Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Напишите данные предложения в настоящем и будущем времени, сделав необходимые изменения.

1. You may read a book now.

2. He can speak English very well.

3. They must read for their exam today.

4. Students in Oxford must wear a uniform.

5. You can show better results if you don’t work by fits and starts.

6. Mike must pass the credit test today.

7. You may go for a walk as soon as you finish your homework.

8. Students can get a scholarship if they are at the top of the group.


1. You might read a book yesterday. You will be allowed to read a book.

2. He could speak English very well. He’ll be able to speak English very well.

3. They had to read for their exam. They’ll have to read for their exam.

4. Students in Oxford had to wear a uniform. Students in Oxford will have to wear a uniform.

5. You could show better results if you hadn’t worked by fits and starts. You will be able to show better results if you don’t work by fits and starts.

6. Mike had to pass the credit test. Mike will have to pass the credit test.

7. You might go for a walk as soon as you’d finished your homework. You will be able to go for a walk as soon as you finish your homework.

8. Students could get a scholarship if they were at the top of the group. Students will be able to get a scholarship if they are at the top of the group.


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на использование модальных глаголов.

Translate the sentences into Russian, playing attention to the use of the modal verbs.

1. Экзамен должен начаться в 9 часов.

2. Тебе следует сейчас задуматься о своей будущей профессии.

3. Им пришлось рано выйти из дома, чтобы ни опоздать на урок.

4. Он не сможет сдать экзамен, если не будет хорошо заниматься.

5. Вы очень похожи. Он мог быть твоим братом.

6. Мне нужна твоя помощь.

7. Должно быть, он ждет тебя на улице.

8. Ему следует быть серьезнее.

9. Он не мог провалиться на экзамене.

10. Им тоже могут задать этот вопрос

11. Мой друг сказал, что может немного задержаться.

12. Все должны прочитать эту книгу.

13. Должно быть, он сейчас работает дома.

14. В данный момент мой друг, должно быть, уже давно изучает английский.

15. Библиотека сейчас должна быть открыта. Ей еще рано закрываться.

16. Тебе следует чаще навещать своих родителей.

17. Я не буду отвечать на твой вопрос.

18. Конечно же я тебе помогу.

19. Ты позже подумаешь над моим советом.

20. Нам нужно помочь ему с докладом.

21. Товары следует доставить грузовым самолетом.

22. Условия транспортировки должны соответствовать качеству товара.

23. Тебе следует немедленно ей позвонить.

24. Это решение может быть для него нелегким.

25. Эта проблема не могла быть решена!

26. Когда я учился в первом классе, мои родители имели обыкновение встречать меня по дороге из школы.

27. Мне хотелось бы еще кусочек этого торта.

28. Ты не должен оставаться, если не хочешь.


Стр.195, №4

Ответьте на вопросы. Дайте несколько вариантов ответа, где это возможно.

Answer the questions. Give several variants where possible using the modal verbs.

1. May I smoke here? No, you can’t./ Yes, you may smoke in a special room, it’s over there.

2. Can you answer my question? Yes, I can./ I won’t answer your question.

3. Must we do this test in writing? No, you needn’t write it. / You have to write it and pass to your teacher.

4. Shall I speak to him immediately? Yes, you should call him and explain everything./You can call him later.

5. Will you help me with my task? I will certainly help you. / I won’t help you, you must do it yourself.

6. When is the train to arrive? It’s arriving in 15 minutes/ It is to arrive at half past ten.

7. Do you have to speak English to your teacher? Yes, we must speak English at the lessons. / Sometimes we speak Russian, but the teacher makes us to speak English.

8. Would you like another cup of tea? Yes, I’d like, thank you./ No, thank you, I am full.

9. When do you have to get up not to be late for classes? I have to get up at 7./ I needn’t to get up early, because I live near.

10. What should you do in order to get a scholarship? You should work regularly, attend all the lectures and seminars and get good marks./ You have to get “good” or “excellent” at exams.

Стр.196, №5

Заполните попуски модальными глаголами.

Fill in the blanks with modal verbs.

1. You won’t be able to pass the test tomorrow if you don’t work hard today.

2. They must/ have to / should pay more attention to their studies.

3. John must/ has to/ should work hard to get the scholarship.

4. My friend must/ has to/ should think about his future job now.

5. Would you like another cup of tea? – Yes, please.

6. Must I do this exercise in writing? No, you needn’t; you can do it orally.

7. Excuse me, could/ can you tell me the time, please?

8. Students must/ have to/ should come in time for the lessons.

9. I had to revise the rules once more, as I haven’t passed the exam.

10. I need your advice.

11. He could swim when he was three years old.

12. You can open the window. It’s rather hot in the room.

Стр.196, №6

Переведите на английский, используя модальные глаголы.

Translate into English using the modal verbs.

1. Можно войти?

2. Он умел читать, когда ему было четыре года.

3. Мне нужен твой совет.

4. Тебе следовало бы подумать об этом раньше.

5. Я не хочу (не буду) помогать тебе.

6. Студенты должны прийти в училище до того, как директор отметит отсутствующих.

7. Ты мог бы учиться лучше.

8. Нам пришлось брать такси, чтобы успеть на поезд.

9. К сожалению, они вынуждены остаться в городе во время летних каникул.

10. Ему нужно остаться в техникуме после занятий.

11.Ты должен был написать это письмо еще вчера.

12.Когда ты сможешь перевести этот текст?

1. May I come in?

2. He could read when he was four.

3. I need your advice.

4. You should think about it before.

5. I won’t help you.

6. The students must come to the college before the head teacher calls the register.

7. You could learn better.

8. We had to take a taxi not to be late for the train.

9. Unfortunately, they have to stay in town during summer holidays.

10. He has to stay at college after classes.

11. You had to write this letter yesterday.

12. When will you be able to translate this text?


Стр.196, №8

Make up questions on the dialogue between Alexei and Vlad and retell the dialog in the Reported Speech.

1. Alexei wanted to know if the life at college is different from the school life.

Is college life different from school life?

Vlad answered that at college they have lessons and marks, teachers give them homework; there are examinations and tests.

2. Alexei asked if there is any difference between a school and a college.

Is there any difference between a school and a college?

Vlad answered that at college there are special subjects and it is really interesting; good students are given a scholarship.

3. Alexei said that it sounded very nice and asked his brother to describe his usual day at college.

Can you describe a usual day at college?

Vlad said that their day started in the assembly hall, where they all gathered together and the head teacher called the register. Then the classes began. There were usually several lectures and seminars every day and then they worked in workshops. Students could also stay after classes to do research.

4. Alexei asked how the students were assessed.

How are students assessed?

Vlad answered that they had exams and credit tests twice a year.

5. Alexei wanted to know the difference between exams and credit tests.
What is the difference between exams and credit tests?

Vlad said that you got marks for an exam and a “pass” when you took credit tests. Exams were usually taken at the end of a course or a subject.

6. Alexei asked if an exam was more difficult than a credit test.

Is an exam more difficult than a credit test?

Vlad answered that it was not because you had more time to read for an exam – 2 or 5 days. In general, it depended on the subject.

7. Alexei asked about holidays.

What about the holidays? Are they the same as at school?

Vlad said that they had holidays only 2 times a year- 2 weeks in February and two and a half month in summer.

8. Alexei asked Vlad what he was going to do after he graduated.

What are you going to do after you graduate?

Vlad said that he was at the top of the group and could enter a university without taking entrance exams. Alexei said that the prospect was very nice and wished good luck. Then he asked if Vlad advised him to enter the college, too. Vlad said that it’s up to Alexei to decide, but he thought he had made a right choice.


Стр.196, №9

Опишите обычный рабочий день английского школьника.

Describe a typical day of an English school pupil.

A Day at School

Children go to school 5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday are days off. Lessons begin at 9 o’clock in the morning, but it is necessary to be at school 15 minutes before the bell goes to get ready for classes. First the teacher calls the register. Then all the pupils go to the assembly hall for a school meeting. Then the lessons begin. At 11 o’clock there is a 15 minutes’ break, and the children can relax and have a bun or juice. After the break there are 2 usually more lessons, and then there is a break for lunch. It lasts an hour and a half. Some of the children go home, and others have lunch in a school canteen and then go to play in the schoolyard if the weather is fine. The classes resume at 2 o’clock. Children go home at 4 o’clock.

День в школе

Дети ходят в школу 5 дней в неделю. Суббота и воскресенье – выходные дни. Уроки начинаются в 9 часов утра, но необходимо быть в школе за 15 минут до звонка, чтобы подготовится к уроку. Вначале учитель делает перекличку. Затем все дети идут в актовый зал на линейку. Потом начинаются уроки. В 11 часов пятнадцатиминутный перерыв, когда дети могут отдохнуть, съесть булочку или выпить сока. После перерыва обычно бывает еще 2 урока, а затем перерыв на обед. Он длится полтора часа. Некоторые дети идут домой, а другие обедают в школьной столовой, а потом идут играть в школьный двор, если хорошая погода. Уроки снова начинаются в два часа. Дети уходят домой в четыре часа.

My classes begin at 9, but I have to come at 8: 45 to get ready for classes. Our teacher calls the register then we have a school meeting. We have lessons from 9 till 11 then we have a small break. After break there are 2 more lessons and I go to the canteen to have dinner. This break is rather long - an hour and a half. We eat, play in the yard, relax. The classes begin again at 2pm and are over only at 4pm.

Стр.197, №11

Переведите на английский.

Translate into English.

В училище, де учится Влад, студенты не носят форму. Занятия в училище обычно продолжаются до 4 часов. Затем студенты идут домой или в библиотеку. Работать в библиотеке следует регулярно, чтобы учиться успешно. Те, кто хорошо учится, получают стипендию. Кроме того, студенты, успешно окончившие училище, имеют возможность поступить в университет или институт, сдав только один экзамен. В учебном году два семестра. В конце каждого семестра студенты сдают зачеты и экзамены.

At college where Vlad studies students don’t wear a uniform. Usually classes at college last till 4 pm. Then students go home or to the library. You should work regularly in the library to study well. Those students who are strong at the subjects are given a scholarship. Besides, the graduated students who get only excellent marks have an opportunity to enter a university or an institute after taking only one exam. There are 2 terms in the school year. At the end of every term the students have credit tests and exams.

TEST 2(p 198)

d a c b b b c a b a


c a a c b d b b b c


b c a c c b c b c b


a c b a d d b b a c


a d b b a d c a b c




Text 1 Russia (p. 201)

Russia is the largest country in the world. It covers half of Europe and the third part of Asia and is located in Eastern Europe and North­ern and Central Asia. Russia borders on Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, and other countries. Russia is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Arctic Ocean in the north. The main rivers are the Volga, the Yenisey, the Ob and the Lena. The Baikal Lake, the deepest fresh water lake in the world, is in Siberia. It contains about twenty percent of the world's fresh water supply. There are several mountain chains in Rus­sia: the Urals and the Altai. Large part of Russia is covered with forests.

On the vast territory of Russia there are four climatic zones. They are the arctic, the subarctic, the temperate, and the subtropical zones. The subtropical climate is the warmest. The central part of Russia has the moderate climate with four distinct seasons, which differ greatly in the weather. The most part of the territory of the country has continen­tal climate.

Russia is rich in natural resources, including vast areas of fertile lands and forests, deep lakes and wide rives. It is rich in mineral depos­its, such as coal, oil, iron ore, gas, copper, lead, gold and others.

Russia has a developed industry. It has made a great progress in science and engineering.

The population of Russia is about 150 million people. It is a multi­national country.

The highest legislative body of the Russian Federation is the Rus­sian Parliament (Duma). The executive power is held by the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. The President is Head of State. The Russian Federation is a free union of a number of regions, territories and autonomous republics, for example, Karelia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mordovia and others.

Перевод текста

Россия- величайшая страна мира. Она занимает половину Европы и третью часть Азии и расположена в Восточной Европе и Северной и Центральной Азии. Россия граничит с Белоруссией, Украиной, Польшей и другими странами. Россия омывается

Стр.202 №3


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