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Свойства существительного, присущие герундию


Герундий, как и существительное, может выполнять в предложении функции подлежащего, части сказуемого, прямого и предложного дополнения, определения, обстоятельства.


Упр. 4. Изучите таблицу:

Функ- ция Особенности Примеры
подлежащее занимает первое место в предложении Cross-examining was held before a jury. Перекрёстный допрос проходил перед судом присяжных.
дополнение третье место в предложении 1. This trial needs participating experts. 2. The prosecutor spoke about punishing the offender.. 1. Этот судебный процесс требует участия экспертов. 2. Обвинитель говорил о наказании преступника.
часть сказуемого после to be; to stop прекращать; to finish заканчивать; to continue, to keep on, to go on продолжать; to begin, to start начинать 1. The judge started asking the witnesses questions by the defence. 2. The young man stopped reading the notices. 1. Судья начал задавать вопросы свидетелям, выставленным защитой. 2. Молодой человек перестал читать объявления.
определение всегда с предлогом после абстрактных существительных, как: opportunity (of) возможность; way (of) способ; experience (in) опыт; interest (in) интерес к; reason (for) причина, основание; chance (of) возможность 1. I see no other way of doing it. 2. There are different opinions on abolishing penalty o death. 1. Я не вижу другого способа сделать это. 2. Существуют различные мнения об отмене смертной казни.
обстоятельство времени, образа действия или сопутствующего действия всегда с предлогом: after, on после того, как; before до того, как; by существительным в творительном падеже или деепричастием; unstead of вместо того, чтобы; besides кроме 1. After reading about a law system in Great Britain I understood its essence. 1. Прочитав о судебной системе Великобритании, я понял ее суть.

Упр. 5. Переведите на русский язык, определив формы и функции герундия:

1. Selling shares is one of the ways in which companies raise capital. 2. She suspected (подозревать) him of deceiving (обманывать) her. 3. She denied (отрицать) having been at home that evening. 4. Sometimes we can break rules without suffering penalty. 7. He talked without stopping. 8. Miss Brown was in the habit of asking Mr. Dick his opinion. 9. He solved the problem of inviting the best lawyers.10. He solved the problem, by inviting the best lawyers. 11. Ring us up before leaving home. 12. Instead of reading up for his speech, he is watching TV.13. Some laws prevent companies from transferring funds to third parties.

Cложные герундиальные обороты

Подобно существительному, герундий может определяться притяжательным местоимением или существительным в притяжательном (иногда в общем) падеже. Это сочетание называется сложный герундиальный оборот.

При переводе на русский язык это существительное или местоимение становится подлежащим придаточного предложения, а герундий – сказуемым. Такой оборот часто вводится словами то, что; о том, что.


I don’t mind listening him in the court.   I don’t mind his coming to the court. Я не против того, чтобы послушать его в суде. Я не против того, чтобы он пришёл в суд.
She insisted on being allowed to interrogate him She insisted on her son being interrogated. Она настаивала, чтобы ей разрешили допросить его. Она настаивала, чтобы ее сына допросили.

Упр. 6. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложный герундиальный оборот:

1. I am told of your being very busy. 2. Do you mind my smoking here? 3. My friend insists (настаивать на) on my taking part in this meeting. 4. I am not very friendly with him, so I was surprised by his asking me to dinner. 5. The thieves (воры) broke into the shop without anyone seeing them. 6. He doesn’t mind his daughter going to the cinema once a week. 7. The government insists on these measures being taken. 8. There is no hope of our coming in time.

Упр. 7. Выучите значение следующих глаголов и словосочетаний, после которых употребляется герундий. Предложения переведите:

Would you mind … - Будьте любезны …;

I don’t mind … - Я не возражаю …;

It is worth … - Стоит (что-либо делать) …;

I cannot help … - Я не могу не …;

to succeed in … -удаваться …;

to fail … - потерпеть неудачу, не суметь сделать что-либо.


1. Would you mind passing me the code?

Будьте любезны, подайте мне кодекс.

2. I don’t mind your staying with your friend.

Я не возражаю, если ты погостишь у своего друга.

3. His speeches are worth listening to.

Стоит послушать его выступления (речи).

4. I cannot help laughing at his stories.

Я не могу не смеяться над его рассказами.

5. He succeeded in mastering his speciality.

Ему удалось овладеть специальностью.

6. They failed passing the exam.

Они не сдали экзамен.


1. You look wonderful today. I can’t help looking at you. 2. She can’t help telling him about this matter. 3. I couldn’t help inviting them to our party. 4. Do you mind my presenting in the court? 5. Do you mind our publishing the results of our work? 6. The proceeding is worth seeing. 7. The article is worth seeing. 8. This country is worth visiting. 9. She succeeded in organizing the discussion. 10. They succeeded in getting the permission to see their son. 11. They failed keeping their promise. 12. John failed finding any job in London. 13. He didn’t come that evening. He failed catching the last train.


Упр. 1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Felony ['felə ni] - фелония (категория тяжких преступлений, по степени опасности находящаяся между государствен­ной изменой и мисдиминором); provide - предусматри­вать; capital crime - преступление, караемое смертной казнью; benefit of clergy - неподсудность духовенства светскому суду (привилегия духовного звания); ordain [ É: 'dein] - посвящать в духовный сан; subject - подлежа­щий; secular ['sekjulə ] - светский; convict [kə n'vikt] - при­знать виновным; ecclesiastical [ikli: zi'жstikə l] - церковный; literacy [Iitə rə si] - грамотность; recite - декламировать; psalm [sa: m] - псалом; execute ['eksikju: t] - казнить; er­ratic [i'rжtik] - беспорядочный; entitle -давать право; re­prieve an offender - отсрочить исполнение приговора осу­жденному; petition for mercy - подавать ходатайство о помиловании; execution [eksi'kju: ∫ ə n] - приведение в ис­полнение приговора к смертной казни, смертная казнь; gallows ['gжlə uz] - виселица; royal pardon - королевское помилование; eventually [i'vent∫ uə li] - со временем; spec­tacle ['spektə kə l] - зрелище; in private - при закрытых две­рях; restrict [ris'trikt] - ограничивать; shoot - застрелить; cause - быть причиной; explosion [iks'plə u ʒ ə n] - взрыв; second occasion - повторный случай.

Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Capital punishment and its application.

Death was formerly the penalty for all felonies in English law. In practice the death penalty was never applied as widely as the law provided. Many offenders who committed capital crimes were allowed what was known as benefit of clergy. The origin of benefit of clergy was that offenders who were ordained priests were subject to trial by the church courts rather than the secular courts. If the offender convicted of a felony could show that he had been ordained, he was allowed to go free, subject to the possibility of being pun­ished by the ecclesiastical courts. In medieval times the only proof of ordination was literacy and it became the custom by the 17th century to allow anyone convicted of a felony to es­cape the death sentence by giving proof of literacy. All that was required was the ability to read or recite one particular verse from Psalm 51 of the Bible, known as the " neck verse" for its ability to save one's neck; most offenders learned the words by heart. The application of the death penalty was extremely er­ratic, as in any capital case the judge was entitled to reprieve the offender so that he could petition for mercy; but the judge was not obliged to do this, and if he decided to " leave the offender for execution, " the death sentence was normally carried out immediately, without appeal. In practice, many offenders who were convicted of capital crimes escaped the gallows as a result of reprieves and royal pardons. Until the mid-19th century exe­cutions in England were public, and throughout the 18th century great crowds attended the regular executions in London and other cities. Often an execution was followed by scenes of vio­lence and disorder in the crowd, and it was commonly believed that pickpockets were busy among the spectators at executions. Public opinion eventually turned against the idea of executions as spectacles, and after 1868 executions were carried out in pri­vate in prisons. Parliament (in 1957) restricted the death penalty to certain types of murder, known as " capital murders" — murder in the course of theft, murder of a police or prison offi­cer in the execution of his duty, murder by shooting or causing an explosion, and murder on a second occasion. All other mur­ders were to be punished by a life sentence (life imprisonment).


Упр. 3. Согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими высказываниями:

1) Death was the penalty for all misdemeanours. 2) Death pen­alty was applied as widely as the law provided. 3) Many of­fenders who committed capital murders were allowed what was known as benefit of clergy. 4) Many offenders who were or­dained priests were subject to trial by the secular courts rather than the church courts. 5) If the offender convicted of a felony could show that he had been ordained, he was allowed to repair a damage. 6) Anyone convicted of a felony was allowed to es­cape the death sentence by giving proof of morality. 7) The ap­plication of the death penalty was well-ordered. 8) The judge was entitled to reprieve the offender so that he could repent of his sins. 9) The judge was obliged to reprieve the offender. 10) If the judge decided to leave the offender for execution, the death sentence was carried out momentarily. 11) Many offend­ers who were convicted of misdemeanours didn't escape the gallows. 12) Executions in England were carried out in private in prisons. 13) Few people attended the regular executions in London. 14) Scenes of pacification in the crowd followed an execution. 15) It was believed that robbers were busy among the spectators at executions. 16) Public opinion supported the idea of executions as spectacles.


Упр. 4. Восстановите порядок слов в следующих предложениях:

1) Death the penalty for all felonies was. 2) Death penalty was never as widely as the law applied provided. 3) Many offenders were what was known as benefit of clergy allowed. 4) Many offenders who were were ordained priests subject to trial by the church courts. 5) If the offender allowed convicted of a felony could show that he had been ordained, he was to go free. 6) Anyone convicted of a felony to escape the death sentence by giving proof of literacy was allowed. 7) The application of the death penalty erratic was. 8) The judge was to reprieve the of­fender entitled. 9) The judge not obliged to reprieve the offender was. 10) If the judge decided to leave, the death sentence was car­ried out immediately the offender for execution. 11) Many of­fenders who were convicted of capital crimes the gallows as a result of royal pardons escaped. 12) Great crowds the regular executions in London attended. 13) Scenes of violence in the crowd an execution followed. 14) Pickpockets busy among the spectators at executions were.


Упр. 5. Переведите следующие слова и выражения с русского языка на английский:

Возместить ущерб; нравственное поведение; упорядочен­ный; раскаиваться; умиротворение; фелония; преступление, караемое смертной казнью; неподсудность духовенства светскому суду; посвящать в духовный сан; признать ви­новным; казнить; давать право; отсрочить исполнение при­говора осужденному; подавать ходатайство о помиловании; приведение в исполнение приговора к смертной казни; ви­селица; королевское помилование; повторный случай.


Упр. 6. Закончите следующие предложения:

1) Death was... 2) Death penalty was never applied as... 3) Many offenders who committed capital crimes were allowed... 4) Many offenders who were ordained priests were subject to... 5) If the offender convicted of a felony could show... he was allowed... or was subject to... 6) Anyone convicted of a felony was allowed... 7) The application of the death penalty was, v. 8) The judge was entitled... 9) The judge was not obliged... 10) If the judge decided... the death sentence was... 11) Many offenders who were convicted of capital crimes escaped... as a result of... 12) Executions in England were... 13) Great crowds attended... 14) Scenes of... followed... 15) It was believed that pickpockets... 16) Public opinion turned... 17) After 1868 executions were carried out in... 18) Capital murders are...


Упр. 1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Abolition - отмена; capital murder - убийство, караемое смертной казнью; dissatisfaction - недовольство; execution - приведение в исполнение приговора к смертной казни; view - рассматривать; unjustified - необоснованный; es­cape the death penalty - избежать смертной казни; deliberate poisoner - умышленный отравитель; subject / liable - подлежащий; emotional crime - преступление под влиянием аффекта; seize a gun - схватить огнестрельное оружие; abolish the death penalty - отменять смертную казнь; re­place - заменять; life sentence - приговор к пожизненному тюремному заключению; release - освобождать; serve a sentence - отбывать наказание.

Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:



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