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Physical description and adjective order
· When you describe someone follow this order:
Height – build – age – hair – eyes – face – complexion – extra features – dress .
Model: My cousin Pamela is fairly tall in her mid-thirties. She is a bit plump and has long curly black hair. Pamela has an oval face and big black eyes. She wears glasses as she is short-sighted. She wears casual clothes. Eyes · When we describe people’s eyes we begin with the size, followed by shape and colour. Size – Shape – Colour Model: She has got big round black eyes.
Exercise 2. 1. Kate has got round / black / large eyes. 2. Pete has got blue / small / bright eyes. 3. Lucy has hazel / small / almond-shaped eyes. 4. My mother has got dark-brown / big / expressive eyes.
Hair · When we describe someone’s hair, we give length first followed by colour and style. Length – Colour – Style Model: He has got short black curly hair.
Exercise 3. 1. Jane has smooth / long / auburn hair. 2. Heather has got golden / frizzy / short hair. 3. Agatha has got cropped / wavy / blond hair. 4. My brother has curly / long / fair hair. 5. Daniel has brown / wavy / long hair. 6. Elizabeth has chestnut / shoulder-length / straight hair.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions saying a few words about the appearance of your relatives or friends.
1. What does your cousin look like? 2. Is your brother a good-looking boy? 3. What does your mother look like? 4. Is your friend a pretty girl/a handsome boy? 5. Is your father an attractive person? What does he look like?
Exercise 5. Translate into English: 1) рассеянная девочка; 2) хлопчатобумажная майка (T-shirt); 3) старомодное шелковое платье; 4) незабываемая трехдневная поездка; 5) старое черное фортепиано; 6) красивая стройная фигура; 7) интересный итальянский фильм; 8) неаккуратно подстриженные волосы
A. Degrees of comparison
Имена прилагательные образуют две степени сравнения: сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) и превосходную (the Superlative Degree). Основная форма прилагательного (начальная) не выражает сравнения и называется положительной степенью ( the Positive Degree ): · Nick is a tall boy. · Pete is taller than Nick. · David is the tallest boy. Прилагательные односложные образуют сравнительную степень путем прибавления суффикса -er к форме прилагательного в положительной степени, превосходная степень образуется с помощью суффикса -est. Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, употребляется с определенным артиклем the.
Прилагательные двусложные, а также состоящие из трех и более слов, образуют сравнительную степень при помощи слова more, а превосходную – most: large – larger – the largest Simple – simpler – simplest Short – shorter – shortest Beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful Interesting – more interesting – most interesting Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения не по общим правилам: Good – better – best Bad – worse – worst Little – less – least Many - More - most much – farther farthest Far - - Further furthest Farther, further и farthest, furthest означают расстояние: The children were playing in the farthest (furthest) part of the garden. Кроме этого FURTHER также употребляется в значении дальнейший, добавочный: · You will get further information a bit later. Spelling rules
1. Adjectives like big (fat, hot, wet) double the consonant: big – bigger – the biggest hot – hotter – the hottest 2. When the adjectives end in –y preceded by a consonant, -y- is changed into -i and -er(-est) is added: busy – busier – the busiest Note 1: Some two-syllable adjectives may have two comparative or superlative forms: -er/-est or more/most able, angry, clever, common, cruel, friendly, gentle, handsome, narrow, pleasant, polite, quiet, simple, sour. He is cleverer than you or He is more clever than you. It is a narrower passage or It is a more narrow passage. Note 2: Прилагательные в сравнительной степени superior высший, выше, лучше( по качеству) и inferior худший, хуже (по качеству) заимствованы из латинского. Они не употребляются ни в положительной, ни в превосходной степени:
These samples are superior/inferior to those ones. Эти образцы лучше/хуже (по качеству) Note 3: Для усиления сравнительной степени употребляются слова much или far со значением гораздо, значительно: The Volga is much longer than the Dnieper. This film is far better than that one.
Превосходная степень может быть усилена с помощью by far или far: · The Trans-Siberian railway is by far the longest in the world. Транс-Сибирская железная дорога гораздо длиннее всех в мире.
Looking for an apartment. Sean and Debra are looking for a place to live. Last week they saw an apartment on Merrilands Road that Sean liked very much. This week they are looking at an apartment on the Park Lane that Debra likes better.
Debra: The living room in the Merrilands Road apartment is so small and this one is much (large). And then, the kitchen in the Merrilands Road apartment is so dark, and this yard is much (light). Sean: That’s true. But the Merrilands Road apartment is cheap, and this one is much (expensive). Debra: No wonder! That’s because the Merrilands Road apartment is so old and ugly, and this one is much (new) and (pretty). The Merrilands Road yard is so little, and this yard is much (big). Sean: But don’t you think the superintendent at the Park Lane apartment is a little lazy? I’m sure the Merrilands Road superintendent is much (energetic). And I think the Park Lane landlord is stingy. The one in Merrilands Road is much (generous). Debra: You might be right, but Merrilands Road is so narrow and dirty, and the Park Lane is much (wide) and (clean). Sean: I agree. But the Park Lane neighbours are so unfriendly, and the Merrilands Road neighbours are much (hospitable). Don’t you think that living on the Park Lane is going to be boring? I’m sure that living in Merrilands Road will be much (interesting). Debra: Hm-m-m.. What do you think we should do? Sean: I don’t know. I guess we should look at the apartment on Applegarth Avenue before we decide.
Dialogue 2: Conversation.
A: Which flat shall we choose? B: Well, the one in Churchill Square had a lovely kitchen. But the one in Church Street was (cheap). A: Yes, Church Street was much (cheap). Never mind the kitchen. Let’s choose the (cheap) one!
Exercise 2. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.
1. Which is colder: February or March? 2. Which is sweeter: sugar or honey? 3. Which is heavier: lead or wood? 4. Which is quicker: a lion or a tiger? 5. Which is more interesting: the book or the film? 6. Which is more difficult: English or Spanish? 7. Which is longer: the Dnieper or the Volga?
Exercise 4. Compare as in the model.
Model 1 : - Moscow, Kiev (smaller) - Kiev is smaller than Moscow. 1. English grammar, Russian grammar (easy). 2. Mother, Father (young). 3. Pete, Kate (tall). 4. My dress, your dress (old). 5. Thin cat, that one (good).
Model 2: -My flat, your flat (comfortable) -My flat is less (more) comfortable than your flat. 1. The English language, the Russian language (difficult). 2. Gorky Park, Sokolniki Park in Moscow (beautiful). 3. This work, that work (important). 4. Tretiakov Gallery, Picture Gallery (interesting).
Exercise 5. Answer the questions.
1. Is Minsk larger than Vitebsk? 2. Which is the largest city in the Republic of Belarus? 3. Which is the longest river in Belarus? 4. Which is the largest lake in Belarus? 5. Which is the most beautiful square in Minsk? 6. Which is the tallest building in Minsk? 7. Which is the oldest theatre in Minsk? 8. Which is the best film you have seen lately? 9. Which is the most interesting book you have read lately? 10. Who is you best friend? 11. Which is the biggest department store in Minsk? 12. What is the weather like today? Is it cold outside? 13. Is it colder today than it was yesterday or it is warmer?
Exercise 6. Make up sentences according to the models.
Prompts : room-dark, tree-tall, film-interesting, street-wide, dress-fashionable, flower-beautiful, sofa-comfortable, lesson-difficult, task-important, language-difficult. Exercise 7. Make up sentences using the superlative degree. 1. January is (cold) month in the year. 2. July is (hot) month in the year. 3. This is (beautiful) place here. 4. This is (bright) idea. 5. This is his (good) answer. 6. This is (necessary) thing for you. Exercise 8. Choose the right forms in the following sentences.
1. You will find the explanation (further/father) on. 2. Your mark is (worse/worst) than mine. 3. She always wears (the last/latest) fashion. 4. We have no (further/father) information. 5. Her (last/latest) words were “Good night”. 6. Kate is the (oldest/eldest) member in the family. 7. This is the (more/most) interesting film I have ever seen. 8. It is the (oldest/eldest) building in the city.
Exercise 9. Read the dialogue. Learn the dialogue and act it out.
At the shop. Mr . Black: Can I have a look at this watch, please? Salesgirl: Certainly, sir. Which one do you mean? Mr. Black: I am looking at “Poljiot” watches. Is it a new model? Salesgirl: Yes, it is. Would you like this one? Mr. Black: Yes, it is very good. What about the price? Is it expensive? Salesgirl: I don’t think so. We are selling these watches at reasonable price. They are cheaper than Swiss watches and they are not worse at all, they are even better. Mr. Black: I see. I think I’ll take it. Where do I pay? Salesgirl: At the cash desk, over there. TEST TASK I. Make adjectives from the following nouns and verbs.
TASK II. Complete the sentences using adjectives formed from the nouns and verbs in brackets.
1. These dresses were very (fashion) last year, but they are (fashion) now. 2. The house looks (danger). Don’t go in. 3. English weather is very (change). You can have four seasons in one day! 4. It is not (advise) to travel to Iraq until the situation has settled down. 5.She is going to take her exams in two days. She is very (nerve) naturally. 6. While driving on the motorway one must be very (care). 7. The lecture contained all the necessary facts for the students. It was very (use). 8. Smoking is (harm) to health and in many countries a warning is printed on every packet of cigarettes. 9. Don’t touch that old vase. Put on the table carefully. It is (break). 10. The two countries signed an agreement on trade and (culture) cooperation. 11. It takes (consider) patience to teach small children.
TASK III. Use the negative prefixesdis-, im-, il-, ir-, un-, in- to change the positive meaning of the following words.
D. Comparative Constructions.
Для сравнения двух предметов одинакового качества используются сравнительные конструкции as…as (такой же … как, так же … как) для повествовательных и вопросительных предложений: · He is as old as his wife. · Is he as old as his wife? Для отрицательных предложений используется сравнительная конструкция not so... as or not as... as · He is not so/as young as his brother. Exercise 1. Make up sentences according to the models. Use comparative constructions as … as or not so/as … as.
Model A: this book, the other, interesting This book is as interesting as other one. Model B: my mother, my father, tall My mother is not so/as tall as my father. 1. Jack, Henry, tall. 2. David, Henry, tall. 3. My mother, me, old. 4. Kate is 20, Lucy is 20, old. 5. Betty is 20, Ann is 40, old. 6. This lecture, that lecture, interesting. 7. The river, the sea, deep. 8. My flat, my friend’s flat, big. 9. This dress, that dress, beautiful. 10. My report, your report, important. 11. Debbie, Kelsey, charming. To compare something we use: twice as … as: This book is twice as expensive as that one. This hotel is twice as expensive as that one. three time as … as: The living room is three times as big as the kitchen. half as much/many -в два раза меньше half the size- в два раза меньше half one’s age- в два раза моложе half the weight- в два раз легче the more … the better-( чем … тем): The sooner the better
Exercise 2. Translate into English.
1. Мой дядя в два раза старше меня. 2. У Кати в два раза больше книг, чем у меня. 3. Я заплатил за словари в три раза больше, чем за книги. 4. Моя комната в два раза меньше вашей. 5. Мой чемодан в два раза легче вашего. 6. Пальто стоило в два раза больше, чем куртка. 7. В моей комнате мебели в два раза меньше, чем в вашей. Exercise 3. Translate the sentences using the model. Model A: The more we know the more we forget. 1. Чем больше мы учим, тем больше мы забываем. 2. Чем больше я ее знаю, тем больше она мне нравится. 3. Чем больше живешь, тем больше узнаешь. 4. Чем дольше ты работаешь, тем больший опыт ты приобретаешь. 5. Чем лучше учишься в течение года, тем легче сдать экзамены. 6. Чем быстрее вы выполните работу, тем быстрее вы уйдете домой. TEST 1. Киев более древний город, чем Москва. 2. Озеро Байкал самое глубокое в мире. 3. Этот экзамен не такой трудный, как ты думаешь. 4. Я не так молода, как вы. Вы в два раза моложе меня. 5. В этот раз в вашей работе гораздо меньше ошибок, чем в прошлой работе. 6. Сегодня так же тепло, как и вчера. 7. Вокзал был ближе от дома, чем я ожидал. 8. Я нашла детей в самом дальнем углу сада. 9. Эта сессия для нас самая трудная. 10. Чем интереснее книга, тем быстрее и легче она читается. 11. Чем ближе зима, тем короче дни. 12. Он такой же сильный, как и его отец. 13. Чем богаче человек, тем он жаднее (greedy). 14. Чем скорее вы уйдете, тем лучше.
Unit 5. Adverbs A. Adverbs: use and form Популярное:
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