Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
River, desert, lake, island group, capital city, mountain range, mountain, sea, forest/jungle, man-made featureСтр 1 из 9Следующая ⇒
Score 1 point for every correct example you name. If a team cannot name an example, the other teams can get an extra point by naming one in that continent. Exercise 6. Insert the right article.
1.... most windows are made of glass. 2.... glass of my watch is broken, and one of... hands is missing. 3.... first concern of any government should be... education of... people of... country. 4.... stars are very bright tonight. 5.... president said that he didn't want... trouble, but... troubles of... country had to be settled quickly. 6.... trees in our garden bear a lot of fruit every year. 7.... audience was stone silent. 8.... girl is really... great talker. 9. In America " neighbour" has... friendly connotation, in England it is... chilly word, nearly always... stranger. 10.... rain was still beating on the windows. 11.... road snaked its way across... hills. 12. Emma hoped... baby would be... girl. 13.... Queen smiled. She had told... black He. 14. In... middle of... year he made... second trip to Fairley Hall. 15. — I don't like... policemen. — Neither do I. But I do like... English policemen. 16.... village where my relatives live is such... idyllic place. 17.... bell rang... third time to indicate... beginning of... class. 18.... girl is... born peacemaker. Exercise 7. Insert the right article.
1. Maxim left... Ritz Hotel after their dinner at... Annabel's and walked home crossing... Picadilly and heading through... Half Moon Street into... Mayfair. 2.... Easter Island in... Pacific Ocean was discovered in 1722. It is one of... most mysterious spots on... earth. 3.1 flew to... UK on the Concorde. I had hardly had a chance to eat a snack, relax and read my book when we were landing at... Heathrow. 4.... Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current which flows from... Gulf of Mexico, along... south-east coast of... United States, and north-eastwards in... Atlantic Ocean. 5. The waters of... Seine trembled in the hazy sunshine. 6. In the vicinity of the house were... Rodin Museum, ... French Academy, and... Hotel des Invalides, housing... tomb of Napoleon I. 7.George had planned...cruise to... Greek islands as... surprise for his family. They would be sailing around... Aegean Sea for about a fortnight. 8. The two young women had attended... Sorbonne at the same time. Their fathers, as it turned out, had been at... Oxford University. 9. The highest peak in... North America is... Mount McKinley. 10.... Monterey Peninsula juts out into... Pacific Ocean halfway up... California coast. 11. The travellers saw an oasis in... Gobi, but it was a mirage. 12. If you want to see... Lake Victoria and... Mount Kilimanjaro, go to... Kenya. 13. There is a project to turn... Baikal area into... Russian Alps. Exercise 8. Which of the given below geographic names can be used with the definite article?
Student A: Student B:
A. Kilimanjaro, Jenisei, Bermuda, Elbrus, Hudson Bay, Laptev Sea, Urals, Kalahari, Volga, Carpathians, Indian Ocean, Madeira, Etna, English Channel, Palm Beach, Arctic Circle, Olympus, New Forest, South Pole, Bridge of Sighs, Jutland Peninsula, Suez Canal, Swallow Falls, Sicily, Tower Bridge, Kara-Kum, Lake Chad, Bermuda Triangle, Malay Archipelago, Aleutian Islands
B. United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Far East, Brussels, Netherlands, Booker Prize, Hague, Art Theatre, Riviera, Northern Europe, St. James' Park, Peacock Inn, Baker Street, Russian Museum, Salisbury Cathedral, Wailing Wall, Middle East, Southern Africa, Roman Empire, Miami Airport, Nobel Prize, Republic of Ireland, Athens, Winter Palace, Republican Party, Eiffel Tower, National Association of Teachers, Hawaii, Village of Sosnovka, Hawaiian Islands Exercise 9. Geography Quiz Draw lines to connect the correct information and then write sentences. Add articles where necessary.
Example: Tower Bridge is a famous bridge in London.
Exercise 10. Translate into English.
1. Япония— древняя страна на Дальнем Востоке. 2. Население Российской Федерации— около 150 миллионов человек. 3. Турция располагается на двух континентах — Азии и Европе. 4. Босфор — это пролив, который соединяет Мраморное море с Черным морем. 5. Наполеон родился на Корсике, острове в Средиземном море. 6. Америка состоит из трех частей: Северной Америки, Центральной Америки и Южной Америки. 7. Красное море находится между Северной Африкой и Аравийским полуостровом. 8. Если вы поедете в Египет, то увидите Нил, знаменитые пирамиды, «Долину Королей» и «Долину Королев». 9. Мальта, Кипр, Капри — знаменитые острова. 10. Амударья течет через пустыню Каракум и впадает в Аральское море.
C. The “Zero” Article. Нулевой артикль используется (артикль отсутствует): 1. Перед существительными, уже имеющими определители (местоимения, числительные и др.): · My room is large. - Моя комната большая. · I need some books. - Мне нужны книги.
2. Перед абстрактными существительными; перед названием вещества, если речь не идет о каком-либо конкретном количестве; перед существительными во множественном числе: · The work gives him satisfaction. — Он получает удовольствие от работы. · Snow is white. — Снег белый. · I like to read English books. — Я люблю читать английские книги. But! Если же с существительным во множественном числе или с неисчисляемым существительным используется артикль, то значение существительного уже не обобщенное, а конкретное. Сравните: · Не likes cars, girls, food and drink. — Он любит машины, девушек, еду и напитки. · The cars in that garage belong to the girls. — Машины в том гараже принадлежат девушкам. · She loves life. — Она любит жизнь. · He's studying the life of Beethoven. — Он изучает жизнь Бетховена. · Books are expensive. — Книги дороги. · Move the books off and sit down. — Убери книги и сядь.
3. Перед именами собственными перед названиями: Ø континентов, стран, графств, штатов, городов, улиц, парков, площадей: Africa, Berkshire, Texas, Oxford, High Street, Brazil, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square и т.д. · London is the capital of Great Britain. - Лондон - столица Великобритании. · I've been neither to South Africa nor to North America. — Я никогда не был ни в Южной Африке, ни в Северной Америке.
Ø аэропортов, вокзалов, железнодорожных станций: · London Airport, Victoria Station Ø университетов, колледжей: · Oxford University, Hertford College, Grinnel College Ø журналов: · Punch, Language Ø дней недели, месяцев: · Sunday, Monday, January, February 4. Перед существительным, определяемым словами next в значении " будущий" и last в значении " прошлый" (если существительное обозначает время) или количественным числительным (а также буквенным обозначением: Witness " A", Point С, Exhibit В и т.д.), следующим за существительным: · I went to the Ukraine for my holiday last year, and I am going there next year too. — В прошлом году во время отпуска я ездил на Украину и собираюсь туда на следующий год тоже. · When World War II broke out, I was in Moscow. — Когда началась вторая мировая война, я был в Москве.
5. Перед существительным, служащим обращением: · How old are you, young man? — Сколько вам лет, молодой человек?
6. Перед названиями наук: · I like literature and history but I don't like mathematics. — Я люблю литературу и историю, но не люблю математику. 7. Перед существительным в заголовках, объявлениях и телеграммах: · Polish Delegation Arrives in Moscow. — Польская делегация прибывает в Москву.
8. Перед существительными Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt и др.- в роли членов одной и той же семьи: · Has Mother come back yet? — Мать уже вернулась? · Father wants to speak to you. — Отец хочет поговорить с тобой.
9. Перед существительным, стоящим при именах собственных и обозначающим звание (научное, воинское) или служащим формой обращения: · Academician Kurchatov died several years ago. — Академик Курчатов умер несколько лет назад. · Can I speak to Mr. Popov? — Могу я поговорить с господином Поповым? · Mr. Brown wishes to see Dr. Smith. — Мистер Браун хочет встретиться с доктором Смитом.
10. Перед такими существительными, как advice, information, money, hair, fruit , при отсутствии ограничивающего определения: · This is important information. — Это важная информация. · I need advice badly. — Мне очень нужен совет.
11. В некоторых сочетаниях существительного с предлогом, когда все сочетание носит наречный характер:
· to/at/from school; in/to class; to/at/from university/college (в американском английском чаще in school/college); · to/in/into/from church; to/in/into/out of hospital/bed; to/at/from work; to/at sea; to/in/from town; at/from home; · for breakfast; at lunch; to dinner; · at night; at sunset; at first sight; at table; at war; · by car/bus/bicycle/plane/train/tube/boat/air/water/sea/land; · by day; by post; by heart; by chance; by mistake; by name; · on foot; on board a ship; on deck; on demand; on credit; on sale; · in/on time; in debt; in demand; in sight; in fact; in conclusion; · from year to year; from head to foot; from morning till night; from day to day; from top to bottom; from shop to shop; from time to time; from head to foot; · with knife and fork; on land and sea; arm in arm; inch by inch; day after day; day and night; · to go to sleep; to take dinner/part/place/care; to shake hands; to drop anchor;
Society используется без артикля в значении the society we live in : · People should work for the benefit of society. — Люди должны работать на благо общества.
Существительное space используется без артикля, когда оно обозначает the empty space between the stars : · Man has just taken his first steps into space. — Человек только что сделал первые шаги в космосе.
Most в значении the majority of не имеет артикля: · Most birds can fly. — Большинство птиц умеет летать.
Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the phrases in bold type.
1. Step by step we are getting nearer to our goal. 2. They walked from room to room, admiring what they saw. 3. Day after day things are improving. 4. We've been working side by side for so many years. 5. She read the foreign text slowly, line by line. 6.We call each other from time to time. 7. The fellow kept grinning from ear to ear. 8. It was all a big lie from start to finish. 9. Imust tell you that from beginning to end you acted most foolishly. 10. He is a gentleman from head to toe. 11. During the war the family lived from hand to mouth. 12. He keeps all his bank accounts under lock and key. 13. Let me announce you now husband and wife. 14. Mother and child should be protected by State. 15. Time after time I've tried to walk away from you. 16. The moon was rolling slowly in the sky, from star to star. 17. Traffic stood nose to tail all the way down the Strand. Exercise 2. Read the text and comment on the use or on the absence articles. Retell the text. Bill Fitzgerald, chief foreign correspondent for CHS, the American cable news network, was now a war correspondent, and it was his job to bring the news to the people. World news. American news. Business news. Bill Fitzgerald was a renowned newsman, the undoubted star at the Cable News Systems, noted for his measured, accurate but hard-hitting reports from the world's battlefields and troublespots, be it Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel or Iraq. Whenever flare-ups happened, Bill and his crew were right in the thick of it. Feverishly filming, wanting to be graphic, moving, vivid, and hard-hitting.
People trusted him, had confidence in him, and his newscasts had huge success on television. Bill always followed the old journalistic rule of thumb: WHO, WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, and HOW, which had been taught to him by his father, a respected newspaperman. As a newsman Bill could never become involved with the events he was covering. He had to be dispassionate, objective and balanced. Like a bystander, watching in a sense. But sometimes, he couldn't help getting involved. It got to him occasionally, ... the pain, the human suffering. And it was always the innocent who were the most hurt. Wars killed the soul, drained the spirit, and damaged the psyche.
Bill's crew were his cameraman, Mike Williams, and Joe Alonzo, his soundman who had done telecasts to the States with him for many years now. They had met about ten years ago and had been fast friends ever since. And even when they were in different parts of the world, they still stayed in constant touch. They were exceptionally close, shared the same interests and understood each other perfectly, they were usually on the same wavelength. (after B. Bradford) Exercise 3. Insert the article if necessary.
1. My Grandmother was... true original. Strong of character, she truly ruled our family with... iron hand. In... velvet glove, of course. 2. Maxim was at... centre of her thoughts. He was her world —... sun, ... moon, ... stars. 3. He had ordered... chilled white wine; it was... young wine and it was... perfect choice. 4. It was... beautiful night, warm, balmy, gentle.... ink-black sky was sprinkled with... stars, and there was... hazy full moon. 5. " Harrow! That's... marvellous school! Winston Churchill, ... Prime Minister of England, went to Harrow." 6. I'm looking for... Miss Rosie. I was told she was... barmaid here. 7. " Yes, " she said in... soft whisper. " Why, you sound like... scared little church mouse." 8.... marmalade is usually made from... oranges. It is usually eaten for... breakfast with... toast. 9.... woman must be... genius to create... good husband. (Balzac) 10. "... Royals" is... serial, which portraits... life of... members of... Royal Family in... United Kingdom. 11. It was... cold Saturday morning at... beginning of... month.... first snap of... frost was in... air, after... mild October of... Indian-summer weather. But nonetheless, it was... sparkling day, sunny, with... bright blue sky. Exercise 4. Add an article if necessary.
1. The price of -- electricity has gone up a lot this year. 2. Jane says that … men are to blame for all the wars in the world. If women were in charge, there would be … peace throughout the world. 3. Lena thinks that … fun is more important than … success in … life. 4. After… success of his first book, he decided to write another one about … life of Lawrence of Arabia. 5. The thing I hate most about … school is … homework. 6. I read … really interesting book about … history of … sport in … holidays. 7. It is a pity that politicians never learn any lessons from … history. 8. The religious instruction teacher said that … alcohol and …divorce were major social problems and Lizzie said it was … people who drank … alcohol and got married who were … problems! 9. I saw my headmaster in … town yesterday. He was waiting for a bus. 10. In … town where I live there are four cinemas. 11. The children are still at … school. They have … extra lesson this afternoon. 12. There is … beautiful statue of the madonna in … church near our house. Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with a, an, the, or - (for no article). Pancake recipe You need 100 grams of … flour, … egg, a little milk, and a spoonful of butter. Beat … egg with … flour. Add … milk until the mixture is runny. Heat … butter in …frying pan.
Pour … spoonful of … mixture into…pan. Cook for one minute. Turn … pancake over and cook a little longer. Serve hot, with … sugar and … lemon juice.
Exercise 6. Use the article if necessary.
...light in... piazza was silvery, ... sky leaden, ... faint mist was rising from... lagoon and... canals were in... veil of... grey on this cold winter's afternoon. Bill walked slowly across... St. Mark's Square, not caring about... weather in... least. It was... relief to be in... Venice after... battlefields of... Bosnia.... Venetians loved this city, La Serenissima they called it, this city of... churches and... palaces floating on... water, brimming with... treasures of... art and... architecture. Bill thought it was one of... most intriguing and evocative places in... world. Exercise 7. Translate into English 1. Синоптики сообщают, что погода наконец-то меняется к лучшему. 2. Мой друг — неисправимый романтик. Он верит во все лучшее в людях. 3. Сейчас я читаю роман Ф. Достоевского «Униженные и оскорбленные». 4. Чем раньше ты примешь решение, тем лучше. 5. Не говорите плохо об отсутствующих. 6. Чем сильнее буря, тем скорее она пройдет. 7. Он из другого мира, он один из избранных, из привилегированных. 8. — Я космополит. — А я консерватор. 9. Небо было бледно-голубого цвета, а море — темно-зеленого. 10. Моя подруга работает в школе для глухонемых. 11. Я смотрю новый сериал — «Дерзкие и красивые». 12. Все мы ищем в этой жизни идеал. 13. У молодых и у старых, у бедных и богатых есть свои радости и свои проблемы. 14. Молодец, ты заслуживаешь пятерку. Exercise 8. Complete these sentences using one of these words. Use the where necessary. Use the same word in both (a) and (b) in each pair. Популярное: |
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