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I. Read and act the dialogue out.

Mr. Manson: Good afternoon, gentlemen. Mr. Parker, glad to see you again.

Mr. Parker: Good afternoon, Mr. Manson. Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Mr. Manson: Well, Mr. Parker, let’s get down to our business.

Mr. Parker: You are sure to get acquainted with our draft of the contract for buying our equipment. We’d like to know whether you agree with all the clauses of the contract. As soon as we make the final version of the contract we can sign it and come to practical implementation.

Mr. Manson: I fully agree with you, Mr. Parker. I and my experts have thoroughly studied the clauses of the contract. Mr Baretti, our sales manager, will speak about our proposals as to some alterations.

Mr. Baretti: Thank you. Gentlemen, having analyzed the proposed draft contract and taking into account our methods of work, I’d like to stress the following. First, the price per unit of equipment also includes the price of all parts providing the efficient functioning of the equipment, as it is pointed out in the appendix to the contract. So the unit price will be 5, 879 dollars instead of 5, 240 dollars which changes the total contract price respectively.

Mr. Parker (looking through the catalogue and appendix): Well, I think we are not going to have any problems with this.

Mr. Hammer, buyer’s representative: I think the same, but I have a counter offer. As you are so strict on the quality of your equipment, could you prolong the guarantee period from 24 to 36 months?

Mr. Baretti: Dear Mr. Hammer, the matter is that the 24 months period is our confirmed term. However, having analyzed all the data, we decided that we could meet your requirement.

Mr. Hammer: Thank you.

Mr. Manson: Are there any other points in the contract you’d like to clear up?

Mr. Parker: No, I think we have settled all the points quite clearly.

Mr. Baretti: If we come across any problems later, we shall solve them there and then.

Mr. Parker: Fine. Then our contract may be prepared for signing. We’ll ask our experts and lawyers to do it. I don’t think it will take them long to come up with it.

Mr. Manson: All right, let it be so.


II. Find English equivalents for the following.

Проект контракта; рад вас видеть; перейдем к делу; быть уверенным; ознакомиться; нам хотелось бы знать; соглашаться; пункт контракта; как только; практическое осуществление; я полностью согласен; тщательно изучать; менеджер отдела продаж; подчеркивать; включать; как отмечалось; дополнение; просматривать; встречное предложение; данные; дело в том, что; юрист.


III. Answer the questions.


1. How did these businessmen start their conversation?

2. What did the buyer want to know?

3. When could they sign the contract?

4. What does Mr. Baretti hold?

5. What does he stress in his speech?

6. Who has made a counter offer? What was it?

7. What is the confirmed term of the guarantee period?

8. How will other problems be settled?

9. Who will the contract be prepared for signing by?


IV.Make these sentences complete.


1. Let’s go down to _______________.

2. Have you got acquainted with ______________?

3. We’d like to know whether ______________.

4. As soon as we make the final version ____________.

5. I’d like to _____________.

6. The price per unit of equipment ______________.

7. As you are so strict on ______________.

8. The 24 months period _____________.

9. Are there any other points of the contract ______________?


V. Translate into English.


1. Они заключили контракт на поставку комплектного оборудования.

2. Остальные вопросы могут быть решены в рабочем порядке.

3. Представители покупателя, безусловно, ознакомились с проектом


4. Как только мы подготовим окончательный вариант контракта, он

будет представлен вам на рассмотрение.

5. Эксперты нашей фирмы тщательно изучили все пункты контракта.

6. Менеджер отдела продаж предложил внести некоторые коррективы.

7. Цена за единицу оборудования указана в дополнении к контакту.

8. Мы столкнулись с некоторыми проблемами, но мы сможем решить

их в рабочем порядке.

9. Мы удовлетворим вашу просьбу о продолжении гарантийного срока.


VI. Negotiating scenario. Read the passage about the steps you should follow at the beginning of a negotiation.


1. Meet and greet representatives of the other company and introduce your colleagues.

2. Offer coffee and small talk. Try to create a relaxed atmosphere.

3. Go to the meeting room and suggest that you get down to business.

4. Have a clear agenda and a timetable.

5. First, give the background to the negotiations. Talking about the situation is a

good way of reminding people of key facts and issues.

6. Then kick off the negotiations themselves, perhaps by finding out more about

the priorities of the other side (the things they think are most important) or

talking about your own requirements.

Arrange these phrases used at the beginning of the negotiation in the correct order according to the steps 1-6.

A. As you probably know, Mr. Watanabe and I met at the Aerospace Trade Fair in Frankfurt last year and we had a very interesting discussion about the possibility of our two companies working together. _____

B. I believe you’re flying back on Friday evening, so that gives us three days. I think two days should be enough to cover all the points. On the third day, Friday, if we have an agreement, I’ll ask our lawyers to finalize conditions for the contract with you. _____

C. Mr. Watanabe, good to see you again. How are you? Let me introduce my colleague: Sandra Lisboa, our chief purchasing officer, and this is Fernando dos Santo, head of production at Xania. _____

D. Shall we go to the conference room and make a start? _____

E. Well we’ve looked at the potential market for our new plane, and it looks as if we will need 100 engines over the next three years. _____

F. Would you like some coffee or tea, or would you prefer juice? How was the flight? _____


VII. You need to buy supplies for your company from a foreign supplier. Act out a conversion and discuss the details of your deal.


Manager and Clerk: Tricky Conversations


All managers sometimes have to have difficult conversations with people working under them. What is the best way to give negative feedback?

ü Think it over. Imagine you are unhappy with the behaviour of a member of your team. You have decided to raise the issue with this person and tell him or her that you would like to see an improvement. What words or phrases might be useful in this tricky conversation?

ü Useful Phrases. Read the phrases and find Russian equivalents for them.

· I’m not going to get into a discussion about…

· Clearly…

· What you need to do…

· But bearing in mind…

· I expect you to…

· It’s important that you…

· I’m not happy with the effort that you’ve made.

· I really want to see some improvement.

· You’ve got to snap out of it.

· I know it’s difficult…

ü Read. Now read a tricky conversation at work between a manager and an employee. Michelle has come to Sean complaining that she did not get a job recently. How does Sean react? As you read, try to find in the conversation expressions from “Useful phrases” list above.


Sean: Okay, well, I’m not going to get into a discussion aboutwho deserved to get the job. Clearly, the person who was appointed was the right person for the job. What you need to dois look at your work and what you’re doing and where that’s taking you in your career. But bearing in mindthat you are still employed to do a job and I expect you todo that job with a certain attitude. You’re meeting members of the public quite regularly - it’s important that youaren’t unhappy, or at least that you don’t show it. This meeting is really just to let you know I’m not happy with the effort that you’ve made...

Michelle: Okay…

Sean: … and I really want to see some improvement. I know it’s difficult.I know that it’s depressing not to get a job, but you’ve got to snap out of it, you’ve got to get on with the job that you’re doing now.


ü Practice: Finish the sentence with the correct word or phrase.

1. You’ve got to ______ out of it.

A sort B cut C snap D lift

2. I _______ you to try a bit harder.

A expect B like C request D hope

What you’ve done isn’t good enough.

A Probably B Maybe C Clearly D Hopefully

4. I really want to see __________.

A your trying B better C better effort D some improvement




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