Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

II.Соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию текста? Выпишите номера соответствующих утверждений.

1. Население Канады увеличилось почти вдвое за счет иммигрантов.

2. Большинство населения – это потомки иммигрантов из Британии.

3. Образ жизни англоговорящих канадцев во многом похож на американский.

4. Правительство Канады состоит из Сената и Палаты Общин.

5. Канада вышла из Британского Содружества после Второй Мировой Войны.

III. Есть ли в тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы? Если да, то укажите номер абзаца, в котором находится ответ.

6. How many French Canadians live in Ontario and Manitoba?

7. What province is much more French than Canadian?

8. What languages do most Quebecers speak?

9. What country does Canada border on?

10. Why does Quebec province want to be independent?

11. What is Canadian flag like?

IV. Составьте план текста в виде утверждений на английском языке.

V. Переведите письменно 2, 3 и 4 абзацы текста.



Вариант A

Для выполнения данной контрольной работы рекомендуется найти по словарю значения заданных слов и словосочетаний, постараться их запомнить, а затем перейти к выполнению контрольной работы.

to regard, mirror, alloy, to rely on, within, branch, tool, account, event, to allow, exact, prediction, to govern, to obey, flow, heat, fluid, liberty, to argue, error, measurement, key.


I. Найдите и запишите слово, объединяющее данную тематическую группу.

1. integral a) calculus b) differential c) functional
2. science a) natural b) social c) exact
3. historical a) political b) international c) event
4. air a) flow b) heat c) fluid

II. Найдите и запишите слово, выпадающее из данной тематической группы.

5. mathematician a) physicist b) technician c) mathematics
6. star a) branch b) telescope c) planet
7. remote a) distant b) large c) far
8. idea a) purpose b) aim c) objective

III. Выберите и запишите слово, одинаковое по значению с данным.

9. various a) same b) different c) similar
10. to produce a) to make b) to show c) to penetrate
11. tool a) alloy b) part c) instrument

IV. Выберите и запишите слово, противоположное по значению данному.

12. great a) unimportant b) big c) enormous
13. to reflect a) to regard b) to govern c) to absorb
14. within a) inside b) outside c) near

V.Выберите и запишите русское словосочетание соответствующее данному английскому.

15. most important part a) самая важная часть b) более важная часть
16. one of the greatest scientists a) один из величайших ученых b) один великий ученый
17. exact prediction a) точно предсказанный b) точное предсказание
18. the same laws a) те же законы b) некоторые законы
19. nature of matter a) природное вещество b) природа вещества

VI. Заполните пропуски словами, данными ниже.

19. He gave much of his time to determining the … which rule the universe.

20. Newton discovered why the prism breaks up sunlight into ….

21. The study of … was Newton’s favourite study.

22. He made a number of experiments with lenses and came to important … conclusions.

23. In 1668 Newton invented the … telescope.

a) scientific b) light c) laws d) reflecting e) colours


Для успешного выполнения заданий по грамматике необходимо проработать следующие темы. Passive Voice, Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents, словообразование (суффиксы –ly, -al, -ian, -ment, -cian, -able, -ist, -es, -ing)

I. По выделенному суффиксу определите часть речи.

1. mostly a) наречие b) прилагательное
2. astronomical a) существительное b) прилагательное
3. technician a) существительное b) глагол
4. achievement a) прилагательное b) существительное
5. deviation a) наречие b) существительное

II. По выделенным словообразовательным элементам определите, какому из английских слов соответствует предъявленное русское слово.

6. опытный a) experimental b) experimenter c) experimentally
7. технически a) technical b) technician c) technically
8. физик a) physics b) physicist c) physical
9. измеряемый a) measurement b) measuring c) measurable

III. Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите то, в котором глагол to have выражает долженствование.

10. Another scientist had suggested this idea half a century before Newton.

11. He had to experiment with various alloys, and to grind his own mirrors.

12. Only those who had great thirst for knowledge could develop their talents studying by themselves.

IV. Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите то, в котором глагол to be выражает долженствование.

13. At 27 he was a professor at Cambridge and was to give one lecture a week.

14. It was Newton who said that light is a combination of different colours.

15. At the age of twelve Newton was sent to the small town of Grantham to attend the Grammar school.

V.Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите те, в которых сказуемое стоит в Passive Voice.

16. People invented many strange tales to explain a rainbow.

17. A rainbow is formed when sunlight passes through falling drops.

18. He proved that white light consisted of rays of different colours and that each colour had its own place.

19. Every particle of matter in the universe is attracted to every other particle of matter.

20. Methods of calculation invented by Newton have ever since been used by every kind of scientist.

VI. Выберите и выпишите соответствующую форму глагола.

21. Newton’s great work, the “Principia”, was published / published in 1687.

22. Mechanical laws acting on the earth connect / are connected with the mechanical laws of the whole Universe.

23. Newton had solved / had been solved one of the great riddles of the Universe.

24. Gravity had known / had been known long before Newton’s time.

25. Newton was spent / spent most of his time in experiments and calculations.

Понимание прочитанного

Прочитайте текст, вдумайтесь в его содержание, постарайтесь понять его, чтобы выполнить задания после текста.

Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day, 1642, in the first year of the Great Rebellion. Many people regard him as the greatest man whom England has produced but we mostly know very little about him.
As a boy we know that he interested himself in conjuring tricks. As a man he made his first reflecting telescope whose most important part is a concave mirror, not lens. For this purpose he had to experiment with various alloys, and to grind his own mirrors. Today all large astronomical telescopes rely on mirrors rather than lenses to concentrate the light from distant stars. As an experimenter he showed that white light could be split up into colours. He also worked on static electrification.
Newton will always be remembered as a great technician and a very great experimental physicist. In addition he was one of the greatest mathematicians, perhaps the greatest who ever lived. At the age of 22 he invented what is now called the differential calculus, and at the age of 23 – the integral calculus. Both these branches of mathematics were essentially tools of his great project of producing a mechanical account of natural events which would allow of their exact prediction.
The principles governing the flight of cannon balls were being worked out at this time. Newton showed that the Moon in its course round the Earth and other planets in their course round the Sun, obeyed the same laws. This was a very great mathematical achievement. He also discovered the laws governing the flow of heat and some fluids. How deeply Newton penetrated into the nature of matter, is shown by a simple fact. The moving stars do not obey Newton’s laws exactly. But their largest deviations from these laws are about one three hundredth part of the errors of measurement made by astronomers in Newton’s day.
Newton was not only a scientist. He also was a politician. In 1687 King James II threatened the liberties of Cambridge University. Newton argued the case for the University and was elected by it to Parliament in 1689, as
  a supporter of the Revolution. He later became Warden and then Master of the Mint. These were key points as there was no paper money in those days, so the Mint was as important as the great banks are today. His knowledge of metallurgy was put in the service of the state. In 1703 Newton was elected President of the Royal Society, the highest body of scientific learning in England.
In fact Newton took part in the progressive political movements of history. Like most great men, he was an all-rounded man. The idea that scientists should shut themselves away from everyday life did not appeal to him. He saw that science arises from, and ministers to, social needs, and he acted accordingly.

Пояснения к тексту.

Great Rebellion – “Великий мятеж” (неодобрительное название гражданской войны в Англии в XVII веке)

conjuring tricks – фокусы иллюзиониста

concave mirror – вогнутое зеркало

rather than – а не …

differential (integral) calculus – дифференциальное (интегральное) исчисление

Warden of the Mint – смотритель монетного двора

Royal Society – Королевское (научное) общество



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