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Think it over. Imagine you are giving a presentation and using some visual aids. What phrases might you use to draw your audience’s attention to these slides?

ü Useful Phrases. Read the phrases and find Russian equivalents for them.

· If you look at this first graph…

· As you can see…

· Now let’s look at…

· …a good example of…

· a key factor…

· If you look at this slide…

· a good illustration of…


ü Read. Now read two examples of people giving presentations. As you read, try to find in the conversation expressions from “Useful phrases” list above.


1. “If you have a look at this first graph, you can see that our sales topped 50 million the year before last. Then last year sales dropped to 40 million, with a slight recovery at the end of the financial year. However, this year sales have continued to drop to an all time low of 30 million. Now let’s look atour market share. As you can see, we have 25% of the market share, 10% down on last year.”

2. “A good example ofhow important internal communications are is shown by some findings from research that we have recently undertaken. Good communications is a very key factorin staff motivation. If you look at this slide, you will see how important it is to get the basics in place. You need to identify your communication requirement, agree your objectives and success criteria, identify your target audiences, define the content of your message and determine the style of delivery. A good illustration of the communication processis when all those basics fall into place naturally.”

ü Practice. Finish the sentence by choosing the correct words and writing them into the empty spaces.

1. ______ __________________ ________ this first graph, you can see that our sales have increased by 25% in the last year/.

take / see / look / watch / if / you / at

We have a large percentage of the market share.

see / watch / you / as / know / they / can

3. We find that good communication is a ____ ___________ in improving staff morale.

key / point / thing / factor / reason

The importance of good communication can be seen here

example / in / a / of / soon / at / good



Here we are going to focus on:


1. Useful prepositions for discussing graphs, charts and tables.

2. Using dates.

3. Discussing amounts.


I. Pay attention to the use of prepositions:

On January 1992, the price of gold was 256 $ per ounce.

At the end of 1987 the price of gold was almost 500 $ per ounce.

In 1987 the price of gold rose.

During 1988 the price of gold fell.

Gold stood at 400 $ at the end of 1988.

The price went up from 400 $ to 500 $ in 1987.

The price rose by almost 100 $ in one year.

There was a drop of about 100 $ in 1988.

The price stayed relatively flat in 1991.


II. Now insert the necessary prepositions.

Applications ___________ business school were virtually flat _________ the years 1990-1993. While graduate school applications as a whole increased every year _________ 1985 ___________ 1990, law school applications declined _________ 1990 from the previous year. _________ the same period, business school application fell _________ 90, 000 __________ 78, 000 _________ 12, 000.


III. Keep in mind whether a noun is countable or uncountable when discussing information presented in you visuals.

many too many few a few   employees reports options units   a great deal of a large amount of too much little a little   time work work equipment money  



IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words from the table above.

1. _________ employees are leaving work early every day.

2. ________ employees cannot get to work on time when there is a snowstorm.

3. We have _________ money left for new equipment.

4. _______ workers always play basketball at lunch.

5. Since we have _________ work to do we can leave early.

6. ________ people like to work for free.



Study topical phrases on commenting visual aids.


Commenting diagrams / Комментирование диаграмм

Let’s have a look at this graph/diagram. Давайте взглянем на этот график/диаграмму.
The horizontal/vertical axis represents… Горизонтальная/вертикальная ось показывает …
Production is indicated by a red line. Производство показано красной линией.
This solid line gives us … Сплошная линия дает нам информацию о …
The broken line shows … Ломаная линия показывает …
The dotted line illustrates … Пунктирная линия иллюстрирует …
This curve here indicates … Эта кривая показывает …
With this pie chart I’d like to show you При помощи этой круговой диаграммы я хотел бы продемонстрировать вам …
The shaded section represents … Этот заштрихованный сектор показывает …
The table in the middle gives us last year’s sales figures. В таблице посередине приведены цифры продаж за последний год.
The right-hand/left-hand column shows Правая/левая колонка показывает …
At the top/bottom you see … Вверху/внизу вы видите


Upward trend / Тенденция улучшения

an increase / rise повышение
an upward trend тенденция улучшения/повышения
to increase / to rise / to grow Расти, увеличиваться
to reach a peak Достичь максимума
The number of … has grown/gone up/risen/increased/climbed Количество ……… выросло / увеличилось
Prices have jumped since … Цены выросли скачкообразно с …
There has been an enormous boom / upturn. Наблюдался огромный подъем
Market has picked up / recovered again. Рынок поднялся/ растет/ оживился.
Sales reached a peak in 1992. Продажи достигли пика/максимума в 1992 году.
It reached an all-time high. Мы достигли рекордно высокого уровня

Downward trend / Тенденция ухудшения

a decrease / a decline / a fall / a drop падение/ухудшение/понижение
a downward trend тенденция ухудшения
Profits have declined / gone down / dropped / decreased / fallen. Прибыль снизилась/упала.
Sales have slumped / plummeted. Продажи резко понизились.
We could almost speak of a recession. Мы можем говорить рецессии.
There has been an enormous down turn in production. Произошло огромное падение производства.
Prices bottomed out. Цены достигли низшего уровня.
We reached an all-time low. Мы достигли рекордно низкого уровня.


Continuing trend / Стабильная тенденция

fluctuation / to fluctuate колебание / колебаться
to be / remain constant / steady / stable быть/оставаться постоянным /неизменным/стабильным
to level off / remain level выравниваться/оставаться стабильным
to plateau / reach a plateau выровняться/стабилизироваться
Our sales figures have remained stable/steady. Наши показатели продаж остались стабильными/неизменными.
Prices have been stable/unchanged for several years. Цены остались стабильными /неизменными в течение нескольких лет.
Profits held firm for two years. Прибыль держалась на одном уровне в течение двух лет.


Adverbs of change / Наречия изменений

barely, slightly едва, легко
gradually / slowly but steadily постепенно / медленно, но верно
substantially, markedly significantly, considerably значительно
unexpectedly. surprisingly неожиданно, внезапно
suddenly, abruptly внезапно
dramatically, sharply драматично, круто (вертикально)


Contrast and comparison / Контраст и сравнение

If we compare these figures, we see that … Если мы сравним эти цифры, то увидим, что …
Compared with last year, sales have increased by 5%. По сравнению с прошлым годом продажи выросли на 5%.
Although we invested a lot, sales figures fell. Хотя мы сделали большие инвестиции, показатели продаж упали.
Investment increased whereas sales dropped. Инвестиции выросли, в то время, как продажи снизились.
The higher the costs, the higher the price. Чем выше стоимость, тем выше цена.
Investment was not as high as last year. Инвестиции были не такими большими, как в прошлом году.
Despite the recession we managed to expand. Несмотря на экономический спад нам удалось расшириться.



I. Trends. Contradict these sentences, as in the example.


1. Prices are going up. - No, they aren’t. They are going down.

2. Life expectancy is decreasing.


3. Sales fell last year.


4. Exports are rising at the moment.


5. The number of users went down in March.


6. Our turnover fell by 2% in 2001.


II. Describing trends. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


to about rose decreased fell remained go by went increasing


1. Between 1984 and 1996 the number of divorces …………….. by 16.88%.

2. Taxes often ……………. down just before a big election.

3. Our share price …………….. up when they announced our half yearly results.

4. The average household size …………….. from 2, 54 to 2, 4.

5. Life expectancy increased …………….. 2.7 years for men and 2.8 years for women.

6. Sales of mobile phones are ………………… by 20% a year.

7. Share prices in London …………… more or less the same yesterday.

8. Our profit margin decreased by 5% ………….. $ 1.6 million.

9. Because of increased competition, our sales ………………. last year.

10. ……………….. 60% of our customers are in Western Europe.

III. Describing visual aids. The graph below shows the position of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 9: 30 AM to 4: 00 PM on May 11, 1993. (Source: Wall Street Journal, May 12, 1993)



Describe the graph filling in the spaces in the following sentences. Choose between:

a) increased sharply (dramatically)

b) prices fell dramatically

c) sharp fall (decline)

d) remained generally stable (fluctuated slightly)

e) they fell and then rebounded (rose sharply)

f) overall prices increased slightly

g) rise sharply and go (continue) steadily up


1. The graph shows a …………………… in prices in the last hour of trading.

2. From 9: 30 to 10: 00 prices …………………...

3. Similarly, the hour from 10: 00 to 11: 00 saw prices …………………………………………..

4. From noon until 2: 00 PM prices ………………………………….

5. Between 3: 00 and 4: 00 …………………………….

6. In the last hour of trading …………………………..

7. In general, on May 11th the DJIA …………………………………………...




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