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What are the steps you follow to study a problem before making a decision?

With this questions, the interviewer wants to find out if you are capable to solve problems or not, and more importantly, if you can avoid common pitfalls.


This question is asked to establish how you work with your management, employees or customers when things are not clear.


Stay positive and remember to show your team spirit.





'Before I make a decision I want to make sure that I have as much information as possible on the subject. I achieve this by asking open ended questions to the people who are involved. If it is not entirely my area of expertise, I ask clarifying details from my colleagues who are responsible for those aspects. If time permits, I run diff erent scenarios with my team and see their reaction and questions that come out of it. I found that many times this step brought a totally diff erent perspective and helped me take a correct final decision. Finally, I propose the solution to my manager.'


















©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Describe a time when your work was criticized.

Describe a situation that became a positive lesson you learned.



Do not get into extended details about how you felt and how unfair it was to be criticized.


Keep positive.





'I was in my first weeks working as a barista at ABC Coff ee Shop. It was my first experience of this kind and after my week of initial training I was assigned at the counter to prepare the drinks. It was rush hour and the shop got very busy. I tried my best to be as fast as possible, but after my shift, the manager came to me and told me that he knows that I am just at the beginning, but I have to speed up my work and become more effi cient. My ego was hurt, but I asked him for practical advice on how I could achieve better results in the future. He was very helpful and gave me couple of tips - things that I could prepare in advance and make my work easier when the busy time starts. This helped me tremendously and I am now always striving to be one step ahead.'




















©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Explain what has disappointed you most about a previous job?

Do not get into too many details and do not be too negative.



Keep your answer short.



Go around safe areas such as: challenge, responsibilities, developing career, etc.




'I left my previous job as a bookkeeper because the environment was monotonous and my career development path would have been very slow if I had stayed in that organization.'
































©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


35. What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?!

Give example of a minor situation that you were able to turn into a positive outcome and a great lesson learned.


Do not describe a major failure in your career. Do not talk about being let go from a job, unless the interviewer asks specific questions about this subject.


Do not get personal.





'I was recently promoted to shift manager. We had a tight deadline for one of our most important clients. Things did not work out that good and we had to extend the delivery date. It was an embarrassing moment as I felt that I failed my company, the client and also my colleagues. When I discussed the matter with my team I realized though that they were not even aware of how important it was to finish in time and how tight the deadline was. That is when I understood that I can not expect my team to deliver unless I communicate clearly what the expectations are and I motivate them to give their highest performance.'



















©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant



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