Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

State a part of speech of the following words.


1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations.

Russian Federation, Russia, eastern Europe, northern Asia, the Ural Mountains, the Great Russian Plain, the West Siberian Plain, the Asiatic Part, the Volga, the Dnieper, the Don, the Lena, the Ob, the Yenissei, lake Baikal, Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Arctic Ocean, the Barents Sea, the Chukchee Sea, the East-Siberian Sea, Finland, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic Countries, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea, Pacific ocean, the Bering Sea, the sea of Japan, Okhotsk sea, the Far East area, the Kamchatka, Chukchee peninsulas, the Kuril and Sakhalin islands.

State a part of speech of the following words.

Surface, stretch, climatic, occupy, multinational, chemical, mostly, population, mainly, Asiatic.

Give 3 forms of the following verbs.

To have, to be, to move, to grow.

Read and translate the text A.


Our Motherland is Russia, the full name is Russian Federation. Russia is the world’s largest country, stretching over eastern Europe and northern Asia. It occupies about one-seventh of the earth’s surface. The total area of our country is about 17000000 square kilometers. The population is about 148000000 people.

Russia is a multinational state. People of different nationalities live in it.

One part of Russia lies in Europe, the other in Asia. The Ural mountains, traditional boundary between Europe and Asia, run for over 2000 kilometers from north to south.

The surface of the country is varied. We have steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east. The relief of Russia is mostly flat. There are two great plains in Russia-The Great Russian Plain in the eastern Europe and the West Siberian Plain in the Asiatic part.

Russia is a land of long rivers and deep lakes. There are over two million rivers and 250 000 lakes in Russia. The Volga, the Dnieper, the Don and Ural are among the longest rivers in the European part of our country. Lake Baikal, in Eastern Siberia, is the deepest lake in the world.

The northern boundary of Russia is washed by the Arctic Ocean and the Barents, Chukchee, East Siberian and White seas. In the west it borders on Finland, the Baltic countries, Belarus and Ukraine. In the south it borders on Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China and North Korea. In the east Russia is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its seas: the Bering Sea, the Sea of Japan and Okhotsk Sea. This Far East area also includes the Kamchatka and Chukchee peninsulas and the Kuril and Sakhalin islands.

The climate of our country is mainly continental, with cold winters and mild or warm summers depending on latitude. The country’s vegetation reflects its different climatic regimes.

Russia is among the world’s richest countries in mineral resources. It is the biggest producer of coal, petroleum and natural gas, as well as iron, ore, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, aluminum, and tin. Russia’s chemical industry is well developed. The largest forest areas are in Asiatic part of the country.

Russia has always played an important role in the world. The history of Russia is very rich. Under the tsars the government of Russia was in Saint Petersburg. In the spring of 1918 the seat of the government removed from Petrograd to Moscow. Since that Moscow has been the capital of our country. Russia is one of the leading Powers in the world. 5. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. total area с севера на юг

2. To lie in рельеф России

3. From north to south железо, руда, медь

4. Desert минеральные ресурсы

5. the relief of Russia пустыня

6. The northern boundary местонахождения правительства

7. Mainly continental растительность

8. to depend on latitude общая площадь

9. vegetation главным образом континентальный

10. Mineral resources северная граница

11. iron, ore, copper располагаться в

12. To be well developed ведущая держава

13. The seat of the government зависеть от широты

14. leading Power быть хорошо развитым

Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones.

One-seventh of the earth’s surface. Eastern Europe, square kilometers, total area, different nationalities, steppes, in the north, the Great Russian Plain, deep lakes, China and North Korea, the Far East, island, peninsular, mild summer, climatic regimes, lead, tin, natural gas, chemical industry, enormous forests areas, under the tsars.

Use English equivalents instead of Russian ones.

1. (Наша Родина) is Russia.

2. Our country (омывается) by Arctic and the Pacific oceans and their seas.

3. Russia is a (многонациональное) state.

4. One part of Russia (располагается в Европе) the other in Asia.

5. There are two Great Plains in Russia (Великая Русская Равнина и Западно-6. Сибирская Равнина).

6. Lake Baikal in (Восточной Европе) is the (самое глубокое озеро) in the world.

7. In the south it (граничить с ) Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.

8. The climate in our country is mainly (континентальный).

9. Russia is rich in (природным газом, алюминием, оловом, цинком, свинцом).

10. (Самые большие лесные территории) are in the Asiatic part of the country.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is your Motherland?

2. Where is Russia situated?

3. What is the area of our country?

4. What is the population of our country?

5. What is the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia?

6. What can you say about the surface of our country?

7. What great plains are there in Russia?

8. What are the longest rivers in European and Asiatic parts of our country?

9. What is the northern (eastern) boundary washed by?

10. What countries does Russia border on?

11. What does the climate depend on?

12. What natural resources is Russia rich in?

13. Where are the largest forest areas situated?

14. Is Russia one of the leading powers in the world?

Choose the right variant.

1) Russian occupies … of the earth’s surface.

a) one-seventh; b) two-thirds; c) one-fifth

2) Russian lies in …..

a) Eastern Europe; b) Asia; c) Europe and Asia.

3) …. Is a boundary between Europe and Asia.

a) Lake Baikal; b) Ural mountains; c) Black Sea.

4) We have tundra and taiga in the ….

a) south; b) west; c) north.

5) The northern boundary is washed by ….

a) the Pacific Ocean; b) the Arctic Ocean; c) Atlantic.

6) The climate is mainly continental depending on ….

a) weather; b) mountains and deserts; c) latitude.

7) In the …. Russia borders on Finland and the Baltic countries.

a) east; b) south; c) west.

Find the wrong statements and correct them.

1. The total area of our country is 27 mln square kilometers.

2. One part of Russia lies in Europe the other in Asia.

3. We have steppes in the north, plains and forests in the east.

4. There are over 20 mln. rivers in Russia.

5. The northern boundary of Russia is washed by the Pacific Ocean.

6. In the west Russia borders on Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Belarus.

7. The climate in our country is subtropical.

8. Russia has always played an important role in the world.

Translate from Russian into English.

1. Россия занимает 1/7 земной поверхности.

2. Площадь нашей страны 17 млн. км2 , а население 142 млн. человек.

3. Люди разных национальностей живут в нашей стране.

4. Уральские горы - это традиционная граница между Европой и Азией.

5. Поверхность страны разнообразная.

6. Россия – это страна длинных рек и глубоких озёр.

7. Россия граничит со многими странами: Прибалтийскими государствами, Финляндией, Украиной, Грузией, Азербайджаном и азиатскими странами.

8. Климат нашей страны в основном континентальный, зависящий от широты.

9. Россия самый большой производитель угля, никеля, железа, природного газа.

10. Россия одна из ведущих держав в мире.

Speak on the topic: “Our Motherland”.


Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations.

The Russian Federation, Parliament, representative and legislative organ, the Council of Federation, the State Duma, term, executive and administrative body, the Government of Russia, rather numerous, the courts of different instances, district people’s court, for a term, the majority of the criminal and civil cases, horizontal stripes, to symbolize liberty, two-headed eagle, heraldic emblem, to be elected directly by people.

Choose the right variant.

1.The head of our state is …

a) the monarch; b) the president; c) the Prime Minister.

2. The Parliament of the Russian Federation is...

a) the executive body; b)the legislative body; c) the administrative body.

3. The Council of Federation and the State Duma …

a) are not elective; b) are elected for a term of 4 years; c)are administrative bodies of state.

4. The Government has the right to …

a) supervise over the strict observance of laws; b) draft current and long-term state; plans; c) appoint the procurators.

5. Justice is administrated by …

a) the Supreme Court; b) People’s courts; c) The Courts of different instances


Choose the right variant.

1. Moscow was founded in ….

a) 1236; b) 1147; c) 1512.

2. Moscow was under the joke of Tatar Mongol invaders for ….

a) 100 years; b) 500 years; c) 200 years.

3. In the reign of … the foreign yoke was thrown off.

a) Peter the Great; b) Prince Dmitry Pozharsky; c) Grand Duke I van III.

4. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov in … century.

a) 18; b) 19; c) 17.

5. The Moscow underground connects the centre with ….

a) districts and suburbs; b) foreign countries; c) autonomous republics.

6. In the Bolshoi Theatre we can see ….

a) collection of world famous pictures;

b) the best ballet performances;

c) art treasures.



Choose the right variant.

1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated:

a) on the British Isles;

b) in Africa;

c) on the continent

2) The UK is made up of four countries:

a) England, Wales, Scotland and Canada;

b) England, Wales, Scotland and Cardiff;

c) England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

3) The British Isles are separated from the continent by:

a) the North Sea and the Black Sea;

b) the North Sea and the English Channel;

c) the strait of Dover.

4) The North of Scotland is:

a) mountainous;

b) a plain;

c) a valley.

5) There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain but they are:

a) deep

b) long

c) not very long

6) The most important river is:

a) the Severn;

b) the Thames;

c) the Mersey.

7) The climate of British Isles is influenced by:

a) the Atlantic Ocean;

b) mountains and the Atlantic Ocean;

c) mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream.

8) One of the chief industries of the country is:

a) machinery;

b) electronics;

c) shipbuilding.

9) the UK is:

a) a democratic republic;

b) a socialist state;

c) a constitutional monarchy.

10.The British Parliament consists of 2 chambers:

a) the House of Lords und the House of Commons

b) the House of Lords and the State Duma;

c) the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Choose the right variant.

1) The chief of the state is:

a) the king (or queen);

b) the president;

c) the doctor.

2) The royal power is inherited by:

a) a gardener;

b) the direct female descendant;

c) the direct male descendant.

3) The monarch is the head of:

a) the judicial system;

b) the cabinet of ministers;

c) the government.

4) The highest organ of legislative power is:

a) a monarch;

b) a prime minister;

c) a speaker.

5) Parliament consists of:

a) a king;

b) the King and the House of Lords;

c) the King, the House of Lords and the House of Commons:

6) The lower house of Britain Parliament is:

a) the cabinet of ministers;

b) the House of Lords;

c) the House of Commons.

7) The upper house of Britain Parliament is:

a) the House of Commons;

b) the House of Lords;

c) the Anglican Church.

8) The government of Britain comprises:

a) from 80 to 100 persons;

b) from 50 to 150 persons;

c) from 10 to 50 persons.

9) The head of the government is:

a) the Queen;

b) a bishop;

c) a prime minister.

10.The highest organ of the executive power is:

a) Parliament;

b) The cabinet of ministers;

c) The Queen.


Answer the questions.

1) What centre of Great Britain is London?

1) What is the population of London?

2) What are the parts of London?

3) What can you say about the City?

4) Who founded the Tower of London?

5) What is the historic, the governmental part of London?

6) What is Big Ben?

7) What do you know about Trafalgar Square?

8) Where do the working people of London live?

9) What are the most famous London museums and art galleries?

Choose the right variant.

1) London is the capital of:

a) Great Britain;

b) Russia;

c) USA.

2) London is divided into several parts:

a) the City, the East End and the West End;

b) the City, the West End, the East End and the port;

c) the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

3) The heart of London is the City, its … centre:

a) political and financial;

b) economic and business;

c) financial and business.

4) ….. are situated in the City:

a) numerous banks and firms;

b) hotels and restaurants;

c) factories and clocks.

5) The most striking building is:

a) Buckingham Palace;

b) St. Paul’s Cathedral;

c) Westminster Abbey.

6) Many outstanding statesmen are buried in:

a) Trafalgar Square;

b) Westminster abbey;

c) The Tower of London.

7) The Houses of Parliament is the seat of:

a) Queen;

b) The British Parliament;

c) The Labour Party.

8) The West End is the …… part of London:

a) richest and most beautiful;

b) the poorest;

c) commercial.

9) The tall Nelson’s Column stands in the …. of the square:

a) right-hand part;

b) left-hand part;

c) middle.

10.The East End is densely populated by:

a) ministers;

b) rich people;

c) working class families.

Choose the right variants.

1. Only highly-qualified specialists can … problems facing our society.

a) restrict; b) make; c) solve.

2. The basic principle of the organization of education in Russia is … opportunities.

a) financial; b) social; c) equal.

3. Primary and secondary schools together comprise … years of studies.

a) eleven; c) twelve; c) ten.

4. Every year thousands of applicants are admitted to ….

a) offices; b) educational establishments; c) enterprises.

5. Sports is … part of students’ life.

a) ordinary; b) insignificant; c) essential.

6. Those students who study well … scholarship.

a) receive; b) pay; c) spend.

7. The students … lectures and practical classes.

a) attend; b) deliver; c) prepare.

8. In order to … practical experience all the students of higher schools have practical training.

a) share; b) give; c) obtain.

9. …. in non-state institutes is not free of charge.

a) admission; b) tuition; c) education.

10. The most acute problem for survival of the market economy is the deficiency of … resources.

a) energy; b) intellectual; c) financial.

Choose the right variants.

1. Moscow University was … in 1755.

a) burned; b) established; c) destroyed.

2. First all the students acquired a comprehensive Knowledge at the faculty of ….

a) Law; b) Theology; c) Philosophy.

3. Moscow University made the lectures of its professors … to the public.

a) close; b) open; c) boring.

4. Professors of Moscow University … to the establishment of new cultural centers in Moscow.

a) condemned; b) were forced c) contributed.

5. The lectures were delivered in….

a) Russian; b) Latin; c) Russian or Latin.

6. Moscow state University is a centre of ….

a) research; b) entertainment; c) industry.

7. Students choose an area to specialize in the … of studies.

a) third year; b) second year; c) first year.

8. Professors instructors and staff make decisions ….

a) independently; b) collectively; c) originally.

9. Students choose a field for their … research work.

a) group; b) international; c) independent.

10. Final paper is presented by the student at the meeting of the ….

a) department; b) faculty; c) university.


Oryel State University is a center of culture and science. It is the major higher educational establishment in the Oryel region. Our University was founded in 1931. The old building of the Institute was situated in Moskovkaya Street. In 1956 the new building was completed. There are many faculties and a great number of chairs which help every student to get ready for his study and future work. There are many laboratories where all the students make various experiments and carry out research work. The laboratories are well-equipped. We also have a good library, a reading hall, an assembly hall, workshops, studies and a well-equipped gym at our disposal. The youth from all corners of out great country study at the faculties of our University. Those students who come from different villages and towns live in the hostels.

Teachers and professors deliver lectures and hold seminars on different subjects such as: physics, mathematics, chemistry, literature, biology, history, sociology and many others. All the students study foreign languages. Student’s independent work is given much attention to. Our University trains teachers for primary and secondary schools, specialists in preschool education, journalists, philosophers, doctors. The academic year begins, as a rule, on the first of September and ends in June. It lasts ten months. The academic year has two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. At the end of each term the students take examinations and credits tests. To pass the exams and credits tests successfully students have to work hard during the academic year. You may fail at the examinations if you miss classes and do not study regularly. You must take examinations and credits in time. Sometimes students are allowed to take exams and credits tests in advance. After the examinations they have summer and winter holidays. To enter our University you have to take interview or entrance examinations which are rather difficult. Students study at day-time, evening departments and by correspondence.

The students of University take an active part in social life. There are students’ scientific societies and different circles which help students to master their knowledge. The students of University can do any sport and any recreational activity.

Every year hundreds of young specialists begin working in different branches of national economy, science, education, in mass media, prosecutor’s offices and courts. The staff is proud of the University traditions and achievements but at the same time it realizes the necessity of serious reforms aimed at preserving the accumulated intellectual potential and promoting progressive development of the Oryel State University in future.

Give Russian equivalents.

higher educational establishment, to make various experiments, assembly hall, to deliver lectures, to train specialists, to work hard, to take exams in time, to be proud of smth., progressive development, scientific societies, intellectual potential, hostel.

Choose the right variant.

  1. Oryel State University was founded in …

a) 1913; b) 1956; c) 1931;

  1. Oryel State University is … educational establishment.

a) higher; b) secondary; c) comprehensive;

  1. The laboratories are … equipped.

a) well; b) bad; c) satisfactory;

  1. Teachers and professors … seminars.

a) miss; b) hold; c) deliver;

  1. Those students who … get scholarships.

a) miss classes; b) fail at the exams; c) work hard;

  1. Sometimes Students are allowed … in advance.

a) to have summer holidays; b) to take exams; c) to have winter holidays;

  1. Students must take examinations ….

a) in time; b) regularly; c) in advance;

  1. The students of Oryel State University take …part in social life.

a) indifferent; b) passive; c) active;

  1. At the end of each term students ….

a) carry out research work; b) have holidays; c) take exams.

  1. The staff … the necessity of serious reforms.

a) reject; b) ignore; c) realize.

Give Russian educations.

long and distinctive history, advanced courses, British educational system, to have a special eminence, redbrick, universities, favorable building material, to provide a liberal education, to become popular, general pattern of teaching, to be engaged in research, highly-trained and vocationally oriented, basic purpose, to reach a high standard of creativeness.

Choose the right variant.

1. Oxford is … of all British universities.

a) the youngest; b) the oldest; c) the poorest.

2. All British universities are … institutions.

a) state; b) old; c) private.

3. The … to the Universities is by examination or selection.

a) admission; b) regulation; c) innovation.

4. Most students take … in the summer for about six weeks.

a) exams; b) job; c) accommodation.

5. The students … grants.

a) spend; b) receive; c) pay.

6. The first postgraduate degree is ….

a) Bachelor’s degree; b) Doctorates degree; c) Masters degree.

7. Polytechnics offer a range of higher education courses in ….

a) the Arts; b) the Arts and the Sciences; c) the Sciences.

8. There is a tendency to … universities in Britain.

a) expand; b) combine; c) build.

9. The number and type of faculties … from university to university.

a) similar; b) differ.

10. Cambridge was founded in …..

a) 1249; b) 1168; c) 1209.


Give 3 forms of the verbs.

To be, to come, to admit, to choose, to divide, to bring, to regard, to give, to attend, to crowd, to write, to devote, to hold, to grow

Give Russian equivalents.

The most prestigious and privileged universities, cities of fine architecture, to be connected with a name of smb., to dominate British education, to be regarded as, crowds of people, to preserve an antique way of life, long summer vacation, to be responsible for smth., to discuss the essay, to work in the library.

Choose the right variant.

1. The students of Oxbridge make up one of the most elites ….

a) in the world; b) in Europe; c) in Britain.

2. Oxbridge consists of … colleges.

a) small; b) state; c) self-governing.

3. Oxford and Cambridge have … of all British university students.

a) more than one tenth; b) less than one-tenth; c) one-tenth.

4. Candidates are mainly chosen on the results of ….

a) written exams; b) tests; c) interviews.

5. Oxford and Cambridge preserve … way life.

a) modern; b) Gothic; c) antique.

6. The year is divided into ….

a) three terms; b) two terms; c) four terms.

7. Attendance of lectures is ….

a) compulsory; b) not compulsory; c) preferable.

8. Tutors are responsible for ….

a) students’ progress; b) attendance of lectures; c) students’ life.

9. Much of the student’s time is given to working in ….

a) clubs; b) library; c) garden.

10. The Boat Race is the most famous sporting ….

a) team; b) society; c) event.


Give 3 forms of the verbs.

to include, to deliver, to have, to be, to get, to play, to aid, to cover, to supervise, to leave, to realize, to come, to take, to provide, to set, to demand.

Give Russian equivalents.

A broad term, to deliver a broad range of learning, to seek employment, to combine studies with work, personal development, further education establishment, to be aided from public funds, employment training, non-vocational education, higher qualifications more serious and focused, to complete senior courses.

7. Use English equivalents instead of Russian ones.

  1. Further education is (обширное понятие).
  2. Further education colleges have (тесные связи с торговлей и производством).
  3. (Профессиональное образование) is included in Further education.
  4. Many people (совмещать учебу с работой).
  5. There are different (обучающие программы) in the system of further education.
  6. The most Further educational establishments (получать помощь от государственных фондов).
  7. Some students are paid scholarships to help them (платить за обучение).
  8. Full-time, sandwich courses include 6 month of full time study and 6 months (производственная практика).
  9. Adult students are often more successful than younger because they are (более серьезные и сосредоточенные).
  10. Technical Education Council was set up for developing (унифицированная система курсов) of further education.


Choose the right variant.

1. Further Education is a … term.

a) narrow; b) broad; c) simple.

2. Further Education presupposes education beyond … stage.

a) higher; b) primary; c) secondary.

3. Some companies … their staff for training.

a) employ; b) release; c) disqualify.

4. … people can get education at the universities.

a) few; b) many; c) not so few.

5. Sandwich courses are 6 months of … study in a technical college.

a) block release; b) part time; c) full time.

6. Youth Training schemes are for school-leavers who ….

a) cannot find a job; b) combine studies with work; c) went straight into job.

7. First Extension courses were provided by … University.

a) Oxford; b) Open; c) Cambridge.

8. Technical Education Council was set up in ….

a) 1937; b) 1973; c) 1873.

9. Some students are paid awards and scholarships to help them with ….

a) tuition fees; b) accommodation; c) training.

10. …. Approaches the standard of a pass degree of the university.

a) Greater National Vocational Qualifications; b) Ordinary National Certificate; c) Higher National Diploma.


1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations.

Russian Federation, Russia, eastern Europe, northern Asia, the Ural Mountains, the Great Russian Plain, the West Siberian Plain, the Asiatic Part, the Volga, the Dnieper, the Don, the Lena, the Ob, the Yenissei, lake Baikal, Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Arctic Ocean, the Barents Sea, the Chukchee Sea, the East-Siberian Sea, Finland, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic Countries, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea, Pacific ocean, the Bering Sea, the sea of Japan, Okhotsk sea, the Far East area, the Kamchatka, Chukchee peninsulas, the Kuril and Sakhalin islands.

State a part of speech of the following words.

Surface, stretch, climatic, occupy, multinational, chemical, mostly, population, mainly, Asiatic.



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