Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
I. Какое из данных утверждений выражает основную идею текста?
1. Newton was one of the greatest minds of his time and gave all his time to determining the laws which rule the Universe. 2. Newton led a quiet life in study and scientific work indifferent to what was going on around him. 3. Newton was not only a man of science but also a politician and the holder of some key posts. II. Запишите номер абзаца, в котором вы найдете ответ на вопрос. What are the achievements of Newton in the field of mathematics? III. Расположите данные пункты плана в последовательности, соответствующей содержанию текста. 1. Newton invented mathematical tools allowing to predict natural events. 2. Newton took an active part in the political movement of his day. 3. Newton is known to be the greatest scientist of Great Britain. 4. Newton showed that the motion of the planets were the natural results of universal laws of nature. 5. As a technician, he made contribution to the development of astronomy. IV. Есть ли в тексте ответы на вопросы? Запишите “да” или “нет”. 1. Where was Newton born? 2. What did he invent for observing the Moon and stars? 3. What was Newton’s favourite study? 4. What was Newton besides being a great scientist? 5. Why was the post of Master of the Mint very important? V. Переведите письменно 3 и 4 абзацы. КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 4 Вариант B Для выполнения данной контрольной работы рекомендуется найти по словарю значения заданных слов и словосочетаний, постараться их запомнить, а затем перейти к выполнению контрольной работы. to award, to design, benefit, promotion, manufacturing, annual, fluent, wealthy, fortune, peacekeeping, to reduce, substance, cost, way, tremendous, suggestion, investigation, to add, to train, achievement, to invent, to become, own, science. Лексика I. Найдите и запишите слово, объединяющее данную тематическую группу.
II. Найдите и запишите слово, выпадающее из данной тематической группы.
III. Выберите и запишите слово, одинаковое по значению с данным.
IV. Выберите и запишите слово, противоположное по значению данному.
V.Выберите и запишите русское словосочетание соответствующее данному английскому.
VI. Заполните пропуски словами, данными ниже. 20. Alfred Nobel built up over 80 companies in 20 … countries. 21. Nobel prizes are awarded on December 10, the … of Nobel’s death. 22. The Committee starts its own … into research projects. 23. He quickly saw a favourable set of conditions for his scientific …. 24. Laureates arrive at Stockholm during the second week in December to prepare for the … ceremony. a) investigation b) award c) invention d) different e) anniversary Грамматика Для успешного выполнения заданий по грамматике необходимо проработать следующие темы. Passive Voice, Modal Verbs and their equivalents, словообразование (суффиксы –ly, -er/or, -tion, -ist, -ous, -able, -ic, -al, -less, -y, -ize) I. По выделенному суффиксу определите часть речи.
II. По выделенным словообразовательным элементам определите, какому из английских слов соответствует предъявленное русское слово.
III. Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите то, в котором глагол to have выражает долженствование. 10. The American industry has financed research labs generating basic research. 11. The Nobel prizes had tremendous prestige and offered significant financial rewards. 12. Alfred Nobel had to move to Russia with his parents in 1842. IV. Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите то, в котором глагол to be выражает долженствование. 13. World-famous for his works Nobel was never personally well known. 14. The award ceremony was to take place at the Oslo Town Hall. 15. His invention was help during the area of rapidly growing industries. V.Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите те, в которых сказуемое стоит в Passive Voice. 16. His greatest wish was to see an end of wars. 17. Each year, thousands of international experts are invited to nominate candidates. 18. Sir Winston Churchill received a literature prize in 1953. 19. Many scientists were attracted to American universities by generous research funds. 20. Alfred Nobel is remembered long after his death. VI. Выберите и выпишите соответствующую форму глагола. 21. The Nobel Committee for physics invites / is invited 2, 000 professors to nominate candidates. 22. In his famous will Nobel left / was left money to provide prizes for outstanding works in science. 23. Large amounts of money donated / were donated by Nobel’s relatives to research and education. 24. The safety of explosives improved / was improved by inventing dynamite. 25. He quickly saw / was seen industrial openings for his scientific inventions.
Понимание прочитанного Прочитайте текст, вдумайтесь в его содержание, постарайтесь понять его, чтобы выполнить задания после текста. Alfred Nobel (1833 - 1896) Популярное:
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