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C Say the same in other words. Use the expressions from the recording.

1 This software is new and advanced.   

2 We don’t think about smart phones as something new or unusual nowadays.

3 We perform every day tasks without thinking.

4 Was your answer based on knowledge and experience?

5 Computers follow a set of steps in order to help us drive our cars or make student essays.

6 There is a limit on what AI can do and how good it can be.




A Choose the correct alternative

Then watch part one of the video Computers That Think like Humans and check.

1 Computer engineers wish they could build a machine as smart as you / smarter than you.

2 It is true / it is not true that computers can perform calculation at a blistering pace.

3 A traditional computer has to solve operations one at a time / many at a time.

4 Our brain is naturally designed to reprogram itself / can’t redesign itself

5 Our brain is really energy-consuming / energy-efficient.

6 You have a web of around 80 to 100 / 800 to 1000 / neurons in your brain.

7 Our brain executes individual computations at a rate much slower/ much faster than a computer chip.

8 Our brain can be working on thousands / millions operations at the same time.


B Watch part two of the video. Then complete the sentences.

1 The semiconductor company Qualcomm has a neuro-inspired chip in development…

2 In one demonstration they had a robot working on this system, navigating to different white spots on a floor…

3 No one programmed the robot to do that. The robot just behaved on its own and got positive reinforcement, essentially a “good robot” message every now and then …


C Discuss. What was the purpose of the experiment? What did it show?

Describe the experiment.

D Some researchers believe that the next wave of intelligent devices will think as our brains do – and leave computers in the dust. Do you agree? Give reasons.

Work in pairs.

Student A:  read sentences 1-6 aloud.

Student B:  respond to your partner’s questions or requests.

Example: - Would it be OK to use the projector for my presentation?

- I’m afraid not. The thing is, it is being repaired at the moment.

- Oh, OK, I’ll just use my laptop then.


1 Do you think you could send me those pdf files?

2 Oh, no my computer’s crashed. Can I use yours?

3 Have you got the user manual for the new software?

4 I can’t connect to the Internet.

5 I saved some files to my hard drive and they have disappeared.

6 I can’t print anything.


Complete the information with the words below.


            rapid   fast  prompt     hasty hurried  

A very common alternative to quick is

If something is done quickly, without waiting you can use the adjectives or

If something is done too quickly, without thinking carefully, the adjectives … andare often used.

The adjective is often used to describe quick growth or change.




One word in each group does not belong. Find the word and justify your answer.


require  rewrite       redesign      rethink

rapid     fast         quick          slow

mouse   keyboard software      monitor

keep      use         store            save

reliable  capable  impossible  available

ordinary trivial     conventional unique

close to near to    far away      in the vicinity    


Suggest the adjectives to match these definitions.

1 having the skill or ability or strength to do something _________

2 included as part of something and not separate from it _________

3 not unusual or different in any way ___________

4 able to be obtained, used, or created _____________

5 large, larger than usual or expected ______________

6 able to bend easily without breaking _____________

7 that is likely to be correct or true; that you can rely on __________

8 near in space or time _____________


Write the dependent preposition to go with these adjectives.

1 good …               5 interested …    9 afraid …

2 proud…               6 fond …           10 famous …

3 different …          7 fluent ….        11 satisfied …

4 excited …            8 absent …        12 responsible …


4 Match the beginnings 1-6 and endings a)-f) of the sayings.


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