically propelled unit.

3. It has no electric drive and controlled with mechanical controls.

4. It is connected to a remote generating station through overhead wires or a third rail.


Answer the following questions.

1. When were diesel-electric locomotives introduced in the United State?

2. What is a modern diesel-electric locomotive?

3. What devices does it have?

4. What auxiliary systems does it have?

5. What other types of diesel locomotives do you know?


Speak on.

Diesel-electric locomotive.




Вариант 1

Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English.

Паровой локомотив без названия, конструкция включает, важные инновации, уменьшить вес двигателя, настолько успешный, ведущий центр по проведению экспериментов и разработок, он предназначался для, благодаря этому успеху.

Complete the sentences.

1. The first full-scale working railway steam locomotive was built by....

2. Trevithick's unnamed steam locomotive hauled....

3. Puffing Billy was built by... in....

4. George Stephenson built....

5. The Stockton and Darlington Railway was....



Вариант 2

Complete the sentences.

1. Locomotives should be easy....

2. The first locomotives appeared around....

3. Steam locomotives... shortly after World War II.

4. A sliding shoe transmits... to the locomotive.

5. Overhead wires are known as....

6. Diesel-electric locomotive units are produced....

7. Freight units are being designed to produce... 5000-6000 hp.



Вариант 1

Complete the sentences.

1. One advantage of electrification is the lack....

2. Electrification results in....

3. Power plants are....

4. The power can come from such sources as....

5. Electric locomotives are quiet compared to....

6. Electric locomotives are ideal for....

7. Electric locomotives are used on....



Вариант 2

Complete the sentences.

1. Electric locomotives benefit from... of electric motors.

2. Regenerative braking allows... during braking to put power back on the line.

3. Newer electric locomotives use... that provide for... braking.

4. The chief disadvantage of electrification is....

5. In the U.S. higher property taxes are imposed on....

6. U.S. regulations on diesel locomotives are very weak compared to regulations on... or....

7. Because railroad infrastructure is... in the U.S., railroads are unwilling to make the necessary investments for electrification.


Методические указания к выполнению контрольных заданий

для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов заочной формы обучения



  3. II серия заданий (звуковая культура речи).
  5. Вид занятия – занятие с элементами логических, проблемных и программированных заданий.
  6. Включенность в общество (социальная роль и готовность к ее выполнению в общении и взаимодействии с разными группами людей)
  7. Вопрос 102. Какие указания существуют на то, что люди будут воскрешены и восстанут из могил?
  8. Вопрос 124. Какие указания существуют на то, что в мире вечном верующие увидят своего Всеблагого и Всевышнего Господа?
  9. Вопрос 197. Какие указания имеются на то, что после них преимущественное право на халифат имел Али?
  10. Вопрос 52. На сколько видов подразделяются указания, имеющие отношения к прекраснейшим именам?
  11. Выполнения заданий по программе практики

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